Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 25 Law of Extraordinary Aggregation

Chapter 25 Law of Extraordinary Aggregation

The strange, distorted, and vague fluctuations disappeared in a flash, so fast that Klein almost suspected that he was hallucinating. If he hadn't been proficient in the grasp of inspiration, he might have ignored this anomaly at this time.Klein glanced at Su Ya and found that he also frowned, knowing that he was not the only one who noticed this abnormality.

"Go and see?" Thinking of his sister who was still upstairs, Klein frowned and asked with his cane tightly.For Melissa's safety, he must go up to have a look. As a Nighthawk, he certainly can't act alone with his teammates by his side.

"Wait a minute, I have something to tell you first." Su Ya frowned tightly, and pulled Klein into an empty living room next to him, performing a simple spiritual closure.He once again felt that inexplicable feeling that has been attracting him. That attraction seems to come from spiritual intuition, from the depths of his astral body, making him irresistible.

"You must be wondering why I came here, Klein." Suya asked.

Klein nodded. He was indeed a little puzzled. After all, according to his perception, how could Surya have met Selena's family and came to Selena's birthday dinner not long after she came to Tingen.Moreover, they met once during the day. At that time, Su Liya had no intention of having anything to do at night. He even invited himself and his colleagues to a dinner party.

"This afternoon, my spiritual intuition suddenly gave me a strange guidance. I felt the guidance of fate. Fate told me that this is an opportunity for me to be promoted." When Su Ya said this, his blue eyes There was a strange color in his eyes, "So following this feeling, I came outside this house, and I can feel that the thing that attracts me is here, right here in this house."


Hello!My fellow student, why are you becoming more and more a godlike person?Also, fate telling you that you should be promoted is not scientific at all. It is not mystical!You won't be bewitched by some evil god, right?How does this statement sound familiar? It sounds like those liars who fool the middle-aged and the elderly into buying health care products. You are very dangerous, student student.

Klein complained silently in his heart. He didn't believe in the guidance of fate at all. Instead, he was a little worried about Suya's mental state, especially after the seemingly good occult teacher was hidden by the evil god. After the temptation to lose control on the spot, he never dared to relax in this aspect.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot that you didn't know this." Su Ya glanced at Klein, and found that he didn't respond, and suddenly remembered that Mr. Fool still has a half-knowledge of the three laws of the extraordinary world, so he probably didn't know this. What kind of meaning does this kind of attraction represent.

"The Extraordinary world has a lot of hidden knowledge, most of which are not known to low- and middle-sequence Extraordinary people, and even some knowledge will be polluted as long as they know it. You should have learned about this part from the old Neil's incident. Understood." He paused, and continued speaking under Klein's expectant gaze.

"In the extraordinary world, there are three recognized laws. They are very important, but are often not known to ordinary extraordinary people. One of these three laws is called the law of extraordinary characteristic aggregation."

"Its meaning can be interpreted in a literal sense, that is: the high-sequence of the same pathway will intermittently and unconsciously attract mid- and low-sequence Beyonders to its vicinity, and there are signs of gathering together. The greater the mass, the greater the gravitational force stronger."

Having said that, he looked at Klein with serious eyes, "I am now a Sequence 7 of the Path of Destiny, the things that can attract me... will definitely not be that simple."

The law of aggregation of extraordinary characteristics.Klein silently thought about this sentence. He felt Suya's erudition from his brief words and guessed that the other party might not only know this law, but also guessed that Suya's identity was not simple, but he was I didn't think much about it.

If the Extraordinary World follows such laws, does that mean that the high-sequence powerhouse in this world has control over the same pathway beyond his previous imagination?Extraordinary people with low and middle sequences will be unconsciously attracted by high sequences, it's like a game of 'snake', it's really too bad.

Klein shook his head and focused on the urgent problem in front of him.But. Can an ordinary fortune-teller like him really participate in matters involving high sequences?He's just a poor and weak Sequence 9!
"So, what you are saying is that there may be some high-sequence existence in your path here that attracts you?" He looked at Su Ya solemnly, feeling a little bitter in his heart, but he had no intention of retreating.

"Before I came in, I told the coachman that if I didn't come out within 10 minutes, I would ask him to go to the Blackthorn Security Company to help deliver a letter." Su Ya said softly, "If it really involves a high-sequence existence, I'm afraid even if Captain Dunn and the others don’t have any good ideas. Klein, you can stay here and wait for me. If I don’t come back, immediately evacuate the ordinary people here and go back to find others.”

"I'll go with you, at least I can 'divinate' to assist you. And if something happens, I won't be able to escape at such a short distance." Klein shook his head, Melissa was still upstairs, and Benson There are still ordinary people here who have just met and been with for a short time, but there are only these two Nighthawks here, so he can't back down no matter what.
"It's up to you." Su Ya took a deep look at Klein, knowing that with Mister Fool's character, it would be difficult for him to convince him, and the big snake might not necessarily appear, so he didn't try to persuade him.

Su Ya reached out and took out a wooden box from his bosom, and opened it carefully, revealing a small bone whistle that looked like a human finger bone and had a pale and cold breath. He used a piece of linen to pad his hand, and took out the bone whistle , and handed it to Klein.

"The psychic bone whistle is a somewhat dangerous extraordinary item. It can summon two undead souls to obey your instructions and fight for you, but after the battle, a certain amount of blood needs to be provided for them. It is afraid of the sun and fire. People cannot touch it directly with their hands." Su Ya introduced softly that this extraordinary item was the result of an experiment he conducted recently.

Su Ya never stopped studying the panel. He noticed that the panel gave him a reminder about drawing cards: [Materials drawn from the panel that are higher than the own sequence cannot be traded]. Does this mean that it is lower than or Can he take out and use extraordinary materials equal to the current sequence?So Suya conducted some experiments and found that it did work.

He is currently a Sequence 7, and can take out the corresponding Extraordinary materials or characteristics that do not exceed Sequence 7 from the warehouse, and these characteristics can make a choice at the moment of taking out, whether to fuse with the item closest to him to become an Extraordinary item.

However, there is a certain limit to the number of items he can take out. As a Sequence 7, he can only take out three materials or characteristics, and once it is fused with other items, it cannot be put back into the warehouse.

This bone whistle was the finished product when he was experimenting with the panel function. It corresponds to the 'psychic' characteristic. This extraordinary item has no effect on him, but it can be used by Klein to a certain extent. to protect his safety.

 After reading all of the first volume, it was determined that Klein probably still doesn't know the Law of Extraordinary Characteristics Aggregation.

(End of this chapter)

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