Chapter 200 The Awakening of the Rabbit

Just when Alger was lost in his own thoughts, a group of objects wrapped in storm and lightning suddenly appeared in front of the main stage of the prayer room.

"The storm is rising." Ace Snake, the 'Godsinger', took a step forward without any surprise, clenched his fist and hammered his left chest with a serious and respectful expression.

After the storm and lightning surrounding the object gradually subsided, Archbishop Ace Snake stepped forward and carefully picked up the tin box and the letter on the box that suddenly appeared on the main stage.

Ace Snake, the Godsinger, opened the letter and read the contents carefully:

"Sealed Artifact 1-07, it is a Sealed Artifact that can bestow luck and misfortune to extraordinary people. Before using it, the holder needs to drop a drop of his own blood on the tin box that seals it. If the color of the blood turns silver, then The holder can take it out and use it normally without worrying about any side effects; if the blood turns black, the holder will face unimaginable misfortune in the next period of time, whether you use it or not; if the color of the blood turns black No change, please change the holder."

"Note: It has the characteristic of being alive and likes to bring misfortune to its owner. However, we have found that occasionally there are some lucky people who can use it without side effects."

Archbishop Ace Snake carefully read this introduction and focused on the two lines of slightly rough handwriting below.

"About 'Mr. Arthur', there is no need to conduct in-depth investigation, no need to actively contact him, no need to have any interactions with him."

"In addition, if necessary, you can hand over Sealed Artifact 1-07 to the other party."

The 'Singer of God''s eyes froze, and he recognized the source of the handwriting on this letter. It came from the triple crowned person of the Church of Storms, the Pope's crown under the great Lord of Storms - Gad. II's own handwriting.

"Roxanne, you should wear more clothes." Nighthawk, casually dressed in a white shirt, black trousers and buttonless leather boots, with a very poetic temperament, hurried past the front desk and couldn't help but say something when he saw Roxanne.

"The storm is rising."

"What do you know? This is the most popular outfit recently introduced in Intis! I heard that this is the favorite outfit of the famous singer Ms. Mireille!" Roshan glared at him, muttered, and then couldn't bear it. He sneezed.

In the prayer room, all the punishers, including Alger, subconsciously followed Archbishop Ace Snake, clenching their fists and hammering their left chests in a pious manner.

As for the situation that allowed His Majesty the Pope, who was respected in the secular world and was also the most loyal earthly angel of the Lord of Storms, to personally come forward to warn him, Ace Snake did not dare to think about it anymore. He swallowed his saliva and put this aside. He folded the letter and carefully put it together with the tin box into the inner pocket of his robe. He clenched his fist and hammered his left chest again, chanting devoutly.


Ahowa County is located in the north of Loen Kingdom. The cool September wind is tainted with a bit of chill. It blows into the Black Thorn Security Company with its doors and windows wide open. The young brown-haired girl sitting in the front desk in a daze cannot bear the blow. He shivered and wrapped his dark shawl tightly around his body.

"If you catch a cold, your skin will get worse." Leonard looked at her and reminded her.

"Okay." Roxanne put on a thick coat reluctantly, turned her head and looked at Leonard carefully, and couldn't help but feel a little envious.

Leonard's short black hair is a little longer than last month, and it was neglected and looked very messy. But even so, coupled with his good looks, emerald eyes and poet-like temperament, he still has an alternative beauty. Is this an extraordinary person? Leonard has hardly had much rest during this period. He doesn't know what he is busy with all day long, but even so, his skin is still so good.

Luo Shan touched the dark circles under her eyes caused by staying up late reading novels recently. A desire arose in her heart for a moment, but she immediately extinguished it - what's so good about extraordinary people? They are heroes, yes, but... but

Thinking of her dead father, her teammates leaving one after another, and thinking of Klein who was still missing and uncertain about his life or death, Roxanne bit her lip and felt a little depressed.

And Leonard had already gone far away when she fell into depressed thoughts.

"Old man."

Walking on the stairs leading underground, Leonard suddenly stopped, tilted his head slightly as if talking to someone, and said softly:

"My application for promotion has been approved. I just need to sign it with the captain in a moment, and then I can go to the headquarters for red glove training." His green eyes looked at the kerosene lamps on both sides of the stairs, his eyes slightly out of focus.

"Suya was mysterious and unwilling to tell me more about Klein. The captain just shook his head and told me that it was confidential. Frye and the others all accepted it. But I, I still don't know about my teammates. It’s life or death.”

He looked at the kerosene lamps and seemed to recall the scene when he deliberately tested his fellow fortune tellers on the day they first joined the Nighthawks, and he felt a little depressed.

"You have only been together for a few short weeks." A slightly older voice sounded in Leonard's ear, seeming to remind him.

"But I, I can obviously do more." Leonard whispered.

That day, in the battle with the 'Pleasure Witch' Mrs. Sharon, under the leadership of captain Dunn Smith, they clearly had the upper hand, but at the critical moment of subduing the witch, holding the sealed artifact '2-105' Leonard of the Blood Vessel Thief was half a beat too slow for some reason, which resulted in his failure to restrain Mrs. Sharon, allowing her to successfully use the statue to summon the projection of the 'Original Witch'.

Although it was later learned that it was just an empty shell projection with the aura of the evil god and a small amount of pollution, and did not have much effect, under the circumstances at that time, there was no time to distinguish too much.

"If it hadn't been for my mistake, the projection of the 'Original Witch' would not have been summoned, Lord Sesima would not have misjudged it and been forced to leave Chanis Gate, and Ince Zangwill would not have been so easy. In the underground invasion, Cornley and the others will not be so seriously injured. Klein, nothing will happen to Klein, and there is no news about it until now."

Leonard Mitchell took a deep breath, leaned back slightly on the handrail of the stairs, supported his forehead with one hand, closed his eyes tiredly, and muttered in a low voice, with a frustrated tone.

"I thought I was the protagonist of the era, but in fact, I can't do anything. I'm not even qualified to know Klein's true situation."

"Who was the high-sequence person of the Death Path who appeared near Chanis Gate? Why did Suya suddenly appear there and kill Ince Zangwill? Is Klein currently being sealed and imprisoned? Or... I don't know any of this. have no idea."

"Perhaps, when I join the Red Gloves, I will be qualified to participate in these."

Leonard opened his eyes, his green eyes sparkling in the dim light, muttering silently to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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