Chapter 176 Su Ya’s plan

Su Ya stood in front of the window, looking at the back of 'Admiral Hurricane' as he fled quickly without making any movement.

He has no idea of ​​killing Qilingos right now - even though the other party is a famous pirate general and has the powerful extraordinary item 'Creeping Hunger' in his hand, it doesn't matter to him. How tricky.

After being promoted to the 'Winner' of Sequence 5, Suya can once again take out three Sequence 5-level extraordinary materials from the panel warehouse. Extraordinary items of this level are often very powerful and have many uses, coupled with his special luck. A large part of the side effects have been weakened. Well, there must be very few Beyonders under Sequence 4 who can be his opponent.

Even if he met a demigod, with the chair and the 'Giant Guardian' headband given to him by Adil, Suya felt that he couldn't give it a try.

"According to the direction of the 'plot', after this afternoon's Tarot session, there will be the assassination of Duke Negan by Chillinges. Well, as the heir of the Auchinleck family, I will definitely attend this dance."

Su Ya rubbed the ring on his hand and fell into thinking.

There will be a lot of people at the ball. Before he can find a new function to freely turn on and off titles, it is best not to turn on this function on that occasion - who knows if there will be any nobles who are related to some evil god.

He didn't want to experience the pain of exploding his eyes and head.

So he came here specifically to guard Qilingos today. In fact, he just wanted to meet him first and remember how the 'destiny' in him felt to him. In this way, even if Qilingos chose to pretend this time, he would be the same as mentioned in the original work. Baron Gramir is different, he can also recognize the other party in time.

The situation in Backlund has become increasingly tense recently, and the three major churches have also focused their main efforts on the 'Rose School' and the 'mysterious Fusac Demigod'. This matter has to do with the Psychological Alchemy Society and the royal family. It doesn't matter, I don't believe it.

Su Ya complained silently in her heart.

But it's okay, this way I can hide myself better. There is also the Aurora Society.

Thinking of the Aurora Society, Su Ya had a headache and felt helpless.

He has recently been collecting information about Backlund's Aurora Society through various channels, but the investigation results he received left him speechless - Backlund's former head, the Divine Envoy Mr. A, he really has no trace I don't have the slightest awareness that I am a member of a secret organization that everyone shouts about.

This divine messenger who is loyal to fellow Maozi people not only hangs out openly and openly under the noses of the official Beyonders every day, but also organizes secret gatherings with great fanfare, and occasionally wants to provoke the old pigeons of the Church of Storms when he has nothing to do.

If it weren't for the more serious matter of the Rose School of Thought, and the Aurora Society's extremely skilled running skills, I'm afraid the Aurora Society's branch in Backlund would have been blown away by the old pigeons with explosive hair.

However, this new Ms. D seems to be more intelligent. Maybe I can try to get in touch with her. Su Ya pinched her nose and let out a breath, feeling deeply that she had inherited a mess.

But no matter what, he won't actually show up to meet these members of the Aurora Society until he succeeds in becoming a demigod.

That's too dangerous.

And promotion.

"The guidance of 'fate' tells me that my next opportunity for promotion is related to the Tarot Society, but the current Tarot Society is too weak and can hardly provide me with much help." Su Ya whispered to himself, he Looking at the backs of the two girls who got on the carriage and left not far away, they sighed helplessly.

It seems that we still need to find a way to promote the members of the Tarot Society to become the 'Hermit' lady. Don't think about it for the time being. 'Moon' Emlyn should let Detective Sherlock Moriarty handle it by himself, 'Star' Leonard: Well, the poet classmate can ignore him for now. After all, he is a wolf raised by the goddess, so he doesn’t need to interfere too much.

The 'Magician' and the 'Judgement' can find a way to bring them in earlier. The 'Sheriff's' potion formula has been given to Xio. He currently has the two main materials for the 'Magic Master', but he lacks support. It was just materials and formulas, but he didn't need to worry too much about the future Miss Magician's promotion. After all, there was an entire Abraham family waiting for her behind Forsi. And Audrey, with her status and financial resources, will not be promoted too slowly as long as she gets the formula.

The rest of the Tarots, Alger the Hanged Man, Derrick the Sun, etc. will take a look at the situation.

And the most important ones are 'The Fool' and 'The World'. I don't know if Klein will offend the Ambassador of Intis if he comes to Backlund so early this time. If he misses Rosago this time, Then I have to find a way to lend him a copy of the extraordinary characteristics of the Secret Puppet Master. Otherwise, without Mr. World, the future Tarot Club will be so lonely.

I'm looking forward to Mr. Fool's double act with great anticipation.

Thinking of this, Su Ya took out a pocket watch from his arms and checked the time, then re-entered the state of psychological invisibility and left the East District.

——There is a Tarot meeting this afternoon, and he cannot stay here for too long.

On the carriage.

"Where are we going?" Forsi asked in surprise as he looked at Xio who jumped into the car after saying something to the driver.

She could see that the direction the carriage was traveling in did not seem to be their residence.

"Go find Miss Audrey." Xio sat next to her and nodded seriously.

"You should remember that Miss Audrey also gave us a similar commission." Xio said with a little pride as he tried hard to smooth down the few blond hairs he had raised.

"I asked that 'Mr. Arthur', and he didn't ask me to keep this information secret. He just asked me not to reveal his existence to others, so we can use this to trade with Miss Audrey again."

"You've become smarter." Forsi nodded slightly and said, "Xio, you finally no longer just rely on your muscles to think."

"Taunting me won't make you smarter." Xio glared at her helplessly.

Forsi pursed her lips, tilted her head and smiled, "Okay, let's go to Queens now and tell Miss Audrey about this."

"By the way, what is our emergency contact information with Miss Audrey?"

"." Xio's eyes suddenly became blank, and she looked at the curtains of the carriage. After a while, she said hesitantly: "She told me that her pet dog, the golden retriever we saw before, would do it by herself every day. Go for a walk, at least five times, well, the latest one will be after lunch.”

"In other words, we have to wait for a dog secretly outside Count Hall's luxurious residence?" Forsi's mouth twitched.

Xio turned her head sharply and showed a flattering smile: "Um, or you just sneak in?"

"Then let's wait for the dog."

 We will resume daily updates today, and strive to add updates occasionally!



(End of this chapter)

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