Chapter 255: Achieve the Mahayana stage and go to Baidi City! (Ten thousand words, two in one!)
The simulator prompt sounded in Su Xing's ears.

【Ding!This simulation consumes 8200 energy points, with 1 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract the golden talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent of photographic memory. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 30%...]

[Photographic Memory]: Purple talent, your memory is beyond ordinary people. For text books, you can read and remember ten lines at a glance, and remember them easily! (Mom never needs to worry about my studies again!)

Su Xing felt like crying when she saw the newly revealed talent.

"Wow, wow, it's been two years! It's been almost two years!"

"Damn... I finally found this talent of photographic memory!"

"But by the way, isn't this talent standard for other time travellers? Why is it so difficult for me to get it?"

Su Xing sighed, feeling a little regretful that this talent appeared too late.

Su Xing's current cultivation level is close to the Mahayana stage.

In this realm, for mortal books, it can be said that they are recorded at a glance.

If it is a spell type, low-level spells can be learned easily, and high-level spells can be learned with twice the result with half the effort!
"This talent of photographic memory, I wonder if it can add to the learning of magic and magical powers?"

Su Xing felt a little curious and was ready to give it a try.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating! 】

[You disguise yourself and gather your breath, preparing to trade with Lu Yuanwu. 】

[In this transaction, Lu Yuanwu brought you [-] tons of third-level exotic metals as promised, and you also gave him [-] pills. 】

[After the transaction was completed, no accidents occurred...]

[Ten days later, you go to Luotian Dungeon. 】

[After leaving the dungeon, your puppetry skills have improved. 】

[You join Advent Cult as always. In the next two years, you refine elixirs and accumulate great wisdom blessings. 】

[In the third year, you will donate the elixir to the Daxia military. 】

[Then you went to the ruins of the Fire Control Sect, preparing to understand the origin of fire. 】

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath when he saw this, with some expectation in his eyes.

"Here we come! Let's see if this time, whether the origin of fire can be perfected!"

"Then using the origin of fire as the foundation, we will achieve the Mahayana stage in one fell swoop!"

Su Xing silently said:
"Use an immersive simulation, lasting 30 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 5673 million points.]

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing's vision changed.

Then he woke up and appeared in the familiar ruins of the Fire Control Sect.

After saluting the corpse of the fire-bending master, Su Xing took out the Suzaku tail feather and integrated it into Su Xing's body.

Then, with the help of the branch of the innate hibiscus tree, Su Xing began to understand the origin of fire...

The effect of Qiling Pill is outstanding, and combined with the state of great wisdom, Su Xing's understanding of the origin of fire is rapidly improved.

One month passed in the blink of an eye...

On the last day of the immersive simulation, Su Xing finally succeeded in raising his understanding of the origin of fire to a perfect level!

End of immersive simulation...

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, with a touch of excitement in his eyes.

"Enlightenment of the origin of fire, complete success!"

“Next, I’ll find a way to break into the Mahayana stage!”

Su Xing was very much looking forward to it.

The perfection of the origin of fire is not only a prerequisite for entering the Mahayana stage, but also the improvement of awakening strength cannot be underestimated!

In particular, the power of the Awakening and Lihuo technique will be further improved.

And the power of the Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique will also undergo a qualitative transformation!
It's just that Xing Xing's current Qi refining cultivation level is not high, so the Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique cannot yet threaten enemies in the late Mahayana stage.

When Su Xing's Qi refining realm improves in the future, the Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique will be the only "great magical power" that Su Xing masters, and its potential will still be terrifying!
He looked back at the simulation panel.

[After you buried the fire-bending master, you stayed in this ruins and prepared to retreat. 】

[You enter the Lingtian Cave, swallow the spiritual liquid, and start to break through to the Mahayana stage...]

[Breaking through the Qi Refining Mahayana, there are two levels. 】

[The first spiritual power is sufficient, expand the sea of ​​spiritual energy with massive spiritual power, further increase the capacity, thereby increasing the richness of the mana and reaching the Mahayana stage. 】

[The second is when a certain kind of spiritual root-matching enlightenment reaches the level of perfection. 】

[You have saved up for this day for a long time and have met the second condition. 】

[Next, you only need to break through the realm with mana to reach the Mahayana stage! 】

[So, you took out the tens of millions of drops of low-grade spiritual liquid and 90 drops of medium-grade spiritual liquid that you had accumulated... and were officially ready to break through! 】

[Before the breakthrough, you went to the ruins of the Wanmu Sect to free the spirit dragon from the formation and introduce it into the Lingtian Cave. 】

[Spirit Vein Dragon attracted the old dog as expected. You didn’t hesitate and killed him directly. 】

[After killing Long Laogou, you know that the blood three will come within three years, and you must take advantage of this period to break through to the Mahayana stage as soon as possible! 】

[...In the Lingtian Cave, you sit cross-legged and adjust your Qi to the best. 】

[It took you seven whole days just to adjust your breath...]

[After seven days, you will make a divination and it will be very auspicious. 】

[So you no longer hesitate and run the Wan Yan Jue technique crazily, absorbing the spiritual energy in the Lingtian Cave like a great suction. 】

[Aura flows crazily into your sea of ​​spiritual power, constantly filling it...]

[After half a month, your sea of ​​spiritual power has been completely filled, and the turbulent spiritual power seems to be making waves. 】

[So you no longer hesitate and start trying to expand the sea of ​​spiritual power...]

[The surging spiritual power washes away the boundaries of the sea of ​​spiritual power again and again, expanding the upper limit of spiritual power in your body again and again. 】

[In the blink of an eye, three months have passed. 】

[In three months, the upper limit of spiritual power in your body has increased by at least nearly [-]%! 】

[But at the same time, your spiritual energy is also consumed a lot, and the speed at which your technique absorbs spiritual energy begins to make ends meet. 】

[You did not hesitate, opened your mouth slightly, and tens of thousands of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid poured into your body, quickly transforming into pure spiritual power...]

[When your spiritual power is abundant again, you begin to further expand the sea of ​​spiritual power. 】

[According to the information you got from Luo Tian's copy, the longer the expansion of the sea of ​​spiritual power lasts, the stronger the mana will be after the breakthrough! 】

[The stronger the magic power in the Mahayana period, the better. This is related to the smoothness of passing the "magic power level" during the tribulation period. 】

[And you are a nine-turn golden elixir and a super Nascent Soul, and your magic power is already the best in the integration stage. With a solid foundation, the advantage of expanding the sea of ​​spiritual power is even greater! 】

[So, you continue to absorb spiritual liquid, transform it into spiritual power, and impact the boundaries of the sea of ​​spiritual power over and over again...]

[The whole process is boring and long, and it is difficult for those without determination to continue. 】

[In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed...]

[In the past six months, you have consumed 300 million drops of low-grade spiritual liquid, and the capacity of your sea of ​​spiritual power has been more than twice that of before! 】

[The spiritual power of the perfect combination period is doubled, which has barely reached the minimum standard of the Mahayana monks. 】

[If you are willing, you can even break into the Mahayana right now and become the weakest Mahayana monk. 】

[But you don’t intend to do this. This move is tantamount to cutting off your potential. 】

[So you continue to swallow the spiritual liquid, transform it into pure spiritual energy, and continue to expand the sea of ​​spiritual power...]

[In this way, another three months have passed. 】

[At this time, you have been in seclusion for a full year, and the capacity of your sea of ​​spiritual power has increased by [-]% compared to before, reaching the level of an ordinary Mahayana monk. 】

[But you are not satisfied, and continue to expand the sea of ​​spiritual power...]

[The surging spiritual power washes away the boundary of the sea of ​​spiritual power over and over again, and the upper limit of spiritual energy in your body becomes more and more abundant. 】

[Take tens of thousands of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid again, transforming it into pure spiritual power. 】

[Another four months have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[At this time, the total amount of spiritual power in your body has increased by [-]% compared to before, reaching the level of a Mahayana monk at the level of genius. 】

[After reaching this limit, it is extremely difficult to improve further...]

[But you plan to continue to persevere and continue to take the spiritual liquid. Most of the tens of millions of drops of spiritual liquid accumulated before have been consumed in this year and a half. 】

[So you just go all out and absorb the spiritual liquid like crazy, using pure resources to build up the capacity of the sea of ​​spiritual power. 】

[You are like a connector, one end is connected to your accumulated spiritual fluid, which is converted into spiritual energy crazily, and then hits the sea of ​​spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy is consumed crazily...]

[In the blink of an eye, another four months have passed. 】

[At this time, all the low-grade spiritual liquid you have accumulated has been consumed! 】

[And the capacity of your sea of ​​spiritual power has increased by about [-]% again. 】

[Without too much hesitation, you once again took out your only one million drops of mid-grade spiritual liquid and continued the attack. 】

[Mid-grade spiritual liquid has a higher spiritual energy content and is more abundant, allowing you to quickly expand the sea of ​​spiritual power...]

[In the blink of an eye, half a year has passed...]

[At this moment, in just half a year, your sea of ​​spiritual power has a spiritual energy capacity that is close to three times that of the most ordinary Mahayana monk!It is nearly [-]% higher than ordinary Tianjiao monks! 】

[But the resources you have accumulated before have been exhausted. Even if you want to continue to expand the sea of ​​spiritual power, it will be useless. 】

[So you are ready to work hard and enter the Mahayana stage. 】

[However, at this moment, the spiritual dragon playing in the distance seems to sense something, comes to your side, and gently spits out a mouthful of strange spiritual energy. 】

[After spitting out this breath of spiritual energy, the aura of the spiritual dragon was obviously much weaker...]

[With just this breath of spiritual energy entering your body, you instantly feel that the capacity of your sea of ​​spiritual power has increased by more than [-]%! 】

[You are ecstatic in your heart. This energy comes at the right time, allowing you to enter the Mahayana stage in one go! 】

[Congratulations, you have become a Mahayana monk! 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him, and felt a sudden joy in his heart.

"Finally, I successfully broke into the Mahayana stage! And once I break into the Mahayana stage, I am very strong!"

Su Xing did some calculations.

According to the information he got from Luo Tianzong, there are also differences in qualifications and strength among Mahayana monks.

At the bottom of the strength chain is the most ordinary monk in the Mahayana stage, whose mana is about twice that of when the integration stage is complete.

This kind of Mahayana monk has exhausted his potential. If nothing unexpected happens, he will be stuck in the early or middle stage of Mahayana for life. This is also the most common Mahayana monk.

Mahayana monks who are slightly higher in the strength chain will have their total mana increased by [-] to [-]%.

It can be called a little genius in the Mahayana period. He can cultivate to the perfection of the Mahayana period. If he encounters a great opportunity, he may even become one of the immortals.

For Mahayana monks of this level, it is not a problem to surpass one or two minor realms. The first level of Mahayana can compete with the second and third levels of Mahayana!

If he improves a little more, he will be a worthy cultivator in the Mahayana period.There may be two or three among a thousand Mahayana monks.

This level of Mahayana monks has more than twice the power of ordinary Mahayana monks.

You can fight in smaller realms, the early stage of Mahayana (first level), and you can fight in the middle stage of Mahayana (fourth level).

There is great hope that he can successfully overcome the tribulation and at least become one of the loose immortals.

On the next level, there is a unique cultivator.

The level of magical power is more than three times that of ordinary Mahayana monks!
Without the pure spiritual energy of the Dragon of Spiritual Vein, the awakening should be at this level.

A Mahayana monk of this level has a powerful mana comparable to that of a sixth-level Mahayana monk!
After cultivating to the perfection of the Mahayana stage, his magical power will be comparable to that of a monk who has passed the "magic barrier" and is in the Tribulation Stage!
And this level is also what Luo Tianzong calls the first-class immortal species, with a high probability of being ranked in the immortal class and following the orthodox immortal path.

"Alas, this one-of-a-kind genius monk not only requires extremely high qualifications, but also requires a lot of resources. I am afraid that only those at the level of the Holy Son of the Great Immortal Sect can achieve it!"

Su Xing murmured.

"As for me, I had really good luck in this simulation! This pure spiritual energy from the Dragon of Spiritual Veins is probably a huge opportunity that even the Immortal Realm can't get!"

"With this breath of spiritual energy entering my body, my sea of ​​spiritual power has expanded by another [-]%... This means that after entering the Mahayana stage for the first time, my total mana may have reached the late Mahayana stage!"

Su Xing is inevitably excited.

Among the tribulation levels, one is the "mana level"!
With the current accumulation of mana in the awakening, no matter what, the mana level can be passed easily!
"And this mouthful of pure spiritual energy will probably cost the spiritual dragon quite a lot... His breath is sluggish."

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"The next step is to fool Xuexi San. I hope it can be completed smoothly..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[When you break through the Mahayana stage, the entire Immortal Martial Age will be thousands of miles in radius, and the sky will be filled with dense thunder clouds, and the thunder will roll around and linger for several months...]

[You vaguely noticed a resistance and a vague gaze. 】

[Above the endless void, there seems to be a pair of blood-red single eyes, staring at your location. 】

[You return to the Blue Star. At this time, Long Laogou is dead, and you decide to seize the authority of the Advent Sect as soon as possible. 】

[In the sixth year, you won over a large number of fans, and with the cooperation of Luo Shuying, you took the position of leader of the conservative faction. 】

[You announced that Long Laogou was killed by you because he wanted to kill someone and seize the treasure. 】

[After hearing your words, there was a lot of discussion within the Adventist faction, but due to your majesty, no one dared to resist. 】

[At the beginning of the seventh year, Blood Three came to Blue Star and found you. 】

[You repeat the same trick, which means that Long Laogou kills people and seizes treasures, but you kill him in return. 】

[Xue San sensed the aura of a Mahayana monk in you and frowned slightly. 】

[After you presented the Dragon of Spiritual Veins, Xue San’s face became slightly better and he expressed his forgiveness for what you had done before. 】

[At the same time, he gave you a sound transmission jade charm to keep you in touch with him. 】

[You took the opportunity to ask Xue San for a pass, but Xue San did not give it to you directly. He said that he wanted to see your performance and would naturally give it to you when the time is right. 】

[After saying that, Xue San left Blue Star...]

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the text in front of him, with several black lines rising on his forehead.

"Damn it, this Blood Three is really... getting the benefits, but he's still so stingy?"

"Sure enough... the progress this time is still too fast. If we gain enough status in the Advent Cult in a few years, we should be able to obtain a pass..."

Su Xing sighed.

Since it is temporarily impossible to obtain a pass, you must choose another path when you wake up and go to the Three Thousand Worlds this time!

"720 Sword Gang, the second stage of the Heavenly Thunder Body...this time I will break through to the seventh level of Dacheng Realm!"

"Spatial turbulence shouldn't be a big problem for me!"

Su Xing thought this and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After Blood Three leaves, you start refining the Rebirth Pill and the Nine Transformations Pill. 】

[In the eighth year, after taking hundreds of rebirth pills, your strength still remains at the peak of the sixth level of Dacheng Realm. 】

[At this time, you only have one Nine-turn Pill in your hand. With Long Laogou’s cultivation in the middle stage of Hunyuan Realm, there is no guarantee that you will be able to break through to the late stage of Dacheng Realm. 】

[To be on the safe side, you went to the battlefield of the Beast Control Realm. 】

[In the ninth year, you will kill hundreds of legends and three demon emperors. 】

[After refining the Rebirth Pill, you continue to work hard...]

[In the blink of an eye, another two years have passed. 】

[In No. 11, after taking hundreds of rebirth pills, your cultivation level improved slightly. 】

[You start planning to break through to the late stage of Dacheng Realm. 】

[You entered Lingtian Cave for retreat, and half a year successfully came out! 】

[Congratulations on becoming a seventh-level monk in the Dacheng Realm! 】

[After entering the late stage of Dacheng Realm, your strength has increased sharply again. Your pure physical strength is close to the power of six hundred mountains! 】

[You are happy in your heart. If you reach the perfection of Dachengjing, you may be able to possess the rumored power of a thousand mountains! 】

[In Year No. 12, you are preparing to set off for the Three Thousand Worlds...]

[You hid the Qingyun Order and a bag of Soul Gathering Flower seeds in your body, and then went to the killing battlefield. 】

[You keep moving forward in the direction of the red moon. After a few days, you come to the end of the killing battlefield. 】

[Without a pass, the Killing Messenger launched an attack on you without any surprise. 】

[But the power of the Killing Messenger alone is far inferior to you! 】

[With just a casual blow, the Killing Messenger was seriously injured and nearly died. 】

[At this moment, a red moon shone down, and the red light enveloped the Killing Messenger. 】

[The Killing Messenger, who was seriously injured and on the verge of death, recovered instantly, and his strength also increased to the level of a saint! 】

[But based on this alone, he will still not be your opponent...]

[This time you did not hold back, using your physical strength to beat the Killing Messenger into a pulp. 】

[At the moment when the Killing Messenger died, the red moon in the sky began to shake. The red light became brighter and brighter, as if it was about to swallow the entire red earth. 】

[Under the induction of your divine consciousness, within a thousand miles around, countless legendary and martial emperor-level red-eyed monsters are rushing towards your location. 】

[And the red moon seemed to be conscious at this moment, and an indescribable human face appeared vaguely. 】

[The talent in your heart to seek good fortune and avoid evil is a crazy warning. 】

[It seems that if you continue to stay here, something terrible will happen...]

[So you no longer hesitate, turn around and open the white door, entering the mysterious space. ] In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"When I entered the Mahayana stage before, there was also the gaze of the red moon..."

"Red Moon seems to be even crazier now..."

"After all, this Red Moon was once a god. Although it has died... but it is about to be resurrected. Now with all the methods, how much power it still has... I don't know!"

"But it shouldn't be a big problem to escape from here as soon as possible and enter the Three Thousand Worlds..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[Stepping into the mysterious space, a star path appears under your feet. 】

[The passage closest to you is the passage leading to the base of the valley, but you do not have a pass with you at this time, and the passage is not open. 】

[So there is only one choice left for you, and that is to flow through the space in front of you and reach another black passage! 】

[You don’t know whether the power of the red moon can interfere with this space, so you don’t dare to delay, pick up the body-protecting sword and step into the turbulent flow of space. 】

[720 body-protecting swords, protecting you without any blind spots. 】

[You, you, start preparing to cross the space turbulence...]

[The spatial turbulence as sharp as a blade keeps cutting the body-protecting swords. Every time they collide, more than ten body-protecting swords dissipate. 】

[But you, who are protected within it, are still safe. You just sprint towards the black passage with all your strength. 】

[Ten feet...hundred feet...three hundred feet...]

[In this twisted space, the black passage that seems very close is actually a little far away. 】

[The body-protecting sword has been broken into 160 ways, and you have also passed through a distance of hundreds of feet...]

[Fortunately, the strength of your body-protecting sword has been greatly improved this time, and you can still hold on for a long time. 】

[Unconsciously, you have covered nearly half the distance, and nearly 260 of your protective swords have been destroyed. 】

[You have estimated that the next body-protecting sword is enough for you to reach the entrance of the black passage. 】

[At this time, the surrounding space turbulence contains a large amount of pure space origin...]

[While you are sprinting, you are observing the origins of these spaces and realizing the extremely close contact between the origins of space and you. 】

[Vaguely, your understanding of the origin of space has improved a little...]

[A few more breaths pass. 】

[You have traveled a thousand feet, and nearly three hundred of your body-protecting swords have been lost. 】

[Seeing the black passage getting closer and closer to you, you unconsciously speed up your progress...]

【Five hundred feet!In the induction of your spiritual consciousness, you are only five hundred feet away from this passage. 】

[The body-protecting sword has consumed forty more swords, and you have advanced a hundred feet away...]

[Three hundred feet...two hundred feet! 】

【Finally getting closer!At this time, you have 720 body-protecting swords, and only about 180 are reduced. 】

[The closer we get to that passage, the more terrifying the turbulence around it becomes. 】

[According to your observation, this black passage seems to have been deliberately blocked, preventing people from approaching it. 】

[One hundred feet... fifty feet! 】

[Finally, you leap out in one step and arrive at the entrance of the black passage! 】

[At this moment, the number of body-protecting swords around you is less than a hundred, but you succeeded in the end! 】

[The black passage that has never been touched before is right in front of you. 】

[What makes you even more surprised is that after passing through the turbulent flow of space, you can also vaguely touch the surface of the understanding of the origin of space. 】

[One meter away from you, there is space turbulence as sharp as a sword storm, but at the entrance of this passage, it is calm. 】

[You take a deep breath, try to adjust your condition, and at the same time further observe the turbulence in the space. 】

[During the observation, you also vaguely touched the changes and charm of the space...]

[But the efficiency of understanding is far less than the understanding you brought through the turbulent flow of space in just a few minutes. 】

[After adjusting your breath, you don’t dare to stay too long. 】

[You stretched out your hand and touched the black passage. 】

[The next second, your figure disappeared from the place...]

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"This space turbulence should be created to prevent people from crossing this passage..."

"Perhaps it's the red moon that's causing trouble?"

"But it's a blessing in disguise. The origin of space contained in this space turbulence is quite good. If I can live here for a long time, maybe I can try to understand the origin of space!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing couldn't help but feel excited.

The origin of space, that is the basic structure of the Space Avenue!
"The most important thing is that if I can understand the origin of space... I can create my own space!"

"It can even wrap some storage items with the power of space. Then you can bring more things to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

Almost all of his accumulation is in the Lingtian Cave, and even the Spirit Gathering Flower... the spiritual fluid cannot be taken to the Three Thousand Worlds.

As a result, when Su Xing went there, he had to start from scratch again, unable to get rich quickly.

But if there is a Soul Gathering Flower, it will be different...

Bring enough Soul Gathering Flowers, and once you interact with the resources of the Three Thousand Worlds, you can get more cherished props when you wake up!

"After entering the Mahayana stage, the understanding of the origin of space must also be put on the agenda..."

"But what secret is hidden behind this passage?"

Su Xing was a little curious and looked at the simulation panel.

[After entering the black passage, you come to a void...]

[The environment here is somewhat similar to the space in the belly of a giant beast...]

[Looking around, there is nothing but nothingness, and there are even more violent spatial turbulences wandering in the vague space...]

[You try to detect your consciousness and check the surrounding environment. 】

[But there seems to be a restriction here. Your spiritual consciousness is greatly reduced, and the range is not even as good as the naked eye. 】

[You hold up the body-protecting sword and wander in the void. 】

[The space turbulence here does not move in a wide range, but only in a fixed area, so you are not worried about danger. 】

[You find that there are many fragmented and strange lights in the void. 】

[After getting closer, you are surprised to find that these are all channels and world fragments leading to various worlds...]

[It seems that the entire space has been sealed by a strange force! 】

[What makes you even more horrified is that you feel many fragmented origin powers...the origin of the five elements of wood, fire and earth, the origin of force, the origin of space...and even more terrifying origin powers such as cause and effect, time, etc. ! 】

【No!This is not a simple source of power! 】

[This seems like the laws of the avenue have been shattered one by one! 】

[Farther away, the aura of the supremely powerful monk still seems to remain. It seems that this place was once an ancient battlefield...]

[The outcome of the battle is unknown, but the world here seems to be sealed. 】

[You are wandering in the void, observing the fragments of the world and the original power...]

[I don’t know how long it took, but you seemed to hear slight calls...]

[That voice seems to be...Luo Tian? 】

[You are startled and are about to explore, but your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil is giving you a crazy warning! 】

[You quickly sent Bagua fortune telling, hoping to predict good or bad luck. 】

[But after you spent your lifespan, you still found helplessly that the heavenly secrets here were blurry... and there was no divination result. 】

[But the early warning of seeking good luck and avoiding disaster continues! 】

[You have a hunch that if you continue to stay here, you may die...]

[So you no longer hesitate and start searching in the space passage. 】

[You are sure in your heart that one of these fragmented space passages must lead to the Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[You prayed in your heart, and finally chose a complete world passage glowing with green light, and got in...]

[The next second, your figure disappeared from the place. 】

[The terrifying space fluctuations traveling through the world tear you apart...]

[You fell into a coma...]

In the real world, Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"What kind of space is this black passage in?"

"Hongyue once fought... Could it be that the battle took place right here?"

"And the fragments of the world that are torn apart everywhere are the world that has died?"

"Luo Tian... could this be the place where Luo Tian Sect was located in ancient times?"

"The broken law of the avenue and the original power... were caused by the battle?"

Su Xing took a deep breath. His mind was a mess at the moment, and countless speculations arose.

But Su Xing knew that this secret was not yet accessible to him.

"I don't know where that space leads to... I hope it will be the Little Qingyun Realm!"

Su Xing murmured.

Because Xiao Qingyun Realm is relatively close to Blue Star, theoretically speaking, the probability of traveling to Xiao Qingyun Realm is not low.

Besides... Su Xing's luck has always been good!
Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[When you wake up again, you are lying in the grass...the items you carry with you have been damaged while traveling through the world. 】

[Fortunately, you were only slightly injured. You don’t know how long you were unconscious, but the surroundings seemed safe for the time being. 】

[And you carefully looked at the surrounding environment, the lush and towering trees, the grass more than ten feet high...]

[After adjusting your breath, you feel that your combat power has recovered to [-]% to [-]%, so you choose a direction and prepare to explore. 】

[The spiritual consciousness spread out like a tide, instantly covering an area of ​​[-] feet. 】

[Then you raised your eyebrows. 】

[In your perception, the environment here is somewhat similar to the Shiwanda Mountain. There are many demon cultivators... but the cultivation level is not high, which is between the stage of becoming a god and the integration stage...]

[After thinking for a moment, you cast the spell and begin to disguise yourself and gather your breath...]

[After a while, you turned into a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties, with yellowish skin and plain appearance. 】

[Then you circulate your spiritual energy and fly towards the north...]

[ Along the way, your terrifying aura made the demon cultivators below tremble and dare not say anything. 】

[After several hours, you still see no trace of the human monks, and you wonder if you have come to a small world of pure demon cultivators. 】

[But at this moment, violent fluctuations in fighting skills were heard in the distance. 】

[Judging from the power, it is probably the fighting skills of Mahayana monks...]

[You are slightly happy in your heart, and follow the fluctuations, ready to find out. 】

[Soon, you saw two pretty women fighting against a leopard demon. 】

[These two women are probably in the early stage of Mahayana cultivation... and the leopard demon is a demon cultivator close to the stage of transcending tribulation. 】

[Therefore, even if the two female cultivators join forces, it will be difficult to compete, and they will soon lose their beauty. 】

[After some hesitation, you decided to save them. 】

[You activate the body-protecting sword, and 180 golden swords come out, slashing towards the leopard demon in the blink of an eye...]

[In an instant, the sword light flashed across the sky, and the sword energy surged... The leopard demon felt as if his heart was pierced by ten thousand swords, and his soul escaped from the body...]

[You are not interested in chasing this leopard demon who is just a Mahayana perfectionist. You just came to the two female cultivators and asked about their origins. 】

[What will surprise you is that this pair of female cultivators are from Baidi Tower! 】

[Baidi Tower is a famous loose cultivator alliance in Xiao Qingyun world! 】

[According to what they said, the current location is the northernmost point of Shiwan Mountain, and 30 miles to the northwest is in the direction of Baidi Tower! 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved, and he couldn't help showing ecstasy on his face.

"Baidi Tower! It's actually Baidi Tower!"

"This is a well-known loose cultivator alliance in the Xiaoqingyun world... its address is located in the north of Shiwanda Mountain..."

"This means current position in the simulation is separated from Huxian Village and the valley base by an entire hundred thousand mountains...a distance of tens of millions of miles?"

Su Xing took a deep breath, with some anticipation in his eyes.

At least this time, Su Xing doesn't have to worry about being identified after the blood seedling competition...

"However... I escape from the Blue Star this time and enter the Three Thousand Worlds. It is still unknown whether I will be discovered by Hong Yue and Xuesan..."

"It's best to be cautious and stay in the Xiao Qingyun world with a new identity."

"The best thing is to join the Qingyun Sect! Maybe you can get more resources!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You had a conversation with two female cultivators. During the conversation, you changed your name to Su Ye and said that you were a casual cultivator who had just come out of seclusion for nearly a hundred years. 】

[After hearing this, the two female cultivators expressed their gratitude to you again. They said that they came here to hunt monsters in exchange for resources. 】

[You nodded slightly after hearing this. As far as you know, all the people in Baidi Tower are casual cultivators, and the casual cultivators conduct transactions with each other, guaranteed by Baidi Tower. 】

[So these two women may have come here to hunt demon cultivators and seize demon pills and other materials for some resources. 】

[Then the two women invited you, hoping that you would join Baidi Tower. After all, Baidi Tower is the best place for casual cultivators...]

[As you can see, it is my first time in the Three Thousand Worlds, my first contact with a human cultivation territory beyond the Hundred Thousand Mountains. 】

[Therefore, it is best to find a reliable force first and learn more about the current situation... As for Qingyun Sect, they are not in a hurry. Ten or eight years at night is not a big problem. 】

[So, under the leadership of the two women, you rushed towards the direction of Baidi Tower. 】

[Three days later, you arrived at Baidi Tower. 】

In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

Su Xing still wanted to see with his own eyes what the Baidi Tower looked like.

So Su Xing muttered silently: "Use immersive simulation...the duration is 24 hours!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy is 5433 million points.]

The simulator beep sounded, and Su Xing appeared in a strange environment.

A few hundred meters ahead of Awakening, there is a majestic city rising from the ground!
This city is called Baidi City, and it is the headquarters of Baidi Tower in Xiao Qingyun Realm!

The city wall is hundreds of feet is so wide that it knows no boundaries...

Looking around, on both sides of the city wall, there is a stone sculpture of an immortal sword dozens of feet high and several feet wide, which looks quite majestic and domineering.

"Senior Su... this may be your first time coming to Baidi Tower... so I will let this junior take you around..."

The two female cultivators looked at Su Xing with admiration in their eyes and wanted to take Su Xing into the city.

Su Xing was not organized either, he just followed behind and approached the city gate.

The gate of Baidi City is red in color, a hundred feet high... and has wonderful patterns engraved on it.

With Xing Xing's knowledge of formations, he could tell that there were formations engraved on the city gate, and the formations connected the entire city wall.

And the level of this formation... is probably above the ninth level!

Under the Immortal, I am afraid that there is no way to cause any damage to this city wall.

"Tsk, tsk, you are indeed a powerful force with a reputation in the Three Thousand Worlds... Although the city wall is only a hundred feet high, it is far from what the Demon Suppressing Pass can match..."

Su Xing secretly sighed in his heart.

Then he followed the two women into the Baidi Tower.

There were many casual cultivators in the Baidi Tower. Su Xing looked around and felt the aura of several Fusion Stage cultivators without using his spiritual consciousness.

In the city, the monks wear different costumes. Some are wearing monk's robes and fluttering with fairy spirit, while others are in ragged clothes and are drinking and having fun...

There were even monks dressed in modern garb.

Su Xing nodded slightly, which was not surprising.

In the Three Thousand Worlds, there are various power systems and different levels of civilization.

It is not surprising that there is a world of cultivators with advanced technology...

The two women whispered in Su Xing's ears:

"Senior, flying is prohibited in Baidi City. At the same time, it is best not to use your spiritual consciousness to randomly explore others."

"Baidi City is divided into five urban districts: east, west, south, north, and middle..."

"Dongcheng is a place for fun and entertainment, with brothels, restaurants and inns all available... It is also a famous gold-consuming cave in Baidi City..."

"Xicheng is where the largest auction house in the city is located, and many rare items and magic weapons are located here."

"Nancheng is where the market is located. All kinds of elixir shops, talismans and weapons are sold..."

"The North City is more chaotic, where the black market and some shady monks gather..."

"As for the center of the city, it is where the city lord's palace is located. There are 36 blessed places and nine caves... which are the retreat places for the senior monks."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, keeping all this information in mind.

"Then, I'll trouble you two to take me around the city..."

Su Xing said politely.

The two female cultivators were pleasantly surprised after hearing this. They nodded repeatedly and rushed to take Su Xing around the city...

(End of this chapter)

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