Chapter 35 Flick, Then Flick
Chapter 34 Flick, then Fudge
What is the problem with me? I also want to know this question.Klein silently complained in his mind. He had many guesses about the gray fog that might be related to his time travel, but he couldn't determine what the situation was, and naturally he couldn't tell Su Ya.

But the real creator actually knows Russian?Could it be that he is also a fellow time traveler?Well, maybe he's still a bitch.Klein thought so and asked the same question.

"About this question. I didn't ask him." Suya glanced at Klein and felt that it was not the time to let Mr. Fool know too much. After all, Klein was still being watched by 008, and he knew too many secrets for the current only person. It is not of much use to Klein at Sequence 9.

"But I do have some guesses."

"Klein, you are also a traveler of the Great Food Empire, you should have read Roselle's diary?" Su Ya asked, Klein nodded, not only read it, but he also formed a Tarot Club to help him collect the Great Emperor's diary. What about the diary.

"You should have heard some rumors about Emperor Russell and the Church of Steam. It is said that in the early days of Russell's rise to prominence, he was known as the 'Son of Steam' to the Northern Continent." Speaking of this, Su Ya glanced at Klein and said in a meaningful way.

"I was recruited as a Nighthawk by the Church of Evernight not long after I traveled here. Judging from your situation, it should be similar. Roselle is even more exaggerated. The title of 'Son of Steam' is not given casually. Now I have another Thanks to the 'favor' of the true Creator, there should be traces left by a great existence on your body."

"Based on this, almost every time traveler seems to have a close relationship with some great beings."

"Could it be that our time travel has something to do with the Seven Gods?" Klein muttered to himself, and then he shook his head. According to the scriptures of the major churches, no true god has the authority over time and space. The gray mist related to Xuanhuang Tianzun looks more like the culprit.

"I'm not sure, but I'm afraid that one or several of the gods should know something about us traversers." Su Ya patted Klein on the shoulder, "Regardless of those great beings who fancy us What do you think, the two of us have a Sequence 7 and a Sequence 9, and we can't resist anyway, so we might as well try to get promoted with peace of mind."

Makes sense.Klein nodded involuntarily, but he quickly realized—Student Magic Stick was taken by the real Creator, but he himself did not. What happened to the so-called great existence 'Mr. Fool'? Didn't Klein himself is that clear?

Alas, I am actually a little envious of my classmates, but Su Ya is too daring to pluck the evil god's wool.

"By the way, Klein, when did you time travel?" Su Ya asked casually. Although he knew the time Klein traveled through in the original book, he was still going to ask Klein. After all, there is more him in this world now. , in case there is any change.

"I traveled here on June 6th. The original Klein was involved in an extraordinary incident involving the 'Antigonus Family Notes' and died. I was also invited by the captain to join the Nighthawks because of this, and then I chose to I bought the 'Seer' potion." Klein replied, thinking of the series of events that happened in less than a month, he sighed softly, feeling a little dazed and relaxed.

The life after time travel is really too thrilling and exciting. Although he can handle it as a former keyboard expert, he still feels a little bit at a loss.Fortunately, with the captain and the others, as well as Melissa and Benson, he was able to find some comfort in this strange world.Now I met another fellow traveler. Judging from the relationship during this period, although Su Ya occasionally has a little bad taste, but overall he is still a good friend.

"I traveled through time about two weeks ago. On the first day I traveled across the world, I heard the ravings of the 'Angel of Destiny', and then... um." Su Ya paused and read this paragraph in Klein's understanding eyes. The past was vague.

"I am the 'lucky one' of Sequence 7 when I landed, and I have no room to choose my own path, but fortunately, my time travel seems to be in line with the characteristics of the potion of this sequence, so I quickly digested the potion of Sequence 7. Out of control because of the sequence in the landing." Su Ya paused for a moment, and he suddenly thought of a problem that he had completely ignored before, that is, he should only have digested the potions of Sequence 7, and the potions of Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 were completely absent But according to his grasp of the degree of digestion of the potion in his body, he feels that he has completely digested the previous potion and is in a state where he can be promoted at any time.

It would not be unreasonable to force luck to explain it. After all, the path of fate is such a magical path that does not completely conform to the common sense of the mysterious world as long as one is lucky enough.Although Su Ya always felt that something was wrong, he couldn't find the reason for a while, and now was not the time to think about it, so he could only hold down this idea for the time being.

"By the way, Klein, do you know the 'acting method'?" Su Ya asked.He knew that Klein had long obtained the knowledge about impersonation from Roselle's diary, and even taught it to two members of the Tarot Society, The Hanged Man and the Justice, but Klein probably still doesn't dare to show it in the church. , it's better to let him know from himself, and the church will have an explanation later when asked.

His playing method was apparently taught by Attil.Although according to the tradition of the Church of Evernight, the Nighthawks who know how to impersonate must swear to the goddess in front of the holy relic that they will not reveal it, but it is unknown whether Attil forgot or the particularity of the Auchinleck family itself. He was not asked to swear.

Hmm. Suya thinks it is most likely the latter. After all, Atil himself is the senior deacon of the church and one of the holders of sacred objects. Even if he forgot at the time, there would be so many opportunities for him to swear at any time later.Regarding the church's special attitude, Su Ya also had some speculations, and it was most likely related to his cheap biological father, Count Auchinleck, who had never been able to meet him since time travel.

"I saw it in the emperor's diary." Klein replied frankly.

"I guess it's the same. After learning the acting method, as long as you can act strictly in the low-sequence, you can digest the potion in no more than half a year, and it only takes one month at the fastest. And the moment you completely digest the potion, you You can feel this feeling immediately.”

"So, if you feel that you have completely digested the potion and want to submit a special application to the church for promotion, you can tell the higher-ups who came to review you that I taught you how to act." Su Ya said, "Don't worry, yes I don't think it's going to be any trouble."

(End of this chapter)

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