Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 178: Not the 'Ancient Sun God' after all

Chapter 178: Not the 'Ancient Sun God' after all

'Justice' Audrey and 'The Hanged Man' Alger also quietly raised their ears after hearing this. Audrey even entered the state of 'spectator', unabashedly waiting for 'The Sun' to answer with curiosity.

She has always been very curious about the specific situation of Silver City. Although she heard Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune' mention some things in previous Tarot sessions, he always liked to tell half of the words, which made Audrey even more curious about it. .

But she was really embarrassed to ask, after all, it involved the other party's privacy.

At this moment, being asked by Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune' who obviously had some knowledge about Silver City and the Land Forsaken by the Gods, she felt like she finally had the opportunity to buy the second volume of an excellent detective novel after reading the first volume for a long time!

Suya didn't pay attention to the looks from Audrey and Alger, but looked at Derrick patiently, waiting for his answer.

'Sun' Derrick was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then replied in a respectful tone:

"We still believe in the Lord who created everything, the all-knowing and all-powerful God."

Su Ya nodded. He already knew the answer to this question and was not surprised. What he really wanted to ask was not the above question.

"How long ago was the last time your prayers to Him were answered? Are there any signs that He has answered you recently?"

Klein raised his eyebrows in surprise, his intuition telling him that Su Ya's question was not that simple.

Did you, Mr. Shengun, discover something? .Is it related to the Creator whom Silver City believes in?

Creator. True Creator. Is it possible that this person is still alive? Maybe it has something to do with the 'True Creator'? Klein thought thoughtfully when he thought about what Alger had mentioned before about the fact that the true Sanctuary of the Creator promoted by the 'Aurora Society' might be the legendary 'Land Abandoned by God'.

If he remembers correctly, does Mr. Shengun still have the identity of the 'True Creator's Favorite'?

Alas, Mr. Shengun, Mr. Shengun, even if I am a fellow countryman, I can't be like you. Now you are riding on the three boats of the "Goddess of the Night", the "True Creator" and me, the "Fool". It's really Aren't you afraid of overturning?

Even if the 'Fool' won't really do anything to you, those two gods are not easy to mess with.

Klein, who was not at all self-conscious about being the 'Lord of the Second Five', sighed secretly, silently pricking up his ears and continuing to listen to the conversation between the two.

In the eyes of others, the 'Fool' sitting at the top of the ancient long table leaned back on his chair, his figure shrouded in thick mist, and remained silent, as if he acquiesced to the somewhat blasphemous question of 'Wheel of Fortune'. .

"Getting a response." 'Sun' Derrick Berg was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head with a slightly gloomy look, and said in a low tone with some frustration: "I don't know. But since I was born, I have never heard of it. Has any resident of Silver City ever received a response from the Lord?”

"When I was a child, I heard my parents mention that when they were young, when their parents were young, and even from a longer period of time, Silver City never received a response from the Lord and never saw the sun rise. "

Mentioning his parents who have passed away, Derrick's voice was a little difficult, and there was an unconcealable pain in his tone. "But we all believe that we can eventually regain the favor of the Lord. We were once ruled by the King's Court of Giants, and we believe in giants." King Ormir, later on, we got the salvation of the Lord, and we will never betray the Lord again." 'Sun' Derrick's tone was not very firm, full of hesitation, but he still completely conveyed this as if he was trying to convince himself. The words came out.

"As for the recent period you mentioned, Mr. Wheel of Fortune, Silver City has only received a response from one great being in the recent period, and that is Mr. Fool." As he spoke, Derrick looked at the long table. The mysterious figure bowed respectfully.

Giant King Ormir Klein smiled slightly under Derrick's longing gaze and nodded slightly to him, but his mind was focused on this name.

He had seen an introduction to this name in the Church of the Night Goddess's files on the 'Dark Age', but those descriptions were too fairy tale-like, and the information they brought was seriously distorted and missing.

In the many myths and legends he learned about, this was a powerful existence comparable to gods. In the second era, which is the "Dark Age" of mankind, the protagonists of the sky, ocean and earth were dragons, giants, elves, and alien species. , demons, phoenixes, magic wolves and undead, but in the end, the Lord of Storms, the Eternal Sun, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom led mankind to defeat these extraordinary creatures one by one, and ushered in the 'Glory Age' at the beginning of the Third Age. , and then came the so-called catastrophe.

——Of course, Klein now has deep doubts about this statement that 'the Lord of Storms, the Eternal Blazing Sun, the God of Knowledge and Wisdom led mankind to create the Glorious Age'. He even felt that if the protagonist were replaced by the legendary man from Silver City, The Creator must be more reasonable.

Klein thought for a while and did not delve into this matter. Instead, he turned his attention to the 'Wheel of Fortune' sitting on the side of the long table.

Why did Su Ya ask this question?

In recent times, the most significant event related to the True Creator that has occurred in recent times seems to be the Tingen incident. Did he discover anything about the True Creator? Is it related to the Land Abandoned by God?

"Have you not received any response in the recent period? I mean the period from two weeks ago to today." Suya repeated it again. After receiving Derrick's negative answer, he nodded.

'Sun' Derrick looked at Suya and hesitated for a while before he couldn't help but ask, "Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune', why do you ask like this, right?"

He originally wanted to ask Mr. Wheel of Fortune if he had received news related to the Lord, but he felt that it would be too abrupt to ask directly, but he couldn't help but want to know the answer. He hesitated for a long time and didn't know how to organize it. Language is good.

"I don't know the current status of the Creator you believe in in Silver City. I just have some conjectures and questions about it." Su Ya replied calmly.

He was just curious about the sober state of fellow Zhenzao who suddenly came to Tingen, and he just suddenly remembered and asked Little Sun, but he actually didn't think he could get anything from the Land Abandoned by the Gods. Latest intelligence.

——After all, even if the human half of fellow Maozi wakes up for a while, he probably won’t interfere in the affairs of Silver City.

The 'True Creator' is not the real 'Ancient Sun God' after all.

(End of this chapter)

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