Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 59 Large Wholesale of Extraordinary Characteristics

Chapter 59 Large Wholesale of Extraordinary Characteristics
Su Ya was very puzzled. He remembered that he didn't know this pharmacist from the life school. How could he leave something for him?

"Absolutely! The teacher said before he left that if a well-dressed and distinguished young gentleman came here to look for him after he left, he would give this thing to him. The teacher said he would never come back again, I ask you not to come here to look for him again." Shermin nodded vigorously and recited the fat pharmacist's instructions before leaving as if by endorsement.

Ah, Su Ya held this package and looked at each other with Klein on the street, both of them filled with questions.

My friend, have you ever thought that you might have recognized the wrong person?Not everyone who fits your description is the one you are waiting for.
"How to deal with this?" Su Ya looked at the package in his hand silently and asked Klein.

"The boss here should be a wild Beyonder. Before we determine whether the things left by the other party are harmless, I think we, as Nighthawks, should check it." Klein said hesitantly.

Su Ya looked at the closed door of the herbal medicine store at the moment, and sighed, he probably already guessed what was in the package, but it was unexpected that fate would guide him in such a way at first of.

"Go back to my residence first. Let's check it out. If there are no problems, return it to the boss here. If there are any problems, report them to Captain Dunn."

Well, if it is indeed what he thinks, then he will accept it.

In Su Ya's temporary residence.

Klein and Suya were sitting on the sofa in the hall, looking at the several materials in the package and looking at each other speechlessly.

"With so many extraordinary materials, is he a pharmacist or a wholesaler of extraordinary materials?" Klein complained silently, trying to keep his gaze away from the opened package.

Su Ya stretched out her hand silently, and separated these materials according to the corresponding potion formula, forming three small piles.

The first part has the largest number. Suya can identify it based on the potion formula on the panel. These are the main materials required for Sequence 9 and Sequence 8 of the 'Destiny' pathway. There are about five or six copies in total, enough for two or three people to be promoted from ordinary people. For the Extraordinary of Sequence 8.

The second part is smaller in quantity. Some of them Suya recognized as part of the main and auxiliary materials of Sequence 7 'Lucky Man'. There are about two or three copies. The remaining part is exactly what he needs now. Sequence 6' Disaster Priest 'Supplementary materials, and the quantity is exactly one serving, only enough for one person.

Is this the favor of fate? The 'destiny' path is really a path full of magic.

Su Ya complained in his heart and picked up the last part of the materials.

The third part has only one extraordinary material, but it is the one with the highest value here, because it is the main material of the fate path sequence 5 'winner'.

In addition to these extraordinary materials, there is a letter sealed with fire wax at the bottom of the package.

Klein picked up the letter curiously. After asking Su Ya, he did a divination cautiously. After getting a positive answer, he carefully cut through the sealed interface with a dagger, and opened the letter.

He quickly scanned it from top to bottom, and found that it was a notification letter, which came from the person in charge of a secret organization called 'Life School' in Loen.

The letter explained that because the traitors of the school colluded with the enemies of the Rose School to raid the stronghold, he could only hand over the extraordinary materials that could not be taken away from the stronghold to the recipient through the blessing of 'destiny'.Klein saw that the other party asked the recipient of the letter to temporarily preserve these extraordinary materials and develop new members while ensuring their own safety and not being discovered by official extraordinary people.

It turns out that those low-sequence extraordinary materials are used by the life school to develop new members. Seeing this, Su Ya rubbed his chin thoughtfully.

It feels a little weird, Will is obviously ready to restart now, why do the members of the Life School secretly develop new members at this time?Without the protection of the Sequence 1 archangel, they should be in a more difficult situation now, and they should mainly avoid it.

Hmm. It may also be because too many members have been lost and the following members are in urgent need of new blood?After all, they are just low-serial members, so Will probably won't care about that.

Su Ya put his hand on Klein's shoulder and leaned forward in this posture to continue reading the letter.

The following words are the letter writer's praise for the recipient. The letter writer was full of praise for this mysterious recipient, and greatly appreciated his decisiveness in destroying an established team of the Rose School of Thought by himself. He also praised the recipient profusely. The execution of the 'traitor'.

The letter also said that when the recipient follows the guidance of fate and gets the package, he will receive a reward from the school - Suya guessed that this reward should be the main material of the Sequence 5 'Winner'.

At the end of the letter, there was a line of slightly flamboyant calligraphy: 'Dear Leonard, may fate protect you. ——Julius. '

Leonard.Leonard King?Was this letter written to Leonard King by a member of the School of Life?Su Ya was a little surprised.

So Leonard King suddenly appeared in Tingen that day, probably just to pick up this package, but he might have been attracted by the sound of Selena Wood reciting the name of Ourolius and almost succeeding, by the way. It also attracted me to the past.

One person wiped out an established team of the Rose School of Thought. Maybe Leonard King was polluted in this process, and then lost his mind because of the use of the 'Tujak Mask', causing the pollution to explode, and finally died in the Klein and I are in hands.

The owner of the 'Rosen Folk Herb Shop' should be the contact person of the School of Life, but the other party seemed to be aware of the danger in advance, and just left the things in the shop as instructed and asked his ordinary apprentice to help deliver them.But he obviously didn't expect that something would suddenly happen to Leonard King and he would eventually die in my hands. As fate would have it, I happened to come to the herbal shop at this time, causing the apprentice to mistake me for him. Someone to wait for.

Alas, judging from the results, fate obviously did not favor Leonard King. He seemed to favor me a little more.

Su Ya looked at the bottom line of the letter and sighed inwardly.

But the 'Evening Dress Mask' is really a trap. As expected, the side effects of this sealed item are not as simple as they seem. Before I find a suitable sealing method, I'd better use it with caution.

"Suya, what should we do now?" Klein also finished reading the letter at this time. Apparently he also saw the identity of the recipient and couldn't help but feel worried.

"I'll take this and pack the rest of the materials. Let's go to Captain Dunn and hand this over to him." Su Ya thought for a moment, and picked out the auxiliary materials he needed from the pile of materials , and then stuffed the rest, including the main material of Sequence 5, back into the package, and replied calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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