Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 272: Destroy the Advent Cult, the secret of the Xuanyin Holy Body! [2-in-1, please give me a

Chapter 272: Destroy the Advent Cult, the secret of the Xuanyin Holy Body! [Two in one, please give me a monthly ticket~]

Su Xing saw this movement in his heart and murmured:
"This simulation of the next world is perfect for exploring the Adventist stronghold and leaving information..."

"At present, my understanding of the origin of space has been completed, but I don't know how long it will take to understand the true avenue of space?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and said silently:

“Use immersive…”


Awaken your consciousness and enter the simulated world.

Being in the mind space, Su Xing skillfully took the Spirit-enlightening Pill, opened up the state of great wisdom, and began to understand the power of space.


Soon the immersive simulation ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and murmured:
"Yes, my understanding of the origin of space has become more refined... and I have vaguely sensed the prototype of the great avenue of space!"

"According to this progress, if you try it a few more times, maybe you can really understand the avenue of space!"

Su Xing's eyes were a little excited.

If you can really understand the avenue of space, even if you spend ten immersive simulations, it will not be a loss!
"However, we can't take the black passage this time, join the Advent Cult again, and steal more information!"

Su Xing is thinking about selling the Advent Sect stronghold to Tianji Pavilion!

Look at the simulation panel.

[You have stepped into the temporary passage opened by the Adventist Cult and traveled through the world...]

[You have a good grasp of the power of space. The tearing feeling of space when traveling through the world is largely blocked by the body-protecting sword. 】

[But you inevitably passed out...]

[When you woke up again, you appeared in a forbidden area in a valley in the Advent Sect...]

[If you estimate, this coma only lasted about 10 minutes. 】

[Just when you were about to get up, there was a rustling sound in the distance. Several valley guards sensed the fluctuations in the space formation and came to inspect. 】

[You quickly continue to pretend to be unconscious...]

[They searched your body for a while, but found nothing of value. 】

[You were carried around like a piggy and dumped in a dilapidated yard, and you were roughly fed a few healing pills. 】

[After these guards leave, you slowly open your eyes, spit out the elixir, and take out the storage ring hidden in your body...]

[During this period, you silently recorded the auras of those guards. 】

[You, Mr. Su, never hold grudges...]

In the real world, Su Xing twitched his lips when he saw this.

"Damn it, why did I have nothing on me when I traveled through the past...it turned out to be stolen by these guys!"

Su Xing was filled with hatred, but luckily he had thought carefully and hid the storage ring inside his body.

"But as I get stronger and stronger, there are almost no side effects when I travel across the world... This is good news!"

Su Xing plans to lurk inside the Advent Sect to obtain more information!
[A few days before arriving in the valley, you pretended to be healing in the valley. 】

[Your consciousness senses that several people in the valley are secretly observing you...]

[After you "healed" for a week, you started wandering around the valley gathering place. 】

[Your steps are a little shaky, and you look like you have just recovered from a serious injury. 】

[You applied for a job as a security guard at a brothel and did your first job... robbing prostitutes... free of charge! 】

[You hang out in the brothel every day but never lose your virginity, secretly inquiring about the valley's information. 】

[Sure enough, after a while, those figures observing secretly gradually left. 】

[You have more room to play, so you think of ways to get the information and locations of other Advent Cult strongholds. 】

[According to the information you received before, the Advent Sect should have more than ten strongholds in the Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[Every stronghold is cultivating seeds for the Blood Seedling Competition, and most of the strongholds are evil cultivators who are in the tribulation period. 】

[However, there are also several Adventist cadres guarding the place, and their strength should range from the Human Immortal Realm to the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[As for highly skilled monks like Blood Nineteen and Blood Three, they will not stay in a certain stronghold. 】

[But you have no way to obtain more detailed information, you can only find a way to get it from some other monks. 】

[The first target you aim at is the current businessman in the valley, Song Laoliu! 】

[No. 40 One year, nearly a year after coming to the valley, you came into contact with Song Laoliu for the first time. 】

[You spent tens of thousands of spirit stones to buy some elixirs and weapons from Song Laoliu, so you became familiar with them. 】

[In the next six months, you traded with Song Laoliu many times. There were many concessions during the transaction, and the relationship between you two became closer and closer. 】

[Half a year after you met, you inadvertently revealed your strength during the tribulation period. 】

[This immediately made Song Laoliu’s eyes light up and he called you a strong competitor to become a blood seedling! 】

[But you waved your hand modestly, and the relationship between the two became closer. 】

[After several transactions, drinking and prostitution, Song Laoliu began to win over you. 】

[And you gradually understand the background and identity of the Song brothers...]

[The Song family is the number one family in Song City in the southwest of Little Qingyun Realm. On the surface, they are a famous family of immortal merchants in Xiao Qingyun Realm. Their ancestors have also produced immortals! 】

[And as early as a hundred years ago, their family secretly defected to the Advent Cult in order to seize that trace of immortality! 】

[The main task of the Song brothers is to send in a direct descendant of the family every ten years. The cultivation level of this direct descendant must be above the Mahayana stage! 】

[Then through channels, goods inside and outside the valley are traded. 】

[Every transaction, they have doubled or even multiple times the profit! 】

[After a hundred years, they have made a lot of money, and even a Sanxian was born in the family! 】

[And their protective umbrella is naturally the bloody cadre of the Advent Sect, Song 99! 】

[As a reward, every time a transaction makes a profit, they need to hand over 99% to Blood [-]...]

[The blood of 99 can ensure that their lives are safe and they will not be made things difficult by the valley guards. 】

[Like the Song family, there are many families trading in various gathering places in the valley, and each has its own upper limit, serving a certain high-profile cadre! 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Good fellow, it seems that there are people who are greedy for money and money in this Advent Sect!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while and believed that this "transaction inside and outside the valley" was definitely approved by the Adventist Church!
Because the people who did this were all middle- and high-level cadres of Advent Sect, and they were very powerful people.

Don't think that those human immortals, earthly immortals... or even heavenly immortal monks don't lack resources.

In fact, the higher the cultivation level, the less resources there are!And the more is missing!

For example, a monk in the Earthly Immortal Realm needs hundreds of millions of spiritual stones to make a breakthrough!

Naturally, they cannot obtain these resources through normal channels.

But it's different in the valley!

In the valley gathering place, most of them are monks above the stage of transformation into gods, and they are evil cultivators!

Every transaction can bring tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of spiritual stone profits to the merchant!

In a valley gathering place, a group of evil cultivators changes every three years, with thousands of people each time!
Evil cultivators are inherently richer than ordinary cultivators.

Calculating this, Song Lao’s transaction volume in the past six years even exceeded [-] million spiritual stones!
Excluding costs and benefits, the resources that Song Lao provided to the cadres of the Blood Brand in six and three years were at least 2000 million spirit stones!
30 years is [-] million low-grade spiritual stones!
It is worth the entire net worth of several monks in the Immortal Realm!

With such a huge amount of wealth, even human immortals and even earthly immortal monks would be greedy...

"Tsk, tsk, no wonder these blood-branded cadres are so powerful. It seems they are all sucking the blood of other evil cultivators!"

Su Xing sighed.

Evil cultivators suck the blood from ordinary cultivators, and these "cadres" are great evil cultivators, sucking the blood from ordinary evil cultivators.

Just like the law of the dark jungle, people eat people!
Su Xing touched his chin and said:
"If we can figure out the information, locations of these merchant families... and the locations of the Advent Cult strongholds, then this goal will be accomplished!"

Su Xing estimated that if he could sell this complete information to Tianji Pavilion, he would not only be able to make a lot of money.

It was even enough to make the Advent Sect cut off its arm in Qingyun Realm and delay the invasion of Shiwan Mountain!

"As for how to get this information, we still have to start with Song Laoliu!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[At this time, it is still more than half a year before the next blood seedling competition starts. You are going to continue to get close to Song Lao Liutai to learn about the Advent Sect's information. 】

[Song Laoliu was a little wary of this, but under your sugar-coated bullets, he still revealed a lot of useful information after drinking several cups of horse piss. 】

[Most of the people these merchant families contact are cadres with the code name of blood in the human and fairyland, and they turn over their share. 】

[Most of these cadres are ranked below the Blood Code Fifty, and they will also hand over part of their income to higher-level Celestial Realm cadres. 】

[Major business families rarely meet each other. Even if they meet in the blood seedling competition, they will keep each other's hands. 】

[In addition to the Song family in Song City, you have also learned about the locations of four other families in the southwest of Shiwanda Mountain, including the Wei family and the Liu family. 】

[These families have been colluding with the Adventist Cult for hundreds of years, and they are veritable families of traitors! 】

[In addition to this merchant information, you also want to try to secretly find out the specific locations of the major strongholds of the Advent Sect, but Song Laoliu is tight-lipped about this, or he himself does not know it clearly. 】

[In this way, another half year has passed. 】

[The blood seedling competition is about to begin! 】

[So you are going to change your mind and explore the location of each stronghold through the blood seedling competition. 】

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this, he clapped his hands and said:
"That's right! Most of the evil cultivators participating in the Blood Miao Competition come from various strongholds... They may know the coordinates of their strongholds!"

"And I only need to search the soul to get this information!"

Su Xing felt that this method was feasible and looked at the simulation panel.

[No. 40 In the second year, you participated in the Blood Miao Competition, and showed your strength and cultivation in the early stages of transcending the tribulation. 】

[Your main target for this hunting competition is monks in the return to void and integration stages. 】

[Because these evil cultivators often have more information, they may be able to know the coordinates of the Advent Sect's stronghold. 】

[As for monks above the Mahayana stage, if you kill too many, it will easily attract attention and investigation. 】

[The three-day competition is over soon. You have killed a total of 78 monks in the Return to Void Stage, 36 monks in the Fusion Stage, and six monks in the Mahayana Stage. 】

[You searched the souls of most of the monks and got a lot of useful information! 】

[Among them, the Advent Sect has ten strongholds in Xiao Qingyun Realm, and you have already learned about three...]

[After the blood seedling competition is over, you become a blood seedling candidate and return to the valley. 】

[In the next three years, you will hang out with Song Laoliu as always, hoping to get more information. 】

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[No. 40 In five years, you once again obtained intelligence information on about two strongholds from the information revealed by Song Laoliu. 】

[This year, you participate in the blood seedling competition again. 】

[In this blood seedling competition, you searched the souls of a total of 73 people and obtained information on three new strongholds. 】

[At this time, you already have eight stronghold information... covering most of the strongholds. 】

[And by integrating some scattered information, you may be able to deduce the location of the remaining strongholds. 】

[You record this information one by one and put it in the storage ring and carry it with you. 】

[No. 40 In six years, after trying to get information from Song Laoliu again to no avail, you became murderous! 】

[Since the information cannot be obtained, then just conduct a soul search on Song Laoliu! 】

[You probably know Song Laoliu’s level of cultivation. He is a monk in the tribulation period who has passed the mana barrier and has the potential to achieve the immortal realm...]

[But in your eyes, such strength is no different from that of a rookie, so you start planning. 】

[You secretly observed and calculated the guard shift time, and specifically selected the time when the two guards who searched you when you came to the valley were on duty...]

[So you no longer hesitate and treat Song Laoliu to a banquet that night. 】

[Song Laoliu is not wary of you, and is even a little fawning, because he knows that you are strong enough to become a blood seedling, and he wants to create a good relationship in the future. 】

[After a few cups of horse urine, you suddenly got up and summoned the body-protecting sword to severely injure Song Laoliu. 】

[Then in Song Laoliu’s horrified eyes, you said: I’m sorry, I’m an undercover agent! 】

[You conducted a soul search for Song Laoliu... Unfortunately, Song Laoliu's memory seems to have been tampered with. You only obtained some useful information and no new base information. 】

[At this moment, once the matter of killing Song Laoliu is exposed, you will inevitably die. 】

[So you lurked into the forbidden area that night, took action outside the exit of the valley, and killed the two guards instantly! 】

[After taking off the valley access token, you successfully passed through the barrier, and then flew with your sword towards the depths of the Hundred Thousand Mountains! 】

[You have been flying with your sword for several days. During this period, your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil has been constantly warning you. You know that the cadres of the Advent Sect may have come to hunt you down! 】

[Unlike before, this time you even took action to kill Song Laoliu, which is very likely to make Xue 99 come to hunt him down in person! 】

[Finally, on the fifth day after you escaped with your sword, Blood 99 caught up with you. 】

[Without saying a word, he releases his magical power and attacks you. 】

[When you see this, you quickly pick up the protective sword...]

[One thousand and four hundred body-protecting swords came out, which barely blocked the magical attack of Blood 99. 】

[And the number of sword gangs also decreased by [-], and your eyes suddenly became solemn. 】

[You know in your heart that Xue 99 is a cultivator at the pinnacle of the Human Immortal Realm. With your current strength, it is difficult to fight with him. 】

[But at this moment, you can only choose to give it a try! 】

[When facing the enemy head-on, without the blessing of the talent of "No Martial Arts", even the body-protecting sword gang will not be able to pose much of a threat to it. 】

[So you don’t look back, plunge headlong into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and flee towards the core area. 】

[Xue 99 sneered when he saw this, feeling contempt and teasing in his heart, pursuing you relentlessly. 】

[In this way, after running away like crazy for several hours, Xue 99 seemed a little bored, and waved his hand and used another magical power to directly hit you hard. 】

[You fell to the ground and screamed, lying on the ground not knowing whether you were alive or dead. 】

[Xue 99 sees this and approaches slowly, wanting to check your life or death. 】

[And just as he gradually approached, you suddenly burst out! 】

[One thousand and one body-protecting swords, carrying the soaring sword intent, draw blood directly from the lower body. 】

[For a moment, the sword light overflowed, and the blood was 99. I didn’t expect you to still retain such combat power, so you successfully attacked me...]

[In this state, you have triggered the talent bonus without martial ethics! 】

[This terrifying sword can even kill a monk in the middle stage of Fairyland instantly! 】

[But Blood 99 is not far from the Earth Fairyland after all, so he reacted quickly. 】

[But he still underestimated the power of your attack! 】

[The vertical and horizontal sword light penetrated the defensive spells he had laid out and cut straight into his thigh. 】

[In just a moment, blood and flesh overflowed, and the blood was 99. You cut off the left leg directly. 】

[One blow crippled the blood to 99, and greatly reduced the escape speed. Instead of fighting with it, you swallowed a handful of healing pills and fled frantically towards the core area. 】

[Behind you, Xue 99 roared in pain and looked at you with extremely resentful eyes. 】

[Immortals are not easily injured, but once injured, it will be difficult to recover, and even the foundation will be shaken! 】

[Xue 99 has broken a leg. If not treated in time, it will definitely affect his future potential...]

[But what you didn’t expect was that he was already blinded by anger at this moment. After bandaging his wounds a little, he continued to pursue you. 】

[Fortunately, his combat power has been greatly reduced, and you are more familiar with the terrain, so you are rushing towards the core area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain. 】

[After chasing for a week, you finally entered the core area of ​​Shiwanda Mountain! 】

[Not long after, a familiar aura came towards this place, it was the Demon King Tiger Immortal! 】【Tiger Immortal's breath was unstable and he seemed to be injured, but with the power of the Earth Immortal Realm, he still drank 99% of his blood! 】

[Every time you run away, you will be caught up by the Tiger Immortal. 】

[Tiger Immortal seems to be interested in you, so he reaches out to capture you. 】

[Facing a demon king from the earthly fairyland, you will naturally not be able to resist if you are hurting yourself. 】

[Fortunately, you know that the Tiger Immortal has no murderous intentions towards you, and you also have a way to escape...]

[You were captured by the Tiger Immortal and taken to the Tiger Immortal Village. He interrogated you about your origins. 】

[You had an idea and said that you were hunted down because you learned the secret of Advent Sect. Tiger Immortal asked what the secret was. 】

[You explained that the struggle within Shiwandashan and the rapid disintegration of the demon king's power was behind the Advent Sect's fueling the flames. 】

[After hearing this, Tiger Immortal was dismissive at first, but when he thought about it carefully, he was horrified. In the past few decades, more than twenty demon kings have died and their territory and power have been annexed. This is indeed too abnormal! 】

[So the Tiger Immortal panicked a little, and he didn't know what to do when faced with this situation. 】

[You take the opportunity to propose that you can help him repair the relationship with the Money Demon King, but the condition is that he must send Su Xing away from the north of Shiwanda Mountain to Baidi City...]

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"Yes! If we can use this as a condition, maybe we can go to Baidi City!"

"You won't survive long if you stay in this hundred thousand mountains... Why don't you take this information out and sell it to Tianji Pavilion!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After several attempts on your part, Tiger Immortal agreed to your deal. 】

[And you repeated your old tricks, went to the Money Demon Village, and gave the gift of "Full of Descendants" to the Money Demon King. 】

[In the next two years, you will not be a threat if you stay in Huxian Village. 】

[During this period, you integrated and analyzed the information you obtained previously, and roughly inferred the location of more than ten strongholds of the Adventist Sect in the Little Qingyun Realm, as well as the merchant families who have had illicit connections with the Adventist Sect. 】

[In the eighth year of No. 40, the Money Demon King gave birth to a son and reconciled with the Tiger Immortal. 】

[You originally thought that the Tiger Immortal would be dishonest, but although this demon cultivator has a bad temper, he does things openly and aboveboard. 】

[And you have a causal relationship with the Money Demon King, so the two demon kings personally escorted you out of Shiwanda Mountain...]

[At this point, the karma between you and the Money Demon King is over, and he no longer owes you karma. 】

[After arriving at the northern part of Shiwanda Mountain, you rushed to Baidi City without stopping. 】

[After entering Baidi City, you take care of yourself for a few days, and then take out the intelligence you have integrated over the years. 】

When Su Xing saw this, his heart moved and he muttered silently:
“Using immersive simulation…”


The awakened figure appeared in the simulated world, looked at the information jade slip in his hand, and began to remember.

A moment later, information about the Advent Sect's stronghold deployment in Xiao Qingyun Realm and related forces all appeared in Su Xing's mind.

"Yes, we have obtained a total of thirteen suspected stronghold locations, eight of which have a [-]% probability, and two of the remaining five are correct!"

"There is also information about the top ten adulterous families, and we have basically obtained it..."

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

The level of detail and accuracy of this kind of intelligence is almost equivalent to a Class A intelligence!

"Then let's try next and see what the consequences will be if we inform Tianji Pavilion of this information..."

"By the way, I want to inquire about the information about the Xuanyin Holy Body!"

After waking up and taking a breath, he went to the Tianji Pavilion branch in Baidi City.

After stepping into a formation, Su Xing saw a girl dozing on the table.

Seeing Su Xing enter the store, the girl asked lazily:
"This fellow Taoist, are you buying information or selling information?"

Su Xing responded: "Both buy and sell!"

"I have here a detailed information about the Advent Sect's power arrangement in the Little Qingyun Realm, as well as information about Qingyunzi and Xueyue..."

Su Xing took out a few jade slips and handed them over, then waited quietly.

The girl's consciousness penetrated into the jade slip.

After a moment, his originally relaxed expression turned serious!
"Although this blood moon information has some value, it came too late... There are already red-eyed aliens on the front line, so it can only be equivalent to C-level information at best!"

After hearing this, Su Xing pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

Indeed, the simulation has reached 48 years at this time, not far from the 50-year node.

Therefore, Red Moon has already shown some threats, and the role of natural intelligence has been greatly reduced!
When she regained consciousness and thought, the girl continued:
"As for the information related to Qingyunzi, are you sure that within ten years he will be as good as you said, which is probably equivalent to the level B information!"

"And the information about the stronghold of the Advent Sect branch... is of great value! If it is true, I can give you an intelligence rating of below A level!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this. The Advent Cult is a major scourge in the Little Qingyun World and even the Three Thousand Worlds. Su Xing provided such detailed information, which is naturally worthy of a Grade A intelligence evaluation!

"Fellow Taoist, please give me a price for these three pieces of information. Our Tianji Pavilion will accept it!" the girl said confidently.

After hearing this, Su Xing was not in a hurry to make an offer, but asked:

"I wonder if there is any information related to the Xuanyin Holy Body for sale in your Tianji Pavilion?"

After hearing this, the girl nodded slightly and said:
"Xuanyin Holy Body, one of the ten great holy bodies, is rare in the world... Our Tianji Pavilion not only has this information, but we also have the detailed functions of which monks have Xuanyin Holy Body and Xuanyin Holy Body!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he asked:
"Then I wonder how much this information will cost?"

After hearing this, the girl thought for a while and said:

"The complete information on the Xuanyin Holy Body is approximately equivalent to the upper level B... How about I give you the complete information on the Xuanyin Holy Body and give you 100 million high-grade spiritual stones?"

Su Xing had no requirements for the spirit stone. What he wanted was information about the Xuanyin Holy Body, so he naturally agreed.

The girl handed over a jade slip, and Su Xing began to read the message.


Soon the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to the real world.

He rubbed his brows a little tiredly, his eyes were solemn when he woke up, and the clues and information in his mind were connected bit by bit...

"So that's it, this Xuanyin Holy Body actually has such wonderful functions!"

Among the information obtained by Su Xing, there are currently three thousand worlds with known owners of the Xuanyin Holy Body.

Among them, Fairy Ziling from Qingyun Sect!

The Xuanyin Holy Body is one of the ten most sacred bodies in the Three Thousand Worlds and has many wonderful uses.

The Xuanyin Holy Body's own cultivation speed surpasses ordinary ethereal roots, and it is a cultivation genius that is rarely seen in thousands of years!

In addition, the owner of the Xuanyin Holy Body is pure and pure, and has isolated all inner demons during practice, and has a great immunity against illusions and other magic.

The most critical point is that the owner of Xuanyin Holy Body must be a female cultivator, and she is an excellent partner for dual cultivation!

The first dual cultivation of Xuanyin Holy Body will give birth to "Xuanyin Chalcedony". This chalcedony and the Taoist couple's yin and yang intersect, which can help the dual cultivation Taoist couple to have the effect of "isolating inner demons" and "cutting off evil thoughts"!

Moreover, the higher the cultivation level of the owner of Xuanyin Holy Body, the better the effect will be!

"So...it all makes sense!"

"What Qingyunzi wants is exactly this Xuanyin Chalcedony! He wants to use this to cut off the evil corpse and retain his true nature?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and killed the three corpses in reverse to become a saint. He killed the good corpse first, as it was easy for his mind to be disturbed by the demon corpses. Even Da Luo did not dare to try it easily!
The reason why Qingyunzi dared to try this was precisely because he had the trump card of "Xuanyin Chalcedony"!
But to obtain "Xuanyin Chalcedony", Xuanyin Holy Body must be willing, and it will only be effective the first time...

So Qingyunzi had planned for tens of thousands of years to save Fairy Ziling just for this opportunity!
"And the reason why the previous simulation Qingyunzi became obsessed and was possessed by evil corpses was because he did not obtain Xuanyin Chalcedony... and was rejected by Fairy Ziling?"

"That's why he is so angry!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, all the clues were connected at this moment.

"Tsk, tsk, Qingyunzi has played such a big game! He began to plan for becoming a saint tens of thousands of years ago... Now he is not far away from actually taking that step, right?"

Su Xing continued to think along this line of thought.

"But whether Qingyunzi is an evil corpse or a self-zombie, he is always hostile to me... The person who accepted me as his disciple should be the good corpse who had his spiritual thoughts cut off..."

"The reason why you are my enemy is probably because of Luo Tian's legacy!"

Su Xing was very sure at this moment that Luo Tian definitely hid the secret of becoming a saint!

Otherwise... we wouldn't have allowed a semi-saint to be so unscrupulous... or even kill the disciples with his own hands!
"Xuanyin Chalcedony... But even if I know it, what can I do with my current strength?"

Su Xing sighed.

Compared to those top powers, he is too weak.

The only advantage is that he hides in the dark and his strength increases rapidly...

"Forget it, the primary goal right now is to complete the six stages of becoming an immortal as soon as possible!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel, wanting to see the results of the sale of Advent Sect information.

[For the next period of time, you continue to lurk in Baidi City, quietly waiting for the outcome of this incident. 】

[Two months later, you find that many casual cultivators have gathered in Baidi City, numbering in the thousands, including those who have transcended the tribulation, the Human Immortal Realm... and even the Earth Immortal Realm! 】

[You have some guesses in your mind, maybe they are going to attack the Adventist stronghold...]

[After half a year, about half of the monks returned, many of them injured. 】

[But most of the monks who returned had glowing faces and excited expressions... even their postures when going to the brothel became bold and arrogant. 】

[You are guessing that some Advent Sect strongholds may have been wiped out...]

[In the next three years, you will see monks gathered in Baidi Tower to exterminate evil cultivators. 】

[In addition to Baidi Tower, Tianji Pavilion, Qingyun Sect and even the demon cultivators have all taken action! 】

[You are suddenly reassured, knowing that the Advent Sect will not gain anything this time! 】

[Three years ago, you went to Baidi Tower to investigate the current information on the Advent Sect. 】

[You paid a large amount of spiritual stones and obtained relevant information. 】

[At present, seven of the ten strongholds of the Advent Sect in Xiao Qingyun Realm have been destroyed, and the ten major business families have been slaughtered...]

[At the same time, you also received an additional piece of information. The Adventist Cult is conducting a large-scale search and pursuit of you! 】

[Even the cadres of the Earth Fairyland have intervened to cut you into pieces! 】

[You suddenly felt bad, knowing that Baidi Tower might no longer be safe, so you decided to flee to the frontline Demon City...]

In the real world, Su Xing laughed heartily when he saw this.

"Young man! I can't do anything to you...of course someone can handle it!"

Su Xing knows that those monks who claim to be righteous will not let go of such a good opportunity. This can be said to be a recognized method of robbery!
Those evil cultivators and the ten major business families are very wealthy!
"But it's a pity...I was exposed in this simulation..."

"I think my previous defection has been linked to the Adventist Cult. I'm afraid I've been targeted at this moment!"

Su Xing didn't know how long this simulation could last, but he thought the Adventist Cult would soon find him.

"Alas, it seems that this simulation is coming to an end...but it's okay, after all, the goal has been achieved!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[After learning that the Adventist Cult is hunting you down, you make a quick decision and prepare to flee to the Demonic City. 】

[There is an incarnation of the Heavenly Demon General in the Demon City. The Advent Sect must not dare to act rashly. Maybe you will be able to live for another few decades...]

[But Tianmo City is hundreds of millions of miles away from Baidi City, so you have to take an airship to get there. 】

[You spend spirit stones to board the airship, hoping to escape safely. 】

[But you still underestimated the murderous intention of Advent Cult! 】

[On the second month after you boarded the airship, a figure quietly appeared behind you. 】

[Adventure to teach cadres, blood three! 】

[You are surprised that in order to kill you, Advent Cult actually asked Blood Three to take action! 】

[In the hands of this overhaul, you have no power to resist...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

The simulation always ended so unexpectedly, Su Xing frowned slightly.

"Sure enough, I still haven't escaped the pursuit of the Advent Cult..."

"But if a powerful man like Xue San, who is above the Golden Immortal Realm, takes action himself, I will definitely die!"

Su Xing has no regrets. In this simulation, there may be traces of Su Xing's sales intelligence.

But in the next simulation, if Su Xing sells information, I'm afraid the Adventist Cult itself will be confused and suspect that there is a traitor within, right?

Thinking of this, Su Xing smiled knowingly.

"Forget it, let's take a look at the rewards of this simulation first!"

Look at the reward list.

[Ancient Witch Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[50 years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 5000 million energy.

[Magic Power Level of the Six Levels of Immortal Transformation]: You have washed away all your spiritual power and completely transformed it into fairy power. The fairy power is several times stronger than your spiritual power, and your sea of ​​spiritual power has also changed to a width of one foot. A trickle of spiritual power, this innate foundation is hard to find in a thousand years.Selling for 50 billion energy!
"I choose the golden talent ancient witch body, and the mana level cultivation level!"

Su Xing said decisively without any hesitation.

[Ding, it is detected that you have the same type of purple talent, Do you want to replace it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing muttered silently.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the golden talent ancient witch body, spent 1000 million energy, and the remaining energy is 156 million points...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the magic level, spent 50 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 106 billion points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into the body.

The first thing Su Xing felt was that he was more energetic and his blood had become more vigorous.

"The ancient witch body is indeed much more powerful than Liba Shanxi..."

Su Xing's face looked delighted, his golden talent had never let him down!
Immediately after the physical and bloodline changes, the awakened Dantian and the spiritual power of the whole body began to change violently...

Su Xing felt some violent and out-of-control spiritual power in his body, and he quickly sat cross-legged and hugged Yuan Shouyi.

Under the awakening inner vision, the Dantian and the sea of ​​spiritual power change rapidly in a moment!
I saw that the original sea of ​​spiritual power began to collapse rapidly...

At the same time, a new trickle of immortal power began to slowly form...

A moment later, when Su Xing opened his eyes again, the sea of ​​spiritual power had been replaced by a trickle of immortal power.

The quantity has been reduced a lot, but from spiritual power to immortal power, it is a qualitative leap!

Su Xing's heart moved, and the spiritual roots of the sky began to circulate. The spiritual energy in the Lingtian Cave began to be quickly absorbed by Su Xing.

The spiritual energy enters the body and is instantly transformed into immortal energy, as if the "impurities" in it have been removed.

Only a hundred strands of spiritual energy can be barely transformed into a strand of immortal energy that is absorbed by the awakening and transformed into one's own cultivation.

"Tsk tsk... No wonder it is so difficult to improve the realm of immortals. Just the transformation of this immortal power is so difficult, and it consumes a hundred times the resources!"

Su Xing smacked his lips. Immortals live longer than ten thousand years, and can even take the treasures of heaven and earth to prolong their lives.

If you survive three disasters and six tribulations without damaging your foundation, you can easily live for 2 to [-] years...

But as the level of immortal cultivation increases, each small level even requires hundreds of years of retreat, and it is difficult to break through and reach the sky!

"However, in what aspects is the magic of immortal power compared to spiritual power?"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart, to pass the mana level and have immortal power.

It is no exaggeration to say that Su Xing is already a "half-immortal".

But Su Xing still wants to experience the magic of this immortal power...

After wandering around the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing first set his sights on the spiritual rice grown in the Lingtian.

Su Xing tried to inject a ray of immortal power into the spiritual rice...

(End of this chapter)

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