Chapter 61 Disaster Priest
Su Ya walked into the living room that had been prepared in advance, locked the door, and sat on the sofa, meditating to calm his mind, keeping all the intense emotions away from himself for a short time.

Then, he raised his right hand high and poured the silver-black potion that exuded a strange aura into his mouth, leaving not a drop.

A slightly thick liquid poured into his mouth, and the cold potion went all the way down the throat, slipped through the esophagus, and slid into the stomach.

In an instant, Su Ya felt as if he drank a whole frozen river, and the coldness and stimulation instantly penetrated into every cell in his body.Under such stimulation, Su Ya's body trembled involuntarily, his eyes quickly became blurred, and a huge flow of information suddenly poured into his mind.

"Lord, Sukabule."

"Ice cream."

"If you can't see me, you can't see me. Those two snakes can't see me."

Countless illusory ravings sounded at this moment, reverberating in his ears, as if there were countless voices speaking to him together, calm and indifferent voices, clear and pleasant children's voices, voices of hope amidst fear... many, many Different voices drilled into Su Ya's ears together.At this moment, the blue veins on his forehead bulged and protruded, and he felt as if his head was about to be cracked and burst.

Uncontrollable dizziness overwhelmed him. Su Ya felt that his stomach was flooding with acid, his heart was beating extremely fast, as if it was about to break through his chest, and the cold liquid was sliding down his throat into his stomach, almost suffocating. The topless entrance made it extremely difficult for him to even breathe.

The feeling of being almost frozen echoed in his mouth and esophagus, eventually fermenting into a surging cold current.Su Ya's spirit seemed to be withdrawn from his body, and he saw his body frozen in place as a bystander, as if the world was frozen.

There was a gloomy darkness in front of him, and in this darkness, a river like a river of mercury flowed quietly. This river had no source or end, and its entire body was almost crystal clear silver. It could be seen at a glance Let people see it to the end, but no matter what, people can't really see it clearly.

Destiny When Su Ya saw this mercury river for the first time, this word immediately came to his mind.Every drop of water in this river seems to contain a person's destiny, from birth to death, good luck and bad luck, all fates are included in it.

Su Ya subconsciously looked into the depths of this long river of mercury. The countless flowing fates made him dizzy, and he couldn't see any of them clearly.And at a certain moment in the dark, he couldn't help blinking, and when he opened his eyes again, a drop of river water suddenly enlarged in front of him, presenting a destiny in front of him, allowing him to see clearly.

It was a rather blurry figure, and Su Ya could only see his long silver hair scattered to the ground, and the silhouette of him kneeling and staring at something in nothingness, completely unable to see his appearance and clothes clearly.But the terrifying aura faintly coming from that vague figure made Su Ya understand that the other party was definitely a terrifying high-ranking existence.

The figure seemed to be watching a not-so-splendid drama through something. Suya saw that his whole body was full of boredom, and he seemed to be unbearable, raising his hand and reaching downwards.But the sudden appearance of the other party blocked him. A sudden hand wearing black gloves grasped the silver-haired figure's wrist and pushed him away.

The next moment, a terrifying raving broke out between them, making Su Ya, who was watching, feel his brain roaring, but he couldn't hear a word clearly.And when he woke up again, the silver figure had already mixed with a more blurred black shadow, and a fierce battle was waged in a spirit world that looked like an oil painting splashed by an impressionist master.

Su Ya felt his heart beating faster, and he knew that he shouldn't watch any more at this time, but he couldn't close his eyes and get out of this scene no matter what.And at this moment, the silver figure in the two groups of figures suddenly turned his head, a pair of cold and indifferent silver eyes full of inorganic substances looked at Su Ya's blue eyes at this moment, which immediately made Su Ya lose the ability to think. Ability, falling down in a daze.

Endless exhaustion came from the depths of his soul, submerging him, Su Ya felt that he was sinking, his body was swallowed by the tide of fate, and his will sank into the dark abyss little by little. Everything he saw, including those two Dao's figure began to shatter, and everything in his eyes collapsed at this moment.

No, this situation cannot be allowed to develop!Su Ya knew that he might have seen something he shouldn't have seen. If he didn't control it well, he would be on the verge of losing control at any time.

Su Ya struggled to close his eyes, he waved his arms vigorously, and swam against the tide of fate towards his body below. Finally, at a certain moment, he seemed to have broken some kind of boundary and broke away from the river of fate. fell back into his body.

The violent roar of the heartbeat sounded in Su Ya's ears, as fast as the ticking of footsteps, one after another, covering all the sounds in the world.

Su Ya gasped heavily, half-kneeling on the floor, and cold sweat slipped from his forehead. He felt that his physical condition was better than ever at this moment, but his boiling spirit and nearly exhausted spirituality caused a needle-like pain in his brain. , and the feeling of exhaustion that cannot be controlled by the body.

Su Ya didn't dare to be careless, he immediately entered the visualization, consciously restrained his thoughts, and tried to keep himself in the state of meditation. In the mental exhaustion that surged up like a tide, Su Ya didn't know how long he had supported, and finally waited until the end. Rediscover the feeling that your body belongs to you.

"What was that just now?" Su Ya supported the armchair with his tired hands, stood up staggeringly, and reluctantly moved his body to sit on the sofa.

He thought of the part of the ability description about the "fate" path that he had ignored all the time—Extraordinary people of the fate path often see some fragments of the future uncontrollably, but they often see what they shouldn't see because of this. things, encountering unimaginable dangers.

So I just saw part of the future?Who is that silver figure?Silver hair and silver eyes. Could it be the future Ouroreus?Seeing the future related to the king of angels in this path, it is reasonable to be so embarrassed, but the black figure fighting him
Wouldn't that be Klein who will become the half Lord of Mysteries in the future?
Su Ya thought hesitantly of the hand with the black glove, and thought about Klein's operation of changing the uniqueness of the "thief" into a black glove in the original text, thinking uncertainly.

So, what I saw just now is the process of future Ke Bangui fighting Urolius to help the little snake get the characteristics?Why am I so unlucky, I saw a big scene at a glance.

But although it was very dangerous, the promotion was finally successful.

Su Ya sighed and handed over his body to the soft and comfortable sofa, not wanting to move at all.

He closed his eyes and said to himself in his heart:
"Hello, Disaster Priest."

(End of this chapter)

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