Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 277: 99 Heavenly Tribulations, a person hated by Heaven?Threat from Red Moon! 【Please subscr

Chapter 277: Ninety-Nine Heavenly Tribulation, a Person Disliked by Heaven?Threat from Red Moon! 【Please subscribe】

[Sixty-Ninth Heavenly Tribulation, even if you are not a top genius, you are unstoppable! 】

[Even if you are a monk in the middle stage of the Human Immortal Realm, if you want to resist these six or nine heavenly tribulations, you must use all your means...]

[Fortunately, you reacted quickly and immediately raised the body-protecting sword, and one thousand four hundred swords came out to firmly block the sixty-nine tribulations...]

[At the same time, traces of Thunder Dao Yun penetrate into your body, allowing your Heavenly Thunder body to quietly break through. 】

[The sixty-nine heavenly tribulations that were unstoppable in the middle stage of the Human Immortal Realm were firmly blocked by You. 】

[You take a breath, and vitality emerges from your body, quickly repairing your damaged body. 】

[At this moment, the seventh ray of thunder began to gather in the sky, and finally fell quickly...]

[The Seven-Nine Thunder Tribulation is coming! 】

[You only hesitated for a moment, then propped up the body-protecting sword again, and at the same time drank a large amount of elixirs, quickly recovering your immortal power and injuries...]

[The thunder calamity fell suddenly, and most of the [-] swords were damaged. 】

[But fortunately, you blocked it! 】

[Activate the origin of wood, and a large amount of vitality will emerge, quickly repairing your body. 】

[You took a few breaths, but then you suddenly raised your head and your face became serious...]

[Eighty-nine heavenly tribulations are about to fall! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this.

"The eighty-nine heavenly tribulations... Could it be that the three questions of heaven have such a great impact on the thunder tribulation?"

"Or...do I have the qualifications to become a saint!?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, but he was a little confused.

Logically speaking, with his current talent, a seven-nine tribulation should be more appropriate...

After all, the awakening spiritual root is too weak. Even if he makes a "great wish" to answer the way of heaven, it should not cause eight or nine heavenly tribulations.

Among those powerful people who can trigger eight or nine heavenly tribulations and have the qualifications to become saints, which one does not have an ethereal root, plus a holy body, a Taoist body, etc...

In comparison, Su Xing's talent and foundation are still far behind.

"It's really weird...could it be that the way of heaven is at odds with me?"

Su Xing had a bad premonition in his heart. Su Xing might be able to withstand the eight or nine heavenly tribulations...

But if something bad happens and triggers the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation...

When he thought of this, Su Xing quickly shook his head.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"I'm not a person who hates heaven... How could I possibly cause the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation?"

Su Xing shook his head like a rattle.

He once heard that there was a person with a Tianyin constitution who was born to cause disasters, causing all the creatures in the small world to be devastated...

In the end, it caused the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation and wiped it out.

This is also one of the few cases of the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation in the world of immortality for countless years.

"With the help of the power of the spiritual realm... we should be able to withstand the eight or nine heavenly tribulations, right?"

Su Xing swallowed and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the sky, eight or nine heavenly tribulations are about to fall. 】

[You vaguely heard exclamations in the distance. All the powerful men watching were in disbelief that eight thunder tribulations would fall in a row! 】

[Such a terrifying thunder disaster has never been encountered in the Little Qingyun Realm since its birth! 】

[But you can no longer care about anything else at this moment and quickly use your last trump card, the prototype of the spiritual realm! 】

[Wood, fire, thunder, speed, space, and the superposition of seven avenue sources will greatly increase your combat power. 】

[You take a deep breath, use the Heavenly Sword Technique, and slash towards the sky with sword light in your hand...]

[Before the thunder tribulation completely falls, you must weaken the power of the thunder tribulation! 】

[At this moment, there is endless vitality in your body... The origin of wood has reached its limit! 】

[With the blessing of several talents, your body has become extremely strong...]

[In the end, you are in full glory, facing this thunder calamity that is enough to kill the peak monk of the Human Immortal Realm! 】

【Boom boom boom...】

[For a moment, lightning overflowed, and the whole world seemed to be flashed white by lightning...]

[And you, who are at the center of the thunder tribulation, have withstood the full power of the thunder tribulation. 】

[When the lightning passes through your body, not a single inch of your spirit and body will be free from pain! 】

[You gritted your teeth and persisted, but your waist finally couldn’t hold it anymore and bent down...]

[Within a radius of hundreds of miles, no trees could grow and the earth collapsed... The land was turned into charcoal by thunder. 】

[With a muffled sound, you finally fell onto the dark, charred earth...]

【Bang bang bang~】

[I don’t know how long it took, it seemed like a second, and it seemed like a lifetime...]

[Your heart resumes beating. With the blessing of "Xiao Qiang"'s talent, you finally survived with difficulty! 】

[You turned over with great effort, feeling unbearable pain all over your body. You changed from lying on your stomach to lying on your back. 】

[Suddenly, you seem to hear the exclamation of the monk in the distance. 】

["I'm going to suffer! Why is it the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation!?"]

["Could it be that another disgusting person was born in this world!?"]

[All the monks dispersed in a hurry...]

[And you slowly opened your eyes and saw the last thunder falling from the sky, hitting your body directly. 】

[Under the annihilation power of Thunder Tribulation, your soul will be destroyed...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing still had a look of shock on his face.

"Nine-nine heavenly tribulations?! Am I worthy?"

Su Xing pointed to his nose and was speechless for a while.

"Damn it, God thinks too highly of me, doesn't he?"

"All the talents I have combined together... have nothing to do with the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation!"

It should be noted that the ancient saints may not have experienced such a terrifying catastrophe during the tribulation period.

Can a monk in the early stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm be able to withstand this thing?
Not to mention overcoming the tribulation...

That's almost two realms away!

"It's not right...absolutely not right!"

Su Xing frowned and thought.

The thing in him that can cause the Nine-Nine Heavenly Tribulation... seems to be a simulator that transcends all things...

"Could it be because of the simulator?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows.

So far, he doesn't know what the simulator actually is...

Is it Luotian’s secret treasure?
Su Xing felt that it was most likely not the case...

The simulator transcends time, fate, reincarnation... virtual reality... and even has the power of creation!

Su Xing felt that if Luo Tian had such a treasure as the simulator, it would definitely not be destroyed...

"Oh, it's so nerve-wracking!"

Su Xing sighed, the Nine-Nine Thunder Tribulation could not be overcome for the time being.

"Forget it... let's take a look at the simulation rewards first!"

Su Xing decided not to worry about it, just take it one step at a time...

[Fire Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[Ten years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 2000 million energy.

[The Body of Heavenly Thunder (Three Stages)]: In the third stage of the Body of Heavenly Thunder, after eighty-nine thunder tribulations, the body is tempered. The sensitivity to the way of thunder is increased, the purity of the thunder spirit root is increased, and the affinity for the thunder spirit energy is increased. Moderately increases the upper limit of physical potential.The price is 50 billion energy.

[Enlightenment of the Spiritual Realm Pass of the Six Immortal Passes]: Based on the Dao and the understanding of the origin, the power of the spiritual realm is exerted. Within the spiritual realm, the combat power of the monks is greatly improved, and it is a power that only immortals can master.The prototype of the spiritual realm has solidified the seven avenue origins of wood, fire, thunder, space and speed, and is sold for 20 billion energy.

[The Avenue of Thunder (Prototype)]: After eight or nine thunder tribulations, I understood the prototype of the Avenue of Thunder, with ultimate destruction and speed, priced at 50 billion simulated energy.

[The Avenue of Fire (prototype)]: Comprehend the Avenue of Fire, release fire spells and magical powers, and the power will be greatly increased. The price is 50 billion simulated energy.

[First Level of Human Immortal Realm Cultivation (Eighty-Ninth Thunder Tribulation)]: After experiencing the baptism of the Eighty-nine Thunder Tribulations, he successfully passed the five levels of becoming an immortal, possessing the initial strength of the Human Immortal Realm, and is sold for 100 billion simulated energy.

"Huh? Cultivation in the Immortal Realm?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment and looked at the last reward option on the simulation panel.

"It's strange... I obviously didn't survive the ninety-nine thunder tribulations and died. Could it be that the eighty-nine thunder tribulations can also directly extract cultivation?"

Su Xing touched his chin and thought about it.

"Huh? It seems that there is no precedent for failing to overcome the thunder tribulation and being unable to break through the realm?"

"Because...it seems that all those who failed to survive the thunder tribulation died..."

Su Xing tried to extract the first level cultivation level of Human Immortal Realm.

However, as soon as this idea came up, Su Xing's talent "seeking good luck and avoiding evil" started to give warnings frantically!
At the same time, Su Xing also felt like he was about to lose something...

Seeing this, Su Xing quickly stopped his thoughts and murmured:

"Strange, why does extracting the cultivation level of the Immortal Realm... make me feel frightened, as if something bad is about to happen?"

Su Xing was a little confused, and after some hesitation, he started a divination.

The hexagram indicates Xiaoji, which means that Su Xing’s recent fortune is good...

Su Xing thought for a while and made a plan in his mind to "extract cultivation"...

Immediately afterwards, the hexagram suddenly changed.

From a small lucky to a big evil!

And it’s a life and death disaster!Ten deaths and no life!

Su Xing looked at the hexagram in front of him and became slightly silent, feeling even more puzzled.

"It's strange... Even if the Eighty-nine Thunder Tribulations really have the potential to cause damage, the hexagrams shouldn't be like this!"

"Look at this hexagram, if I extract my cultivation level, I'm afraid I won't survive even a day!"

Su Xing fell into deep thought.

Now, is there anything on the entire Blue Star that can threaten Su Xing?

"Yes, Red Moon!"

Su Xing suddenly thought of something. He was promoted from the Tribulation Stage to the Immortal Realm. This was a qualitative transformation!

Even if there is a simulator to cover up the secret, it is very likely to cause thunder disaster!

"So...the meaning of this hexagram is that once I extract my cultivation, I will be noticed by Hongyue?"

"Although Hong Yue has not been resurrected yet, after all, she was once comparable to Daluo Jinxian...I was found dead and dead!"

Su Xing took a breath, feeling that his guess was probably close to the truth!
"Could it be that my cultivation is stuck in the tribulation stage... and I am unable to ascend to immortality!?"

Su Xing's face suddenly turned ugly.

If the red moon has been staring at the blue star, it means that the movement caused before waking up was not big enough...

And once he transcends the tribulation and ascends, such movements will definitely alarm Hongyue!
"With this red moon pressing in the sky...what should we do?"

Su Xing suddenly felt a headache.

Su Xing thought again about the rumors he had heard about "the mysterious disappearance of powerful human race gods"...

It definitely has a lot to do with Red Moon.

If you can't overcome the tribulation and ascend, your awakening strength will stagnate, and you will never be able to expel the alien race!
And if you survive the tribulation, you will be discovered by Hongyue...

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt despair in his heart, as if he was trapped in an endless loop...

"No... we haven't reached the point of despair yet!"

"There must be a way!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, first calmed himself down, and then analyzed it carefully.

After a long time, Su Xing thought of two solutions...

First, go to Xiaoqingyun Realm and ascend!This requires passing through the killing battlefield, reaching a different space, and then escaping to Xiao Qingyun Realm!

But unless absolutely necessary, Su Xing was unwilling to leave his hometown and take such a risk.

Staying in Blue Star to develop steadily is the most suitable development strategy for Su Xing...

The second solution is to use heavenly shielding to cover up the fluctuations when the awakening cultivation level is improved. Maybe it can escape Hong Yue's perception?
After all, Red Moon is not omnipotent, and this thing has not been resurrected yet...

Su Xing doesn’t believe that He knows everything.

"In that case, we should try going to the ruins of Wanmu Sect first to see if we can use the formation to cover up the fluctuations?"

"If it doesn't work...that's the only way!"

Su Xing took a deep breath.

Looking at the time, Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for a long time.

So Su Xing first made a deal with Lu Yuanwu as promised, and then Yu Jian went to the Xianwu Era dungeon.

After entering the ruins of Wanmu Sect, Su Xing began to set up the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation...

After layers of restrictions and shielding, he woke up and entered the Lingtian Cave.

Trying to extract the cultivation level of the first level of Human Immortal Realm...

But as soon as this thought came up, Su Xing felt frightened again, and his talent for seeking good fortune and avoiding evil gave him a crazy warning.

"No, today's heavenly shielding technique cannot withstand the red moon!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, his expression a bit ugly.

"Is the only way left to leave Blue Star... and go to Little Qingyun Realm?"

Su Xing looked at his familiar panel and discovered a secret technique that he had ignored for a long time.

Bagua fortune-telling and fortune-telling (introduction)!

This technique was obtained from Zong Laogou by Su Xing.

But for a long time, Su Xing has done more research and application on human destiny.

After all, this is about awakening one's own destiny and safety.

But now, Su Xing found that he seemed to have ignored the first half, the essence of Bagua arithmetic!

"The Bagua arithmetic technique is close to the Tao... If you master it completely, you can get a glimpse of the road of destiny..."

Su Xing remembered the annotations on Bagua arithmetic and murmured:
"The Avenue of Destiny...can it withstand the prying eyes of Red Moon?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes were firm.

"No matter what, you have to give it a try!"

"If you successfully comprehend the Avenue of Destiny, you might be able to withstand the gaze of the red moon! You can even... get longer in the simulation!"

Su Xing has made up her mind.

"Besides, will the Eight Trigrams arithmetic combined with the Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation have better results?"

Wake up thinking.

His current understanding of formations is close to the master level, and he is only one step away from being able to deploy tenth-level formations...

You must know that the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation can be a super composite formation of fifteen levels at its highest!

Even the Golden Immortal Sense can be deceived!
If we use the more advanced Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation and the Bagua arithmetic...

A red moon that has not yet been resurrected might really be able to deceive it!

Su Xing already had a plan in mind.

"So...the selection of rewards for this simulation..."

Su Xing hesitated for a moment and said silently:

"I choose the prototype of the Avenue of Fire, and my thoughts on the prototype of the Avenue of Thunder!"

Su Xing naturally has his reasons for making this choice.

Apart from the fact that the cultivation base cannot be selected for the time being, there are actually many rewards worth choosing.

For example, the divine body of fire, the body of heavenly thunder (three stages), the enlightenment of the great road of fire and thunder, or the enlightenment of the spiritual realm...

But Su Xing is greedy!

The greatest effect of the Fire Divine Body on awakening is to strengthen the perception of the Great Way of Fire!

And Su Xing has already understood the prototype of the great avenue... If he needs the [-]% cultivation speed blessing later, it won't be too late to take it out.

The body of thunder can be advanced and awakened through thunder tribulation or the thunder area in the belly of the giant beast.

As for the understanding of the spiritual realm...

This is where greed comes in!
In the simulation, Su Xing incorporated the seven avenues of origin, but it still did not reach the limit!

Therefore, Su Xing wants to try... to include the eighth source of the avenue, the power of destiny!
The path of destiny... This is a path that is more void and profound than space!

Su Xing made a decision in her heart, and heard the simulator prompt in her ears.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the enlightenment of the Way of Thunder (prototype), spending 50 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 151 million points...]

[Ding, you successfully brought out the enlightenment of the Way of Fire (prototype), spending 50 billion energy, and the remaining energy is 101 million points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

A lot of memories, accompanied by the understanding of the Thunder Fire Avenue...

After waking up, the aura around him began to change rapidly, with sparks and thunder flashing vaguely...

After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and murmured:

"The Avenue of Thunder, the Avenue of Fire... are both excellent and powerful avenues for killing!"

Su Xing is relatively satisfied with these two great insights.Although not as top as the Space Avenue, in the Three Thousand Worlds, those who can master the Fire and Thunder Avenue are considered to be powerful and powerful.

Compared with some defensive and moderate avenues, the Avenue of Fire and the Avenue of Thunder are obviously better at attacking and more aggressive.

"These two great insights can be regarded as paving the way for the future. Although the short-term gains are not good...but the road will be much smoother in the future!"

Su Xing murmured.

After digesting the Dao Dao insights, Su Xing began to refine the puppets on a daily basis.

In one week, three miner puppets.

Now the number of awakened miner puppets has reached 19, and they can mine nearly [-] billion worth of raw ore of foreign metals in a week.

"At this rate, the raw ore in the Xianwu World... seems to be mined in less than half a year..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, but fortunately, there was still enough raw metal ore for the time being.

Su Xing estimated that the upper limit of about 30 miner puppets would be enough.

On June [-]th, Su Xing went to the villa as scheduled and met Jin Congxue.

Jin Congxue was still beautifully dressed today, but she looked a little tired. She must have been worrying a lot about overseas market expansion recently.

"Sister Xue, stretch out your hand..."

Su Xing looked at Jin Congxue sitting opposite him and whispered.

Jin Congxue was a little confused when he heard this, but he still did it.

The palm of Xing Ruyu's hand grasped Jin Cong's snow-white and tender palm.

Then his heart moved, and a wisp of wood-type immortal power entered it.

In just an instant, Jin Congxue's fatigue was wiped away, and he became more energetic and seemed to be several years younger...

Noticing the changes on her body, Jin Congxue was startled, opened her mouth and said:
"Wake up...is this skill of yours a medical skill?"

"Who did you learn it from? This is too mysterious..."

Jin Congxue's pretty face turned red and she spoke a little coquettishly.

At this moment, she only felt warm and comfortable like never before.

Su Xing smiled slightly and said:

"Sister Xue, if you like... I can give you a massage every week from now on. This is my exclusive medical skill!"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue rolled her eyes and said:
"Tch, who's massaging the palms of your hands? Little pervert..."

After the two joked and lingered for a while, Jin Congxue handed over the new week's goods to Su Xing.

Su Xing also left the storage ring before reluctantly leaving.

In the new week, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce has greatly expanded its overseas business, plus 65 billion of foreign metal energy, providing a total of nearly 75 billion of energy to Awakening!
Wake up and return to Lingtian Cave, quietly waiting for the simulation time to cool down.

In the new era, June 2025, 6, Awakening will start a new round of simulation.

【Ding!This simulation consumes 9400 energy points, with 215 million remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 10 energy points to extract purple talents, and 100 million energy points to extract golden legendary talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

This week, Su Xing does not plan to draw new talents.

Instead, he plans to extract the once golden talent from the talent pool to "enter the Tao through formation"!
Currently, there are only two talents in the golden talent pool, with Formation Entering the Way and Fire Divine Body.

Su Xing was lucky. He only spent 100 million energy to successfully extract the array talent.

"Huh... that's right. In this simulation, I've learned about the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation and the Bagua arithmetic!"

With a clear goal, he looked at the simulation panel with awake eyes.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating...]

[Your transaction with Lu Yuanwu went smoothly...]

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon...]

[After coming out of the Luotian dungeon, you joined the Advent Cult. 】

[After joining the Advent Cult, you began to spend a lot of time every day meditating on the Bagua arithmetic and the Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation. 】

[Your original understanding of the Formation Dao has reached the peak of the ninth level, and you are only one step away from reaching the tenth level and becoming a true master of the Formation Dao. 】

[And as you pass the mana level and your spiritual power turns into immortal power, you will become more comfortable with formation layout...]

[In the blink of an eye, seven years have passed. 】

[In the seventh year, you killed the leader of the natural faction...]

[In the eighth year, you killed the old dog Long...]

[In the tenth year, after ten years of research, you finally made the move and became a real formation master! 】

[At this time, you can already arrange the tenth level formation! 】

[The first thing you try is the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation! 】

[The tenth-level Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation is enough to block the perception of monks in the Human Immortal Realm. Even if they are close at hand, the spiritual consciousness of the Human Immortal Realm monks cannot penetrate into it...]

[But you were not satisfied with this, so you continued to study the formation. 】

[In the 11th year of No. [-], Blood Three came to Blue Star, you offer the spiritual dragon...]

[In the same year, your formation research hit a bottleneck, and you began to understand the Eight Trigrams and National Fortune Chapter. 】

[As you read through the chapter on National Destiny, you will increasingly feel that this technique is mysterious and indescribable. 】

[The National Luck Chapter can block the secrets of a place, and can even superimpose the effects of the People's Luck Chapter... If you can integrate them, you may be able to understand the way of destiny! 】

[As your consciousness enters the realm of six consciousnesses, you feel that your research on Bagua arithmetic has accelerated, and your understanding seems to have improved slightly...]

[In your dedicated research, ten years have passed in the blink of an eye! 】

[No. 20 year, you successfully exited the customs! 】

[At this time, your mastery of the Eight Trigrams and National Fortune chapter has reached the level of success! 】

[In the same year, you went to the world of beast control...]

[No.20 In the second year, you found that your understanding of formations was far from enough. If you worked behind closed doors, your progress would be too slow. 】

[So you no longer hesitate and plan to go to Xiao Qingyun Realm in advance! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"Indeed, if you go to Qingyun Sect to become a disciple, there is no need to delay..."

"The Qingyun Sect has a great cause, and there must be a profound formation master!"

Su Xing is looking forward to it. If there is guidance from a famous teacher, the efficiency of understanding the array will definitely be greatly improved!

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You go to the killing battlefield, pass through the different space, and arrive at the northern part of Xiao Qingyun Realm...]

[After arriving at Xiaoqingyun Realm, the first thing you do is go to Tianji Pavilion to sell information. 】

[At the same time, you also try to find out whether you can invite a monk with advanced formation skills to give you guidance. 】

[However, masters of formation path are extremely rare in the Xiao Qingyun world. 】

[It is often difficult for immortals in the Human Immortal Realm to become masters of the Formation Dao. Only immortals from the Earth Immortal Realm who have studied the Formation Dao for thousands of years may be able to achieve this achievement...]

[Even in Tianji Pavilion, you can only buy a few lost formation methods, and you cannot ask famous teachers for guidance. 】

[In desperation, you decided to go to Qingyun Sect! 】

[This year, you take an airship to Little Qingyun City. 】

[After waiting for more than a year in Xiao Qingyun City, the Qingyun Sect enrollment ceremony officially begins! 】

[After you showed your identity, you quickly gained the respect of True Immortal Danhuo. 】

[He told you that he will return to Qingyun Sect in two years. 】

[So, you live in Xiao Qingyun City and study the Bagua arithmetic every day...]

[In the blink of an eye, two years have passed. 】

[No.20 In the fifth year, you took a flying boat and arrived at Qingyun Sect with the True Immortal Danhuo. 】

[The Qingyun Sect’s mountain gate is so majestic that it will shock you once again to the power of the Immortal Sect…]

[But this time your goals are clear and time is urgent, so you don’t have time to care about this. 】

[You were warmly received by several fellow senior brothers and sisters, and received many gifts at the same time. 】

[In the same year, you traded with Fairy Ziling and exchanged thousands of Spirit Gathering Flowers for 130 million sect contributions! 】

[Qingyun Sect’s contribution points, in addition to being able to exchange for treasures and spiritual stones... the most important use is to use the contribution points to ask the elders in the sect for advice! 】

Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this, and he murmured:
"It's no big deal if it can be solved with money!"

"Anyway, the amount of Julinghua is abundant... Fairy Ziling is the financial backer!"

"I just don't know what kind of famous teachers and elders can be hired with more than 100 million contribution points?"

Su Xing raised his eyebrows and looked at the simulation panel.

[After you inquired about it, you found that the elders of Qingyun Sect gave instructions and clearly marked the price...]

[One month of guidance from the elders of Tianxian Realm, [-] contribution points. 】

[One month of guidance from the elders of True Fairyland, [-] contribution points. 】

[One month of guidance from the elders of Xuanxian Realm, [-] contribution points! 】

[As for those above the Golden Immortal Realm...most of them are second-generation direct disciples, and most of them are in retreat, so it is difficult to have time for guidance. 】

[A great master of formations that you know, Brother Jinxianjing, has been in seclusion for hundreds of years... Even if you have money, you can't hire him. 】

[In desperation, you resorted to the next best thing and spent [-] contribution points to hire an elder from the Mysterious Immortal Realm to give you guidance on the formation. 】

[Coincidentally, this Xuanxian Realm elder is the official founder of the Xuanyuan Breath Condensation Formation, and a fifteenth-level formation master! 】

[But the price of guidance from the elders of Xuanxian Realm is too expensive. One hundred thousand contribution points per month, even you can only ask for it once a year. 】

[You spend one month every year learning the formation method under the personal guidance of this Xuanxian Realm elder. 】

[In the remaining eleven months, you will comprehend and digest these formation insights on your own...]

[Under the guidance of a famous teacher, your understanding of the Tao of Battle will increase rapidly! 】

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed. 】

[No.30 In five years, your understanding of Taoism has reached the tenth level peak! 】

[Only one step away from deploying the eleventh level formation...]

[This year, you traded with Fairy Ziling again and exchanged 260 Spirit Gathering Flowers for [-] million sect contribution points. 】

[After you have sufficient resources on hand, you continue to seek advice from the Xuanxian Realm Array Elder. 】

[So, five years have passed...]

[In the 40th year of No. [-], you successfully understood the eleventh level formation and were able to deploy advanced composite formations! 】

[It’s just that you, the eleventh-level formation master, are a bit biased. You can only deploy the eleventh-level Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation...]

[After the formation breakthrough, you are even more motivated and continue to study behind this Xuanxian Realm elder. 】

[In this way, another ten years have passed. 】

[Year, in the past ten years, you have spent millions of contribution points to reach the peak of the eleventh level in your understanding of the formation! 】

[Even the elder of the Xuanxian Realm admires you greatly, saying that you are a formation wizard who is rare in ten thousand years. It is not a problem to surpass him in the formation realm in the future! 】

[You are not very happy about this, because you find that after the formation reaches the eleventh level, it is extremely difficult to improve. 】

[One year, you learned that a powerful martial brother from the Golden Fairy Realm came out of seclusion. 】

[So you quickly prepare gifts and pay a visit, hoping to get guidance on his formation! 】

[For the sake of his direct brothers, he accepted your gift and promised to teach you for a month. 】

[You are so pleasantly surprised by this that you secretly take the Spirit-enlightening Pill, activate your state of great wisdom, and prepare to attack the twelfth-level formation master! 】

[Under the guidance of this Jinxian senior brother, you are like an enlightenment, and your understanding of the formation path has rapidly improved. 】

[But you know the truth of biting off more than you can chew. It is obviously impossible to learn multiple twelfth-level formations in just one month...]

[So you choose to specialize in one discipline and only learn the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation! 】

[In the blink of an eye, one month has passed! 】

[Under the full guidance of this senior brother from the Golden Immortal Realm, you finally took a step further and became a twelfth-level formation master...]

[It's just that you, the "twelfth-level" formation master, are somewhat unworthy of your name, because there is only one formation above the eleventh level that you can deploy, and that is the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation! 】

[But even so, you are very satisfied...]

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"The twelfth-level Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation is enough to block the perception of monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

"It took more than 30 years of hard training, and even the guidance of famous teachers... plus the bonus of using the formation to enter the Tao, I'm afraid it's equivalent to what ordinary monks have learned over hundreds of years!"

"But even so... it only upgrades one formation to the twelfth level..."

Su Xing smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

He knew that as a twelfth-level formation master, he was a bit "special", and the only things he was good at were the breath gathering formation and the Xuanyuan breath gathering formation.

As for other types of formations... I'm afraid it will take time to learn.

"However, the twelfth-level Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation...should be enough, right?"

Su Xing touched his chin.

He didn't know what level Hong Yue's current strength and perception were.

But the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation, combined with the Heavenly Secret Shielding Technique... maybe you can give it a try!
After all, the thirteenth-level formation is a super-composite formation that belongs to the Grand Master level!

To be able to comprehend such a level of formation within such a short period of time after waking up... is a bit unrealistic.

"After learning the twelfth-level formation, it's time to leave Qingyun Sect, otherwise you may be discovered by Qingyunzi!"

Su Xing murmured that in the next time, he was going to study the Bagua arithmetic with all his strength!
Looking at the simulation panel...

[In the second year, you proposed to Fairy Ziling that you wanted to experience other worlds and asked her to keep it a secret for you. 】

[Fairy Ziling agreed to your request. 】

[You took a flying boat and went to the Little Qingyun Realm...]

[After some hesitation, you decided to go to Tianmo City. 】

[You opened a cave deep in a mountain thousands of miles away from Tianmo City. 】

[You have deployed a twelfth-level Xuanyuan Breath Concentrating Formation, which is enough to block the detection of monks from the Heavenly Immortal Realm...]

[Subsequently, you set up layers of restrictions and used Bagua arithmetic in two chapters to shield the cave and your own secrets...]

[After confirming that there are no omissions, you officially start the retreat! 】

"Sigh, I don't know how effective the Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation can be on Qingyunzi..."

"But I can hide it a little longer!"

Even if he wakes up, he doesn't expect that a mere twelfth-level formation can withstand Daluo Jinxian's exploration.

I just hope that I can delay it for a little longer so that Su Xing can understand more about Bagua arithmetic.

[You are in seclusion deep in the cave, strengthening the formations and restrictions every year...]

[In the blink of an eye, eight years have passed. 】

[In No. 60, your understanding of Bagua arithmetic has improved, but there is still a long way to go before reaching the Dacheng level...]

[In this way, another ten years have passed. 】

[No. 70, after ten years of enlightenment, your understanding of Bagua arithmetic has finally reached the Dacheng level! 】

[At this time, there are two chapters on the Bagua arithmetic technique. You have perfected the chapter on people's luck, and the chapter on national luck has also reached the Dacheng level! 】

[As you continue to understand this Tao, you will become more enlightened in your heart. 】

[There are two paths of destiny: cause and effect, which often go hand in hand and are difficult to distinguish from each other...]

[The Bagua arithmetic involves not only fate, but also the law of cause and effect, which is why it is so difficult! 】

[And as your understanding of this art becomes closer and closer to perfection, you also vaguely come into contact with the path of destiny and cause and effect contained in it...]

[Every flower, every tree, one person, one world... are all related. The causes of past lives and the consequences of this life are all things that monks avoid...]

[You continue to meditate on the Bagua arithmetic, hoping to reach the perfect state of this art as soon as possible. By then, you will understand the origin of two new avenues! 】

[Fate and...karma! 】

[But one day you made a prediction and predicted that there will be a disaster in the near future...]

[Sure enough, three days later, Qingyunzi found you! 】

[You know in your heart that there is no escape...]

[Qingyunzi searched your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, the waking expression was a little complicated.

"The way of fate and cause and effect!? This Bagua arithmetic...can really be regarded as a Taoist art!"

"The Xuanyuan Breath Condensing Formation is considered useful...even if it is at the semi-saint level, can it delay it for several years?"

Su Xing was still a little surprised by this. From this point of view, the probability of resisting Hongyue's prying eyes was even greater!

“Let’s take a look at the simulation rewards first!”

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the simulation panel.

[Enter the Tao with Formation]: Golden talent, priced at 1000 million points of energy.

[Ten years of alchemy experience]: After redemption, the existing alchemy insights will increase slightly, and the price is 2000 million energy.

[Perception of Bagua fortune telling]: Technique is close to the Tao. If you understand the destiny of people and the destiny of the country at the same time, and integrate them, you can get a glimpse of the path of destiny and cause and effect. It is sold for 20 billion energy.

[Perception of the twelfth-level formation]: If you are a bit biased in your cultivation of formations, you can set up the twelfth-level Xuanyuan Breath Collection Formation to block the perception of the heavenly realm, but other formations will still remain at the tenth-level formation master stage. Priced at 80 billion energy.

In this simulation, the goal of awakening is clear.

The purpose is to gain insights into Bagua arithmetic and formations.

And with the blessing of talent, the Ling Qi Pill, and the awakened "money ability", this goal can be considered to be successfully achieved.

Therefore, Su Xing said without hesitation:
"I choose to redeem my Bagua arithmetic insights...and the twelfth-level formation formation insights!"

(End of this chapter)

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