Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 208 Open the door and deliver express

Chapter 208 Open the door and deliver express

In the bedroom, Su Ya slowly opened his eyes, sat up from the single sofa, walked to the desk, pulled out the chair, and took out a piece of white paper.

He took off the pen cap, wrote a line at the top of the paper, and wrote a series of names in Chinese - 'Hermes', 'Twilight Hermits', 'Adam', 'Duke Negan'.

Then he started a new line and wrote the word 'diary', then added a bracket after these two words and filled in the word 'missing'.

Su Ya stared at these two lines of words, hesitated for a moment, connected Adam's name with the disappearance, then put a question mark at the back and filled in the names of 'True Creator' and 'Amon'.

He pursed his lips, looked at the paper, and sighed silently.

It seems that my problem involves a lot of people. But it’s no wonder that it’s at the level of the source of matter, and it’s a way that has almost no conflict with most other true angels. It’s also a way to attract some beings who want to bet on me. normal.

In fact, if it weren't for the destiny path, it would be a recognized orphan path, and the only two archangels in this path, one has a somewhat Buddhist character of obeying fate and going with the flow, and the other was forced to hide like a frightened bird by Ourolius. If he doesn't like to show up, then his current situation will not be much better than Klein who suffered from Amon.

Well, it can only be said that the promotion of the destiny path is somewhat mysterious.

Su Ya took a deep breath and shook his head helplessly. At this point, if he could no longer guess what he might be carrying, he would be pretending to be stupid.

008 shook twice, then the feather drooped down in a humane manner, and lay quietly in Suya's hand, letting Suya stuff it back into his pocket without moving.

"Did you finish it so soon?" Su Ya's eyebrows twitched, looking at the freshly baked script on the table, turning it over twice, showing a toothache expression.

Not to mention anything else, just the 'restart' function revealed a lot - but Su Ya was a little curious about the other functions of Goldfinger. Some of the functions on the panel didn't look like 'destiny' at all. The authority of the path
Su Ya's mind cleared for a while, then he slowly exhaled, stood up from the desk, and prepared to change clothes and go out.

008, who was working diligently on another table, shook for a moment, then floated up very consciously, and obediently got into the inner pocket of Su Ya's shirt, leaving only a pile of written words on the table. Good script.

"Otherwise, if you are liquidated by the Lord of Mysteries in the future, I will not stop you."

008's level of writing scripts is only slightly better than that of Ince Zangwill. He shook his head, picked up 008's pieces of paper and slightly modified a few strokes, and then flicked the script with some dissatisfaction. At the top of the quill, there is a slightly warning opening:
"I give you the freedom to write the script, but you are not allowed to involve Melissa and Benson, and you are not allowed to arrange the Tingen Nighthawks team."

He lightly snapped his fingers with his right hand, and the ruby ​​ring on his finger flashed with a flash of fire. The white paper on the table with writing on it spontaneously ignited silently, and soon burned into a ball of ashes.

Su Ya shook his head, knowing that he and the pen still needed some time to get used to each other. He pushed open the door to the living room, washed his hands in the bathroom, then took his cane and hat and walked out of No. 13 Parkland Street. door.

The script has been written, and now it’s time for the actors to appear.

No. 2 Daffodil Street. Klein returned to reality, lifted the spiritual wall, opened the bedroom window, moved his arms in the afterglow of the sun, and narrowed his eyes in comfort.

Since going to Backlund, he has not been able to see the sun at this time for a long time. It can only be said that Backlund is known as the "fog city" and rarely sees sunshine all year round.

Klein stood in front of the window sill in a daze for a while, then took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, and found that in a little while it would be time for Melissa to get out of school.

"I originally planned to go to the captain to report in. It seems that there is not enough time today, so I might as well go to the Blackthorn Security Company tomorrow to have a look. I don't know how the captain and Leonard will react when they see me coming back intact. ."

"Well, Old Neil will definitely make a cup of coffee with a smile on his face, and Leonard and Cohen might take the opportunity to suggest going to Old Vail's to celebrate. Alas, I've already begun to miss the taste of steak with black pepper sauce. "Klein murmured to himself, with a heartfelt smile unconsciously on his face.

He touched the inner pocket of his shirt. There was an autographed letter from Archbishop St. Anthony. It was given to him by Suya, which could be used to prove his identity in front of the captain - after all, his disappearance was too bizarre and it had been so long. I just came back. According to the rules, I must go through the review.
As for tonight, Klein planned to cook a sumptuous meal for Benson and Melissa.

"It's a pity that I came back too late to buy tickets for "The Return of the Earl" tonight. I remember Melissa was looking forward to this." Klein muttered, closed the window, walked down the stairs, and picked up the A formal jacket, ready to go out to buy groceries and cook.

He had just changed his shoes, put on his coat, and had his fingers on the door handle when he heard a knock on the door from outside the courtyard.

Um? Is there anyone coming at this time? Klein was stunned for a moment, then opened the door and saw a blue-eyed boy with messy hair and a lot of freckles on his face. He was only about twelve or thirteen years old, standing at the door with his arms raised high. Knocking sound.

"Who are you?" Klein looked at the young man in front of him and made sure that he did not recognize him.

"Hello, are you Mr. Klein Moretti? Here is your Dongfeng Express. Please sign for it!" The messy-haired boy was stunned for a moment, quickly retracted his arm, and then took out a small package from his pocket. , spitting out a string of words quickly as if reciting.

Good guy, Dongfeng Express, this is not allowed to be delivered. Student Shengun, what are you doing? Klein twitched the corner of his mouth and immediately identified the culprit without even thinking. He took the Dongfeng Express speechlessly and prepared to close the door.

However, he failed to close the door. The messy-haired freckles boy raised his head, showed a bright smile to Klein, and said carelessly, "Express fee is 1 sole, cash on delivery -"

"What?" Klein was stunned for a moment. This scene seemed a bit familiar. He remembered that he and Wade Fa Xiao had played with each other like this in his previous life, but he didn't expect that he could relive this scene after traveling to a different world.

His eyes widened, and he stared at the freckled boy opposite him for a while. After a while, he painfully dug out his wallet under the unyielding gaze of the boy opposite him, and carefully pulled out a 1 sou note from a pile of banknotes. Le's banknotes were held in his hand, and he handed them over reluctantly.

"Thank you, sir. You can contact me next time when you 'send a courier'." The messy-haired freckles boy bared his teeth happily. He quickly took out the one-sule note from Klein's hand, and flew it away without hesitation. He ran away quickly, not forgetting to wave behind him before leaving.

Klein was left alone standing there with some doubts about his life. He looked at his wallet and then at the so-called courier, feeling that he was being 'played' by his classmate again.

(End of this chapter)

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