Chapter 1 I bind the Immortal Cultivation Simulator

Great Xia Kingdom, Kyoto.

The highest school, Kyoto Vocational University, a male dormitory.


A sudden voice appeared in the waking mind.

Su Xing, who was packing up his equipment and was about to make gold in a dungeon, froze in place.

"Who? Who's playing a prank?"

Su Xing looked around in the empty dormitory, but found nothing.

But then, a series of voices sounded in Su Xing's mind.

【Life Simulator Binding......】

【Binding is successful! 】

[Host: wake up]

【Age: 21 years old】

【Occupation: Immortal cultivator】

[Number of simulations: 1]

【Energy: 100】

[Introduction: The life simulator will simulate your future completely according to your development trajectory in the real world.After the simulation is over, you can get some rewards, and each simulation will consume a certain amount of energy.The number of simulations is refreshed weekly. 】

Su Xing rubbed his eyes, looking at the virtual panel in front of him in disbelief.

Then two lines of words appeared on the panel.

[Do you want to start the simulation? 】


Looking at the panel in front of him, Su Xing's eyes suddenly turned red.

"Three years! Do you know how I have lived these three years?"

"Made, I thought I, a traveler, didn't have golden fingers!""

That's right, Su Xing is a time traveler who traveled to this wonderful world three years ago.

Unlike the Earth in the previous life, this world game has come to reality.

Monsters, monsters, dungeons of secret realms, props and equipment, emerge in endlessly...

What's even more amazing is that everyone can become a professional in that year, and by killing dungeon monsters, they can gain experience and become stronger.

Three years ago, Su Xing, who had just traveled through time, awakened the only hidden profession, the Immortal Cultivator!
This news caused a sensation in the whole of Kyoto, and Su Xing was directly recruited into one of the highest universities in the country, Kyoto Vocational University!
His performance at the beginning of waking up was really excellent, relying on the tyrannical physical fitness of the immortal cultivator, he quickly stood out among the group of freshmen.

But soon, Su Xing discovered a fatal problem, he couldn't upgrade!

Other professionals can get experience rewards after killing dungeon monsters.

No matter how hard Su Xing tried to kill monsters and level up, he couldn't get even a little experience.

So three years passed.

Now that he is a senior, the classmates around him have grown from bronze level to silver level, gold level or even higher...

And he is still that little Qi Refining Level [-] monk.

But Su Xing was not reconciled, he frantically searched for a way to upgrade himself, and finally got something.

That is body training!
Since you can’t train your Qi, then train your body!
So Su Xing frantically went to the dungeon to grind equipment and sell it for money, and even took freshmen to the dungeon to level up.

Then use the money you earn to buy some dungeon props that can enhance your physical fitness.

It finally took three full years to change from the first level of body training to the sixth level of body training monk.

The sixth level of body training, the strength reaches several thousand catties, which sounds very fierce.

But the actual combat power is not even as good as a Bronze level 30 strength professional.

He woke up but did not give up. He still persisted in playing dungeons to earn gold, leveling up, and constantly working hard to keep fit.

Scenes from the past emerged in front of my eyes, and I woke up my excited heart at this moment, and said silently with trembling hands:

"Turn on the simulation!"

[Consumption of 100 points of energy, no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[This talent draw is free, random talent draw is in progress...]

[Ding, congratulations on getting the white talent, spiritual root holder! 】

[Spiritual root holder]: White talent.Your roots are different from ordinary people, and you can embark on a fairy road.

Su Xing was stunned when he saw this talent.

Could it be that he has not been able to cultivate these years because he has a job but no spiritual roots, so he cannot improve the realm of qi refining?
Su Xing endured the doubts in his heart and chose to continue the simulation.

[In the dormitory, you have awakened Goldfinger, you are very happy. 】

[That afternoon, a few freshman girls invited you to take them to the dungeon to practice leveling, and you readily agreed. 】

[You performed bravely in the bronze-level dungeon. After clearing the dungeon, you got a few pieces of white equipment and a reward of 1 yuan. 】

[One of the juniors was short of cash and wanted to pay in other (ruta) ways. 】

[You looked at the school girl’s face and expressed your agreement. 】

[The next day, you started practicing feeling refreshed, but you didn’t know where to start. 】

[You start to search for qigong exercises on the Internet and find a world-shattering exercise called "Pangu Kaitian Jue"! 】

【You are ecstatic and start practicing. 】

[After practicing for a day, your cultivation base has not improved, and you are almost out of breath. 】

[You don't give up, continue to practice day and night. 】

[One month later, your Qi Refining cultivation base is still at the first level of Qi Refining Realm. 】

[You understand, the cultivation techniques on the Internet are all deceptive! 】

[So you started to spend a lot of money to buy Xiuxian exercises, but you got a bunch of cheap goods at nine yuan and nine free shipping on a certain treasure. 】

[In desperation, you can only continue to polish your body. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart turned cold, how could he cultivate immortals without the skills of cultivating immortals?

Su Xing sighed and continued the simulation.

【You didn't give up, while you polished your body, you inquired about the whereabouts of the cultivation technique. 】

[In your spare time, you often take your freshman girls to practice leveling. While making money, you also have negative distance contacts. 】

[The good times don't last long, half a year has passed, that freshman girl broke through to become a silver-level professional, and broke contact with you. 】

[One peaceful afternoon, the wind was very noisy, you found her. 】

[You ask her: I thought that based on our friendship, we could have some feelings.But she told you: It was just a transaction. 】

[Your self-esteem was humiliated, you turned grief and anger into strength, practiced hard for half a year, and finally broke through the seventh level of body training. 】

[Graduation is approaching at this time, and your classmates in the same grade have become famous professionals, but you are not strong enough to graduate. 】

【You are repeated, but you are secretly happy, because the new school girls have already entered the school, and you continue to lead them to level up. 】

[Gradually, you became famous, and all the freshmen in the school know that there is a senior senior who repeats the grade, who leads the freshmen to practice fiercely. 】

[You have gained a lot, and you have saved tens of millions of assets in three years! 】

Su Xing touched his chin when he saw this, and murmured:

"It would be nice if we keep repeating grades like this! At least there will always be fresh girls..."

But then his face changed when he woke up.

[You originally thought that life would go on so plainly. 】

[Unfortunately, because you failed to graduate for five consecutive years, you were expelled. 】

[You who were expelled lost your biggest source of income, and because of your low strength, you can only stay in bronze-level dungeons all year round. 】

[You have learned from the pain and decided to work hard to train your body. 】

[It took you two years, you spent all your savings, and reached the eighth level of body training. 】

Su Xing felt very uncomfortable when he saw this. He didn't expect that body training would be so difficult.

It took him three years to advance from the first level of body refining to the sixth level of body refining.
But in the future, it took seven years for him to go from the sixth level of body training to the eighth level.

Su Xing continued to read patiently.

【You are penniless, so you can only go back to your old business and live a life of earning gold in dungeons. 】

[Your precious sword is not old, you have killed all the invincible players in bronze-level dungeons at the eighth level of body training, and saved tens of millions of wealth. 】

[One day, your parents told you that your sister Su Nian'an died...]

(End of this chapter)

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