Chapter 19 Complete the mission and learn from Qing Yunzi
This is not the first time that Su Xing has entered a dungeon, but there has never been a dungeon that shocked him so much.

At this moment, I woke up on the top of a mountain. I don't know the height of the mountain, but as far as I could see, it was a sea of ​​clouds, like a fairy spirit floating in the sky.

There are several acres of fields on the mountain, in which green spiritual valleys are planted, as well as many unnamed medicinal materials.

And a hundred meters away from Su Xing, there is a thatched hut, and there is a well outside the hut.

Su Xing took a deep breath, he felt the spiritual energy drifting in the air, and involuntarily began to operate the exercises, the spiritual energy continuously nourished his body.

"It's really a fairy treasure land!"

Su Xing sighed slightly, feeling the excitement in his heart.

Jin Congxue also looked puzzled, and said:

"I've never encountered such a dungeon. There may be some monsters hidden around here... Let's be careful!"

After that, Jin Congxue began to explore the surroundings, Su Xing didn't stop her.

After a while, Su Xing pointed to the thatched cottage in front of him and said:

"Why don't we go to that thatched house and have a look?"

Jin Congxue wanted to refuse, but after hesitating for a moment, he nodded in agreement.

Su woke up and went to the thatched cottage, knocked on the door a few times, and then waited quietly.

Not long after, an old man in a Taoist robe, with a fairy demeanor and a childlike face, opened the door with a look of surprise on his face.

"How did you two find my secluded place?"

Su Xing and Jin Congxue looked at each other, saying that they broke in by accident.

The old man nodded slightly after hearing this, and said:

"It seems that the two of you are deeply blessed people, and you are destined to be poor!"

"Since the two are destined, Pindao wants to give you a fortune, how about it?"

Su Xing and Jin Congxue nodded in agreement after hearing this.

"I don't know what the so-called fortune is?" Su Xing asked, pretending not to know.

The old man glanced at Su Xing, with a look of surprise on his face, then regained his composure, and said slowly:

"You two, my spiritual field on the mountain has not been taken care of for several months, why don't you help me take care of the spiritual field first, how about?"

Then Su Xing and Jin Congxue were taken to a spiritual field.

The old man pointed to a small spiritual field and said:
"Girl, I will leave this spiritual field to you, how about it?"

Although Jin Congxue was confused, she still nodded in agreement.

"Yes, Daoist!"

Then the old man turned around and said to Su Xing:

"My little friend, I'll give you the larger spiritual field, how about it?"

Su Xing looked at the spiritual field, then raised his eyebrows.

This spiritual field is more than one mu at a glance, it may be as much as two or three mu.

This is different from the size of the spiritual field in the simulation... Where did the change happen?
Su Xing's heart moved, it can be said that his biggest change is his cultivation!
Allowing yourself to plant more fields may be a greater test?

Su Xing cupped his hands and said, "Yes, Daoist!"

Then the two of them received their farm tools and began to take care of the spiritual fields.

After all, Su Xing grew up in the countryside. He did a lot of farm work when he was a child, and he had learned a lot about farming in the past month, so he got started fairly quickly.

But Jin Congxue on the side is different, not to mention the five grains, but she really can't tell the difference between weeds and spiritual grains.

So Su Xing first finished her work, and then gave Jin Congxue careful guidance, teaching her how to weed and irrigate.

Fortunately, Linggu didn't need to fertilize, otherwise Su Xing would have to teach her how to water manure... That would be too embarrassing!
After the cultivation base reached the foundation building stage, the awakened Changchun kung fu also broke through to the second level, and the wood attribute aura in the body became more abundant.

Even if he planted two or three acres of land at the same time, Su Xing didn't feel tired, and even had time to help Jin Congxue's spiritual valley apply spiritual energy.

The so-called farming with spiritual energy is the process of absorbing the spiritual energy in the air, and then applying the spiritual energy to the spiritual valley.

During this process, Su Xing's mastery of aura and magic power became more handy.

"The water in this well is very sweet~"

After finishing the farm work, Su Xing sat by the well and drank a mouthful of clear well water.

There is also a lot of spiritual energy in this well, which can be called a spiritual well.

"Wake said what's the benefit of farming like this?"

After a hard day, Jin Congxue slapped his tired shoulders and complained.

She was born in the city and was somewhat interested in it at first, but by the end of the day she was tired and dirty, so she was naturally a little bored.

Su Xing shook his head slightly after hearing this, and said:
"I don't know what rewards there are...but this dungeon has beautiful mountains and clear waters, full of aura, and farming can also cultivate one's morality."

Jin Congxue rolled his eyes after hearing this, and said in a charming way:

"Quickly pull it down! But the harder the task, the richer the rewards... This dungeon task is farming, what good rewards can there be?"

Although Jin Congxue said this, he had no intention of leaving the dungeon.

Fast forward seven days, and the two or three acres of land Linggu that has been awakened are growing very well, and the weeds in the field have also been removed.

And the acre of lingtian that Jin Congxue took care of grew very gratifyingly because of Su Su's help.

On the evening of the seventh day, the old man called Su Xing and Jin Congxue to the thatched house.

The old man first took out a bag of Lingmi and a small bag of Lingshi to Jin Congxue, saying:

"Your spiritual field is growing well. Here are fifty catties of spiritual rice and fifty spiritual stones, so I will treat it as a reward for you."

After hearing this, Jin Congxue accepted the award, and at the same time looked at Su Xing with a little shame.

She doesn't know how to farm at all. The Lingtian is growing so well. Su Xing has at least sixty percent of the harvest!

"Thank you, Daoist!"

After Jin Congxue thanked, the old man waved his hand and invited her out of the dungeon.

Then the old man looked around and woke up, took out a transparent stone from his arms, and said:
"Little friend, how about you put your hand up?"

Su Xing's heart was pounding. Although he had simulated it several times, he was still nervous at this moment.

After slowly putting his hand on it, red and green lights flashed on the stone.

The old man nodded in satisfaction and said:
"That's right, the wood-fire dual-attribute spiritual root, although not as good as the top-grade single spiritual root, can also embark on the road of cultivating immortals..."

The old man praised, and then asked:
"I see that my little friend has some cultivation skills. Do you have a teacher?"

Su Xing's heart beat wildly, it's coming!Is this to accept yourself as a disciple?
So Su Xing shook his head and said:
"I don't have a teacher, I got a kung fu by accident before, so I embarked on the road of cultivating immortals in a daze..."

The old man nodded slightly after hearing this, and said:

"You actually managed to break through to the ninth level of the Foundation Establishment Realm with your own groping. My little friend's talent and luck are really good! Moreover, my little friend worked hard and never complained when farming, and his disposition is also very good."

"To be able to meet the poor Taoist in this vast world of three thousand, I must have a very good relationship with the poor Taoist..."

The old man paused, and then said:

"I see that the exercise you practice is the Changchun Kung Fu of the Changchun School. Although this exercise has a limited upper limit, it is of great benefit to monks who enter and exit the way of practice!"

"Moreover, the wood-attribute skills can absorb the vitality of all things, and can also return to nature...It is very suitable for learning the way of cultivating spirits and planting!"

Having said this, the old man showed a look of hesitation on his face, and finally sighed softly:

"Forget it, meeting is fate~"

"Pimpedao is an old farmer from the Qingyun Sect. His Taoist name is Qingyunzi. I wonder if my little friend would like to worship me as a teacher?"

"Pindao would like to accept you as a registered disciple..."

(End of this chapter)

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