Mystery: Days and Nights of Struggle with the Research Society

Chapter 92 Su Ya's First Transaction at the Tarot Club

Chapter 92 Suya’s first transaction at the Tarot meeting

"Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune', I don't have what you need." Audrey was a little frustrated.

The only trading item in her hand that could meet Mr. Wheel of Fortune's requirements was a Sequence 9 'Spectator' recipe, but the potion recipe she used came from the transaction with Mr. 'The Hanged Man'.As for other rumors, information and knowledge, it is still too far away for a noble lady who is underage and can only move within the fixed range allowed by her family.

"Can I choose to use gold pounds?" she asked nervously.

Although Mister 'Wheel of Fortune' didn't say he was dead, Audrey could tell that the other party was indeed not short of money, and she hoped that they would use other methods to trade.But Audrey's knowledge of the extraordinary world is really lacking. The Tarot Club is already the best channel for her to learn about the extraordinary world. Apart from money, she has nothing.

"Of course, Miss Justice." Su Ya smiled, not embarrassing this innocent and lovely lady. He was not targeting her originally.

"Then Miss Justice, do you want to continue asking for information about the Gnosis Society?"

"I" Audrey didn't answer directly. She thought about it carefully and felt that it was really worth it to just spend a few gold pounds to learn about some secret organizations.

"Well, Mr. Wheel of Fortune, can I ask you to tell me in detail about various mysterious organizations and secret sects? It is difficult for me to come into contact with these in my daily life. I can only understand them through you. I will pay you, even though I only have gold pounds." 'Justice' Audrey spoke with half sigh and half curiosity. At the end of her words, her voice gradually weakened, and her tone became a little guilty and uncertain.

She wanted to ask this question at the last gathering, but because Mister Fool announced the end of the meeting, she couldn't speak in time, so she stayed until this time.But this time she didn't ask what the 'Hanged Man' meant, but looked directly at the mysterious Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune'.

After the experience of the last gathering, Audrey felt that Mr. Wheel of Fortune, who knew so much about the Psychological Alchemy Society, might know more.

Good question, Miss Justice, you have almost taken on the responsibility of my trumpet to a certain extent. In this way, I can know how much knowledge in this field Master Shengun has in his belly. Are you? Best compliment!
Klein was refreshed. Since the last party, he had found time to go above the gray fog and try to create an alt account to conduct lower-end transactions on his behalf.But it was a pity that he failed. The expression of the dummy he created was dull and his movements were dull. Even if it was shrouded in illusory gray fog, it was obvious that something was wrong with it.

In the end, Klein could only regretfully give up the idea of ​​creating a trumpet by himself.

"That's good, Miss Justice." Suya crossed his hands and thought for a moment: "Although I don't know the market price of this knowledge, a lot of the knowledge I know is available even among official Beyonders and ordinary members of some secret organizations. It’s also secret.”

"So, for 2000 pounds, I will introduce you to some information about the basics of the secret organization. After I explain it, you can ask three questions based on this knowledge."

Hmm. In the original work, Alger of The Hanged Man asked Audrey for Justice for 1000 pounds for the simplest information about a secret organization. The information I mentioned may contain some secrets that are difficult for others to know, and I also gave Justice 'Miss, doubling the opportunity to ask questions is not too much, right?
Su Ya thought secretly.

2000 pounds?This is a huge amount of cash, which can easily buy a house in a high-end neighborhood in Tingen City. However, for the magic gun classmate, this money seems to be nothing, and the asking price is relatively low.After all, this is a man who doesn't even blink when faced with a huge sum of thirty thousand pounds.Klein thought of Su Ya's understatement when he said he would be given fifteen thousand pounds as reward, and thought of the gold pounds he casually tipped to the coachman and waiter, and once again felt the heartache.

Although he believed that "a gentleman loves money and gets it wisely" and rejected Su Ya's huge compensation, he still couldn't help but feel heartbroken when he thought about it afterwards.

"2000 pounds?" Audrey's eyes lit up, she nodded impatiently, and replied in a brisk and cheerful tone, "No problem, how should I hand over this money to you, Mister 'Wheel of Fortune'."

As expected, he is from the same aristocratic background as Su Ya, and both are very wealthy. Miss Justice's tone sounds like she thinks the price is very cheap?Klein thought silently.

Alger, the 'Hanged Man' on the side, opened his mouth after hearing the price, but stopped talking, but he did not make a sound, but chose to remain silent.

Although Alger actually wanted to make this money, he knew that in terms of extraordinary knowledge reserves, he was probably far inferior to this 'Wheel of Fortune' who seemed to come from a powerful family of extraordinary people.

However, Alger was confident that he would not be bad in other aspects. As a pirate captain put on the sea by the Church of Storms, he naturally had his own channels for information. Alger decided to go ashore to inquire about the Aurora Society after the party. With the latest news from the School of Life, maybe he can get what he needs from the mysterious 'Wheel of Fortune', but he doesn't know if the other party has what he needs, such as the follow-up magic potion formula of the 'Sailor' pathway and Material: Well, you can ask this after 'Wheel of Fortune' tells 'Justice'.

"Miss Justice, you should be a young lady of noble character. I believe in your character, so these 2000 pounds can be temporarily stored with you. I will ask you for it if needed in the future." Su Ya relaxed said.

Mr. Fool doesn't seem to have the intention to open the 'Grey Mist Express Service' yet. As a small Sequence 6, it is impossible for him to take the initiative to urge this great being, and he does not want to expose his identity for a mere 2000 pounds. Of course, it can only be temporarily stored for Miss Justice, and we will talk about it later.

"Of course." Audrey nodded reservedly and agreed happily.

She was thinking about how to store this part of the reward that should be given to Mr. Wheel of Fortune separately after she went back. What if she kept these gold pounds with Susie for safekeeping?No one would want to snatch a small bag from a dog, right?Besides, Susie is also an extraordinary person. No, should it be an extraordinary dog?

Her thoughts wandered for a moment, and then she quickly came back to herself. She sat upright and prepared to listen carefully to the explanation of the knowledgeable Mr. 'Wheel of Fortune'.

"Then, Miss Justice, let's start with the Gnosis Society." Su Ya said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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