Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 230 Sword Cultivator?Sword repair!It is better to die in the straight than to live in the cr

Chapter 230 Sword Cultivator?Sword repair!It is better to die in the straight than to live in the crooked way! (5k, please give me a monthly ticket~)

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:
"It is indeed a purple talent, with a 50.00% damage bonus, it is indeed a restraint for the dragon clan!"

"And I have the strongest power at this time, not the Spiritual Explosion Technique... but the Heavenly Sword Art that is close to Xiaocheng level!"

"Coupled with the dragon slayer talent...if the dragon old dog no longer has a trump card, I should be able to kill him!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[The dragon protector will soon sense your spiritual power during the integration period. 】

[He was surprised. In this age of Dharma End and spiritual energy depletion, why can this world still be born with a combined period of overhaul? 】

[He is sure that there must be a secret in you, so he is determined to kill you, controls the terrifying dragon true form, and sweeps towards you. 】

[Dragon bloodline naturally gives it strong physical strength and defense. Even among those in the same realm of physical cultivation, it is also the best. 】

[What's more, Long Laogou is still a whole level ahead of you. In a pure competition of hand-to-hand combat ability, you know that you are no match for him. 】

[But compared to the real body of the dragon, you also have your own advantages, that is, you are more flexible and your vital parts are harder to hit. 】

[You drink a sip of spiritual liquid, and then hit Long Laogou on the head with another spiritual explosion. 】

[Long Laogou was huge and couldn't dodge in time. He was instantly in pain and his flesh and blood were blurred by the Spirit Explosion Technique. 】

[However, this spiritual explosion also completely angered the old dog Long. He saw a black light rising from his body and rushed towards you. 】

[When you see this, you use the body-protecting Gangqi and Yuanli armor to provide yourself with two layers of defense. 】

[The terrifying power hit the body-protecting Qi, and it only stagnated for a moment before shattering it. 】

[Even so, you blocked most of the damage, then stepped back a thousand meters and stood firm. 】

[The body-protecting Qi is broken, and you are only slightly injured. Re-activate the Yuan Power, and the body-protecting Qi is re-condensed. 】

[Long Laogou saw that the blow did not hit you hard, and he became even more angry and attacked you again. 】

[And you are not polite. You gather your energy, lift up the spiritual sword Mo Bing in your hand, and slash towards the dragon's true form with thousands of sword energy. 】

[The terrifying offensive almost caused the mountains to collapse and the color of the world to change...]

[Thousands of sword qi all hit the dragon's true body. The indestructible dragon scales blocked most of the attacks, but he was still injured by the sword qi. A rain of blood sprinkled from high in the sky. 】

[Long Laogou attacks you with anger, and a fierce battle is coming. 】

[With your heavenly sword skills, coupled with the blessings of powerful cultivation and body-protecting aura during the integration period, even if you are the true form of the Dragon Clan, you will not fall behind in the slightest. 】

[In the blink of an eye, you have fought hundreds of rounds with one person and one dragon. The mountains you passed have been moved to flat ground, and the rivers have been formed into two ends. 】

[The horrific aftermath of the battle was felt by almost half of the powerful men in the Immortal Martial World, and they hid in their homes, trembling and afraid to go out. 】

[Another hundreds of rounds of fierce battle. 】

[At this moment, you and Long Laogou are both physically exhausted. You have drank dozens of bottles of spiritual liquid to barely ensure that your spiritual energy is sufficient. 】

[You still have more than half of the energy in your body at this moment, which is enough to continue to maintain the body-protecting aura. However, after a hard battle, your body is covered with dust, your long hair is scattered randomly, and you also have several wounds on your body. 】

[Compared to you, Long Laogou is obviously more seriously injured. 】

[The huge dragon true body is simply a living target for you as a sword cultivator. 】

[Countless sword marks are all over the dragon scales. Long Laogou's dragon true body has been seriously injured, and scarlet blood is spilled on the ground. 】

[You and Long Laogou continue to fight, and suddenly you find a flaw, and the sword in your hand is instantly blessed with both speed and strength. 】

[You have been waiting for this moment for a long time. In battles between high-level monks, any flaw is often fatal! 】

[At this moment, Tianjian Jue takes action! 】

[The hundred-meter-long sword energy, wrapped with two sources of original power, rushed straight towards Long Laogou's neck. 】

[This is your strongest blow so far! 】

[Long Laogou's eyes flashed with panic, and he wanted to dodge, but the sword was too fast and powerful, and he couldn't dodge it at all. 】

[The soaring sword energy hit the dozens of meters long dragon body under the dragon's head. This is the position of the dragon's neck, and it is also the part of the dragon's body that has weak defense. 】

[In an instant, the sword energy entered the body and penetrated to a depth of tens of meters. This sword energy almost caused Long Laogou's entire head to be chopped off. 】

[The wounds to the bones are deeply visible, and the dragon's blood is sprinkled on the ground like a downpour. 】

[After taking this sword, Long Laogou immediately let out a painful howl, and then twisted his body and fled into the distance like a cloud, not caring to look back at you. 】

[How can you let Old Dog Long escape if you hit him hard with one blow? Naturally, you have to take advantage of the victory to pursue him. 】

[However, Long Lao Gou soars into the clouds and rides the mist, and his speed is extremely fast. Even if you activate Xiaocheng-level sword-controlling skills, you won't be able to catch up in a while. 】

[In a moment, you have traveled thousands of miles. 】

[Long Laogou finally stopped over a human city. 】

[You look at the millions of people in the city below and suddenly feel bad. 】

[As expected, black and red gas continued to emit from Long Laogou's body. 】

[This gas swept through the entire city in an instant...]

[Without any resistance, millions of ordinary people in the entire city were sacrificed to the blood of Long Laogou in a short period of time. 】

[The lives of these people turned into a strong breath of life, quickly repairing Long Laogou's injuries. 】

[It can be seen that the injuries to the bones began to slowly recover...the dilapidated dragon scales became strong again in the blink of an eye. 】

[In just a moment, the fatal wound on Long Laogou’s neck recovered as before. 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes widened when he saw this.

"Sure enough...this old dog is as cruel and ruthless as ever!"

"I'm afraid millions of humans are even worse than ants in front of him!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and finally realized how cruel the evil cultivators were.

Millions of people, the people of one city, were sacrificed to the blood of Long Lao Gou so easily just to recover from their injuries.

"Haha, this old dragon dog is really not afraid of karma!"

Su Xing shook his head.

It should be noted that even evil cultivators would not kill innocent people on such a large scale.

Because evil cultivators are often more afraid of karma than ordinary cultivators!
But... for Long Laogou at that time, living was definitely much more important than the so-called karma that would later befall him.

"However, if this is the only method... Long Laogou is still no match for me!"

Su Xing sneered.

So what if the injury recovers?
Since Su Xing can strike with the first sword, he can naturally strike with the second sword.

By then, Long Laogou will no longer be given a chance to recover from his injuries.

Thinking of this, Xing Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Long Laogou sacrificed his blood to millions of people, and his injuries recovered instantly. You even felt that his condition and aura returned to their peak instantly. 】

[At the same time, you also sensed that the karma and resentment of millions of human beings were entangled in Long Laogou's body and would not be separated for a long time. 】

[You are holding the spiritual sword Mo Bing and holding it up with spiritual energy. You are standing thousands of meters in the air. You are thousands of meters away from Long Laogou, looking at each other from afar. 】

[From Long Laogou’s ferocious dragon head, you can sense the infinite anger in his heart. 】

[I saw Long Laogou roaring and making a deafening dragon roar. 】

[Subsequently, the aura throughout his body began to increase dramatically. 】

[The originally strong dragon scales became more ferocious and even grew barbs. 】

[Old Dragon Dog’s size increased from a thousand feet to three thousand feet in just a short moment! 】

[It turned into a black dragon that was [-] meters long and exuded a terrifying aura. 】

[The middle stage of the Hunyuan Realm...the late stage of the Hunyuan Realm...the completion of the Hunyuan Realm! 】

[In just a few breaths, the coercion emanating from Long Laogou increased several times, and his cultivation level more than doubled. 】

[The terrifying pressure almost made the world change color. 】

[When you see this scene, you immediately feel a chill in your heart, thinking of a rumor you once read, the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon! 】

In the real world, Su Xing's face turned ugly when he saw this.

"How come...this old dragon dog...actually contains the blood of a real dragon in his body!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

The Nine Transformations of the True Dragon is a secret technique that Su Xing once saw in Luotian Sect's Sutra Pavilion.

This secret technique can only be performed by dragons with true dragon blood. It is an extremely powerful blood secret technique!
True dragons are different from ordinary dragons. They are the kings among the dragons, and their bloodline is much stronger than those of the dragons.

The number of true dragons is also extremely rare, even in the Three Thousand Worlds, it is very rare.

"This old dragon dog... actually contains the blood of a real dragon in his body!?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and recalled the memory of the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon in his mind.The true dragon's nine transformations, each time it changes, the strength can be greatly increased!
Dragons with thin true dragon blood are often able to undergo one to three transformations, and are strong enough to fight across ranks.

According to rumors, only true pure-blood dragons can fully display the nine transformations of a true dragon.

Being able to even fight across levels in the Immortal Realm is a truly supreme secret!
"Long Laogou's aura has been upgraded from the sixth level of the Hunyuan Realm to the Great Perfection of the Hunyuan Realm... This should be the level of the second transformation of the True Dragon..."

"But this also shows that the true dragon bloodline in Long Laogou's body is not bad... If he can break through to the immortal realm and return to his ancestors... maybe Long Laogou can perform the third or even fourth transformation of the true dragon!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing became even more confused.

He didn't know the origin of Long Laogou, he only knew that this old Yin coin must have lived for thousands of years...

"Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, this is terrible... I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat the old dog Long this time..."

Su Xing sighed, obviously not expecting Long Laogou to have such an amazing trump card.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After using the secret technique of the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon, Long Laogou's strength more than doubled in an instant. Its terrifying physical power makes you almost unable to resist. 】

[You have fought for dozens of rounds, and you have truly realized the power of the dragon's body. 】

[At this moment, the ferocious black dragon high in the sky has a mocking look in its eyes, vowing to tear you into pieces. 】

[In the face of Long Laogou's repeated attacks, you have no intention of retreating. 】

[Drink a bottle of spiritual liquid and hold the spiritual sword Mo Bing. You feel extremely peaceful at this moment. 】

[You have a vague feeling that this will be your last battle in this simulation. 】

[But even if it’s the last battle... you have to go all out and leave no regrets! 】

[You take a deep breath, and dozens of sword energy streak across, slashing straight at Old Dog Long. 】

[Long Laogou was a little dismissive when he saw this. The increasingly solid black dragon scales almost completely offset the power of your sword energy. 】

[At this moment, facing Long Laogou, whose defense has skyrocketed and whose strength has doubled, you have no choice but to face the enemy! 】

[Another dozens of rounds of fighting. 】

[The protective aura is shattered again and again... The energy in your body is consumed rapidly, and soon less than one-fifth is left. 】

[The Yuanli Armor has offset most of the attacks for you, but the remaining power still leaves you with damaged internal organs, weak breath, and serious injuries. 】

[You cut out the sword in your hand again and again, but with little effect against Long Laogou. 】

[But even so, under the absolute strength gap and in this desperate situation, you still have no intention of giving up. 】

[Holding the Mo Bing Sword in your hand, the slightest coolness allows you to maintain your rationality and keen judgment on the battle situation. 】

【Your heart is extremely peaceful. 】

[At this moment, all you see is the terrifying black dragon that is [-] meters long. 】

[You only have one thought in your mind, defeat him! 】

[If you can’t defeat it, then you will die! 】

[In this desperate situation, your potential finally exploded. 】

[The raging fighting spirit in your heart and the spiritual sword in your hand seem to become more and more compatible. 】

[Vaguely, you seem to see the invisible avenue of swords in front of you! 】

【Sword repair! 】

[Better to die in the straight than to live in the crooked! 】

[Sword cultivator, there is only the purest victory...or death! 】

[In this desperate situation, you triggered a serendipitous epiphany! 】

[The sword in your hand and the sword in your heart seem to be one at this time. 】

[You take a deep breath and add the last source of power in your body to your swordsmanship... Then, the sword of speed cuts straight out! 】

[Facing your death-defying sword, Long Laogou had a hint of disdain in his eyes at first. 】

[But when it senses the source of power that is so close at hand, it seems to be able to cut off everything...]

【He panicked! 】

[But now, it’s too late! 】

[At this moment, the Three Talented Sword Techniques, Heavenly Sword Chapter, has entered its final stage! 】

[A sword slashed out, the sword energy stretched three thousand feet across, pointing directly at Long Laogou's huge dragon head! 】

[The aura of panic and death... instantly spread to Long Laogou's heart. 】

[At this last moment, the powerful instinct brought to him by the blood of the true dragon made him smell the inevitable smell of death. 】

[Thereupon, Long Laogou showed a ruthless look in his eyes. 】

[In the last blow, he completely gave up on defense, and instead bit you with all his strength...]

[The terrifying dragon teeth of tens of feet shattered your protective aura and penetrated your heart without a doubt. 】

[The terrifying red blood energy sweeps towards your aura... In an instant, your soul and body are torn into pieces...]

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated! 】

[You saw the sword energy that stretched thousands of feet and struck directly on Long Laogou's huge dragon head. 】

[Under one sword, the corpses were separated...]

[Scarlet dragon blood spreads over the entire mountain like falling rain, slowly gathering into a blood river...]

[You saw that dragon head hundreds of feet long, with a deep look of fear in its eyes...]

[This sword, which contained endless sword intent, not only chopped up Long Laogou's body, but also annihilated his soul. 】

[At this point, Long Laogou is dead...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief.

There was a hint of regret in his eyes, but also a hint of relief...

"Surprisingly, his potential exploded at the last moment, and his understanding of the Heavenly Sword Technique has reached the level of Xiaocheng!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

"Sword cultivator... I would rather die in the straight line than seek help in the crooked lines..."

Su Xing murmured, with a wry smile in his eyes.

"It seems... I am destined to be unable to become a true swordsman in reality..."

For Su Xing, stability and safety are the first principles!

And this is undoubtedly very inconsistent with the swordsman's sword.

The sword is double-edged!
Killing people also hurts themselves!
"But fortunately, in the simulation, I can bring out all the realms and cultivation levels of sword cultivation... This is actually extremely safe for me!"

Su Xing smiled and shook his head.

I am afraid that Su Xing will be the most cautious among sword cultivators.

But then, Su Xing was delighted by the power of Tianjian Jue.

"Sure enough, the Xiaocheng-level Heavenly Sword Technique is enough for me to defeat the late-stage monks in the early stages of integration!"

The strength of the awakening itself is much stronger than that in the initial stage of integration. Coupled with the Heavenly Sword Technique, the power of the origin... and the talent of the Dragon Slayer, it is only possible to kill a dragon that has performed the Nine Transformations of the True Dragon and reached the perfect level of the Hunyuan Realm. kill!

"But it's a pity... The spiritual power and Yuanli were consumed too much in that battle... After swinging that sword, I no longer had the power to defend..."

Su Xing sighed, if he were stronger, he might not have to die with Long Old Dog, but could kill Long Old Dog with only serious injuries!

"If you want to enhance your physical body's defense... the best way is naturally to find a way to improve your body training to the Hunyuan realm!"

Su Xing murmured, but this matter is not urgent. After entering the integration stage, refining the body and Hunyuan is a matter of course.

After adjusting his emotions, he looked at the reward on the simulation panel.

“Next, comes the most exciting part, the reward selection part!”

[Dragon Slayer]: Purple talent, priced at 100 million energy points.

[20 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 200 million energy.

[Three Talents Sword Techniques: Heavenly Sword Chapter (Xiao Cheng)]: The sword skills left by the swordsman Lu Dong have been cultivated to perfection. You can find the secret of entering the Tao with the sword and becoming a swordsman. Among them, the sword skills and sword intention directly refer to the sword. The origin of the avenue.At the junior level, one has initially understood the foundation of sword cultivation, and when one uses Qianzhang Sword Qi, one can use the power of the origin to bless his swordsmanship.The price is 5 million energy.

[Dragon of Spiritual Veins (Infancy)]: The spiritual veins of heaven and earth gather together, ranking first among acquired treasures. It has spirituality, and the probability of birth of the best spiritual veins is less than 500 in [-]. It sells for [-] million energy sources.

(End of this chapter)

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