Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 185 The deal with the Eye of Wisdom

Chapter 185 The deal with the Eye of Wisdom

[Darkwill-Pharmacist-School of Life-Lucky Unlucky Guy]

This was the title of the fat pharmacist that Suya observed before Klein came in.

This title seems ordinary at first glance, with nothing special about it, but at the end of the line, there is a silver horizontal line drawn under the line 'lucky wretch', as if to tempt people to click on it.

Although Suya had to close the panel because of Klein's sudden arrival before he could take a closer look, he could probably guess the meaning of this title based on the plot of the original work, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

Suya narrowed his eyes and looked at the transactions conducted by the other Beyonders attending the party under the organization of the 'Eye of Wisdom', and had no interest in getting involved.

Whether it is a Sequence 9 or Sequence 8 level potion formula, an extraordinary weapon with a time limit for use, or a precious potion with a certain extraordinary effect, it is of no use to him, a wealthy Sequence 5 person - even Klein showed little interest in this.

This also made Suya realize his current dilemma - he now has no shortage of extraordinary resources below the demigod level, but for materials involving the level of Sequence 4 and above, there is no channel to obtain them.

——Even Adil is not a demigod yet. As for his cheap father, Earl Auchinleck, he is indeed at a sufficient level, but Suya has not seen him since time travel, so naturally he will not place his hopes on him. On the body.

Logically speaking, an Extraordinary at his level should leave Backlund and go to the wider world - such as the sea, such as the Southern Continent - to find more possibilities.

But the guidance of fate told him that the opportunity for his promotion lay in Backlund and was related to the members of the Tarot Society.

Alas, is this an unpredictable fate?

Su Ya sighed with emotion, glanced at the fat pharmacist who was counting the money with a smile after selling a few bottles of potion, and muttered in his heart.

Darkwill, who was sitting in the armchair next to the coffee table, shivered for no apparent reason. He subconsciously shrank his neck, and his face, which was half an iron-black mask, also trembled. The fat on his cheeks was clearly visible. The fat pharmacist looked around but found nothing. However, he also gave up his original idea of ​​issuing some simple tasks. He was on pins and needles until the party was over and then left in a hurry.

Su Ya glanced at his leaving figure and had no intention of pursuing him. He just remembered the 'fate' on the other side - Darkwill's nature was not bad and could even be called kind, so Su Ya had no intention of pursuing him for the time being. The idea of ​​disturbing the other party's fate is just to mark it for later.

After the others left one after another under the leadership of the waiter, and only two people were left in the spacious living room, Su Ya sat up straight, looked at the 'Eye of Wisdom' that turned his gaze towards him, and smiled. After a moment, he said:

"Mr. Eye of Wisdom, I have a deal I want to discuss with you."

'Eye of Wisdom' is a gentleman who looks quite young. The lower half of his face, which is not covered by an iron-black mask, has deep nasolabial folds. His skin is slightly shriveled, and his voice also sounds old.

Suya knew the true identity of this 'Eye of Wisdom' - the great detective Isengard Stanton, who was also an informant and pawn placed by the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom in Backlund.

"Please forgive me for refusing." The Eye of Wisdom looked at Su Ya, who was dressed in the same dress as himself, with serious eyes. "You can put forward your request at the next party, sir. Maybe someone will be willing to make a deal with you."

Making a private deal with a guy whose origins are unknown and whose demeanor is mysterious when you meet him for the first time? I'm not a newbie in the extraordinary world. Detective Essinger touched the pocket of his coat where the pipe was placed under his cloak, wanting to quickly send the guy in front of him away and go home immediately to enjoy a hot bath.

"The reward is the extraordinary characteristics of the 'polymath'." Su Ya said this sentence slowly as if he did not notice the rejection in the words of the Eye of Wisdom.

"What is the content of the transaction?" Isengard Stanton's hand paused, and then he asked immediately as if he had forgotten what he just said. "Haha." Su Ya glanced at him, not surprised by Isengard Stanton's reaction.

Although Isengard Stanton is an informant of the Knowledge Church, his relationship with the Knowledge Church is obviously not particularly close. In these orthodox churches, the assessment for promotion is very strict.

Even for regular members of the Church of Knowledge, it is not an easy task to save enough contributions to apply for Sequence 6 potions, let alone a Sequence 7 Extraordinary like Isengard Stanton, who is already quite young. .

And 'Eruditionist' is the name of the Sequence 6 potion of the Reader Path. As long as Isengard Stanton still has the idea of ​​continuing to be promoted, it will be difficult to withstand the temptation of the reward he offers.

"I need all the potion materials of Sequence 7 'Detective', and the complete potion formula of Sequence 6 'Eruditionist' - or at least the complete auxiliary materials." Su Ya said lightly, "But if you choose Otherwise, at least I will be compensated 1500 pounds."

"Are you a 'reasoning student'?" Essinger said subconsciously, but before Suya could answer, he shook his head and denied the guess.

Although the strange Beyonder in front of him didn't look special, he had a very special temperament and a premonition that made Essinger feel threatened. He was sure that the other person was at least a senior Sequence 7, and possibly even higher. .

I just don’t know why a great master of this level came to his gathering of low-sequence extraordinary people. Is it just to make this deal with him?

Essinger didn't believe it. If it was just for this purpose, the other party could go directly to the great detective Essinger Stanton.

——A guy who can come directly to the door and know that he has the Reader Sequence 7 potion and the Sequence 6 potion formula in his hand, it is impossible not to know his true identity.

However, no matter what his purpose is, it has nothing to do with him.

All I need to do is complete this transaction.

Essinger Stanton looked at Suya, nodded, and said, "Deal."

"I will prepare all the materials for Sequence 7, as well as the auxiliary materials for Sequence 6 and hand them over to you, as well as 1500 pounds in cash."

"I wonder how I can contact you after I prepare the materials?"

"Summon my messenger." Suya raised the corner of his mouth and said leisurely, "The summoning spell of my messenger is 'The spirit wandering in the illusion, the friendly creature that can be driven, the unique Toumo of Palka. The Fox of Soth'."

"When you are ready, just give my messenger what I need, and I will let it bring it to you."

(End of this chapter)

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