Chapter 37
"This is what happened." Klein stood on the lawn outside Selena's house and reported to Dunn according to the words he had discussed with Su Ya in advance.

This townhouse located on Fania Street in the North District was very lively tonight. Dozens of inspectors from the Tingen Police Station and several night guards set up guard outside the house together. One after another ordinary people were passing by. After simple consolation by a stern-faced priest, he was carried into a carriage and taken to the hospital. It was very lively in the middle of the night.

"I understand." Dunn nodded and did not continue to ask in detail. He patted Klein's shoulder comfortingly and said, "Thanks to you and Sulia being here tonight, otherwise a Sequence 6 would be on the verge of getting out of control. It will be catastrophic."

"Next, I will report it to the Holy Church, and join forces with the Church of Storms and the Church of Steam to issue a wanted order for the Extraordinary who is on the verge of losing control, so that this will not happen again. You and Surya go to the priest to perform a ritual purification, and then you can Let’s go back and rest first.”

There will be no results in the wanted arrest. The guy was completely burned by Su Ya, and not a single hair was left.Klein muttered in his heart. He stood there and waited for a while. Sure enough, he saw Dunn think for a moment and then said, "Wait a minute. The priest is going to use '3-026' to appease the ordinary people involved in this incident." You are not going to disturb me for the time being. Well, Klein, you are a diviner. Old Neil should have taught you ritual magic before, right?"

Seeing Klein nodding, Dunn raised his hand and pressed his temple, "Then go and get some ritual magic materials, and make arrangements for you and Suria to perform a ritual purification."

Then, as if he remembered something, he said, "I almost forgot, your brother and sister were also involved in this Extraordinary incident, right? If you are worried, you can take them along, but don't expose the Extraordinary , you can find the reason yourself."

"These materials are all reimbursed, so don't worry." Dunn glanced at Klein and added.

The captain is really considerate. Before Benson and Melissa wake up, I have to arrange the ceremony quickly, otherwise it will be very troublesome to find an explanation. Melissa and Benson will never accept using so many expensive essential oils. Performing a ritual that seems useless to them.

Klein smiled, turned and left to find Suya.

I didn’t expect that it would be so easy to muddle through according to what the student said. It seems that the internal discipline management of the Nighthawks is not very strict. In this case, if more than two Nighthawks rebel at the same time, wouldn’t it be easy for the church to suffer? loss?Hmm. Maybe there is no need for more than two Nighthawks to rebel.

Klein murmured to himself when he thought of the arrest warrant for the defected archbishop 'Ince Zangwill' from the Church of Evernight that he saw in the captain's office on his first day as a Nighthawk.

"It seems you passed the test." Suya leaned half-leaning on the outer wall of the townhouse, tilted his head to look at Klein who was walking over, and said with a smile.

"Well, the captain asked me to do a ritual magic, and then you can go back and rest." Klein nodded and told Suya Dunn's instructions. He looked at Suya, who was looking away absently, with some confusion. asked, "What are you looking at?"

Klein's gaze passed through the door of the townhouse and saw a middle-aged man wearing a black priest's robe. He looked to be in his early forties, with a somewhat receding hairline, blue eyes, and a mark between his eyebrows. Very deep folds, looking very serious.

This priest should be a clergyman of St. Selina Church. At this moment, he is standing in the foyer with a straight face, waiting for the inspectors who come to help to carry ordinary people who are sleeping in front of him. Every time When a person is carried over, he will stretch out his hand to draw a holy symbol of night on the other person's head, and then stuff a small piece of something into his mouth.

Klein's sharp eyes noticed that every time the priest stuffed something into his mouth, his face would look a little uglier.What did the priest eat?Some kind of potion that you can take with you?Does it have any side effects like 'Goddess' Gaze'?
"It's candy." Suya's smiling voice sounded in Klein's ears. He turned around and looked at Suya questioningly.

"Sealed Artifact '3-026', the name is 'Hypnosis Dentures', it is a very narrow Sealed Artifact." Su Ya explained with a smile, it was also the first time he saw this Sealed Artifact being used with his own eyes. The scene, I looked at it a few more times out of curiosity.

However, among the sealed artifacts within the church that he knew about, most of the sealed artifacts collected by the Church of Dark Night through the audience channel were of this type with strange side effects. They can be said to be weird in their own way.

"The side effect of this sealed item is that you need to eat a piece of candy or other sweets before each use. However, it has tooth decay, so eating too many sweets will cause toothache. The longer you use it, the more sugar you eat, the more painful it will be. If you use it too much, it can even hurt so much that you want to knock out your teeth." Suya explained to Klein softly while avoiding the police officers coming and going.

Poor priest, but this side effect is ok, as long as you don't overuse it, it's not a big problem, why doesn't the church rotate people to use it?Klein subconsciously remembered the painful experience he had when he grew wisdom teeth before time travel, and looked at the middle-aged priest with an uncomfortably complexion full of sympathy, and then he heard Su Ya whisper:

"By the way, the way to use this sealed object is also very special. If you want to use it, you need to knock out all your own teeth first and then install it. So in order to prevent all the local Nighthawks team from losing their teeth When such a tragedy occurs, usually an Extraordinary person with a low rank but a certain age will be designated to hold it for a long time."

What a strange condition of use!Klein shuddered, and looked at the priest in awe, thinking that this priest was also a ruthless person.But what did the magic stick student do before time travel, and how did he know all kinds of gossip and knowledge so well?In this regard, even Luo Shan, who is the most well-informed from the Blackthorn Security Company, is far inferior.

After Suya shared this gossip with Mr. Fool, he withdrew his gaze with satisfaction. After performing the ritual purification with Klein and making an appointment to have a good talk on Monday night, he turned around and left Fania Street in the North District alone. He was picked up by the coachman. Driven back to his residence.

It was already late at night, and most of the entire Tingen area was plunged into a quiet night, and this place was no exception.

Su Ya gently pushed open the door of the temporary residence, changed into her home clothes, turned on the steam lamp in the study on the second floor, and sat on the sofa to sort out today's harvest.

 There is another chapter to be updated with rewards!
(End of this chapter)

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