Chapter 157 The top taunt, the little one is so cute! (5k)


Just seeing the name of this talent, Su Xing felt something was wrong.

"Hey, hey, this talent doesn't look right just by the name. It's not what I thought it is, is it?"

Looking at the talent introduction, Su Xing felt relieved.

[Small but cute]: Purple talent, when you say this to the target person, no matter what the relationship between the target person and you is, he will be ridiculed by you in an instant, hate you extremely, and can't help but stare at you. When you attack, the taunt effect is +100%. (Hehe, the little ones are cute too~)

"Fortunately, this thing is not the kind that works on me..."

Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to think about the use of this talent.

"This seems to be a taunting talent that attracts hatred!"

"So, the scenario where this thing is seems that the target person wants to escape? As long as I say this, he will not be able to help but attack me?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes lit up.

It seems... very suitable for dealing with Zong Laogou!
That Lao Gou is so good at running. He is obviously not as strong as Su Xing, but he can run for more than a month. If he uses this talent to taunt him, won't he be unable to run?

"Besides... when dealing with those demon kings, if they want to escape, they can also use it!"

Su Xing quickly thought about the role of this talent, nodded slightly and said:
"This talent is not very strong, but it will have a special effect on special occasions!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[The spiritual energy in the blessed land is getting richer and stronger. In order to produce spiritual liquid as quickly as possible, you are going to transplant some of the spirit-gathering flowers and arrange several small spirit-gathering arrays specifically to produce spiritual liquid. 】

[You spent half a month, taking time every day to transplant the spirit-gathering flowers and arrange the spirit-gathering array. 】

[Your proficiency in Shen Nong’s Spirit Nurturing Technique and Spirit Gathering Array has been slightly improved. 】

[After half a month, the Spirit Gathering Array began to steadily produce spiritual liquid, and could produce about a thousand drops a week. 】

[Although it is not much, it is barely enough for you to practice alone, and your practice speed is further accelerated. 】

[You have been practicing for a while and decided to go to the Luotian Conference dungeon to learn one more fire attribute technique. 】

[You have saved up your "Great Wisdom Status" for a day in advance and are preparing to go to the Luotian Conference Dungeon! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Awakening has always been a spiritual root of both wood and fire systems. It stands to reason that one can practice the techniques of both wood and fire systems at the same time.

But before waking up, he had been focusing on wood-based exercises because they could speed up the cultivation of elixirs.

But now that the awakening simulation energy is sufficient, it is natural to learn one more fire-based technique.

Compared with wood-based exercises, fire-based exercises are more offensive and are very helpful in refining weapons and alchemy.

It can even increase the power of the Awakening and Lihuo technique.

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

Su Xing said silently in his heart.

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, which lasted 24 hours, cost 240 million energy points, and left 2 million energy points. 】

As the beep of the simulator fell, Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second, he appeared in the main hall in the copy of Luotian Conference.

"Good disciple, go and invite Master Shennong to attend the Luotian Conference!"

Niu Rulie's voice came from in front of him.

"Yes, Master!"

Su Xing came to the back mountain with ease, went through the task process, and brought Shennong Youtian to the Luotian Conference Square.

During this period, Su Xing gained a lot from the conversation with Shennong Youtian.

Immediately, Su Xing arrived at the familiar Sutra Pavilion and went straight to the third floor. Here are the underground skills and secret techniques!
Su Xing carefully searched the rows of shelves lined with jade slips.

But there were so many techniques here that Su Xing was dizzy after searching for a long time, but he didn’t know where to start.

At this time, a voice came from behind Su Xing.

"Kid, are you looking for fire-based skills?"

"The sixth shelf on your left, No. 11 Jade Slips in the third row, you can take a look!"

Su Xing suddenly raised his head when he heard the words, only to see the old woman who had taught him the Thousand Miles Tracking Technique standing there, looking at him quietly.

"Thank you senior!"

For some reason, Su Xing was always a little afraid that the old woman would ask him to return the favor.

After Su Xing bowed, he quickly walked towards the bookshelf.

Sure enough, at the location designated by the old woman, Su Xing discovered a local mid-level skill "Qian Yan Jue!"

"This technique seems to be only at the middle level of the earth level..."

Su Xing frowned slightly. There were many high-grade techniques on this floor.

Do you want to follow the old man's wishes and abandon the high-level earth-level exercises and only choose the middle-level skills?

Just when Su Xing was hesitating, the old woman said suddenly:

"Are you Luo Xiaochuan, Niu Rulie's apprentice?"

"Well, you are very good, much better than your idiot master back then..."

"Less than a hundred years old, the realm of divine power has reached perfection... and even the cultivation of Qi has reached the fourth level of divine transformation..."

After a pause, the old woman continued to explain:
"You are pretty good at refining qi, but the technique you major in is a wood-attribute technique. It doesn't seem to be of a high level?"

"If this is the case, I'm afraid you will have to modify your skills when you break through the recovery and integration stages in the future, which will waste a lot of time..."

"However, you, Nogi, have dual fire-type mutated spiritual roots, and you still have the opportunity to practice fire-attribute techniques!"

"Although this Thousand Flames Technique is only a mid-level Earth-level skill... it is the prerequisite skill for the Heaven-level skill Three Thousand Flames Skill. When the time is right, you can directly transfer to the Three Thousand Flames Skill, but Save a lot of energy!"

After Su Xing heard the old woman's prompt, he no longer hesitated.

Being able to be used as a prerequisite for heaven-level skills, there must be something special about this Qianyan decision.

"Thank you, mother-in-law. I wonder what you call her?"

The old woman was silent for a while and said:

"The name... seems a bit too old, so just call me Ghost Granny!"

"However, it is certainly not without purpose for me to help select the exercises... One year later, when you come here again, I have one thing to ask you..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This was what the ghost mother-in-law said the last time they met.

So Su Xing felt a little curious.

"Senior, what do you want me to help you with?"

Granny Ghost just smiled and said: "Don't worry, I won't trouble you! You will know when the time comes!"
After saying that, Granny Ghost flashed and disappeared on the third floor of the Sutra Pavilion.

Su Xing was also confused.

But I decided to practice first.

After activating the state of great wisdom, Su Xing's memory and understanding were greatly improved, and then he began to memorize this earth-level technique.

Soon the day passed and the immersive simulation ended.

In the real world, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"Yes, this Great Wisdom and Ruoyu effect is really good. If I do this twice at most, I will be able to memorize this earth-level technique completely!"

Su Xing is very satisfied with this. After all, after three immersive simulations and spending millions of energy, he can get an earth-level skill that can break through to the integration or even the Mahayana stage. It is definitely not a loss.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After coming out of the Luotian Conference copy, you are going to join the Advent Cult. 】

[You went to Shuangqing City in Southwest Province. You were lucky and you lured Zong Laogou out in less than three days. 】

[After one operation, you successfully joined the Advent Cult and received a batch of elixirs. 】

[After that, you and Zong Laogou were brothers on the surface, but secretly contacted Luo Shuying. 】

[With Luo Shuying's help, you obtained a large number of elixirs. 】

[In the second year, you have accumulated a lot of elixirs in your hands. As the most powerful elder in the Advent Sect, you can move more freely. 】

[So you went to Kyoto alone and entered the Luotian Conference copy again! 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he used the immersive simulation function again.

After a while, Su Xing exited the immersive simulation and gained a deeper grasp of the earth-level skill Qian Yan Jue.

Then wake up and continue the simulation.

[In the third year, you thought the time was right, so you took Luo Shuying and escaped from Adventism. 】

[After leaving the Advent Cult, you and Luo Shuying were hunted down, but it was Zong Laogou who suffered even more. 】

[You took out the elixirs you have refined over the years and added many strong men to Daxia. 】【Then, you are going to enter the Luotian Conference copy for the third time! 】

"Use the immersive simulation feature for 24 hours!"

Su Xing chanted silently.

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation function, which lasted 24 hours, cost 240 million energy points, and left 2 million energy points. 】

After completing the familiar task process, Su Xing began to memorize the Qianyan Jue, the Earth-level technique.

Soon the day passed, the immersive simulation ended, and the awakening consciousness returned to the real world.

After returning to the real world, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly and murmured:

"As expected of the Earth Level Kung Fu, this technique is even more powerful than the Changchun Kung Fu!"

"After practicing this technique, the aura can have a burning effect. It can be used to defend against enemies, and it can be used to refine elixirs when retreating... Even the consumption of releasing fire magical powers will be much weaker!"

Su Xing is very satisfied with the Qian Yan Jue, the Earth Level Kung Fu.

Unfortunately, this technique requires Su Xing to start practicing from the first level, but for Su Xing who has already reached the stage of becoming a god, his cultivation is enough, and his cultivation speed may be more than a hundred times faster than before.

In just over 20 years at most, which is just one simulation, Su Xing can cultivate this technique to the fifth level, which is the level of deity transformation!
"With the addition of Qian Yan Jue, it is also an added guarantee... In this way, even if I cannot obtain the Ten Thousand Wood Jue in the ruins, my path after returning to the virtual world will still be smooth!"

Su Xing murmured and looked at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Luotian Conference copy, you were not in a hurry to practice Qianyan Jue, but continued to improve your cultivation. 】

[One day, while you were practicing, you suddenly sensed a familiar aura. It was Zong Laogou! 】

[After sensing Old Dog Zong, you will naturally not miss this great opportunity! 】

[So after you disguise yourself, prepare to kill Zong Laogou to practice your skills. 】

[Sure enough, your sneak attack was successfully discovered by him, and then you started a big battle. 】

[This battle lasted for two hours. Zong Laogou finally lost to you and prepared to escape. 】

[Seeing Old Dog Zong trying to escape, the corners of your mouth raised slightly, and you said to Old Dog Zong with a hint of sarcasm: Don’t be discouraged, the little ones are cute too! 】

[After hearing your words, Zong Laogou, who was about to run for his life, stopped. 】

[Looking at you with complicated eyes, this look is one-third of shame and one-third of anger! 】

[Zong Laogou decided not to run away, so he will fight you again! 】

[How could the old dog Zong be your opponent now? You fought with him for a whole day and finally killed him. 】

[Zong Laogou destroyed his storage magic weapon before he died, and then Yuanshen wanted to escape. 】

[But how could you let him escape and directly capture his soul? Zong Laogou wants to beg for his life. 】

[But you did not hesitate and burned his soul directly, and Zong Laogou died completely! 】

[Then you looked at Zong Laogou’s stored magic weapon, but unfortunately everything inside was completely destroyed, leaving nothing behind. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Sure enough, this talent has an outstanding effect on Zong Laogou! It originally took a month of hunting to solve it, but now it can be solved in one day!"

"It's just that Zong Laogou's complicated eyes... shouldn't there be something unspeakable? No wonder his junior sister wants to put a hat on him..."

Su Xing seemed to understand somewhat, and then shook his head.

"But it's a pity that this old dog is not a good thing! He didn't leave the storage bag to me before he died..."

"It seems that if you want to get his treasure, you must kill him with one blow!"

Su Xing sighed softly.

But he had plenty of time, so he just had to wait a little longer.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the fourth year, you spent most of your time in the blessed land of Lingtian, working hard to improve your cultivation. 】

[In addition to taking spiritual liquid and tranquilizing pills for practice every day, you will also spend two or three hours practicing Yuanli. I hope that Yuanli can break through to the third stage of release as soon as possible. 】

[With the help of spiritual liquid, your cultivation is getting better and better day by day, but the mastery of Yuanli is still as slow as a turtle crawling. 】

[In the fifth year, in addition to starting to practice Yuanli, you also started to learn Qian Yan Jue. 】

[Because you are already a cultivator of spiritual transformation, the practice of the first five levels of exercises is extremely fast for you. 】

[In just half a year, your Qian Yan Jue has reached the second level. 】

[In the sixth year, your Thousand Flame Art has successfully entered the third level. 】

[In the seventh year, your cultivation has finally taken a step closer, and you have become a fifth-level monk in the divine transformation stage! 】

[Unfortunately, your mastery of Yuanli is still stagnant and your progress is slow. 】

Su Xing saw this slightly frowned, and murmured:
"Is it really so difficult to master Yuanli?"

"In seven years, you haven't reached the threshold of Entanglement-level Dzogchen?"

"If you think about it this way...perhaps only sudden enlightenment can make you advance by leaps and bounds!"

Su Xing sighed, but then shook his head slightly and said:

"Forget it, if the Yuan Li has not been cultivated to the entanglement level of perfection, then the progress of the Qian Yan Jue Kung Fu will be revealed..."

Su Xing had already begun to think about alternative plans and looked at the analog panel.

[In the eighth year, your Qian Yan Jue progress is still rapid, and you have successfully comprehended the fourth level of Qian Yan Jue! 】

[In the same year, as your Qi refining skills improved, you felt that it became more and more difficult to practice. 】

[Unfortunately, there are only more than 100 drops of spiritual fluid per day. If you let go of your practice, you can only maintain high-speed practice for one or two hours. 】

[But what worries you most is still the slowness of Yuanli cultivation. If you can't break through to the third level, there will be no hope...]

[In the boring practice, another two years passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[In the tenth year, you have reached the final stage of Qian Yan Jue's fourth level cultivation. As long as you break through, the progress of the two techniques will keep pace. 】

[As your understanding of Qian Yan Jue becomes more and more profound, you gradually realize the power of this technique. 】

[Changchun Gong emphasizes a kind of endless endurance, which is very helpful for improving one's own recovery. 】

[The Qianyan Jue has the ultimate destructive power, and the Qianyan Jue can use different flames to assist your practice. With the Lihuo Technique, your practice speed will be faster. 】

[In the same year, you made a small breakthrough in your mastery of Yuanli, and the winding range was able to cover the entire back. 】

[In No. 11, you began to think of ways to transform the spirit gathering array, hoping to produce more spiritual liquid. 】

[But it’s a pity that you didn’t study the Spirit Gathering Array enough, and you still failed after dozens of attempts. 】

[You know, if you want to increase the production of spiritual liquid, you can only plant more spirit-gathering flowers to make the spiritual energy in Lingtian Cave more abundant. 】

[But this is undoubtedly not realistic in a short period of time, so you can only continue to practice hard. 】

[In No. 12, your Qian Yan Jue finally broke through again and successfully broke into the fifth level! 】

[At this time, the two spiritual energies of wood and fire in your body feel vaguely endless. You are surprised to find that the wood spiritual energy can slightly increase the power of the fire spiritual energy. 】

[At the same time, you start to use Lihuo to assist in your cultivation, and your cultivation speed will increase slightly. 】

[In the same year, you made a small breakthrough in your understanding of Yuanli, and the total amount of Yuanli in your body increased significantly. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"Sure enough, if you can't achieve enlightenment, you can also use the method of liver experience to improve your mastery of Yuanli to the entanglement level of perfection..."

"It's just that at the current speed, I'm afraid it will take at least two simulations to upgrade to the entanglement level of perfection, right?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, this speed was obviously a bit too slow for him.

"Let's simulate it first... If you can't achieve enlightenment, the Qian Yan Jue on the fifth level seems to be good too?"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In No. 13, after Qian Yanjue entered the fifth level, the progress slowed down, but you were quite satisfied with it. The progress of your two exercises was very close. 】

[In the same year, your Yuanli progress was still slow and failed to break through. 】

[In No. 14, with the help of spiritual liquid and Qian Yan Jue, your cultivation has grown steadily, and you feel that you are not far from the sixth level of the God Transformation stage. 】

[In No. 15, on a sunny morning, you felt something in your heart, and your momentum steadily increased, and eventually things fell into place and you took a step further. 】

[Congratulations on becoming a sixth-level monk of the Transformation Stage! 】

[In No. 16, after breaking through the sixth level of the Divine Transformation Stage, you feel that cultivation is becoming more and more difficult. 】

[You understand, this is because your spiritual root advantage is no longer obvious. True spiritual roots can only ensure that your cultivation speed is a few percent faster than that of monks of the same level in the middle stage of transformation. 】

[But even so, because of the assistance of spiritual liquid, your Qi refining cultivation is still slowly rising. 】

[No. 17, one day you practice Yuanli on a daily basis and control Yuanli to wrap around every inch of skin on your body. 】

[However, your total amount of Yuanli is not enough, so you are always a little stretched. 】

[You have been practicing hard for several hours and finally feel that you have made some progress. 】

[You wiped your sweat. Just as you were about to take a rest, you suddenly fell into a mysterious state. 】

[You triggered the accidental epiphany of talent! 】

(End of this chapter)

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