Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 161 The first Tarot session after the incident

Chapter 161 The first Tarot session after the incident
"Good afternoon, Mr. Fool, I have another page from Emperor Russell's diary this time."

Following the brisk greetings of 'Justice' Audrey, a few more figures appeared in the magnificent palace like a giant's residence, saluting the 'Fool' at the top of the long table and greeting them with several other members. Say hello.

"Mr. Fool, has your beloved received my gold pound compensation?" Audrey asked impatiently after greeting other members.

The day after the last Tarot session, she deposited the 600 pounds she had prepared into the bearer bank account of Mr. Fool's Beloved as quickly as possible.

According to the popular science of Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune' and Mr. 'The Hanged Man', the potion formula of Sequence 9 is generally between 200 and 250 pounds, while the value of the potion formula of Sequence 7 is between 750 and 800 pounds. , so Audrey needed to make up a price difference, and she already knew the preciousness of knowledge and chose the higher price of 600 pounds.

——It is a great surprise for Audrey that Mr. Fool's favored person is willing to receive money directly as compensation. Otherwise, she would have to owe Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune' like he is not short of money. A lot of debt.

For Audrey, who has never lacked money since she was a child and has never experienced the feeling of being in debt, this feeling of being 'poor but unable to spend' and 'poor with only gold pounds left' is really uncomfortable.

Hmm. In addition, I should also pay for the Sequence 9 formula that Mr. Fool gave to Mr. Sun and the Russell Diary worth about 200 pounds. This is not too difficult compared to the information Mr. Wheel of Fortune needs.
Sigh. If only Mr. Wheel of Fortune would accept gold pounds as payment.

Audrey thought with some regret.

Miss Justice's attitude was too positive. Suya smiled secretly, knowing that maybe it was his attitude of not caring about the gold pounds that made Audrey a little anxious, but he did not lack money now - nor did he lack sealed artifacts. and potion recipes.

The potion materials he really wants are not what the Tarot Society at this stage can provide at this stage, since he is now the 'winner' of Sequence 5.

For Su Ya, he would rather keep this debt as a favor and then use it after Audrey truly becomes an excellent 'psychiatrist'.

——In this crazy world, as long as he wants to continue to advance, he will definitely accumulate madness.

Although his destiny path is relatively special and his situation has been very good, Suya is still not sure whether he will need psychological counseling in the future.For Su Ya, the safest 'psychiatrist' in the world is only Audrey in the future.

However, with Audrey's money, Klein's life in Backlund should be much more comfortable, and I won't have to think of ways to send money to a certain cat detective.

Su Ya silently glanced in the direction of the top of the long table through the ribbon, and thought with some relief.

"Hmm." The Fool just nodded his head slightly and did not answer the question directly, maintaining his mysterious style.

Miss 'Justice' is really rich, she called me 600 pounds without blinking an eye. And this lady always seems to be in a happy mood, which is really enviable. I hope I can do the same. Sitting on the long bronze table Klein looked reserved on the outside, but he couldn't help but sigh silently in his heart.

But when he thought about it, he remembered that Miss Justice had spent no less than 5000 pounds in order to listen to the lectures of the magic gun classmate during this period of time in the Tarot Club. Forget it, I always felt that I had to imagine myself as Justice. It is very difficult for a young lady to always maintain a happy mood like this.Sigh. But I am also a man who once refused ten thousand pounds. At this moment, Klein once again thought of the large sum of money that he had refused, and once again felt unspeakable heartache.

"I have become a 'Singer'. I will soon pass the combat assessment, join the team that cleans up the darkness, and then give it to you in exchange for the 'Psychoanalyst' formula." Derrick Berg of the 'Sun' looked at Justice, Audrey said very seriously.

During this time, he sorted out his parents' belongings. He originally wanted to sell most of the valuable things in exchange for formulas and materials, but the money from the sale was not enough for him to buy Sequence 9 potion materials. The magic potion recipe for Sequence 7.

I must work hard to become stronger as soon as possible and replace my debt!The young man who cared very much about his credibility silently clenched his fists in his heart.

"Okay, I believe you will not deceive Mr. Fool, Mr. Sun." Audrey pretended to be reserved in joy, cleared her throat and said, but the joy in her tone could not be concealed at all.

Alger, the Hanged Man, who silently watched their transaction, did not speak. At this moment, he suddenly had the illusion that he was excluded by others. No, that should not be an illusion.

It seems that I also need to show my irreplaceable value to Mr. Fool, otherwise I will be marginalized sooner or later. Thinking of the unappreciated members he saw in the church, Alger secretly clenched his hands and made up his mind. Determination, his eyes became firmer.

The Fool in the gray mist stretched out his hand and pressed the page of Russell's diary that was embodied by Audrey. He smiled slightly and turned his attention to the thin parchment.

On the yellow-brown parchment, the slightly distorted and clawed Chinese wrote:
"On August 8, the water in this pool was deeper than I imagined. History is really a little girl who can be dressed up by others."

"On August 8th, what happened in the past two days made me feel bad. The industrial revolution I started with my own hands, and the era of steam and machinery that I personally forged, will become a hotbed for the birth of evil gods?"

The breeding ground for the birth of evil gods. Is this how the 'True Creator' came before?
Klein quickly scanned the above lines and paused slightly when he saw this.

He remembered the complete truth about the incident that he learned from Su Ya after the incident was completely over, including Lanerwus, the Aurora Society, the innocent girl Megoose, the Psychological Alchemy Society, and it was those who died of disease and poverty. The accumulated resentment of the lower-level workers over time led to the success of the advent ceremony of the 'True Creator'.

Phew. Even the church has almost no better way to solve this kind of thing. I am a Sequence 8, so what if I know?

Klein thought with some self-deprecation. He stared at the page of the diary, sighed softly and put it down. His index finger subconsciously tapped the edge of the long table.

But what Russell said about high-sequence powerhouses is really fascinating. Half-man, half-god, mythical creature?It feels quite high-end.
Thoughts flashed through his mind. Klein stopped tapping the edge of the ancient table and nodded to the other members who were waiting for him to finish reading the diary:
"You can communicate freely."

 The brain and the snake's tail are tied together. Well, next is the Backlund chapter.

(End of this chapter)

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