Chapter 94 Redemption Rose
There are many secret organizations in the world such as the Moss Ascetic Order, the Secret Order, the Witch Sect, and the Spiritual Order. I wonder what the earliest secret organization was?Does it still exist?Audrey's eyes were bright. She felt that her 2000 pounds was well spent. She was worthy of being a knowledgeable Mr. Wheel of Fortune.

Alger sat silently, listening with his ears pricked up.

Although he already knew most of this information, 'Wheel of Fortune' would occasionally intersperse some rumors that he had never heard of before. Alger knew that there were not many opportunities for him to eavesdrop on secret knowledge in such an honest way. , the next time he encounters a similar transaction, 'Justice' will definitely apply for a separate communication and will not let him listen.

"Mr. Wheel of Fortune, I have a question." Audrey couldn't help but raise her hand, "Well, this is the last question."

"Do you know what the earliest secret organization was?" She looked at Su Ya curiously, completely unaware of what her question represented.

"The earliest secret organization" Su Ya looked at Audrey with a strange expression, not knowing how to answer the other party's question.

If he remembers correctly, Miss Justice's belief is the Goddess of the Night. I remember that the earliest secret organization should be the predecessor of the Church of the Night. After all, the Goddess of the Night did not join the ancient sun god's subordinates during the third era.

No. No, the earliest secret organization should probably be the organization established by fellow Maozi to redeem mankind against the ancient gods when he just climbed up from the sea of ​​chaos. But this organization seems to have not left a name. In other words, this is the predecessor of Redemption Rose. ?
It's possible. Then what should I tell Audrey?I definitely can’t mention the Church of the Night. I don’t want to offend the goddess of the night, and I can’t introduce the Redemption Rose too specifically.
"In past history, many names have disappeared in the baptism of time, leaving only very little information. I only have a partial understanding of it." Suya pondered, but decided to tell the name of Redemption Rose.

"In the history that I know, one of the oldest secret organizations should be the 'Redemption Rose'."

"I don't know much about this organization. I only know that it may have appeared in the third era. It is said to be closely related to the birth of the 'True Creator', and there are many big figures that you can never imagine today. They are all Was a member of 'Redemption Rose'."

Them?Are there angels or more powerful beings in this organization?Will he be the King of Angels?It was still a powerful existence similar to the 'Half Fool' in Su Ya's mouth, or even Klein didn't dare to think about it, he only thought that this should be an extremely powerful and terrifying organization.

But the 'Rose of Redemption' that Mr. Shengun mentioned seems to have disappeared in modern times. I don't know where he knew this.

"Redemption Rose." Audrey repeated the name in a low voice. She felt an ancient and unique atmosphere from this strange name. Does Redemption Rose want to redeem someone?Audrey was a little confused, so she raised her hand and looked at the top of the long bronze table.

"Dear Mr. Fool, what does the 'Redemption Rose' represent?"

Her idea was very simple. Since she couldn't figure it out, she asked the great Mr. Fool for help. If it was something they could know, Mr. Fool would not fail to tell them.

Alger, the Hanged Man on the side, originally wanted to ask something, but when he saw Audrey's actions, he quickly lowered his head in a respectful manner and stopped trying to speak.He is not as naive as 'Justice', and he doesn't trust the Fool that much. He is afraid that 'Justice''s questioning will anger the Fool and lead to his own anger.This time, Klein didn't answer and just laughed.

He thought about it for a few seconds and replied in a calm tone: "This is not something you should know now."

Redemption Rose?This is the first time I heard this term today. If it hadn’t been for the science popularization by my classmate Shengun, I wouldn’t have known there was such an organization in the world. How should I answer?Klein almost twitched the corners of his mouth.

However, according to Mr. Shengun, the organization "Redemption Rose" has a close relationship with the "True Creator" and is even related to His birth.
Klein thought of what Suya had mentioned in the last Tarot meeting, 'The true Creator is considered by the top leaders of many extraordinary organizations to be a great being who is closely connected with the Creator. 'I can't help but have all kinds of associations in my heart.

Could this redemption rose be an organization led by the legendary Creator?What is the purpose of this organization?Who does the Redemption Rose save?It can't be the Redeeming Creator himself, right?
Klein shook his head secretly. He thought of the records in the holy scriptures, and thought to himself, why does the creation myth of this world look more and more like a combination of Pangu's creation of the sky and God's creation?Then will there be a Creator in this world who can transform the three pure beings in one breath, or will there be a crucifixion of Jesus?
Just as Klein was lost in thought, silence and silence suddenly took over the majestic temple above the gray mist.

Audrey lowered her head uneasily. She originally wanted to ask about the relationship between the 'Redemption Rose' and the 'True Creator', but now she gave up on this plan.She felt that she should say something to change the subject at this time, but she didn't know what to say. After thinking for a while, she tentatively asked:
"Mr. Fool, if, I mean if, I have the opportunity to join other organizations, such as the Psychological Alchemist Association, is it possible?"

'The Hanged Man' Alger raised his head upon hearing this and looked at this bold young lady in astonishment, deeply impressed by her courage.

Klein came back to his senses, kept leaning back, and chuckled: "No problem, my only request is that the existence of the Tarot Society cannot be revealed."

"If you become a member of another organization, the materials and intelligence you can exchange will definitely increase."

Hmm. When I get promoted in the future, I will have more channels to obtain potion formulas and materials. The church now has the Sequence 8 'Joker' formula, and according to the captain, my current merits are enough for me to apply for Sequence 8. I have the magic potion, so after digesting the magic potion of Sequence 9 'Soothsayer', my next promotion will not be a problem.

But the church doesn't have any more potions of this sequence. I will definitely have to find ways to find materials and formulas on my own in the future. If Miss Justice can join a secret organization, she will have more channels, which is very important to Tarot. The development of the society is very helpful.

Thinking about it this way, I should really help Miss Justice find clues to the Psychological Alchemy Society and try to get her wish as soon as possible. Well, the premise is that the Psychological Alchemy Society will not cause any harm to her.

(End of this chapter)

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