Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 193: Entering the world of beast control for the first time, finally killing the old dog of

Chapter 193: Entering the world of beast control for the first time, finally killing the old dog of the sect! (Please ask for monthly tickets at the beginning of the month~)

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[Under the guidance of the giant dragon, you easily left the dragon's lair. 】

[You find yourself in a valley. 】

[Your consciousness surges out like a tide, clearly sensing everything within a radius of [-] feet. 】

[You are surprised to find that there are a lot of powerful life breaths in your induction. 】

[These auras possess the strength of a Heavenly King or even a Martial Emperor! 】

[In your perception alone, there are dozens of beings with this kind of aura! 】

[What surprises you even more is that the owners of these breaths are not human beings, but spiritual beasts of various shapes! 】

[There are wild boars as tall as hills and giant pythons as thick as rivers...]

[A giant eagle flying in the air, comparable to the size of an airplane...]

[A huge brown bear tens of meters tall...]

[You ride on the back of the red dragon and shuttle among these powerful beasts. 】

[They are also beasts, but the spiritual beasts in this world seem to have no ill intentions toward humans, which is far different from the monster beasts in the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[From the mouths of these rare beasts, you learned that they are called spiritual beasts! 】

[And in this world, there are powerful humans called beast masters. 】

[The beast master can command the spirit beasts to fight, and even use the spirit beasts to give himself powerful power...]

[From the mouths of these spirit beasts, you learned that there is a city called Beast Control City thousands of miles away from here. It is the strongest city in the human race. 】

[You ride on the back of the red dragon and fly towards the Beast Control City. 】

[One day passed quickly...]

[Among the spiritual beasts, red dragons are not very friendly to humans and are often unruly and untamed. 】

[So the moment you rode on the back of the red dragon and arrived at the Beast Control City, you still caused a commotion among the civilians in the city. 】

[Soon, several legendary powerhouses rode on the flying spiritual pets and asked the red dragon to land. 】

[You are not here to start a war, so there is no need to cause unnecessary sensation. 】

[When the red dragon landed, those legendary strong men also saw you on the red dragon’s back. 】

[Because you control the red dragon and can understand the language of spiritual beasts. 】

[So you are regarded by them as a powerful beast master. 】

[They have relaxed a lot and are not hostile to you. They even invited you to stay in the Beast Control City for a few days. 】

[You agreed to their request and joined the Beast Control City. 】

[After staying in the Beast Control City for a while, you learned that the world here is also facing attacks from the demon clan! 】

[And the world here also has an existence similar to a killing battlefield...]

[You are regarded as a legendary beast master by the master of the beast master city, and he invites you to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy together. 】

[Because you want to know more about this world, you agreed. 】

[You have arrived at the killing battlefield that exists in the world of beast control. 】

[What may surprise you is that the power of the world here actually far exceeds that of the Blue Star human race! 】

[On the battlefield, you saw hundreds of spirit beasts with legendary auras, and there were even several spirit beasts whose auras were so powerful that it scared you. They were spirit beasts comparable to the Great Emperor level! 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes narrowed when he saw this.

"Hundreds of legends...digital emperors!"

"This kind of power is indeed more powerful than the Demon Suppression Pass..."

Su Xing was delighted. A world that could give birth to strong men often had more resources.

Su Xing planned to take advantage of this simulation to explore the so-called world of beast control.

Look at the simulation panel.

[You stayed in the killing battlefield of the beast-controlling world. In order to avoid exposing your identity, you just commanded the legendary red dragon to fish in troubled waters on the battlefield. 】

[But what surprises you is that the beast-controlling world actually fought back and forth with the aliens on the killing battlefield. 】

[In just a few months, you have witnessed the fall of no less than ten legendary alien races. 】

[For the first time, you know that in some worlds, you don’t have to huddle in the city to fight against alien races, but you can fight on the battlefield. 】

[You have been in the beast-controlling world for a full year. 】

[Until No. 20, everything changed. 】

[One day, a monster with double eyes descended on the killing battlefield. 】

[This demon can kill the legendary beast master with just a wave of his hand. Even the emperor-level beast master cannot survive three rounds in his hands. 】

[You saw with your own eyes that he was like a devastation, destroying the top power of the entire beast-controlling world by one person! 】

[But you took the opportunity to hide in the Lingtian Cave and escaped. 】

[You stayed in Lingtian Cave for several months. 】

[A few months later, you return to the world of beast control, only to find that everything has changed...]

[Originally, this world was full of vitality, but all the powerful spiritual beasts could be seen dead. 】

[And all you see are the huge skeletons on the land, which are the corpses of dead spiritual beasts...]

[You are wandering in the desolate world of beast control, and your spiritual consciousness is exploring the world here. 】

[But I discovered that the world here seems to have lost its vitality...]

[It is not only the spiritual beasts, mountains, rivers and trees that have lost their vitality... it is also as if the entire world has lost its vitality...]

[You return to the killing battlefield, and sure enough, all the monsters here have retreated. 】

[You have a vague guess in your mind...]

[You found the dragon's lair where it first came, and returned to Blue Star. 】

[You secretly noted the coordinates of this copy and prepared to explore it later during the simulation. 】

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this, as if he thought of a guess he had made before.

"In the fifth year of No. 20, hundreds of legendary monsters and emperor-level monsters came to the Demon Suppression Pass... Sure enough, after conquering other worlds, the demon clan has freed up its hands!"

"And the world they conquered is probably the world of beast control here!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

Whether it's quantity or time, everything corresponds.

This has to convince Su Xing that the legendary monster army in No. 20 came from the world of beast control!
"Sure enough, the alien race has always taken multiple sides to start a war..."

"And the battlefield where we fight the aliens at the Demon Suppressing Pass may only be a very small part."

"Once a powerful world is breached, the foreign armies will be free to intensify their efforts to invade other worlds!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, but that wasn't what worried him the most.

But... that mysterious alien who killed legendary and emperor-level warriors with a wave of his hand!
"To have such strength... I'm afraid he must be at least a saint-level expert!"

"A demon saint?!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's face looked a little ugly.

"The situation has developed for the worst!"

As expected before waking up, the demon clan is not without more powerful power.

But there are certain worlds that, for them, can be won without the use of powerful forces!
In other words... the power of the entire world is not enough for the demon clan to take it seriously!
"But why doesn't the powerful Demon Saint directly take action to destroy the beast-controlling world?"

"Is it because I can't spare any time...or is there some other secret?"

Su Xing frowned slightly, there wasn't much information he could get at the moment.

But what is certain is that once there is a real sign of being able to compete with the alien forces on Blue Star... it will be strangled!

"Fortunately, I was not exposed... Otherwise, if I attract the attention of the alien race later, I may have a narrow escape from death!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and next, he was going to get the coordinates of the copy of the Beast Controlling World.

"Use the immersive simulation feature, lasting one hour..."


After a few seconds in the real world, the awakening consciousness returned to the original place.

At the same time, Su Xing has learned the coordinates of the copy of the Beast Controlling World.

"The secrets of this world, the secrets of foreign races... seem to be getting closer..."

“However, let’s end this simulation first!”

Su Xing took a deep breath and looked at the simulation panel.

[After returning to Blue Star, you soon received news that the legendary army of monsters was attacking the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

[The time was a month ago, and at this time, the Demon Suppression Pass had been broken, and almost all the top human race warriors had died in battle...]

[After hearing this news, you are even more convinced that the demon army is the same one that invaded the beast-controlling world. 】

[A few months later, a giant beast that covered the sky and sun came to Blue Star and swallowed it up in one bite! 】

[You are swallowed into the belly of the giant beast, and everything around you quickly dissipates...]

[You held on to the protective aura and withstood the collision between the fragments of the world, but you died in the turbulence of space...]

[Your consciousness slowly dissipates...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing took a deep breath.

Sure enough, the time was exactly right!
"It seems that I have to be more careful in the future... I must not reveal my identity, otherwise it will attract more powerful enemies to assassinate me..."

Su Xing relied on his current strength and was no longer afraid of ordinary assassinations.

But if his movements were enough to kill a legendary or emperor-level foreign warrior, Su Xing would not have the confidence to deal with it.

Thinking of this, Su Xing became even more eager to improve his strength. "In the final analysis, it's all about strength! If I were strong enough, I wouldn't be like this..."

"Forget it, my situation is quite safe at the moment, let's develop step by step!"

Awakening eyes looked at the simulated reward.

【乐不思蜀】: Purple talent, priced at 100 million points of energy.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Introduction to Formation]: Master the layout principles of various formations such as fire gathering formation, concealment formation, water gathering formation, etc., reach the peak of the layout of spirit gathering formation, enough to arrange compound formations, and learn ten types of compound formations After completing the method, you can be promoted to a minor formation master.The price is 2000 million energy.

[Juling Flower mature stage (3000 plants), Juling Flower seeds (7 pieces)]: Priced at 3000 million energy.

[200 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid]: Priced at 2 million energy.

Su Xing first eliminated the talent for this simulation.

The joy of not thinking about Shu did show a little bit in this simulation.

Specifically, when he wakes up from the Crazy Liver Gathering Spirit Flower, he can still persist for several years.

But Su Xing is gifted with perseverance, and the effect is even better than that of the "Music Man" who is reluctant to think about Shu, so there is no need to choose again.

"As for the 200 million spiritual liquid..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

He knew how to choose the spiritual liquid, but he was short-sighted.

If you can bring out the Spirit Gathering Flower and the formation experience at the same time, why worry about not having more spiritual liquid?

This is the long-term solution.

"I choose to bring out the Soul-Gathering Flower...and the introduction to the formation!"

After Su Xing finished speaking, the sound of the simulator sounded in his ears.


[You successfully brought out the entrance to the array, spending 2000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 4 million points. 】

As the beep fell, the awakened simulated energy was reduced by more than half.

But then, many memory fragments appeared out of thin air in his waking mind.

That was my own understanding of the formation in the simulation.

Spirit-gathering array, fire-gathering array...basic array, compound array...

A large amount of knowledge crazily poured into Su Xing's mind.

Su Xing closed his eyes for a long time, then slowly opened them.

A strange look flashed in his eyes.

"It turns out that my previous understanding of the Spirit Gathering Array was so shallow... It is difficult to make a qualitative change in spiritual energy just by relying on pure quantity..."

"But the effect of the compound spirit gathering array is far greater than one plus one is greater than two..."

Su Xing found that the array lineage could make up for many gaps in his current practice.

By arranging formations, changing the surrounding environment, and creating an environment that is conducive to one's own fighting, one can greatly improve one's strength and defeat the enemy more easily.

Or use formations to assist cultivation and change the layout of spiritual energy...

In addition, the uses of formations are endless...

Su Xing stood up slowly and looked around.

Sure enough, tens of thousands of cute little white flowers bloomed together among the fields in the cave.

But every time the petals move, a small amount of spiritual energy will be inhaled, and more spiritual energy will be exhaled!

Su Xing observed it carefully, nodded with satisfaction and said:
"Yes, if we continue to develop at this rate... we will be promoted to a mid-level cave within a week at most!"

Su Xing was not in a hurry to transplant the spirit-gathering flowers and arrange the complex spirit-gathering array.

Instead, prepare to disguise yourself, collect your breath, block out the secrets, and then go to find Zong Laogou!

"Wait until it gets dark, then set off for Shuangqing City..."

Su Xing glanced at the sky and murmured.

Autumn is getting stronger, the days are shorter and the nights are longer.

Su Xing took advantage of the darkness and flew Yujian at an altitude of [-] meters. Within two hours, he arrived at Shuangqing City.

After repeatedly confirming that his secret had been blocked and his appearance and body shape had been completely changed, he woke up outside Shuangqing City, his consciousness spreading like a tide.

Of course, Su Xing did not release his consciousness with all his strength, but kept it within a range of about [-] feet.

And he also slightly suppressed the intensity of his own consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, Su Xing pretended to be wandering around the city, releasing his consciousness unscrupulously.

The time came to the next morning.

Su Xing bought a few buns from the bun shop on the roadside based on the memory in the simulation.

He threw a piece of gold away and was about to leave.

The reason for doing this is to pretend to be a newly awakened monk.

After all, who among modern people would use gold and silver to buy things?
In this way, Su Xing walked slowly to the place where he killed the old dog in his memory.

"It should be almost time..."

Su Xing glanced at the sky, yawned heartily while strolling, and continued walking forward.

At this moment, a voice came from behind Su Xing.

"Senior stay!"

Su Xing paused slightly and turned around to see a simple and honest Taoist.

Under the observation of the subtle consciousness, it is not difficult for Su Xing to discover that this is Zong Laogou after his disguise.

Su Xing pretended to be a senior and looked at Old Dog Zong with a frown.

But I saw Zong Laogou saying:

"Senior, we are all cultivators... I would like to ask if Senior has just recovered and which world he comes from?"

"I've managed a little business in this world... If senior doesn't mind, I can help senior understand this world!"

Zong Laogou looks like a good old man, but he does look very confusing.

When Su Xing saw Old Dog Zong appear, he raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

The next second, powerful Yuan energy wrapped around his fists and blasted directly towards Zong Laogou's head.

Under the huge force of millions of tons, Zong Laogou was immediately blasted into blood mist.

A black soul flashed out of the blood mist, seeming to want to escape.

But where will Su Xing give him a chance?

Directly throw out a Lihuo Technique, completely annihilating Zong Laogou's soul!
At this point, Zong Laogou's human soul was completely destroyed and he completely disappeared from this world!
After doing all this, Su Xing picked up Zong Laogou's storage bag and put it into the Lingtian Cave.

Then he used the secret shielding technique to erase all traces related to himself.

He quietly looked at a shadowed corner not far away, awakened his luck and spiritual power, stepped on the flying sword, and rushed towards the north.

Along the way, the little heart that woke up was still beating a little faster.

After all, this is not a simulation, but actually killing Zong Laogou in reality!

"Tsk, tsk, Zong Laogou just disappeared from this world... I won't be able to see him in simulations in the future. I still miss him a bit..."

Su Xing secretly joked in his heart.

Yu Jian's flying speed was not very fast, mainly because he wanted to wait for the figure chasing after him when he woke up.

More than half an hour later, he woke up thousands of miles away and stopped in a familiar mountain.

Choosing a relatively flat ground, Su Xing placed a stone table and a pair of stone benches.

Then I leisurely brewed a pot of tea according to the method in my memory.

Seeing that it was almost time, Su Xing said loudly:

"Have friends come from afar!"

"Why don't you show up and get together?"

After saying that, Su Xing took a slow sip of tea.

After a while, a figure hiding in the shadows appeared not far from the awakening. It was Luo Shuying.

"Who are you and why do you want to kill the protector of the sect?"

Luo Shuying asked in a deep voice.

The reason why she dared to show up was because of her confidence in her own escape skills.

This is the first time Su Xing sees Luo Shuying in reality.

I felt a little excited and a little curious.

"What's wrong with killing human traitors?"

Su Xing looked at Luo Shuying calmly and asked.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Xing's questioning, Luo Shuying held a dagger and was alert as in the simulation.

"If that's the case, then take action..."

Seeing Luo Shuying's appearance, Su Xing knew that it was time for him to use his "master of success" to fool Luo Shuying into lameness.

"Little girl, you are from the Spiritual Clan, right..."

Su Xing pretended to be a senior expert and brainwashed and deceived Luo Shuying for half an hour.

Sure enough, Luo Shuying went from initial suspicion to half-belief, and finally completely trusted Su Xing, even saying her own name.

Su Xing knew that the time was almost up, so he finally said:
"Luo Shuying, please serve me!"

"People from other races will eventually be driven out of this world!"

(Brothers, monthly tickets for the moon at the beginning of the month~ If I can get [-] monthly tickets in three days, five more chapters will be added, 嘤嘤~)

(End of this chapter)

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