Chapter 23 Lihuo Alchemy!
After waking up, he was stunned for a moment.

Of course he knows the value of these spiritual rice. For immortal cultivators, these spiritual rice are high-quality cultivation resources.

For other professionals, long-term use of these spiritual rice can also improve their physical fitness.

In other words, this is like the props in online game novels that can directly improve the physical fitness, strength and other attributes of ordinary professionals.

But it only took 5 energy to get 1000 catties of Lingmi after waking up, which is only [-] million yuan when converted into Daxia coins.

But how come these fifty kilograms of spiritual rice are worth 5000 million Daxia coins?

Jin Congxue said at this time:
"Last night, I asked the appraiser in the trading firm to estimate the value of these spiritual rice."

"For ordinary professionals, these spiritual rice are no less than those powerful monster meat, and they are treasures that can nourish the body."

"But the most precious thing is the effect of this Lingmi on ordinary people! It can prolong life, delay aging... and even get rid of diseases!"

"I think there will be many rich people who are willing to spend 100 million to buy a pound of spiritual rice and try it back... One pound of spiritual rice is enough for ordinary people to eat for half a month, and this thing is almost impossible to copy. It's just the two of us. Do you think this treasure is precious?"

Su Xing also understood after hearing Jin Congxue's explanation.

The so-called rarity is the most precious, this Lingmi is now his exclusive monopoly, so it is naturally precious.

Moreover, the role of Lingmi in prolonging life for ordinary people is too tempting.

Su Xing nodded slightly, but suddenly thought of something, and said:

"Congxue, you'd better take the Lingmi I gave you by yourself... Even if you want to give it away, don't say that I gave it to you! Please keep it secret for me!"

Jin Congxue saw that Su Xing was so serious, and knew that he was not joking, so Lingmi finally said:
"Don't worry, I will keep it a secret for you! As for these fifty kilograms of spiritual rice, you can treat it as equivalent to 5000 million Daxia coins, how about that?"

After waking up, he nodded.

The reason why he didn't let Jin Congxue reveal his identity was because he was afraid that the mysterious organization would target him.

After all, he had just exposed Lingmi in the simulation, and his end was very miserable.

However, if Su Xing is short of money in the future, he can sell some to Jin Congxue.

After all, he still has more than 3000 kilograms of spiritual grain in his portable spiritual field, which will be ready for harvest in half a year.

Su Xing then said:
"Congxue, I want to purchase a batch of white-quality equipment from your Jin's Trading Company. Let this [-] million be used as purchase money!"

Su Xing handed the card to Jin Congxue again, and although Jin Congxue was curious about why Su Xing needed so many white quality equipment, he nodded in agreement.

"I can buy it for you, but... you have to stay with me in Jinling City for a week, and I want to fulfill my duty as a landlord!"

Jin Congxue blinked and said playfully.

Su Xing naturally agreed, after all, it would take some time to buy equipment.

For the next week, Su Xing stayed in Jinling City, and Jin Congxue was very enthusiastic.

After Jin Congxue's introduction, Su Xing also obtained more than 900 pieces of white equipment from Jin's Trading Company at the lowest price of [-] yuan per piece of white equipment.

On December 2023, 12 in the new era, Su Xing returned to Kyoto University.

The first thing to do after returning to the dormitory and waking up is to exchange all the white equipment into simulated energy.

More than 62 pieces of equipment have been exchanged for [-] energy points, and the awakening is unprecedentedly rich.

"Alas, now I am also a big debtor who owes a small target..."

Su Xing smiled wryly, he had to find a way to open source, otherwise he would keep asking others to borrow money, sooner or later he would have no money to buy energy.

"From the current point of view, the spiritual valley in the blessed land is a stable way to make money... but it will take half a year for the spiritual valley to mature. I'm afraid these 60 points of energy are not enough for me to simulate a few times."

Su Xing quickly came up with an idea and started a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

[This time consumes 1300 energy points, the remaining energy is 622680 points, and the remaining number of simulations is none. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract the white talent, and 1000 energy points to extract the green talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Draw the green talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the green talent, perseverance! 】

[Perseverance]: Your character is several times more tenacious than ordinary people. When faced with difficulties, you will face them head on and never give up easily.

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this talent. It is a talent that can affect xinxing. Although it cannot directly improve strength, its usefulness in simulation cannot be underestimated.

[In the dormitory, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[You first returned to Lingtian Blessed Land and observed whether the chickens purchased a few days ago survived. 】

[Not surprisingly, none of the dozens of chickens you purchased last time survived. 】

[You had a full meal, and then went to the vegetable market to buy hundreds of chickens and raised them in the blessed land of Lingtian. 】

[You begin to study Lihuo Alchemy. The Alchemy contains 360 methods for refining elixirs, most of which you cannot understand. 】

[You can only choose a few lower-level elixirs for refining. 】

[You chose the Bigu Pill and the Beauty Pill, both of which are first-level elixirs, and the refining method is the simplest. 】

[The main raw material of Bigu Dan is Lingmi, and some herbs are added. Eating one pill can make ordinary people not eat for a month and feel less hungry. 】

[Fortunately, apart from spiritual rice, the raw materials of Bigu Pill can be purchased in this world. 】

[You took out the dilapidated alchemy furnace and prepared to start refining alchemy, but soon you encountered the first problem, you had no fire. 】

[You tried to use a lighter to ignite the fire, but the temperature of the ordinary flame is not enough, and it lacks aura, so it is difficult to refine the elixir. 】

[So you took out the Lihuo alchemy to study again, and soon discovered a flame spell called Lihuo in it. 】

[The jade slips record that Lihuo is a simplified version of the ancient divine fire Nanming Lihuo. It is difficult to practice and difficult for people without great perseverance to master. 】

[But the thing you are least afraid of is difficulty, so you start studying the Lihuo Art. 】

[In the first year, you kept comprehending the Lihuo Jue for four hours a day for a whole year, but you were not allowed to enter. 】

[During this period, Wang Qingxuan came to see you. One night later, she joined the Advent Cult. 】

[In the second year, you increased the time to comprehend Lihuo to six hours a day. You continued for a whole year and still failed to get started. 】

[You are firm in your heart and never give up. In the third year, you comprehended Lihuo for eight hours every day. After half a year, you finally grasped the fur of Lihuo Jue. 】

【You were ecstatic, and you spent day and night comprehending the Lihuo Jue. After another two and a half years, you finally got started. 】

[In the sixth year, you have successfully mastered the Lihuo method and can summon a wisp of Lihuo in your hand. 】

[The temperature of this fire is extremely high, and it burns when touched. Gold will melt into gold juice in a few seconds in the fire, but the fire will not cause any harm to you. 】

【You realize that Lihuo can not only make alchemy, but can also be used to defend against enemies! 】

(End of this chapter)

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