Chapter 171 The plush-loving schoolmate
Su Ya looked at the ceremony arranged in front of her with a headache, and for a moment she didn't know whether to continue.

He felt that his luck might not be very good today - maybe he was too lucky in his previous experience, so his luck seemed to be getting worse now.

Is this conservation of luck?Su Ya complained silently in his heart, and then considered whether to continue summoning the messenger.

But I have already failed twice. How about one last try?If you still don't succeed, give up summoning the messenger first and wait until you get lucky. I have only been promoted to sequence five now, so don't be too anxious.

Su Ya sighed lightly.

He shook his head and prepared for the last attempt of the day. He relit the candle of the summoning ceremony, casually changed a spell, and recited the spell in ancient Hermes:
"I, I summon in my name: spirits wandering in the void, friendly creatures that can be driven, beings destined to be my messengers."

The next moment, the wind howled, swirling around the quietly burning candle, and the bronze brilliance dyed the candle flame. However, this bronze only lasted for a few seconds, and was replaced by translucency wrapped in strands of black.

In Su Ya's complicated expression, the sound of the wind suddenly became extremely fierce, and the flame on the candle began to shake violently. The two colors collided with each other like tit for tat, and the beating candle wick alternated between bronze and translucent. The colors flash alternately.

Finally, after the two colors were in a stalemate for a long time, they each took up half of the color of the candle wick as if in a compromise. A hole the size of a human head expanded from the flames, and two small figures emerged from the ink at the same time. jumped out of the hole and landed in front of Su Ya.

One of the figures is all white, with two light golden round eyes that are as bright as stars. There are long and mysterious black lines at the end of the eyes. Its front snout is slightly pointed, its limbs are slender, and its body is small and elegant.Its body looks only about the size of an adult's hand, but it drags a big furry tail that is as white as the clouds in the sky. Its snow-white fluffy hair is loose and soft and drags on the ground. It looks petite and lovable.

What a cute little fox.

Su Ya looked at the spiritual creature that landed in front of him in amazement. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and tentatively touched the little fox's big soft tail.The snow-white and delicate fox let out a soft cry without any intention of avoiding or resisting. Instead, he followed his movements and lay down on his side. He blinked twice and put on a casual masturbation posture.

Seeing the reaction of the little fox, Su Ya squatted down enthusiastically, inserted his fingers into the white and soft hair of the little fox, and sucked the fox happily.

As a fluff lover, although Su Ya's favorite thing is cats, he actually has no resistance to these beautiful and cute furries.

"Ugh--" The little fox pinched his throat and made a soft voice. His light golden eyes rolled around twice, and he gave a proud look to the bronze doll squatting aside and being completely ignored by Su Ya. .

"Little guy, are you willing to be my messenger?" Su Ya petted the fox for a while, then remembered his original intention of summoning the spirit world creatures, and couldn't help but ask with some expectation.

After saying that, he looked at the fox's snow-white and delicate figure and hesitated a little - this little guy looked so delicate that Su Ya couldn't help but doubt whether its ability was enough to take on the responsibility of delivering messages for him.

"Hey!" The little fox stretched out a paw when he heard this and nodded solemnly.

As if it saw Su Ya's worry, it gently shook its big fluffy tail, easily broke away from Su Ya's hand, and then disappeared in front of Su Ya.

Su Ya's eyes blurred, and he could only see a white afterimage. The next moment, the little fox squatted in front of him again, shook his head gracefully, and there was a black ball curled up in front of its furry front paws. Huhu objects.

"You" Su Ya twitched the corner of his mouth and rubbed his eyes with some doubt. After confirming what it was again and again, he took a step back and silently covered his face. "Meow?" The little black cat Moran Watson, the black lump in front of the little fox who was still in a dazed state, raised his head at a loss. His round brown cat eyes were filled with question marks, as if he was not sure. He understood why he suddenly returned to the house he had just left not long ago, and his expression when he looked at Su Ya was full of question marks.

The snow-white little fox seemed to have not noticed its confusion at all, and barked at Su Ya happily.

Su Ya strangely understood the meaning from this '嘤' - 'I did a good job, right?' '

Really great.

With a speed that even his Sequence 5 couldn't react to, he was able to bring back Moran, who was sent to Klein's house, from the distant Jowood District in such a short period of time. This fox-like spirit world creature did not not simple.

But since it is willing to be its own messenger, and the guidance of destiny does not give back bad messages, then its simplicity is actually a good thing.

Su Ya took a deep breath, decided not to try again without knowing what the result would be, and asked seriously:
"Are you willing to sign a contract and become my messenger?"

The little fox widened his light golden eyes, shook his snow-white fluffy big tail happily, nodded quickly, and said seriously, "Hey!"

"Okay, then let's sign a contract." Su Ya glanced at the confused little black cat, avoided it, picked up the dark red round-belly pen and tawny parchment that had been prepared nearby, and used the power of leveraging the natural force to The ancient Hermes quickly wrote the contract.

He had consulted Mr. Azik on the format of the contract in advance, and now he only needed to add the parts he needed. As for the name of the god in his domain, Suya did not plan to use the underworld recommended by Mr. Azik.

He had an idea he wanted to try a long time ago - what would happen if the name of 'The Fool' was used as a witness when signing the contract?
Although Klein is still a Sequence 8, it is obvious that Mr. Fool's status should be enough when he is on the Source Castle.

——After all, he is also the future ruler of the spiritual world. As a witness to the contract with the spiritual world creatures, it is perfect, isn't it?

"A fool who does not belong to this era."

After these four descriptions were written, the ancient Hermes text on the tawny parchment ignited with blue-black flames one after another, and then an ancient and mysterious breath came from above.

Sure enough, it is feasible.

Su Ya nodded with satisfaction. Just when he was about to sign his name under the contract and complete the last step of the entire messenger contract, he suddenly felt a moderate tugging force from the hem of his clothes.

Su Ya was startled, and looked in the direction of the force, and saw a bronze doll with silver hair and red eyes hanging at the hem of his shirt, looking up at him steadily.

 There are still half a month left to take a few days off after the exam, and I can resume normal updates after spending time with my family on New Year's Day.

(End of this chapter)

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