Chapter 21 Professional chicken farmers, come to teach news!
[Mr. Vigorously]: Your natural strength is greater than that of ordinary people, your physical strength is several times that of ordinary people, and you have a good talent in body training.

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw the green talent he pulled out. This Mr. Dali was obviously an advanced version of the previous fitness expert's talent.

It is a talent equivalent to the spiritual roots of wood and fire.

"It seems that the plan is about to change..."

Su Xing touched his chin and thought.

He originally planned to practice alchemy in this simulation to earn more money to sell points.

But now that Mr. Dali's talent is rare, he naturally has to find a way to bring it out.

Wake up and then simulate.

[Your door rang, it turned out that Jin Congxue found you. 】

[She looks as if she just took a shower, and her hair is still a little wet. 】

【Jin Congxue wants to discuss some Buddhism-related knowledge with you, but you don't know much about it, and you almost give up. 】

[Jin Congxue changed the subject, she offered to treat you to dinner, she seems to have a good impression of you. 】

[You live in Jinling City in a mood, and your relationship with Jin Congxue is getting closer. 】

[A week later, you returned to Kyoto Vocational University. 】

【You enter the blessed land of spiritual fields that you carry with you every day, and take good care of the spiritual valleys in the field. 】

【You are powerful and powerful, and your appetite is several times that of ordinary people. You can eat a catty of Lingmi in one meal. 】

[You cultivate the spiritual field every day, and you can eat three catties of spiritual rice a day, and your physical strength is rapidly increasing. 】

[A week later, your body training has broken through, and you have advanced to the first level of bone training. 】

After Su Xing saw this, he felt a little emotional. Before that, he practiced hard for several years, but he was barely promoted to the fifth level of body training.

Now that he has the talent for body training, and he can eat Lingmi every day, he did not expect such rapid progress in body training.

【You are still obsessed with cultivation and want to see how far you can go in this simulation. 】

[You will enter the Blessed Land for three hours a day to train your body. In your spare time, you will still bring the freshmen to the dungeon leveling and equipment. 】

[Because your strength has improved, it is no longer a problem to clear the ordinary silver level dungeon. 】

[You can earn 50 yuan in just one day, and you will become a multi-millionaire in one month. 】

[In your spare time, you still take Wang Qingxuan to level up in the dungeon, and Wang Qingxuan gradually falls in love with you. 】

[After another half a year, you paid off the debt you borrowed from Yu Yan, saved another sum, and stopped starting the power training business. 】

【You are intoxicated and cultivating, and it happens that the spiritual grains in the spiritual field are ripe at this time, and you have harvested three thousand catties of spiritual grains. 】

[You process the spiritual grains one by one into spiritual rice and eat them every day. 】

[As your body training level continues to improve, your appetite will also increase, and you can eat five catties of Lingmi every day. 】

[But you don't worry about not having enough spiritual rice, because you have already planted a new wave of spiritual grain, and you can reap it half a year later. 】

[Because you have enough spiritual rice, in just half a year, your body training has broken through to the fifth level of bone training! 】

[You didn't choose to reveal your strength, you were delayed in graduation. 】

[One day, Wang Qingxuan found you, and she said she was going to join a mysterious organization. 】

【You didn't stop her this time, you tried many new poses that night. 】

[The next day, Wang Qingxuan dropped out of school and disappeared. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, everything was going according to his plan.

Since Changchun Gong comes from this mysterious organization, they must also have clues to the second half.

And Su Xing intends to try to contact this organization in this simulation, to see if he can get relevant clues.

[In the second year, you devoted yourself to training and broke through to the seventh level of bone forging realm! 】

[In the third year, you continue to practice and break through to the ninth level of bone forging realm! 】

[In the fourth year, your cultivation has broken through to the Bone Forging Realm, but you have encountered a bottleneck and it is difficult to continue to break through. 】

[Look at the spiritual rice piled up in the blessed land of the spiritual field, lost in thought. 】

[You understand that the effect of Lingmi may be limited, and the improvement is already very weak for you at the bone forging level. You need to find a spiritual plant that can further strengthen your physique. 】

【Fortunately, Qing Yunzi left you with many other spiritual seeds before he left. You carefully referred to the Shennong Spiritual Nurturing Technique, and chose a spiritual plant called white jade ginseng for planting. 】

【You have planted ten white jade ginseng plants, but it will take at least ten years for the white jade ginseng to exert its medicinal effect, so you know that you can't rush it. 】

[You start to think about other methods, and you have an idea. You think that since ordinary plants absorb spiritual energy for a long time and become spiritual plants, then animals may do the same, so you catch a few chickens from the outside world and put them in the spiritual field. 】

【You try to feed chickens with Lingmi. At first the chickens ate happily, but within three days, all the chickens you caught exploded and died. 】

[You ate two and a half chickens for a meal with tears in your eyes. 】

[You have opened up a small fence in the blessed land, preparing to raise chickens specially. 】

【You caught dozens of chickens and put them in the fence, but none of them survived more than three days. 】

[You have been trying for three months in a row, during which no less than hundreds of chickens were strangled to death by aura, and most of them entered your stomach without exception. 】

【Three months later, you finally got three chickens that can eat Lingmi, including one male and two females. 】

【But you still don't dare to feed them too much Lingmi. Each chicken can eat up to ten grains of Lingmi every day. 】

[After another two months, the feathers of these chickens became increasingly plump. They looked much smarter than before, and seemed to have some intelligence. 】

【You can eat two eggs every day, because the hen takes Lingmi every day, the eggs taste very good, and the effect is even slightly better than Lingmi. 】

[One day, you started trying to hatch eggs. 】

【One month later, five or six chicks hatched from the eggs. They looked very energetic and stronger than ordinary chicks. 】

[You try to feed these chickens Lingmi. 】

[To your surprise, these little chicks can eat three to five grains of Lingmi every day without being overburdened. 】

[You are very happy. You feel that the potential of these chickens is much greater than that of the three first-generation chickens. 】

[You named these five chickens the second generation of chickens. 】

【Just when you were about to start your chicken farming business, Wang Qingxuan approached you, and she gave you half of Changchun Gong. 】

[You rejected half of Changchun Gong, but you proposed that you also want to join this mysterious organization. 】

【Wang Qingxuan seems to be hesitant, but after your repeated requests, she agreed to recruit you into the mysterious organization. 】

[It turns out that in the past few years, due to Wang Qingxuan's excellent task completion and the fact that she is already a master-level powerhouse, she is already a small-boss-level figure in the organization. 】

[A few days later, under the leadership of Wang Qingxuan, you met with an elder in the organization. 】

[For Wang Qingxuan's sake, this elder reluctantly agreed to let you become a full member of the organization, and at the same time you know that this mysterious organization is called "Advent Cult"! 】

[The Adventist Church's slogan is: Eliminate human tyranny, the world belongs to aliens! 】

(End of this chapter)

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