Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 275 Understand the prototype of the Space Avenue, the terrifying power of the spiritual real

Chapter 275 Understand the prototype of the Space Avenue, the terrifying power of the spiritual realm! [Breaking update, please give me a monthly ticket]

In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

"In the previous simulation, my information had been sold... I could not obtain divine information, but now that I have been in simulation No. 30 for three years, I can completely trade the information!"

"It seems... I can understand the difference between the so-called divinity and immortality..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"The next step is to find a way to completely master the prototype of the space avenue and then form the spiritual realm. This simulation will be considered complete!"

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Use an immersive simulation that lasts 24 hours!"


The simulated prompt tone fell, and Su Xing appeared outside the familiar Tianji Pavilion store.

Stepping into the store, Su Xing clearly felt a spatial fluctuation.

"Tsk, tsk, this Tianji Pavilion's space formation is really mysterious..."

Su Xing sighed in admiration. With his current vision, he felt like he couldn't see through this space formation.

A girl's lazy voice came to my ears:
"This fellow Taoist, are you buying information or selling information?"

Su Xing said calmly: "Both buy and sell..."

"I want to sell these pieces of information and exchange information about divinity..."

Su Xing said and handed over a few jade slips.

After hearing this, the girl's eyes flashed with surprise. This information related to divinity is of great value and cannot be purchased by ordinary people...

But after the girl checked the information in the awakening jade slip, she handed over a jade slip with a solemn expression.

"What you want is in here..."

Su Xing took the jade slip and was not in a hurry to check it, but continued to ask:

"Do you have any magic weapons like space here, or treasures that increase your understanding of the avenues of space...such as the Void Stone?"

After hearing this, the girl shook her head slightly and said:
"You have to go to the Tianji Pavilion Auction House to buy this kind of magic weapon...but in the Little Qingyun Realm, you can hardly see the Void Stone..."

Su Xing knew that the girl would refuse, so he took out something she couldn't refuse.

A dark branch appeared in Su Xing's hand.

"How about I use this treasure in exchange for the Void Stone?"

The girl's originally careless eyes suddenly shrank when she saw the black charcoal branch.

"Where did you get this thing? Do you know what this thing is!"

The girl's tone suddenly became excited.

Su Xing showed a strange expression and pretended not to know:
"I got this by chance, a strange branch containing the Way of Wood and Fire... I can use it to trade for the Void Stone, what do you think?"

The girl rolled her eyes after hearing this and looked at Su Xing carefully.

She saw that although Su Xing had a solid foundation and good cultivation, he had not yet reached the immortal realm and had limited knowledge.

Therefore, it is speculated that Su Xing has no idea what the branch in his hand means...

The innate hibiscus branch is a treasure that even the golden immortal is attracted by!

So the girl said:

"After one month, if you come here again, I will use the Void Stone to trade with you. How about that?"

The girl's voice was a little urgent.

Su Xing nodded and agreed: "Okay, then it will be as you say!"

After that, Su Xing began to read the information in the jade slips.

The value of the innate hibiscus branches is certainly higher than that of the Void Stone!
But in this simulation, it is not needed for awakening. It is really suitable to exchange for the Void Stone, and the girl even made a lot of money!
Of course, if it were an ordinary force, Su Xing wouldn't dare to trade for fear of being killed for the treasure.

However, the Tianji Pavilion family has a great business and a good reputation. Not to mention the good camp, it is at least a camp of order neutrality or above. Therefore, Su Xing boldly tried to trade.


Soon the immersive simulation ends and the person wakes up and returns to reality.

At this time, Su Xing's eyes were filled with surprise.

"Foreign gods, this is what it turns out to be..."

Among the information obtained by Tianji Pavilion, there is no detailed explanation of the origin of the alien gods and the alien world.

But there is a comprehensive explanation of the power of the alien gods and their divinity.

Alien gods, like immortals, are in extremely powerful realms.

If humans or other races want to become immortals, they need to start from refining Qi and building foundations, until they reach the Mahayana stage and the Tribulation stage...

Only by going through the five stages of becoming an immortal and surviving thunder tribulations can one become an immortal.

As for alien gods, becoming a god also has its own process.

After a foreign race reaches the holy level, they need godhood, priesthood, and divinity in order to become a true foreign god!
Among them, divinity is extremely difficult to obtain. Only the noble bloodlines of some foreign races can obtain divinity through blood transmission.

For example, the so-called alien royal family, royal family, imperial family, etc...

As for the three major elements of godhood, priesthood, and divinity, the first two are easier to obtain.

And after obtaining it, you can also become a god, the so-called false god!

Similar to the loose immortals among human monks...

After obtaining godhood and priesthood, becoming a pseudo-god can also have strength comparable to that of a human being in the fairyland.

This is also the reason why some of the alien gods that were previously awakened and killed had divinity, while some did not.

"However, there is something special about the priesthood of this alien god!"

Su Xing touched his chin and muttered.

It was mentioned in the intelligence that the foreign clergy were divided into many subdivisions, and each god was responsible for different responsibilities.

This priesthood is the source of power for alien gods!
For example, there are weak alien gods, and their priesthoods include "God of Insects", "God of Ants", "God of Tentacles", such low-grade priesthoods.

But the powerful alien gods even control life and death, soul, time... these laws sound terrifying.

"So, the priesthood is somewhat similar to the power of law and avenue among human monks?"

"Everything in the world...all has its own laws. Wind, fire, thunder and lightning have laws...insects, flowers and grass also have laws!"

Wake up thinking.

There can be many monks who understand the same kind of law, but there can only be one at most who truly reaches the end!
"But there is an interesting thing mentioned in the intelligence..."

"Alien priesthood is often erratic, but it is hidden in the godhead and divinity..."

"Godhead is difficult to obtain...but divinity can be obtained by killing foreign gods!"

"This means that...the battle between immortals and alien gods can strengthen themselves by devouring part of the opponent's energy!"

Speaking of this, a strange color flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

When gods and immortals fight, it is not certain that they will gain the other's divinity (immortal nature) after killing them.

At least, for immortals, it depends on luck. If the other party's "clerical position" matches the laws of the great road that one has understood, then one can swallow part of the power of the laws and strengthen oneself.

For example, Su Xing mastered the way of space and killed an alien god whose official position was "God of Displacement."

Then it has something to do with the way of space. After waking up and killing it, you can gain some insights into the way of space and strengthen yourself.

"When you talk about this divinity, it's quite strange... Maybe the massive invasion of the Three Thousand Worlds by foreign races has something to do with the divinity?"

Su Xing touched his chin, thoughtfully.

"However, in this simulation, the next step is to seek the Void Stone and understand the avenue of space!"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[You will stay in Baidi City for one month. 】

[One month later, you went to Tianji Pavilion and exchanged the innate hibiscus branch for a void stone of good quality. 】

[After the transaction is completed, you leave this place and prepare to find a place to retreat. 】

[In order to ensure that the retreat will not be disturbed by others, you went to Shiwanda Mountain and opened a cave inside the mountain. 】

[Then you set up the breath gathering formation and prepare to retreat. 】

[No.30 In five years, after a year of seclusion, your understanding of the way of space has gradually deepened. 】

[The Void Stone contains the pure origin of space, you continue to understand it. 】

[Time flies by, and five years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[No. 40, one day when you used the Void Stone to understand the way of space, you suddenly fell into a mysterious realm. 】

[Space seems to become traceable in your eyes, as clear as the substance. 】

[Congratulations, you triggered a serendipitous epiphany! 】

[After entering the state of enlightenment, your understanding will be greatly improved, as if you are omnipotent...]

[You seize the opportunity and use the power of space over and over again. 】

[Space teleportation, opening up different-dimensional storage spaces, space cutting... the proficiency of various methods is rapidly improving. 】

[On the third day of enlightenment, you finally broke through the shackles and mastered the prototype of the Space Avenue! 】

[On the fifth day of enlightenment, you successfully integrated the space avenue into the prototype of the spiritual realm...]

[When your state of enlightenment disappears, you feel a sense of loss. 】

[But then there was a surprise. 】

[In just five days of enlightenment, you not only mastered the avenue of space, but also added another attribute to the prototype of the spiritual realm. The power of the three laws of wood, fire and space coexist! 】

In the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulated text in front of him, feeling pleasantly surprised.

“Finally, triggering a serendipity epiphany!”

"In five days of enlightenment, I not only understood the prototype of the space avenue, but also took the prototype of the spiritual realm a step further!"

"With the three avenues of wood, fire and space as the core, there is probably only one prototype of the spiritual realm of this level!"

Su Xing is quite satisfied with this, but the origin of the three avenues is not in line with Su Xing's expectations.

"Try again in the next time...see if you can integrate into other avenues..."

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[After understanding the prototype of the Space Avenue and taking a further step in the spiritual realm, you did not slack off, and then tried to integrate other original powers. 】

[The fourth source of power you will incorporate is the source of thunder. 】【You have been trying on Blue Star for more than ten years, but with little success. 】

[But now that you have understood the avenue of space, you feel that your mastery of the spiritual realm has improved, so you continue to try...]

【In this way, another ten years have passed in the blink of an eye. 】

[Year, you were in retreat in the cave, and you were suddenly awakened by the movement from the outside world. 】

[Most of the formation restrictions originally laid out were destroyed. 】

[You frowned slightly, left the cave, and appeared in Shiwan Mountain. 】

[Looking around, you see two human beings and demons from the Immortal Realm fighting. 】

[These two demon kings are fighting for their lives with every move. The terrifying aftermath of their magic power will make the mountains fall and your formation will be broken. 】

[Being surprised by others from seclusion and interrupting your understanding of the spiritual realm makes you unhappy. 】

[So you decided to give them some color. 】

[With a movement in your heart, the four major sources of power come out, the wood, fire and thunder space...]

[You make a fist with one hand and grab it in the void, and a demon general from the human fairyland will be caught by you in the void. 】

[This is the use of the power of space. Within your spiritual domain, all creatures cannot control their location as long as they understand the way of space less well than you do. 】

[Looking at the way this human fairy cultivator bared his teeth and spoke rudely, you frowned slightly. 】

[With a wave of his left hand in the air, a space blade as sharp as a blade appeared, directly cutting the human fairyland demon cultivator in half, killing him instantly. 】

[The demon cultivator from the human fairyland on the other side saw the souls of the dead coming out and quickly wanted to escape. 】

[But you clenched your fist with your right hand, pulled the air, and a bolt of thunder struck down from the nine heavens. It contained the terrifying origin of thunder and could directly kill the demon cultivator in the fairyland! 】

[Boom boom boom!When the thunder falls, the demon cultivator from the Human Immortal Realm on the other side will also be chopped into charcoal by you, with no breath of life...]

[In just a dozen breaths, you killed two demon generals in the early stage of Human Immortal Realm one after another. 】

[But you are not satisfied with this, because you find that the consumption of the spiritual realm is a bit too large, and the prototype of the spiritual realm has not been completely formed. 】

[After collecting the corpses of the two demon generals, you decided to go to Baidi City to inquire about the recent battle situation on the front line. 】

In the real world, Su Xing smacked his lips when he saw this.

"Tsk, tsk... I killed the two-headed demon cultivator in the early stage of the Immortal Realm with just a wave of my hand. This fighting power is simply incredible!"

Su Xing's eyes were filled with surprise. The improvement in the spiritual realm was greater than he imagined!

It can completely reflect the power of the origin of the avenue!
Although Su Xing understood the original power before, his ability to exert it was limited and he was far from being able to exert its maximum power.

But the prototype of the spiritual realm in this world is just an unfinished form, and it is already extremely powerful, even enough to instantly kill two demon cultivators in the early stages of the fairyland.

"So, with the blessing of the spiritual realm, it is simply a dimensionality reduction strike against targets who have not mastered the spiritual realm!"

Su Xing sighed softly and looked at the simulation panel.

[After killing the two demon cultivators, you went to Baidi City. 】

[Entering Tianji Pavilion, you purchased a piece of frontline information. 】

[You understand that the war situation in Tianmo City has not been good in recent years, mainly because there are more red-eyed aliens on the battlefield, which has greatly increased the pressure. 】

[You can make some estimates and guess that the red moon will be resurrected soon, so the red-eyed alien race will appear frequently. 】

[At this moment, you suddenly remember that in No. 60, two great demons from the Celestial Realm will be ambushed to death. 】

[And this will speed up the demise of the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[But if you go to the front line to participate in the battle, you may also be in danger, which is not conducive to your understanding of the spiritual realm. 】

[So you decided to sell this information to Tianji Pavilion, but not now. 】

[In this way, another eight years have passed. 】

[Eight years, these eight years, you have continued to understand the prototype of the spiritual realm. 】

[Since the origin of the four avenues of wood, fire, thunder and space, you have tried to integrate the origin of power into them. 】

[But this process is not as smooth as you think. 】

[The reason is that the more original power contained in the spiritual realm, the more difficult it is to master it. 】

[In eight years, your progress has been slow. 】

[You knew in your heart that two years later the frontline immortal demon would die, so you sold the information to Tianji Pavilion in advance. 】

[Although Tianji Pavilion is confused as to why you were able to gain insight into this information in advance, it is still willing to pay a large amount of spiritual stones for it. 】

[You will feel more at ease after receiving the spirit stone. As long as the information is sent to the front line, the tragedy should be avoided from happening again. 】

[At the same time, you also asked Tianji Pavilion for information about the Advent Sect. 】

[Sure enough, as you expected, the situation of the Adventist Church has not been good in recent years. 】

[More than 20 years ago, you sold the locations and information of the major strongholds of the Advent Sect to Tianji Pavilion. 】

[After Tianji Pavilion verified the authenticity, it quickly organized casual cultivators to encircle and suppress the Advent Sect. 】

[In the encirclement and suppression of evil cultivators, casual cultivators naturally rushed to sign up. Not only low-level monks participated, but also human immortals, earthly immortals... and even heavenly immortal monks took action! 】

[More than 20 years have passed, the strongholds of the Advent Sect have been destroyed, and all the ten major traitor merchant families have been wiped out. 】

[This leaves the Advent Sect with too much time to worry about itself and no time to surround you. 】

[The Advent Cult paid a huge price to investigate how this information was leaked, but no matter what, they cannot think of you...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth when he saw this.

"Tsk, tsk, I'm afraid in the eyes of the Advent Cult in this timeline, I'm just a little traitor who went to the Little Qingyun Realm from the World Passage..."

"But they can't know that these were leaked by me..."

The Advent Cult has too much time to take care of itself and crack down on the traitors within the sect. This is naturally good news for Su Xing. At least he doesn't have to worry about being hunted down by the Advent Cult.

"It's a pity that the fusion of the spiritual realm is much more difficult than I thought... In the next time, I wonder how many more avenue sources can be fused?"

Su Xing sighed.

It would be a bit unwilling to let him give up and directly solidify the spiritual realm.

"Forget it, if you spend more time now... you will save more time in the future!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[The Advent Sect has no time to take care of itself, and the battle situation on the front line is relatively stable, which makes you feel relieved, so you work harder to practice in the spiritual realm in seclusion...]

[In the blink of an eye, another seven years have passed. 】

[No.60 In five years, your mastery of the spiritual realm has improved slightly, but the source of power still cannot be smoothly integrated into it. 】

[After you came out of seclusion, you inquired about some information and determined that the current situation of Xiao Qingyun World was okay, so you went into seclusion again. 】

[The gap has passed...this retreat lasted another ten years! 】

[No. 70 In the fifth year, when you came out again, you finally completely incorporated the source of power into the prototype of the spiritual realm. 】

[In addition to the wood, fire, thunder, and space origins, there is another great avenue origin in the spiritual realm. 】

[After absorbing the source of power, you find that your spiritual realm has another characteristic. 】

[Within the spiritual realm, your power has been greatly improved. The original power of two thousand mountains has been doubled to the power of four thousand mountains...]

[You can even control the gravity in the spiritual realm to make it difficult for the target to move. 】

[As the prototype of the spiritual realm continues to improve, you gradually realize the advantages of the prototype of the spiritual realm. 】

[Spiritual domain attributes may not be stronger the more they are, but the more the better! 】

[A few strong people focus on one path, and when Jiang climbs to the limit, the spiritual realm is naturally terrifying. 】

[But for every additional law of the great avenue, the spiritual realm can have one more characteristic! 】

[The more characteristics there are, the higher the upper limit of the spiritual realm will be. Naturally, the more, the better! 】

"It took 25 years for the origin of the fifth avenue to be integrated into the spiritual realm..."

"Sure enough, does it become more difficult to form the spiritual realm as we get to the later stages?"

Su Xing sighed. According to this progress, the prototype of the spiritual realm may not be completely formed in the next time.

"Forget it, just understand as much as you can..."

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[No.70 In the fifth year, you went to Baidi City and wanted to buy information. 】

[But at this moment, Baidi City is no longer as prosperous as it was ten years ago... Not only are there few casual cultivators on the road, but even the shops in Tianji Pavilion have been closed. 】

[You frowned slightly and asked about the battle report from the front line. 】

[Sure enough, as you expected, several Celestial Realm monks on the front line died in battle. The major forces felt that there was no hope of victory in the Little Qingyun Realm, so they withdrew one after another. 】

[At this time, in the Little Qingyun Realm, only Tianmo City is the top force that is still holding on with all its strength, and even the casual cultivators in Baidi City have been disbanded...]

[What makes you even more helpless is that the situation in Shiwandashan has begun to deteriorate in recent years. 】

[With the death of several great demons in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, the dragons in the Hundred Thousand Mountains are leaderless, and there are even rumors that the great demon in the True Immortal Realm failed to break through in seclusion and died...]

[In recent years, Adventism has also seen a resurgence. 】

[Everything seems to be back on track. Your efforts have only delayed the occurrence of these events...]

[You are inevitably a little discouraged, but you know that this is just because you are not strong enough. If you are strong enough, you will be able to completely change this situation! 】

[So you continue to practice in seclusion...]

[There are no years of cultivation, and in the blink of an eye, another ten years have passed...]

[No. 80 In the fifth year, you were disturbed while you were in retreat. 】

[I saw a charming figure breaking through the formation barrier and appearing in front of you. 】

[If you take a closer look, this person is actually a cadre of Adventist Cult, blood 23! 】

[Blood 23 seems to have come specifically to kill you... With just a wave of his hand, your seven souls and six souls were dissipated and turned into a fool. 】

[Subsequently, it searched your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

(Two updates are nearly [-] words, so please vote for the monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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