Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 286: The monks in the fairyland were shocked and understood the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art! [

Chapter 286: The monks in the fairyland were shocked and understood the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art! [8k, please vote monthly]

The progress of ripening spiritual rice is slightly faster than Su Xing imagined.

In one week, Su Xing ripened approximately 7000 million kilograms of rice.

Including the previous year and more, the spiritual rice accumulated by Su Xing is exactly [-] million kilograms.

Among them, Su Xing also took the time to improve some spiritual cultivation and alchemy puppets.

Seeing August 8th, Su Xing tidied up.

Disguised as a breather, he took the exotic metal ore excavated this week and flew to Blue Star with his sword.

In the villa, Jin Congxue waited for a long time.

The two of them were eating delicious food and chatting as usual.

Su Xing handed over the new week's ore to Jin Congxue. After thinking about it, he also handed over the storage ring containing the spiritual rice.

"There are about [-] million kilograms of spiritual rice here... which is exactly the amount of the official transaction with Daxia. I will leave it with you first. After the transaction, you will give me the Stone of the Abyss..."

"And here are the new week's elixirs and exotic metal ores..."

Su Xing said, handing over a few storage rings.

Jin Congxue felt warm in his heart after seeing it.

This priceless spiritual rice was handed over directly to her... How much do you trust her?

Jin Congxue's pretty face turned red as she handed this week's goods, along with the purified exotic metals, to Su Xing's hands.

When he wakes up, he is immediately extracted into energy source, which is worth about [-] energy sources.

In this way, including the energy source provided by Lu Yuanwu, the remaining energy source of the awakening comes to 4 points.


After leaving the villa, he woke up and re-entered the Lingtian Cave.

The simulation time quickly cooled down, and he woke up and was ready to start the No. 90 eight simulations.

"Start the simulation!"

[The current remaining energy source is 43214 points, and there are no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent. The probability of getting the golden talent next time is 70%...]

[Old and Stronger]: Purple talent, when your age is aging and your life span is only 20.00%, this talent will be triggered, and your overall strength will increase by 20.00%...

"60.00% probability, I didn't get the golden color, my face is a little dark..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at this new talent.

"Huh? It seems to be a talent that gets stronger as you get older... But, there is only 20.00% of life left, can I trigger it?"

Su Xing estimated that he could live at least more than 1 years in the fairyland. As for the simulation to last more than 8000 years... Su Xing had no extravagant expectations.

"But speaking of it... I seem to have had a similar longevity talent before?"

Su Xing looked at a talent that had been hidden for a long time in the purple talent pool.

[Late Bloomer]: Purple talent, it will automatically take effect when your age is greater than [-] years old, and your practice speed will be doubled based on the current level. (Note: The premise is... you can live to be a hundred years old.)
"The late-blooming talent takes effect when you are one hundred years old... Last time I simulated it to 1 year, which is equivalent to 123 years old..."

"Having 23 years of double cultivation blessings is equivalent to practicing for 23 more years!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, this talent was finally put to use now!

And with the longer the awakening simulation time is, the wider the scope of the late blooming talent will be!
In the end, it may be equivalent to the effect of hundreds of additional years of practice!
"Tsk tsk... Late blooming talents are amazing! Isn't this much better than some divine body or holy body?"

Su Xing sighed in his heart, at first glance, the intensity of this purple talent is a bit too high!
"After the simulation... I can bring out this talent!"

Su Xing murmured.

However, for this simulation, Awakening still needed some planning.

"Zhengyi must practice Qi Jue as quickly as possible... Only in this way can he maintain rapid improvement in the Immortal Realm..."

"There is also the Great Witch Body Training Technique, cultivate to perfection as soon as possible to the first level, collect the whereabouts of the Earth Yuan Dan, and find a way to break into the second level!"

Su Xing made it clear that improving his strength was the top priority now.

After practicing, explore the Three Thousand Worlds and find the necessary heavenly materials, earthly treasures, etc.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[Ten days later, you went to Luotian Dungeon...]

[After that, I traded spiritual rice with Daxia officials, and no accidents happened. 】

[You contacted Luo Shuying, and after obtaining the token, you entered the spirit world. 】

[Activating the teleportation formation, you entered the ancestral land of the Spirit Clan, buried Luo Bing'er's body, and took out some of Luo Tian Sect's treasures and spiritual liquid. 】

[After doing all this, you return to Lingtian Cave and concentrate on practicing the Zhengyifu Qi Jue. 】

[The next year, you went to Luotian Dungeon again...]

[After coming out of the Luotian dungeon, you went to the world of beast control and cleared away obstacles. 】

[Before leaving Blue Star, you found Long Old Dog, killed him, and gave the low-level elixir left in Luo Tian Sect to the Daxia military, hoping to keep Blue Star alive for a while longer...]

[After that, you went to the Demon-Suppressing Pass and met the old human emperor. 】

[You asked him why he didn’t break through to the Holy Level. If he could break through to the Holy Level, the Demon Saint crisis in the 28th year might also be resolved. 】

[The old emperor tells you that if he is promoted to the holy level, he must go to the Blue Star Dungeon, and by then he will lose himself under the guidance of unknown power...]

[After hearing this, you thought thoughtfully and handed him the Nine Turns Pill refined by Long Laogou Longzhu, hoping to help him break through...]

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes lit up when he saw this.

"That's right! The human emperor is already at the pinnacle of the emperor...only one step away from the saint level!"

"With the help of the Nine Turns Pill... maybe he can really block the Demon Saint and hold on for a while longer for Blue Star!"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

With his current physical body and cultivation level, the Nine Turns Pill refined from the true dragon bloodline in the Fusion Stage is almost useless to him.

It's better to leave it to Blue Star in order to last longer...

"Then the next step is to go to Xiao Qingyun Realm!"

"Only there... can my body-refining skills grow rapidly!"

"There are also the whereabouts of the Void Spirit Stone and the Diyuan Pill that need to be searched for..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You arrived at the end of the killing battlefield, killed the killing messenger, entered a different space, and arrived at the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the fourth year of simulation, you went to Tianji Pavilion, sold relevant information, and obtained a large amount of spiritual stones. 】

[You asked Tianji Pavilion to search for the whereabouts of Diyuan Pill for you. The main medicinal ingredient is Tongyuan Flower! 】

[Tianji Pavilion has accepted your deposit, which means that if the flower is missing, we will notify you as soon as possible. 】

[After leaving Tianji Pavilion, you went to the front line of Tianmo City to join the battle. 】

[With your cultivation in the Immortal Realm, you easily became a captain on the front line. 】

[At this time, the pressure on the front line is not great, and even the aliens with medium divine power rarely show up. This also causes your acquisition of flesh and blood essence to be slightly slower. 】

[Even so, relying on the essence of flesh and blood at the peak level of the Human Immortal Realm, your great witch body training skills are still slowly rising. 】

[Strength becomes stronger day by day...]

[However, you should focus more on understanding the Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue. 】

[Meditate for four hours every day, and you will be unstoppable...]

[In such a blink of an eye, 17 years have passed...]

[In No. 20, you made slow progress in the Great Witch's body-building exercise, and your strength slowly climbed to the strength of [-] mountains. 】

[However, Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue is making good progress, and you expect to be able to fully comprehend the first level within a hundred years. 】

[This year, you discovered a Shadow Clan god on the battlefield. 】

[You spent a lot of energy to kill it...]

[However, you did not choose to comprehend, because the divinity of an inferior divine power is not enough to elevate your way of space to a higher level. 】

[You continue on the battlefield, hoping to find a foreign god with medium divine power, and obtain the essence of flesh and blood after killing it. 】

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[No. 20 In the fifth year, after several years of ambush and observation, you finally found the place where the foreign gods often hang out. 】

[According to your observation, this foreign god’s strength is at the early stage of the Earthly Fairy Realm. 】

[With your own strength, without using martial ethics, the probability of defeating it is [-]%, but the probability of killing it is less than [-]%. 】

[So for the sake of caution, you reported the matter to the commander of the Earth Fairyland, gathered the strength of the two of you, laid an ambush for a month, and successfully killed him! 】

[After this battle, you will become famous in Tianmo City! 】

[After participating in killing the alien gods with medium divine power, you were nominated as a candidate to lead the fairyland. 】

[If you have more military exploits, even if your strength is only in the Human Immortal Realm, you can become the leader of the Earth Immortal Realm. 】

[You did not choose the reward of a large number of spiritual stones, but chose the essence of alien flesh and blood. 】

[In the next five years, you will practice in seclusion, comprehend the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art, and practice the Great Witch Body Training Art...]

[No. 30, after using up the essence of flesh and blood, your power has further increased, reaching the power of eight thousand five hundred mountains! 】

[You can feel that you are getting closer and closer to the completion of the first level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique. 】

[In the next ten years, you are still fighting on the front line and making great achievements. 】

[In No. 40, you once again cooperated with the commander of the Earth Fairyland to successfully ambush and kill a god with medium divine power. 】

[After taking the essence of its flesh and blood, you practice seclusion again...]

[No. 40 In five years, your strength has grown to the strength of Nine Thousand Mountains, and the Great Witch's Body Training Technique is not far away from reaching the first level of perfection. 】

[At this moment, with your physical strength alone, you can fight against the peak of the Human Immortal Realm, and against the early stage cultivators of the Earthly Immortal Realm, your chances of winning are as high as [-]% or more...]

[But in order to escape from the dangerous front line as soon as possible, you did not expose your cultivation level and still showed off your peak strength in the Human Immortal Realm. 】

[In the year, the red-eyed alien race began to appear, and the situation on the frontline battlefield began to reverse. 】

[Fortunately, with the support of top forces, we can still defend. 】

[As the fighting on the frontline becomes fierce, as you, you have many more opportunities to obtain the flesh and blood essence of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[In this way, ten years have passed and you have accumulated more than 300 kilograms of the flesh and blood essence of the fairyland. 】

[No. 60, your power reached the strength of nine thousand five hundred mountains in this year. 】

[As you climb to the top of the first level, the practice of the Great Witch's body-forging technique becomes a little more difficult...]

[This year, you alerted the Heavenly Immortal Realm that the great demon was ambushed, gained military merit, and was officially promoted to the commander of the Heavenly Demon City! 】

[In the same year, you received six hundred kilograms of earthly fairyland flesh and blood essence as a reward. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Huh? Wasn't it three hundred pounds before? Why is it now six hundred pounds..."

Wake up and think carefully for a moment to understand why.

"I guess it's my status that has improved... As a being who can rival the leader of the Earthly Immortal Realm, even the Heavenly Immortal needs to be won over..."

Su Xing nodded slightly and continued:
"Then we have to find a way to leave the front line. We have accumulated enough flesh and blood essence..."

"It's time to go to Tianji Pavilion to inquire about the information about Xia Diyuan Dan, and the secret realm where the Kongling Stone is located is about to be opened..."

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[You continue to stay at the front line of Tianmo City, quietly waiting for the opportunity to escape unscathed...]

[In this way, three years have passed. 】

[In the third year of No. 60, aliens raided a city on the front line. You rushed to support, and an alien god who was equivalent to the early stage of the Earthly Fairy Realm wreaked havoc on the city. 】

[You use one thousand six hundred body-protecting swords to kill him alone. 】

[After that, you pretended that your life was exhausted and your fuel was exhausted, and you proposed to withdraw from the front line and return to the rear to retire. 】

[Tianmo City agreed to your request and gave you a badge symbolizing the frontline heroes. 】

[You obtained a large amount of flesh and blood essence from the Earthly Immortal Realm, and then retired with great success, leaving the front line of the Demonic City...]

[No.60 In five years, after many twists and turns, you came to Baidi City. At this time, Tianji Pavilion still exists. 】

[The girl handed you a jade pendant, which contains information about Tongyuanhua...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and his heart moved. He counted the time and said silently:
"Use an immersive simulation, lasting 31 days!"

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation, and the remaining energy is 43181 points...]

Su Xing's vision suddenly changed, and he appeared in the Tianji Pavilion Information Store.

"Fellow Taoist, do you have anything else to do?"

The girl's voice came to my ears. Su Xing's expression was a little complicated. After hesitating for a while, he asked:
"I think the Little Qingyun Realm will eventually go to destruction... If you want to leave this world and escape to a safe world, is there such a business in Tianji Pavilion?"

Su Xing felt that he had dealt with this girl a lot, so maybe he should inquire.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl shook her head slightly and said:
"Sorry, Tianji Pavilion only sells information and goods... and does not have the business of bringing people across borders."

"However, if you want to leave this world, I can point you to a clear path... just think of it as giving you the information for free!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up after hearing this, and he asked, "What is the clear path?"

I saw the girl saying: "Become a member of Qingyun Sect... and go to Qingyun Realm!"

"With the power of the Qingyun Sect, at least for thousands of years we will have no worries... we won't have to worry about being completely invaded by foreign races!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this, Qingyun Sect...

He really wants to go!
But once he joins the Qingyun Sect, it will be difficult for him to survive for 100 years, let alone 60 years.

Even Qingyunzi, who joined as an ordinary disciple and regained his memory, must be able to sense the aura of awakening.

In the hands of a big Luo, what could Su Xing do to escape?
So Su Xing asked:
"Is the only way to join the Qingyun Sect? Isn't it possible to join Baidi City... Tianmo Prison?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, the girl shook her head slightly and said:
"I, Tianji Pavilion, don't care about worldly affairs. Apart from the safety of the core disciples, I don't care about anything else..." "And Baidi City is an alliance of casual cultivators. Unless you are an internal disciple of the Baidi City headquarters, you cannot leave this world. "

"As for the Heavenly Demon Prison..."

"The Heavenly Demon Prison is too far away... With its power policy, the disciples must fight to the last moment... to live and die with the Little Qingyun Realm!"

"So, the only choice left for you is to join the Qingyun Sect..."

Su Xing remained silent after hearing this. Analyzing it based on the facts, it seemed that this was indeed the case.

So... can I only rely on myself to escape from the Little Qingyun Realm?

Su Xing sighed and said goodbye to the girl.

Go to Baidi City, rent a cave for a year, first take out the jade slips of information, wake up and look for information about Tongyuanhua.

After reading the information, a strange color flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

"In the Blackwater Realm, 30 years ago, a large number of Tongyuan flowers appeared... no less than a hundred plants?"

Tongyuan flower is the main material for refining the Earth Yuan Dan, and it is also the only elixir that is needed for awakening.

In the Black Water Realm, the first time Su Xing learned about this world was when he came to the Sect Valley. There was a Mahayana monk who was born in this world.

"Perhaps, after getting the spirit boat... it's time to go to the Black Water Realm!"

Su Xing murmured, and then began to comprehend Luo Tian's Immortal Transformation Technique.

After taking a spiritual enlightenment pill and receiving the blessing of great wisdom, I began to understand...


Soon, the immersive simulation ends and you wake up and return to reality.

"That's right, one month to comprehend...the introduction to the first level of Luo Tian's Immortal Art..."

"In the future, you can practice normally and improve your cultivation!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

"Then next, let's go all out to practice the Great Witch's Body Forging Art and Zhengyi's Conquering Qi Art..."

Look at the simulation panel.

[You practiced in Baidi City for two years. No. 60 For seven years, you went to the depths of Shiwan Mountain. 】

[According to the fingerprints in the intelligence, in seven days, a secret realm containing strange beasts in the void will appear near your area. 】

[For this reason, you prepare in advance, hoping to find the ethereal stone...]

[Seven days passed quickly. 】

[One day, you feel something in your heart, and a strong space fluctuation flashes hundreds of miles away...]

[You know, the secret realm is born! 】

[So, you immediately rush towards the direction of the secret realm...]

[At the same time that the secret realm appeared, many demon cultivators in the Hundred Thousand Mountains sensed the appearance of the secret realm and rushed towards it at extremely fast speeds. 】

[As for the Advent Sect and the casual cultivators in Baidi City, they are a little far away, but they are working hard and will be able to reach them in a few days. 】

[But because you mastered the location of the secret realm in advance, you stepped into the secret realm immediately...]

[But when you enter the secret realm, you are stunned. 】

[The information does not contain a detailed description of the interior of the secret realm, only the location and time. All of this needs to be explored by yourself. 】

[And the location you are in seems to be a collapsed alien space. The turbulence in the space is as sharp as a blade. Even an immortal from the human fairyland will escape death if he steps into it...]

[You emit your spiritual consciousness, hoping to find the location of the void beasts and ethereal stones...]

[But this secret realm of the void is like a maze, with turbulence everywhere, which also has a great impact on spiritual consciousness. 】

[You can only rely on divination and your own good luck to rush towards the direction of the sixth sense...]

[Fortunately, you have a deep understanding of the way of space, so you didn't get lost in the void maze here...]

[Finally, after spending several days, you finally reached the end of the void maze! 】

[I saw the corpse of the strange beast in the void...]

[The body of this strange void beast remains intact. It looks a bit like a puppy, but is about the size of a human being...]

[And next to the strange beast in the void, you found a few stones shining with white light, which are exactly the ethereal stones you need! 】

[You were overjoyed and quickly grabbed the ethereal stone. 】

[As soon as you pocketed the strange beast of the void, you felt several powerful auras approaching rapidly. 】

[Two demon kings from the late Earth Fairy Realm and three human monks from the late Earth Fairy Realm arrived here at the same time! 】

[They look at you, with some surprise in their eyes, as if they can’t believe it. A monk from the Human Immortal Realm actually got there first. 】

[You frowned when you saw the five powerful people from the Earth Immortal Realm arriving. It was not easy for you to contend with one late Earth Immortal Realm person with your own strength, let alone five of them? 】

[After a moment of silence, you point at the corpse of the strange beast in the void, indicating that you are willing to give up the corpse of the strange beast in the void and only want to leave this place. 】

[After hearing your words, the two demon kings of the Earthly Immortal Realm nodded in agreement. At this time, there are more monks in the human race, so they naturally want you to leave. 】

[However, a human monk hidden in a black robe showed a charming smile. 】

[He said: The strange beasts of the void are accompanied by precious ethereal stones. Although they are not as valuable as a corpse, they are not something that you, a little human fairyland monk, can get your hands on...]

[You narrowed your eyes after hearing this. After some hesitation, you took out a ethereal stone and handed it over. 】

[You have obtained four ethereal stones this time. To ensure the smoothness of the weapon refining, you must keep at least three...]

[However, this black-robed monk is obviously not upright. He is aggressive towards you, indicating that you definitely have more than one, and wants to search your stored magic weapon...]

[Of course you don’t agree, but the human monk takes a step forward, as if he wants to take action forcefully...]

[In this situation, you seemed to give up struggling, took out the only three ethereal stones, and threw them towards the black-robed monk from a distance. 】

[The black-robed monk's eyes flashed with greed... He stretched out his hand as if to grab the Void Stone. 】

[At this moment, your lucky body-protecting sword gang and one thousand six hundred body-protecting sword gangs cooperate with each other without regard for martial ethics and kill the black-robed monk! 】

[This is your peak blow! 】

[Under this blow, you are confident that you can severely damage even a late-stage cultivator in the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

[The black-robed monk was caught off guard, and I didn’t expect that you, a little human fairyland monk, would dare to attack him...]

[But he reacted immediately when he saw Jian Gang and quickly released his spiritual domain, forming twisted spaces around his body. 】

[This is actually an Earthly Immortal Realm monk who understands the avenue of space!And integrated it into the spiritual realm! 】

[However, his reaction was half a step too slow after all...]

[I saw that his outstretched left arm was cut off in an instant, and he suffered several serious injuries. He was bleeding and his combat power was greatly damaged...]

[One blow severely damaged the cultivator in the fairyland. You quickly retracted the four ethereal stones. Holding the Mo Bing Sword, you looked at the surrounding cultivators warily. 】

[You point your finger at the corpse of the strange beast in the void, indicating that you will not participate in the fight, and all you want is the Void Spirit Stone. 】

[Seeing that you have the strength to severely damage the monks in the fairyland, they did not dare to ignore it and immediately said that you can leave at any time. 】

[You nodded slightly when you saw this, your aura did not diminish, and you quickly left the Void Secret Realm and returned to Baidi City...]

[You memorized the map of the maze in the secret realm and drew a map. 】

In the real world, Su Xing was shocked when he saw this.

"Tsk tsk... Sure enough, in the world of immortality, the tip of a knife licks blood!"

"Absolute strength... only has the right to speak!"

Su Xing sighed slightly. This time he explored the secret realm and killed people to seize treasures, which made Su Xing gain a lot of knowledge.

"It's a pity that the corpse of the strange beast in the void... I'm afraid I won't be able to confidently face five late-stage cultivators of the Earthly Immortal Realm at the same time and take away the body when I get to the Earthly Immortal Realm?"

Su Xing shook his head slightly, but getting the ethereal stone this time was enough to meet Su Xing's needs.

"Let me memorize all the information maps of this secret realm so that I can snatch them next time!"

“Using immersive simulation…”


After waking up and entering the simulated world, he came back again, with many related secret memories in his mind.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[After leaving the Void Secret Realm, you practiced in Baidi City. In the blink of an eye, eight years have passed. 】

[No. 70 In the fifth year, your great witch body training technique has taken a further step, and your strength has reached the power of nine thousand nine hundred mountains. You are only one step away from reaching the first level of perfection. 】

[No. In the year 80, one day you felt blessed. When the morning sun rose and the first ray of purple energy entered your body, your state of mind and understanding were completely different. 】

[You feel relaxed all over your body, and your cultivation speed has increased more than ten times in just one hour! 】

[An hour of practice is worth a day of hard work! 】

[You have finally entered the first level of the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art, and you can eat twelve hours of Qi! 】

[Practice for one hour every day, which is equivalent to one day of ordinary practice! 】

[Of course, you only have that hour every day for the Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue to be effective...]

In the real world, Su Xing took a deep breath and looked satisfied when he saw this.

"Not bad... 80 years of hard work, plus the previous two months of immersive simulation... equivalent to a hundred years of hard work, finally getting started on the first level!"

"It's a pity that the significance of the first level of Zhengyi Conquering Qi Jue is not to increase the speed of cultivation... but to save time!"

"In the future, I only need to spend an hour refining my Qi... and I will not waste the rest of my time practicing the various arts of immortality!"

After a pause, Su Xing had a little expectation in his eyes.

"If we can reach the second level of Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue..."

"Eating 24 solar terms! Practicing 24 days a year is equivalent to two years of practice! At that time... the real speed of practice will skyrocket!"

"I just don't know how long it will take for the second level?"

Su Xing was a little curious and looked at the simulation panel.

[One day, the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil comes with a warning. You know it, or the Adventist Cult is coming to hunt you down. 】

[So you made a quick decision and prepared to leave this place and headed for Shiwan Mountain. 】

[In No. 90, you opened a cave in the Hundred Thousand Mountains and stayed in seclusion for ten years! 】

[One day, you realize that you seem to have reached a certain bottleneck and your physical strength is no longer growing...]

[You finally succeeded in cultivating the first level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique to perfection! 】

[Your pure physical strength reaches the strength of a mountain and river, and you can physically fight against the perfection monks of the Immortal Realm! 】

[One month passed, and one day you felt uneasy, so you made a fortune...]

[You decide to flee to Tianmo City to avoid pursuit. 】

[In the year No. 90, you went to open a cave in the mountains outside Tianmo City to practice. 】

[You begin to practice the second level of Zhengyifu Qi Jue...]

[In the blink of an eye, ten years have passed...]

[You are still confused about the second level of Zhengyifu Qijue. The 24 solar terms of energy need to be practiced on the corresponding solar terms. 】

[Only by realizing the difference in the qi of heaven and earth on each solar term day can one enjoy the benefits of practicing in one day, which is equivalent to one month. 】

[In the past ten years, you have meditated hard and practiced for a total of 240 days, and you have only gained some understanding of the Qi of Jingzhe. 】

[On Jingzhe Day, you feel that your cultivation speed is several times faster than usual...]

[But it is still far away from the second level of complete understanding...]

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"Zhengyi Convinced Qi Jue, each level needs to understand a different aura..."

"The first layer of twelve o'clock energy, only at the moment when the purple energy is born every day, can the essence of the technique be more accurately captured..."

"As for the 24 solar terms, if you practice on the corresponding solar terms, will you understand them more quickly?"

Su Xing thoughtfully, Zhengyi takes Qi Jue, which is essentially taking breath.

This aura refers to many things in general, such as the aura of the five elements, the aura of nature, the aura of the great road, etc...

"If this is the case, can the experience of the Five Elements Mutual Generation Jue be used in the practice of Zhengyi Fuqi Jue?"

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[One year, one day you feel something in your heart, and within a few days, disaster is coming...]

[You know that the person who comes to assassinate you this time is most likely a blood three. 】

[But this time, you don’t plan to sit still and wait for death. 】

[You went to the Demon City to seek refuge. As a hero, you will naturally receive extra care. 】

[You explain that you have unintentionally entered a secret realm over the years. After taking the treasures of heaven and earth, your injuries were healed, so you returned to the front line of Tianmo City to fight against the aliens again! 】

[In your words, you did not mention Blood Three, you only hope to stay in the Demon City to fight against the aliens. 】

[Although the higher-ups in Tianmo City find your reasons ridiculous, they don’t know why you came back... They can only think that you have a fist and a will to fight against aliens! 】

[So, you were sent to the front line to resist the alien army. 】

[After arriving at the front line, you realized that the situation on the front line of Tianmo City was so bad at this moment. 】

[In the past, millions of monks... In the past hundred years, most of them have been sacrificed in the war, leaving less than a million monks left. 】

[And the frontline defense force is full of loopholes. With the number of monks, it is impossible to defend enough key cities. 】

[Compared to decades ago, the strength of the alien race shows no signs of weakening...]

[Especially the endless stream of red-eyed aliens on the battlefield, coming like a black tide...]

[You have been on the front line for a few days and feel that the crisis has been temporarily resolved. 】

[It seems that even a blood three would not dare to enter the front line of Demon City easily...]

[After all, there is an incarnation of Daluo Jinxian sitting in Tianmo City! 】

[You stay on the front line for several months to observe the battle situation. 】

[Looking at the alien army that is approaching fiercely and retreating hastily, you have a strange feeling in your heart...]

[These alien races clearly have the strength to take over the Demonic City in one fell swoop... but they always stop at critical moments! 】

[They seem to be...waiting for a certain opportunity to come? 】

(End of this chapter)

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