Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 253 The power of the mountain, the prerequisite for the practice of the Great Witch’s body-f

Chapter 253 The power of a hundred mountains, the prerequisite for the practice of the great witch’s body-forging technique! (Monthly tickets will add more updates, please give me a monthly ticket~)

Seeing this slight frown, Su Xing couldn't help but feel worried.

"The last simulation was when something happened in 50 years and Huxian Village was destroyed..."

"However, the simulated tiger immortal was not injured this time, and he has formed an alliance with the Money Demon King, so there should be no accidents, right?"

Su Xing was inevitably worried.

It's not that he has feelings for Huxian Village, but the destruction of Huxian Village basically means that his simulation is over.

"Also, as your cultivation level increases...it becomes more and more difficult to achieve a breakthrough."

"Even with the blessing of Swallowing Heaven, it was difficult to break through to the middle stage of Dacheng Realm..."

"If I didn't have this golden talent, I'm afraid that these few decades would only be enough for me to reach the third level of Dacheng Realm!"

Su Xing sighed.

Even at this speed, it was still possible with the blessing of sufficient flesh and blood essence of the high-level demon king.

Without these flesh and blood essences, it would be even more difficult for Su Xing to break through!
"It seems...it's time to improve the lottery probability of golden talents."

Su Xing sighed softly. His current golden talent lottery probability is [-]%, and it is increasing gradually.

But waking up can cost energy, which can increase the chance of winning to up to 50.00%.

This requires 40 billion energy to supplement.

But Su Xing's current energy is tight, and it is unrealistic to use this extra energy.

"But fortunately, Lu Yuanwu is about to receive a large amount of energy..."

"In two or three weeks at most, I will have extra energy to increase my lottery chances."

Su Xing comforted himself and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After learning about the conspiracy between the two demon kings, you felt a little worried and gave advice. 】

[But this is the first time the two demon kings have cooperated since they became friends, so naturally they will not listen to your advice. 】

[So the Tiger Immortal led several demon generals from the Human Immortal Realm and hundreds of great demons who had transcended the tribulation period, and prepared to go and compete for resources...]

[You stay in Huxian Village, trembling in your heart, ready to run away at any time. 】

[Fortunately, one month later, the two demon kings returned successfully and achieved results. 】

[The Huxian people have seized a medium-grade mineral vein, and the sphere of influence of the Huxian village has expanded thousands of miles to the north. 】

[You feel a little more at ease. With the Tiger Immortal in charge, the safety of the Tiger Immortal Village will be greatly improved. 】

[So, another two years passed. 】

[Two years ago, there were only 36 demon kings left out of the [-] demon kings in the past. 】

[In the past two years, the demon king’s forces have been destroyed almost every year...]

[This made the two demon kings secretly wary, preparing to join forces to make fire. 】

[And your cultivation has also improved slightly in the past two years. 】

[Four years ago, you gave the new round of Soul Gathering Flowers to the Tiger Immortal, and the Tiger Immortal rewarded you with a lot of flesh and blood essence. 】

[Five years, this year unexpectedly happened! 】

[The Bear Demon King and the Gopher Demon King attacked the Huxian Village. The Huxian people were unable to resist, and the Huxian Village was destroyed. 】

[The Tiger Immortal tried his best to cover the retreat of a group of core subordinates and their children. 】

[In the end, the Tiger Immortal died in battle, and you fled to Qianzhai with his retreating men. 】

[The Money Demon King treats you very well, but most of his demon generals hate the human race. 】

[You have no choice but to go deeper and deeper, looking for opportunities to escape. 】

[But once Tiger Immortal died, Qianqian Village was left alone and unable to support itself. 】

[In seven years, the Money Stronghold was also destroyed, and the Money Demon King died in battle...]

[In the melee, you fought your way alone and escaped deeper into the Shiwan Mountain. 】

[In three days and three nights, you traveled millions of kilometers. 】

[One day, a cold breath suddenly came from behind you. 】

[You turned around suddenly, only to see Blood 99 chasing you. 】

[For so many years, he has never given up chasing you. 】

[You take a deep breath and prepare to fight to the death. 】

[But you are surprised to find that Xue 99’s cultivation has reached the peak of the Human Immortal Realm and is not far from the Earth Immortal Realm. 】

[You are completely powerless to resist in his hands...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed in his heart.

"Alas, I didn't expect that after surviving the last crisis, only seven years later... Huxian Village would be broken down again."

"And that Blood 99 actually succeeded in chasing me, which shows that he may have known the news for a long time!"

"The internal strife in Shiwandashan is serious, and the Adventist Cult is indeed causing trouble behind it!"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

This shows that the Advent Sect has already deeply invaded the Little Qingyun Realm.

However, in the struggle between the Xiaoqingyun world and the foreign races, they have always been at a disadvantage.

Only by escaping to a vast world can we survive longer?

Thinking of this, Su Xing became even more eager to join the Qingyun Sect.

He doesn't expect to obtain endless training resources, he just wants to be able to simulate for a longer period of time and practice a few more realms.

"However... if we can persuade the Huxian Village and the Money Demon King to merge their forces, we may be able to simulate it for a longer time..."

Su Xing murmured.

At this stage, there are only two simulation targets for awakening.

First, improve your cultivation as much as possible.

Second, simulate for as long as possible and explore more secrets of the three thousand worlds beyond the Blue Star.

Going to Qingyun Sect and waking up are also for these two goals.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first..."

Su Xing looked at the reward list.

[Swallowing the Sky]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[50 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 5000 million energy.

[Fourth Level of Body Refining Realm]: The ultimate realm of body refining monks in the world. Body refining can be achieved in a short time, and the strength of the body is beyond imagination.The price is 60 billion energy.

[5000 Juling Flowers]: Priced at 5 million energy.

In this simulation, the goal of awakening is clear, so there are not many types of rewards.

"However, to reach the fourth level of the Great Body Refining Realm... plus the golden talent, it requires more than 60 billion simulated energy... It seems like there is really going to be a lot of bleeding this time!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly. He currently only had more than 2 million energy left.

Even if you include the exotic metals given by Lu Yuanwu this time, the energy is only just over 20 billion.

"It seems that we can only place our hope on Jin Congxue being able to purify more foreign metals..."

"If not, we will have to sell some of Wanmu Zhenren's treasures to be able to barely pay."

Su Xing sighed softly.

Many of the treasures in Wanmu Zhenren's storage ring are useful for awakening.

Even if some of them are of little use, keeping them is always more useful than simply exchanging them for energy.

"Also, my current talent bar is full. If I want to exchange for the Sky Swallowing talent, I need to replace the talent... Otherwise, 100 billion energy is too much to purely expand the talent bar!"

Su Xing looked at the properties panel.

【Name: Wake Up】

【Age: 22 years old】

【Occupation: Immortal cultivator】

[Cultivation: Completion of the integration period, first level of Dachengjing]

[Kung Fu: Wishful Visualization, Changchun Gong, Wan Yan Jue]

[Talents: Gift of roses, great wisdom as foolish, natural sword body, accidental enlightenment, wizard of array path, wizard of alchemy path, talisman expert, three-system heavenly root of thunder, wood and fire, strength to reach the mountains, prosperous business fortune, descendant of Shennong, lucky star Take good care of yourself, seek good luck and avoid evil, learn from the master of success, the unbeatable Xiaoqiang】

[Skills: Li Huo Technique (Advanced Level), Alchemy Technique (Xiao Cheng Level), Divine Psychic Explosion Technique (Entry Level), Shennong Spiritual Nurturing Technique (Entry Level), 20 Zhang Divine Consciousness (Enter the Micro Realm), Yuanli (External Release Level) Perfection), Three Talents Sword Technique (Heavenly Sword Dacheng), Body Protection Sword Gang (360 Ways), Thousand Miles Tracking Technique (Introduction), Bagua Calculation Technique (Perfection), Ruyi Golden Cauldron (Dacheng), Formation Dao (Xiaocheng), Yu Swordsmanship (Perfection), Puppetry (Xiao Cheng), Burning Shou Jue (Perfection), and several Immortal Cultivation Techniques...]

[Perception of the origin: The origin of thunder (Xiao Cheng), the origin of wood (Xiao Cheng), the origin of swords (Dacheng), the origin of speed (Dacheng), the origin of force (Dacheng)]

[Special Physique: Body of Heavenly Thunder (Second Stage)]

In recent months, Su Xing's strength has grown rapidly.

In addition to the skyrocketing increase in cultivation level, the mastery of skills and talents have also been updated.

In addition, there is also an additional element of origin perception on the awakening panel.

"After understanding the origin, it is the law of the great road... It is a powerful rule that can only be accessed by the immortal realm!"

"And my current talents seem to be very important!"

Su Xing was in a dilemma, the golden talent must be redeemed.

But what talent to use to replace Su Xing is a question...

"Huh? But...the talent of cultivating immortals and hundreds of arts doesn't seem to be used in every simulation!"

Su Xing's eyes brightened.

In addition to alchemy, the various arts of cultivating immortals, such as talismans, formations, weapon refining, etc., can be specially trained in certain simulations when awakening.

At that time, you only need to temporarily draw out the talent and use it.

It usually exists in the lottery pool. When you need to use it, if you spend several million talents to draw it out, is the price/performance ratio not much more cost-effective than the 100 billion to expand the talent bar?

"Well... the talisman expert is temporarily useless. This time it can be replaced with the golden talent Swallowing the Sky!"

Su Xing already has a measure in his heart.

Glancing at the time, Lu Yuanwu must have been waiting by now.

So Su Xing began to change his appearance and calm down, and headed for the mountains.



At the agreed place, Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for a long time and said respectfully to Su Xing.

Su Xing nodded slightly, looking like a hidden master, and just asked lightly:

"Did you bring something?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu quickly took out the new week's goods, one thousand tons of exotic metals, and Su Xing also took out ten thousand pills.

Just when Lu Yuanwu thought Su Xing would leave immediately as usual, Su Xing suddenly asked:

"By the way, when can we get the [-] tons of exotic metals you mentioned last time?"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu blushed and said: "It can be as fast as three weeks, or as slow as one month..."

After hearing this, Su Xing frowned slightly and said slightly dissatisfied:

"Too slow! I'll give you half a month to bring [-] tons of exotic metals!"

After Lu Yuanwu heard Su Xing's words, he immediately became serious.

Lu Yuanwu did not dare to offend Su Xing, the "hermit master" at all. It could even be said that he was trying to please Su Xing in other ways.

So Lu Yuanwu nodded quickly and said:

"Yes, I will definitely get it for you within half a month!"

When Su Xing heard this, he reluctantly nodded, then turned and left.

After waking up and leaving, Lu Yuanwu put the elixir into his storage ring and murmured:
"As long as a hermit master like Senior can give you a little benefit, the strength of our Daxia and even the entire human race will definitely increase greatly!"

"Senior's request... I must try my best to satisfy it!"

Lu Yuanwu made up his mind to satisfy Su Xing's needs as much as possible.

On the other hand, Su Xing did not rush back to Lingtian Cave, but summoned his nine puppets.

Zhenren Wanmu, the puppet Xiaobai, and the other seven puppets at the peak of Nascent Soul.Then Su Xing gave each puppet several sixth-level talismans to use for self-defense.

He also took out some longevity pills and low-grade treasures and gave them to these puppets.

"It's time to implement the Tianji Pavilion plan... Otherwise, in the future, as my cultivation level increases, my demand for energy will only get higher and higher..."

Su Xing murmured.

After several previous simulations, the awakening has been basically confirmed, and the Adventist Cult does not dare to openly oppose or investigate the puppets.

As long as the puppet is careful, there should be no accidents.

Then Su Xing gave orders to these puppets.

Each puppet wears a cloak. After receiving the order from the awakening, they go to Jinling City, Magic City, and Guangzhou to wait for opportunities to trade.

Awakening has only one request for them.

Trade as many "on-list" items as possible without exposing your identity or jeopardizing your safety.

As for the items in the list, they are naturally various exotic metals, low-level equipment, dungeon props, etc...

After doing all this, Su Xing was not in a hurry to go back, but went to the Immortal Martial Era dungeon.

For the next week, Su Xing spent time mining in the Xianwu Era dungeon.

But this time, Su Xing chose to dig out the spiritual vein.

Within a week, Su Xing would dig out all 30 low-grade spiritual stones.

Seeing that the time was approaching to meet Jin Congxue, he woke up and flew with his sword, returning to Blue Star.

After regaining his composure and making sure that no flaws were left, Su Xing went to the villa and met Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue wore a black and white dress today, paired with fishnet stockings, which gave her a pure lustful style.

After finishing the meal, the two chatted about business.

Jin Congxue first handed over a storage ring and said:

"Wake up, here are this week's goods, as well as exotic metals..."

"But time is short. In one week, even if I gathered as many people as possible, I still only purified less than half of the third-level exotic metal ore..."

"The fourth-order exotic metals here have been purified, and the weight is about 120 tons..."

"But I have already summoned more professionals, and plan to recruit another [-] silver and bronze-level professionals to specialize in purifying exotic metals. The speed will be much faster by then!"

After hearing this, Su Xing nodded slightly and said:
"Thank you for your hard work, Sister Xue... By the way, these are the raw ores of different metals for this week. Thank you for your hard work for refining them..."

Su Xing casually handed over two thousand cubic meters of fourth-order exotic metal ore, which was expected to be able to purify 40 billion simulated energy.

Jin Congxue nodded slightly, but did not refuse. She was willing to share the worries for Su Xing.

After the two said goodbye, Su Xing cautiously returned to Lingtian Cave.

After returning to Lingtian Cave, Su Xing exchanged the exotic metals purified by Jin Congxue into simulated energy.

Including this week's cargo, it provided Su Xing with nearly 27 billion simulated energy.

Counting the 23 billion that Su Xing has on hand, there is still a billion gap between the 60 billion simulated energy...

"Phew, it seems that we can only exchange some unused items into energy..."

Su Xing then picked through the storage ring, and some low-quality ores, low-level magic weapons, and unused materials were all exchanged by Su Xing.

After piecing together, Su Xing managed to scrape together 11 billion energy.

After having enough energy, he woke up and said silently:
"Exchange for the fourth level of Dacheng Realm cultivation and the talent of swallowing the sky!"

[Ding, it is detected that your talent bar is full. Do you want to replace the existing talent? 】

"Replace the talent of Talisman Expert with the golden talent of Swallowing the Sky!"

[Ding, talent replacement is in progress...]

[You successfully brought out the golden talent Swallowing the Sky, spending 1000 million energy points and leaving 61 million energy points. 】

[You successfully brought out the fourth level of Dacheng Realm cultivation, spending 60 billion energy and leaving 1 million energy points remaining. 】

The simulator beep sounded, and two mysterious forces poured into Su Xing's body.

The influence of the golden talent is subtle. Su Xing only feels that his appetite has improved a lot. He seems to be able to eat and digest anything.

But what brought about the biggest change was the cultivation of the fourth level of Dacheng Realm!

In just a few breaths, his awakening momentum and physical strength increased dramatically.

The second level of Dacheng Realm...the third level of Dacheng Realm...

Finally, the fourth level of Dacheng Realm!
The gap between the three small realms includes a huge leap from the early stage of the Dacheng Realm to the middle stage of the Dacheng Realm.

Let the power of the awakening increase from the power of thirty mountains to the power of a hundred mountains!

If calculated in tens of thousands of tons, there are countless...

More than three times the strength increase!

"Huh... the power of a hundred mountains, with my current pure physical strength, might be able to rival a late-stage or even perfect monk in the Dacheng realm!?"

Su Xing once heard that Dacheng Perfection-level monks can possess the power of hundreds of mountains, and they can make mountains collapse and the earth collapse with the wave of their hands.

With a single blow of fist, the river can be cut off and the mountains and rivers can be shattered...

If you can do this with magic power, ordinary god-transformation monks can also do it.

But this is purely physical power, so naturally it cannot be compared...

And now, Su Xing finally has such great power.

"Huh...even though I have the power of a hundred mountains, I can't float!"

"Those powerful men in the Three Thousand Worlds are all powerful in the Immortal Realm... At least I have to achieve the Immortal Body!"

Su Xing murmured.

Now he has obtained the supreme body training method, the Great Witch Body Training Technique.

If you reach the first level of cultivation, you will be comparable to a monk in the Immortal Realm!
However, the requirements for this body-building art are too strict, and it requires the power of a great witch, that is, it can only be practiced after reaching the Qi Refiner Immortal Realm.

Therefore, all Su Xing can do now is to practice body training to the peak of Dacheng, and then switch to the Great Witch Body Training Art.

"As well as Qi refining cultivation, my understanding of the origin of fire also needs to be improved as soon as possible. Then I can try to break through to the Mahayana stage monk!"

Su Xing glanced at the time and saw that there was still a while until the simulation cooled down, so he set a goal for this simulation.

"First of all, the understanding of the origin of fire, with the help of immersive simulation, try to improve it to the state of Dacheng or even perfection..."

"Secondly, I should cultivate my body to the late stage of Dacheng Realm as much as possible. By then, my strength will further increase!"

"Finally, I also need to further understand the body-protecting sword and master some more swords. This is my strongest attack method at the moment!"

Su Xing thought so.

The simulation cooling is completed soon.

On March 2024, 3, in the new era, Awakening begins a new round of simulation.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8100 energy points, with 1 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract the golden talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Variety Master, the probability of getting the gold talent next time is 20%...]

[Versatile True Monarch]: Purple talent, the skin-changing technique of cultivating immortals and hundreds of arts. You are extremely talented in disguise. You can easily change your appearance and breath, and it is not easy to be discovered by others.

"This talent seems to be able to enhance the breath-containing effect of my disguise...but I won't be able to use it for the time being!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[After you disguised yourself and gathered your breath, there was no accident in your transaction with Lu Yuanwu. 】

[Ten days later, you will enter the Luotian dungeon as usual and learn the puppetry technique...]

[...After the immersive simulation, your puppetry has improved. 】

[Under the recommendation of Luo Shuying, you joined the Advent Cult...]

[In the first two years of joining Advent Cult, you refined elixirs daily and accumulated great wisdom blessings at the same time. 】

[In the third year, you gave the elixir to Lu Yuanwu to enhance the strength of the human race. 】

[After that, you begin to fully comprehend the Body Protecting Sword Gang! 】

[So, another two years have passed...]

[In the fifth year, you realized ten more sword swords, bringing the total number of sword swords to 370! 】

[In the seventh year, you designed to get rid of the natural leader and replaced him! 】

[In the eighth year, you killed Long Laogou and prepared to refine the Nine Turns Pill. 】

[You refined the dragon meat into a rebirth elixir, and your cultivation improved slightly. 】

[You have no choice but to take the Nine-turn Pill. Although the Nine-turn Pill is powerful, Long Laogou is just a monk in the Shattering Void Realm, and the power of the Dragon Ball is limited. 】

[Your cultivation level has improved from the early stage of the fourth level of Dacheng Realm to the middle stage of the fourth level of Dacheng Realm...]

[In this way, another three years have passed. 】

[In Year No. 11, the total number of body-protecting swords you learned reached 390! 】

[This year the Blood Trilogy is coming, you offered the Dragon of Spiritual Vein and obtained the pass. 】

[After Xue San left, you went to the Fire Control Sect ruins and saw the Suzaku tail feather...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and silently said:
“Use immersive…”

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, spent 7200 million energy points, and have 3453 million remaining energy points...]

The beep fell, and Su Xing's vision changed.

The next second he woke up, he appeared in the core of the Fire Control Sect ruins.

After skillfully saluting Master Fire Controller, Su Xing opened Master Fire Controller's mouth and took out the Suzaku tail feather.

The Suzaku's tail feathers merge into Su Xing's body, and the Lihuo Technique undergoes subtle changes.

He immediately woke up and took the Qiling Pill, took out the branches of the innate hibiscus sacred tree, and began to understand the origin of fire...

Su Xing's current understanding of the origin of fire has reached the level of Xiaocheng.

If ordinary monks want to understand the origin, they not only need to use rare treasures, but also need to spend hundreds of years...

But Su Xing is in the state of great wisdom at this moment, and with the help of Qiling Pill, plus the tail feathers of the Suzaku and the branches of the Fuso Sacred Tree, both of them are important treasures that contain the path of fire!

After close contact with the essence of the great road, Su Xing's understanding of the origin of fire rapidly improved...

After three days of immersive simulation No. 20, Su Xing’s understanding of the origin of fire has reached the Dacheng level!

In the next seven days, my awakening was not wasted, and I further understood the origin of fire!
It wasn't until the last hour of the immersive simulation that Su Xing emerged from the state of understanding and buried the firebending master in a geomantic treasure.

Soon the immersive simulation ends...

After waking up and returning to the real world, there was a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Yes, after one month of realization, the origin of fire has been cultivated to the level of Dacheng!"

"It shouldn't be difficult to achieve perfection in the next simulation... At this speed, I'd probably scare the immortals to death!"

The corners of Su Xing's mouth raised slightly.

Immersive simulation, it only cost 7200 million energy to wake up, but it achieved the master level of understanding the origin of fire!

If this is brought out through simulation, it will require at least 20 billion energy!

"I understand the origin of fire, and based on the origin of perfection, the next time I simulate it... I should be able to successfully break into the Mahayana stage!"

Su Xing murmured.

"Then in this simulation, just work harder to practice the body-protecting sword!"

"It might be feasible to go to the Hundred Thousand Mountains again and try to unite the two demon kings into one!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After taking the Qiling Pill, your understanding of the origin of fire has reached the Dacheng level! 】

[Staying in Blue Star at this time will improve your cultivation very slowly. 】

[So you are ready to go to the Three Thousand Worlds again...]

(Two chapters are presented here. What I owed last month will be paid off as soon as possible~)

(End of this chapter)

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