Chapter 46 Su Ya's First Tarot Club
Because it is certain that Leonard King has left, investigating Selena will not be too dangerous. It is a task that I can complete independently, so entrust this simple task to me?The captain really took great pains to think about me.
It's just that the captain probably didn't expect that Selena also has secrets, which is no wonder, after all, the captain didn't know the mirror that Su Ya concealed, and the angel in the mirror, so he let me investigate alone. But I There is nothing to be afraid of. Su Ya even fooled the angel, and he took the mirror away. Now I just go to investigate and clean up. It shouldn't be a big problem.

"I see, Captain." Thinking of this, Klein nodded lightly, said hello to Dunn and Leonard, and left the Blackthorn Security Company. Spirit.

Monday, two thirty in the afternoon.

Su Ya woke up from the bed on time. He changed into a linen robe of the same style as Ourolius that he had prepared in advance. He walked to the window and opened the curtains. It was the brightest time in the afternoon and the blazing sun was hanging high outside the window. , the light shines through the clouds.

In this splendid golden color, Su Ya stood in front of the window and watched the passers-by outside the window. After a long time, when the hands of the pocket watch were about to point to 55:[-], he closed the curtains again, sealed the room with spirituality, and started from his own linen. He took off the hair tie that Attil gave him from his black half-length curly hair, and tied it tightly in front of his eyes.

This headband is light silver in color, with some mysterious lines on it, and looks very soft. It is a very powerful Extraordinary item, and it is also the hole card that Attil prepared for him.If you don't touch it spiritually, just use it as a blindfolded prop, then it won't completely cover your vision so that Su Ya can't see anything, but its own mystic insulation will automatically isolate many pictures , so that Suya will not have problems because of seeing something she shouldn't see.

Atil gave this hairband to Suya, partly for Suya's safety, and partly because he heard from Archbishop Anthony some taboos about Destiny Path Extraordinaires - to prevent him from always seeing something. Things you shouldn't look at.

Of course, this is the first time Suya has used the latter function today, because he rarely uses spiritual vision. Most of the time, he uses the title perspective that comes with the panel. Coupled with his special luck, So there has never been a chance to use it.

Who would have thought that the first time I used this function was to participate in the Tarot Club?Su Ya complained silently. He picked up the document and read it again, memorized every word on it, and then quietly closed his eyes and waited for Klein to pull him to Origin Castle.

Above the gray mist, huge stone pillars supported a magnificent temple.

Three clusters of crimson suddenly appeared beside the ancient and mottled bronze long table, blurring and stretching into illusory figures.

"Good afternoon, Mister Fool." Audrey, who had added a hazy effect, saluted and smiled slightly, "It's a pity that there is no good wine here, otherwise I can toast to your successful attempt."

"You are far stronger than we imagined." Alger Wilson also praised.

"Very good, this shows that we are on a fruitful path. In the future, if you have something to do and you can't get away on Monday afternoon, you should hold a ceremony in advance and tell me, um, you only need to put the 'pray for a good day' in the mantra. "Dream" and other content were changed to specific reasons." Klein pressed his right hand falsely, and spoke very calmly.

Su Ya knew that this should refer to the fact that Klein informed the members of the Tarot Society of the Fool's honorable name and asked them to try to pray. He didn't speak, but kept the caution of a person who participated in the meeting for the first time. Just quietly watching them speak.

Audrey Hall looked around for half a circle, and was suddenly stunned. She saw an extra figure on the opposite side of the long table, beside Mr. Hanged Man, at the position closest to Mr. Fool.

Is this a new member?
Audrey looked at the head of the long table with some joy and some doubts, and then heard Mister Fool's always steady voice: "This is a new member, titled 'Wheel of Fortune'."

"This is Ms. Justice, and this is Mr. Hanged Man. Both are members of the Tarot Society."

"I've met both of you. I'm honored to be chosen by Mr. Fool to join this party." Su Ya smiled and nodded to the two vague figures on both sides of the long table, and then looked respectfully at the Fool at the head of the long table. salute.

This is a gentleman with a relatively good background and a very good manners.Audrey entered the state of the audience, carefully examining the new member Mr. "Wheel of Fortune".

His age is hard to tell, he should be relatively young in terms of his voice, but his body movements are sophisticated and fast, and he feels like a man with rich experience in interpersonal communication.His accent is leaning toward Backlund. Could it be that Mister 'Wheel of Fortune' is also from Loen?Maybe it's in Backlund.

The ribbon covering the eyes of Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune' completely blocks his eyes, even with the ability of the audience, it is difficult for me to analyze and observe his thoughts
'The Hanged Man' Alger frowned slightly, a little dissatisfied with the Fool's sudden recruitment of a new member, but he only dared to think about it in his heart, and he did not dare to say anything about the behavior of a big figure in the mysterious world like the Fool.

After the three greeted briefly, Audrey looked away, looked at the Fool at the top of the long bronze table, and said happily: "Mr. Fool, I have collected another page of Emperor Roselle's diary. I should still owe you a page."

"This week, I was far away from the land, and I couldn't find a new one." Alger pressed his chest with his right hand, bent forward, and apologized.

"Roselle's diary? Mister Fool can understand that kind of writing?" Su Ya spoke in a timely manner, expressing doubts.

"Yes, Mister 'Wheel of Fortune', Mister Fool is a very ancient and great existence, of course he can understand that kind of writing." Audrey proudly introduced to the new member.

Well done, Miss Justice, if there are other people to prove it, then the Fool in Suya's eyes will only be an ancient existence similar to the 'True Creator' who is interested in this other world of Earth and the travelers, so he will be counted as Even if I find out that I can speak Chinese, I will only feel that Mr. Fool is so scary, and will not think of me because of it.

Well, even if I think of Klein Moretti, I can explain it with the reason that I am the Blessed One of the Fool, just like Su Ya's previous status as the "Blessed One of the True Creator".

It's just that student Shenzhu is the real favored person of the evil god, and I'm just pretending.

Klein applauded secretly. He leaned on the back of the chair, tapped the armrest with his index finger, looked at Miss Justice and said, "You can 'express' the diary now."

(End of this chapter)

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