Chapter 85 Hunter
Zekariya Hall, this is a name that is quite unfamiliar to Suya.

So Su Ya was a little puzzled by the other party's inexplicable hostility.

However, he didn't take this matter too seriously. He just wanted to visit Enmat Port on a whim. He had to go back to Backlund soon, and he wouldn't come here often in the future. What a steward thought had nothing to do with him. If you are really hostile to yourself, you can also find a reason to fire the other party.

The biggest problem facing Suya now is how to deal with Aunt Adeline.

Adeline Auchinleck is a very attractive lady, she has the same long flaxen curly hair as the Auchinleck family, beautiful blue eyes, and natural upturned lips similar to Suya, even It is a few centimeters taller than Suya.At this time, she was wearing a snow-white knight uniform, covering herself tightly from head to toe, with a rapier hanging from her waist, standing in front of the steps on the side of the ship, smiling and looking at Abel who was walking with him. Suya.

"Our lovely little Suya, why, you don't recognize me?" Adeline smiled lightly and hugged the embarrassed Suya, and kissed him on the cheek intimately.

"Aunt Adeline, long time no see." Su Ya nodded stiffly, kissed the back of her hand, and greeted her.

"Little Suya, it's still like this after not seeing you for so many years. I don't like overly intimate etiquette." Adeline laughed, patted her nephew on the shoulder, stopped teasing him, turned around and took Suya and Abel onto the boat .

There was no one on the large deck at this time, only a set of tables and chairs were placed on it, and many refreshments and brewed black tea were placed on the table.

"I didn't expect you to be the first person I saw after returning to Loen, little Suya." Adeline sat lazily on the armchair, took out a thin cigarette and bit it against her lips Stop, gently snap your fingers with one hand, and a spark instantly appears to light the cigarette.

"My brother with a bad personality would let you go to Enmat Port alone. I really didn't expect it. It seems that he has changed a lot in the past ten years."

"Father is not in Loen right now." Su Ya's eyes fell on Adeline's action of lighting the fire, a little surprised.

Light the fire empty-handed?Aunt Adeline is also a Extraordinary?Which way is she. Magician?No. No, this is more like a hunter's arson.
Is she a hunter? ! ! !Or is it the effect of the sealed item?

"Not in Ruen?" Adeline frowned slightly, her eyes flickered slightly, and then saw Su Ya's undisguised surprised expression when she looked at the lit cigarette in her hand, and smiled.

"Little Suya, I heard that you are already a Extraordinary now?"

"You're right, I've been a Beyonder for a long time, but because of your father's request, Ollie and I have never been allowed to be exposed in front of you." Adeline thought of the past, and there was a little nostalgia in her eyes.

"At that time, you were still very young, and Oli and I would carefully avoid you every time we wanted to go out to perform, but you were too clingy to us, so I had to take you with me every time I went hunting, so that Oli would take the opportunity to go out secretly Playing the 'magician'." She looked at Su Ya and gently touched his head, feeling a little emotional.

"Don't blame Claude. He has always had that bad personality. He can't speak more than his brain, even worse than a curly-haired baboon. And now that you have become a Extraordinary, you should know that this road is full of madness and disasters. , not as beautiful as you imagined before."

"I didn't blame my father." Su Ya was a little uncomfortable being touched on the head. Counting his previous life, he hadn't been treated so intimately by his elders for more than ten years, and for a while he felt like he had nowhere to put his hands and feet.

"Really?" Adeline raised her eyebrows, "I remember you used to ask Dad to throw himself on Claude's back to act like a baby, why do you use the honorific title now?"

"Aunt Adeline, I'm already an adult." Su Ya was silent for a moment, and couldn't imagine herself acting like a baby as an adult.Hmm. If it was Klein acting like a baby with someone, he would be very happy to help take pictures and put them in the album of Mr. Fool's famous scenes that he had collected before. It would be better to replace it with himself.

"By the way, Aunt Adeline, are you a hunter?" Su Ya picked up her teacup awkwardly to cover up her embarrassment, and changed the subject.

"Hmm, it seems that your occult knowledge is pretty good, Attil taught you?" Adeline hummed noncommittally, took a deep puff of cigarette, and admitted.

"I saw it in the church's materials." Su Ya replied subconsciously, and then he suddenly realized something, and looked at Adeline cautiously.

"Hmph, believer of the night." Adeline held the cigarette between the index finger and middle finger of her right hand, put it outside the railing to shake off the ash, and sneered vaguely, as if she wanted to say something, but she didn't continue talking because of the nephew in front of her. , but changed the topic and asked.

"After all these years, Adil is still so bad at mysticism?"

"Uh" Su Ya looked away, not knowing how to answer this question.

Atiel's mysticism is indeed very bad. Even the mystical language can only know Hermetic and Ancient Fusak. In this regard, he is not as good as Surya, who was not an Extraordinary before.As for 'Divination', 'Spiritual Vision' and 'Ritual Magic', he didn't study in depth at all, he only had a general understanding, but it didn't hurt, after all, the warrior path itself was not good at these.

It is also because of this that Suya himself didn't know how to divination before going to Tingen - the way of fate is too inspired and easy to see things that shouldn't be seen, Attil himself half understands and dare not teach him casually; The team was very busy during that period. In just one week, he could only focus on reading materials and completing basic knowledge.

It was not until he went to Tingen that he asked Klein to teach him in his free time before he really learned divination, and he still hasn't used it until now.

As for other occult knowledge, according to Atil, it would be better for Suya to go to the church and read the information by himself. If he doesn't know it, he can ask the guards. In short, it is better than Atil, a scumbag in mysticism.

Su Ya even suspected that if it weren't for his father's absence and the 'acting method' could not be taught by just anyone, Atil would never agree to give him a lecture.

He thought of Atiel's reaction when he told him that the potion had been digested, and he suspected that the other person's behavior of taking him directly to the church might have some idea of ​​​​avoiding the lecture.

"Well, it looks like it's still so bad." Adeline put out the half-burned cigarette in the bone dish, nodded and smiled.

"Okay, little Suya, since you're here, I'll let someone tell Steward Hall that we'll set off back to Backlund tomorrow?"

Leaving so soon?It seems that he will not meet the Aurora Society by chance this time.Su Ya glanced regretfully at the crowded Enmat Port outside the ship, and sighed regretfully, but did not refuse.

"Aunt Adeline, I have no objection."

 Su Ya: 183, but the shortest in the family.

(End of this chapter)

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