Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 300 Three sword gangs can kill the heavenly realm! 【3k】

Chapter 300 Three thousand swords can kill the heavenly realm! 【9k】

Su Xing glanced at Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method, nodded slightly and said:
  "Sure enough, as I expected, Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method is a supreme secret technique, and the direct exchange price is really expensive..."

"But I saved a lot of simulation energy by memorizing it myself."

Without hesitation, Su Xing said directly:
  "I chose to bring out my talent to find the dragon's acupoint, and I have already achieved the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique!"

As he finished speaking, the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

[You successfully brought out the talent of finding dragon points, spending 10 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 13 points...]

[You successfully brought out the second level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art (Xiao Cheng), spending 6 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 7 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

The next second, Su Xing felt that his whole body's aura and physical strength had increased dramatically!

The power of ten mountains and rivers...the power of fifteen mountains and rivers...the power of twenty mountains and rivers!
  Finally, the awakened physical power came to the power of twenty-five mountains and rivers!

The second level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique, from beginner to master, allows the awakening physical strength to more than double!
  At the same time, the flower of Yuanli within the awakened body also changed a lot, transforming into the shape of a flower bone, looking like it was about to bloom.

With the changes in the Flower of Yuanli, the quality of the awakened Yuanli has also been further improved!
  Originally, Yuanli's blessing of strength was about three times, but now it has been increased to about four times!
  Coupled with Su Xing's pure physical strength, Su Xing can have the power of hundreds of mountains and rivers with one punch!

After a while, Su Xing adapted to the surge of power in his body, which was a bit unbelievable.

"Now, if I use my full force of Yuan Li to strike... it should be enough to shake the continental plate, right?"

Wake up with excitement in your heart.

The power of hundreds of mountains and rivers, the physical body in the middle stage of fairyland, this is beyond the knowledge of professionals!

With such power, one punch could cause earthquakes within a radius of thousands of miles!

Su Xing estimated that even if Blue Star moved forward thousands of years, even those god-level professionals would still be far less powerful than he is now.

"If the cultivators from the Earthly Immortal Realm go all out to fight on Blue Star... it might be enough to cause the continental plates to float and the oceans to change!"

"Although it is not enough to destroy the entire world, the aftermath of the battle will probably destroy most of this creature!"

Su Xing sighed, realizing more and more that after having power, he must be cautious and not forget his original intention.

"However, it is still far away... If I reach the Celestial Immortal Realm, maybe I can delay the destruction of the Little Qingyun Realm?"

"If I reach the True Immortal Realm, I can inherit the inheritance in Luo Tianjing! By then, my heritage will have a qualitative leap!"

"Even the red moon hanging above my head...if I had the cultivation level of Xuanxian Realm, I would dare to fight head-on!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, becoming more and more eager to improve his strength.

"But I can't be too ambitious... My current strength can be said to be invincible in the Earthly Immortal Realm, and I am still far away from the Heavenly Immortal Realm..."

"If you can get the magical power to pull the stars in the star world... I'm afraid your strength will be further improved!"

Su Xing is a little eager.

Judging from the situation in the simulation, the magical power is at least the level of Earthly Demonic Power. If it is obtained through awakening, the combat effectiveness will be further improved.

But then Su Xing shook his head slightly, biting off more than he could chew. He had better improve his current magical powers first.

"Huh, but in the final analysis, the most important thing is the realm of cultivation... The improvement of cultivation still requires energy!"

"If the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique is raised to perfection, I'm afraid the energy required will still be 12!"

“After all, it’s still about making money!”

Thinking of this, Su Xing glanced at the time, began to disguise himself, and gathered his breath, preparing to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

After a while, he woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave, and obtained another [-] energy sources.

After that, Su Xing made time to repair the puppet and at the same time remove the evil spirit from the spirit dragon.

Because the spirit pulse dragon has a heavy black energy, the formation to expel the evil energy must be rearranged every time it wakes up to ensure that the evil energy is eliminated.

In this way, a week passed quickly.

During this period, he woke up and Yujian flew to the Xianwu World to harvest the new week's exotic metal ore.


When the time came to October 2025, 10, Su Xing went to the villa on time to meet Jin Congxue.

It's a new week, and he has purchased nearly [-] points of energy sources. Looking at the six-digit energy sources on the panel, Su Xing feels a little satisfied.

After the transaction, Su Xing and Jin Congxue lingered for a while before returning to Lingtian Cave.


The simulation time has cooled down, wake up and prepare to start a new round of simulation!

"Start the simulation!"

[The 107st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 11 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"It's time to improve your weapon refining skills!"

Su Xing frowned slightly, but was not in a hurry to extract the talent.

In the previous simulation, Su Xing fought with the monk from the Celestial Realm of the Star Realm, and was eventually defeated and died.

In addition to the gap in cultivation, the gap in magic weapons cannot be ignored.

Therefore, if Su Xing can sacrifice and refine the Mo Bing Sword, even if he loses to those powerful Celestial Realm monks, it will not be a big problem to fight against ordinary Celestial Realm early stage monks.

"But the problem now is... my previous talent for refining weapons was only a purple-quality talent for weapon refining. It would be great if I had a talent for golden weapon refining..."

Su Xing sighed. He also had a talent called the Flame Divine Body, which could also increase his understanding of the art of weapon refining. If he cooperated with the weapon refining wizard, the effect might be good.

"Should I choose the previous weapon-refining prodigy talent? But like this... I will lose an opportunity to draw the golden talent!"

Su Xing was a little tangled. If it was a gold weapon refining talent, Su Xing would definitely not hesitate, but purple... it was a bit more gain than loss.

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle!"

"Purple talent is already a bit outdated, gold talent is still needed!"

"Within four simulations, if I can't draw the golden talent for weapon refining... I will bring out the purple talent for weapon refining..."

Su Xing made a decision quickly.

Because the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique has greatly increased his elemental power, the speed of warming and nourishing his elemental weapons will also be much faster.

Su Xing hoped to refining the Mo Bingjian and improve its quality before warming up the element, so as to maximize the benefits.

"Extract the golden talent!" Su Xing gritted his teeth and said.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 70%...]

[Liu Shui Wu Wu]: Purple talent, you can feel the fluctuations of water, and your understanding of the avenue of water will be greatly improved.


Su Xing shook his head slightly. A purple talent that increased his understanding of the Great Way of Water was of no use to Su Xing for the time being.

"Since I didn't draw the golden talent, let's implement it according to the plan!"

Su Xing murmured.

In this simulation, he planned to further improve his body-training strength. It would be best if he could achieve the second level of the Great Witch's body-training technique.

In addition, the body-protecting sword seems to need further improvement!
  "Based on previous experience, it is best to take the Diyuan Pill after seventy-seven years to maximize the effect!"

"Twelve pills a year, at least [-] Earth Yuan Pills need to be left..."

Su Xing estimated that after refining the Earth Yuan Pill to the final level, [-] Tongyuan Flowers would be enough for him to refine more than a thousand Earth Yuan Pills.

This means that in the first seventy-seven years, the Diyuan Pill was used as little as possible, and in the next sixty years of practice, the Diyuan Pill was used to achieve twice the result with half the effort!
  Su Xing thought for a while, and after making sure there was nothing missing, he looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating...]

[After accumulating a day of great wisdom talent blessing, you go to the Luotian dungeon to learn the way of puppets...]

[Two months later, the exotic metal veins in the Xianwu Era dungeon were mined by you. 】

[You went to the dungeon of the Beast Controlling World and put thirty puppets into the Beast Controlling World to dig. According to your estimate, the veins of foreign metals here are enough for you to dig for about four months. 】

[In this way, one year has passed. 】

[In the second year, you accumulated two months of Dazhi talent blessing and prepared to refine the Earth Yuan Dan. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and made some calculations.

"Thirty miner puppets can provide me with [-] points of energy source in a week... that's [-] points in a month..."

"Looking at it this way, the two dungeons contain only close to [-] points of raw ore of foreign metals..."

Su Xing frowned slightly, [-] points of energy source, the energy source before the Celestial Realm is about enough.

But what about after the paradise?
  According to the current rate of expenditure of energy source, the amount of energy source required to advance to the first minor realm after reaching the Celestial Immortal Realm may be as much as one hundred thousand!

By gathering all the dungeon resources around Blue Star, is it enough to wake up and advance to the true fairyland?

This is a problem, Su Xing is a little worried...

"But... the spiritual world is a complete copy world. Maybe there are many foreign metal ores in it? I can go look for it?"

According to the original timeline, the spiritual world will be destroyed approximately seven or eight years later.

Of course, this is without outside intervention.

But as long as Su Xing is willing, he can easily prolong the death of the spiritual world, at least for twenty or thirty years.

"But for now, let's refine the Earth Yuan Dan first!"

“Use an immersive simulation… for two months!”


The simulation prompt sounds and you wake up into the simulation world.

Then he decisively took the Qiling Pill, turned on the great wisdom state blessing, and woke up to start refining the Earth Yuan Pill.

In one month, Su Xing refined a total of sixty furnaces of Earth Yuan Pill, with a success rate of [-]%, and only one furnace was a waste pill.

Moreover, twenty furnaces of the top-quality Earth Yuan Dan were refined, and the rate of producing the top-quality Dan reached over [-]%!
  "Huh... the refining skills of Diyuan Dan are almost perfect!"

"Just work harder..."

With the blessing of Qiling Pill, the awakening progressed rapidly.

After a month of immersive simulation, Su Xing finally perfected the Diyuan Dan refining technique.

In this way, the probability of refining the top-grade Earth Yuan Pill reaches [-]%, and the rate of making the pill reaches [-]%!

The immersive simulation ended, and Su Xing was very satisfied with his alchemy results.

"Yes, with the top-grade Earth Yuan Dan, my practice speed of the Great Witch's Body Training Art will be much faster. Maybe I can really break through to the Dacheng level in one go!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and looked at the simulation panel again.

[You spent several months refining one hundred and eighty furnaces of Diyuan Dan. 】

[Among them, there are [-] Cheng Dan and [-] top quality Earth Yuan Dan. 】

[You were not in a hurry to take these pills, but took the time to visit the spirit world. 】

[You spent three years carefully exploring the spiritual world with the help of your talent of seeking dragon acupoints. 】

[Sure enough, as you expected, there are also high-grade exotic metal veins in the spiritual world. 】

[You have found a total of about a hundred veins of third- and fourth-level exotic metals, which is enough for the miner's puppet to dig for half a year. 】

[In the fifth year, you went to the Beast Control Realm. After cleaning up the alien races, you returned to Blue Star and prepared to go to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[You put your relatives, friends and some Daxia professionals into the Lingtian Cave and went to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[Appearing in the familiar northern part of Shiwanda Mountain, the first thing you do is go to Tianji Pavilion in Baidi City to sell information. 】

[In addition to selling information to earn spirit stones, you also purchased information on dozens of nearby Small Thousand Worlds, several of which were the worlds where descendants of the Luo Tian Sect fled. 】

[You recorded this information one by one and did not rush to explore. Instead, after settling your family and friends, you prepared to go to the Black Water Realm. 】

[In the sixth year, after you arrived in the Black Water Realm, you went to the place where the undersea cave was before. You took out all the resources and magical powers hidden in the cave. 】

[After that, you erased all traces and went to retreat near Tongyuanhua Secret Realm. 】

[When you are in seclusion, you take one Diyuan Pill every three months, and the great shaman's body training skills become increasingly better. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
  "In addition to the improvement of the great witch's body training skills and body refining cultivation...the body protection sword is also in need of further practice!"

Su Xing currently has a total of [-] body-protecting swords, which is naturally a lot, enough to dominate the fairyland monks without defeat.

But now Su Xing has discovered his own way of swordsmanship - the Sword of Safety!
  This means that the upper limit of the body-protecting sword will be further increased!

Two thousand two hundred body-protecting swords are no longer enough.

"In addition to refining the body, you also need to further practice the body-protecting sword!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the seventh year, in addition to the practice of the Great Witch Body Training Art, you also began to practice the Body Protecting Sword Gang. 】

[Practice for four hours every day, and the number of body-protecting swords you master will increase day by day. 】

[In this way, twenty-three years have passed. 】

[In the [-]th year, you have taken nearly a hundred Diyuan Pills in total over the years, all of which are of ordinary quality. There are still more than [-] Diyuan Pills left. 】

[You can feel the flowers of Yuanli blooming in your body, and your physical strength has reached the power of thirty mountains and rivers! 】

[At the same time, the number of your body-protecting swords has reached [-]! 】

[The power of the body-protecting sword is further enhanced! 】

[In this way, another five years have passed. 】

[In the thirty-fifth year, you successfully obtained [-] Tongyuan flowers and killed three Adventist cadres. 】

[After getting the Tongyuan Flower, you no longer hesitate and go directly to the Star Realm! 】

[After half a year of traveling in the void, you finally arrived at the star realm successfully. 】

[As expected, Liuyun Golden Light Boat was seriously damaged and it was difficult to continue sailing. 】

[You enter the Lingtian Cave, adjust your breath for half a year, and your strength will return to its peak. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"It would be great to come to the Star Realm as early as possible, so that we can find the stargazing methods scattered among the tribes faster!"

"In addition to practicing, at the rate of collecting ten tribes a year... one simulation is enough to collect thousands of stargazing techniques!"

"It seems that with at most three or five simulations, the "Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Method" can be completely collected!"

Su Xing had some expectations in his heart, this was a supreme magical power involving the path of cause and effect and destiny!

If you wake up, you can collect them all and learn the "Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Method".

Not only can it shield Qingyunzi's perception, but also extend the simulation time.

It can even deduce cause and effect!

The temptation in this is difficult to resist even if you are awake.

"Huh... Then let's move among the tribes step by step!"

"But we still have to start collecting from those small tribes... Otherwise, it will attract the Celestial Realm monks to show up, which will not be good!"

Su Xing learned from his previous experience and looked at the simulation panel.

[After recovering your strength, you reappear in the star world. ]    [As expected, dozens of native monks from the Star Realm ambushed you. 】

[You paid [-] top-quality spiritual stones and obtained the temporary right to reside in the star world. 】

[In the next fifteen years, in addition to practicing, you also collected stargazing methods from various tribes. 】

[In the fiftieth year, you once again collected the stargazing methods of two hundred different tribes, compiled them, and the "Xiao Zhoutian Stargazing Method" in hand became more and more perfect. 】

[This year, the number of body-protecting swords you have mastered has reached [-]. 】

[In the fifty-first year, through continuous research on the stargazing methods of various tribes, you discovered that the stars in the sky also have their own "faction" or star sign! 】

[And the relationship between the stars seems to correspond to the relationship between the various tribes in the star world, whether they are hostile or friendly...]

[This makes you more curious. 】

[In the sixtyth year, you have worked hard to cultivate the body-protecting swords, and the number of body-protecting swords has reached [-]. 】

[You estimate that the limit of the prototype of the sword will be about three thousand to the body-protecting sword! 】

[This amount is enough to give you the combat power of the Heavenly Immortal Realm! 】

[In the next twenty years, in addition to practicing, you will focus most of your energy on collecting stargazing methods. 】

[As you continue to steal the stargazing method, you will become more and more proficient, and you will definitely return it the next day after each theft, only to recite it and memorize it. 】

[In this way, it did not attract the attention of the monks in the star world. 】

[In the eightyth year, over the past forty years, you have collected nearly [-] stargazing methods, three times faster than you expected. 】

[Including the stargazing methods collected previously, you have obtained more than [-] stargazing methods in total. 】

[Most of the content is repetitive and contradictory, but you get the essence and eliminate the dregs, and gradually develop a complete "Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Method". 】

[You estimate that you have collected a quarter of this stargazing method. If you can reach half, you can officially start practicing. 】

[But you have already collected almost all the stargazing methods of each small tribe. Among the tribes that need to be collected next, there are monks from the Earthly Immortal Realm, so the risk is much higher, so you become more cautious. 】

[This year, the number of body-protecting swords you have learned has reached [-]! 】

[In the eighty-first year, you will put more attention on the practice of the Great Witch Body Training Art. 】

[This year, your strength has increased to the strength of thirty-five mountains and rivers. 】

[You take one top-grade Diyuan Pill every month and your practice progresses rapidly. 】

[In this way, another fourteen years have passed. 】

[In the ninety-fifth year, your strength has increased, reaching the strength of forty mountains and rivers, but there is still a long way to go before you can reach the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art. 】

[With the blessing of a late bloomer, your practice of swordsmanship is also making rapid progress. 】

[The number of body-protecting swords you have mastered has reached [-]!]

[In the [-]th year, the number of stargazing methods you collected reached [-]. You occasionally deduced the complete secret method and gained a lot. 】

[This year, the number of body-protecting swords you have mastered has reached [-]]

[In the [-]th year, your strength has reached the power of forty-five mountains and rivers, and you have vaguely touched the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art. 】

[In this way, another ten years have passed...]

[In the [-]th year, your strength has increased to the strength of forty-seven mountains and rivers, and you are getting closer and closer to breaking through to great success. 】

[But at the same time, you are also a little anxious. I wonder if you can completely reach the Dacheng level in the last ten years? 】

[The practice of Awakening and Protecting Sword Gang has been making steady progress. The number of sword gangs you have mastered this year has reached [-]! 】

[And following your "stealing" in the past hundred years, rumors of a "stealing saint" began to spread among the tribes in the star world. 】

[Many native monks from the Star Realm want to search for your traces. 】

[You can only spend more time escaping from the pursuit of the indigenous monks besides practicing. 】

[In the [-]th year, your body-protecting sword has taken a step further. Three thousand body-protecting swords are protecting your whole body. Monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, do you dare to fight! 】

[But at the same time, you also feel the bottleneck. If you want to take a step forward in Protecting the Body Sword Gang, you need to have a first glimpse of the realm of swordsmanship...]

[In the [-]th year, one day you felt something in your heart. As you continued to practice, the flower of Yuanli in your body finally bloomed and was no longer the original flower. 】

[This year, your pure physical strength has taken a step further, reaching the power of fifty mountains and rivers, which is fully doubled from before! 】

[At the same time, Yuan Li’s blessing to your physical body’s strength is also about five times greater! 】

[Congratulations, you have finally reached the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was relieved to see this.

"What a risk... Anyway, at the end of the simulation, I finally reached the second level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique and completed it!"

"The second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique brings me the blessing of physical strength, making me comparable to the late-stage monks of the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

"Coupled with the body-protecting sword and many methods... I am sure to defeat the early-stage monks in the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing's words were very conservative, it was a defeat, not a kill!

If he was really risking his life, Su Xing would be able to kill the early-stage cultivator in the Heavenly Immortal Realm with the help of his "non-martial ethics" sneak attack.

But if we are facing the enemy head-on, we should only open six or four...

"What if we meet the Celestial Realm monk from the Star Realm again?"

Su Xing took a deep breath and tried to deduce in his mind the previous battle with the monks from the Immortal Realm of the Star Realm.

After a while, Su Xing shook his head slightly and sighed:

"Three thousand body-protecting swords, integrating offense and defense. Even if my Mo Bingjian is not as good as that monk's Heaven-shaking Seal, I will not be at a disadvantage!"

"It's a pity that the trick that attracts the stars... I still can't seem to resist it. With that kind of magical power, I'm afraid even a monk in the middle stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm can kill him!"

"Perhaps that magical power comes from "Xiao Zhoutian Star Gazing Technique"?"

Su Xing felt a little desire in his heart and activated the power of the stars. This girl is so handsome! How could I not be obsessed with Su Xing?

Just imagine, during the battle, Su Xing was fighting vigorously with a monk from the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Suddenly, the awakening became louder, and then directly caused the stars in the sky to fall, and directly smashed them to death!

How exciting would that be?

"Tsk tsk... It would be best if you can get this magical power. If you can't get it, you can only practice swordsmanship!"

Su Xing murmured.

But now he has also stepped out of his own way of swordsmanship. If his swordsmanship reaches its limit, he can become a great monk who controls three thousand worlds!

"However, "Xiao Zhoutian Stargazing Method" still needs to be learned..."

Su Xing silently said:
  "Using immersive simulation, duration 3 days..."


His consciousness entered the simulated world, and he woke up and began to memorize the stargazing methods of various major tribes that he had recorded.

This process alone took two and a half days.

For the remaining half day of immersive simulation, Su Xing used it to memorize some of the exotic metal veins he had recorded and the small world information he bought at Tianji Pavilion.

After the immersive simulation ends, wake up and return to the real world.

At this time, Su Xing's eyes were full of interest.

"Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method is really good!"

"I have collected more than a thousand tribes' stargazing methods. After sorting them out, there should be one-third of the three-thirds of Little Zhoutian's stargazing method?"

"It's just a pity that this secret method was not found at the beginning... Otherwise, if you can practice it, the path of destiny and cause and effect will transform!"

Su Xing felt a little excited.

"This simulation has come to an end... Although we haven't explored other worlds, our strength has grown tremendously!"

"Now I can be considered to have the combat power of the Heavenly Immortal Realm! Should I be considered the number one figure in the Little Qingyun Realm?"

"It's a pity that my opponent is still too strong... Hongyue, Xuesan, Qingyunzi, or the entire Advent Sect are not something that little Celestial Realm monks can compete with!"

Su Xing pursed his lips and reminded himself in his mind that he must not drift away after gaining a little strength and cultivation.

Even if you don't care enough to be invincible, you risk death!
  Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[After completing the second level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art, you continue to use the few remaining Earth Yuan Pills to speed up your practice. 】

[Several months passed like this. 】

[One day, your talent will give you a crazy warning...]

[One day later, Qingyunzi attacks...]

[Qingyunzi searched your soul...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing shook his head slightly and sighed:
  "Sure enough, I still can't escape Qingyunzi's fate!"

"But fortunately, the goal of this simulation has been basically achieved!"

Su Xing knew that if he wanted to simulate for a longer time, he needed to strengthen his Qi refining skills and escape to a farther world.

Secondly, it is also necessary to have a deeper sense of the path of cause and effect to prevent Qingyunzi's divination.

"But for now, let's extract our spiritual power and comprehend it first!"

Su Xing was looking forward to it and looked at the reward list.

[Liu Shui Wu Wu]: Purple talent, priced at 1 point of energy source.

[Second Level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique (Dacheng)]: The inherited method left by the ancient witch clan can be used for immortals to refine their bodies. The second level increases the energy and can be used to fight against the great cultivators. It is currently equivalent to the Earthly Immortal Realm. The later combat power is priced at 6 energy sources!
  [Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Technique (One-third)]: The divination technique inherited from the ancient witch clan’s star witches. If you practice it to a high level, you can glimpse the path of fate and cause and effect. It is a supreme secret technique. Unfortunately, it lacks the opening chapter, so it is difficult to Cultivation, priced at 3 energy sources.

[Body-Protective Sword Gang (Three Thousand Ways)]: Understanding the body-protecting sword gang with Earthly Demon Power. After learning it, the number of sword gangs increases to 3000, and the price is 2 energy sources.

Without hesitation, Su Xing silently said:

"I choose to bring out the second level of cultivation of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, as well as the enlightenment of the Body Protecting Sword Gang!"

[You successfully brought out the second level of the Great Witch Body Forging Technique (Dacheng), spending 6 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 5 points...]

[You successfully brought out the Body Protecting Sword Gang (Three Thousand Paths), spending 2 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 3 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

First of all, what has changed tremendously is the awakening of the physical body!
  Originally, the pure physical power of awakening was the power of twenty-five mountains and rivers!
  But now the power of the awakened body has doubled again, from the power of twenty-five mountains and rivers to the power of fifty mountains and rivers!

If combined with Yuanli, there will be five times the strength and physical blessing!
  Feeling the surge of power in his body, Su Xing had a vague feeling that he was omnipotent.

"The ancient witch clan...can lift up the entire world. Maybe it's not an exaggeration?"

"The great witch's body training technique, every level of practice is terrifying!"

"If you cultivate to the end... how terrifying will your power be?"

Su Xing was a little excited. He had only cultivated to the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, but he already possessed such terrifying power.

In ancient times, those witch clans who were comparable to Daluo Jinxian would only be more terrifying!
  What was adapted this time was not just Su Xing’s physical training.

Su Xing's heart stirred, and three thousand golden illusory swords surrounded his body, emitting bursts of soft moans that continued to circle around!
  "Three thousand body-protecting swords have been raised to the current limit. This is a method that only true Celestial Realm monks can possess!"

"Ordinary evil powers may not be as powerful as my body-protecting sword..."

Su Xing felt a little emotional.

What determines the upper limit of a monk's strength is always the method he is best at.

For Su Xing, it is the body-protecting Jian Gang!
  Three thousand body-protecting swords are integrated into offense and defense. It is not an exaggeration to say that one sword can penetrate the entire continent and reach thousands of miles underground!

"However, if I want to continue to maintain my advantage in this method, I still have to continue to practice hard in swordsmanship... Otherwise, after the Celestial Immortal Realm, I may be lost among the immortals, right?"

Su Xing sighed.

The monks who can cultivate to the realm of earthly immortals and heavenly immortals are all the most talented cultivators before the immortals!
  It's just that you upgrade step by step, break through to a higher realm, and see the higher scenery, then you know that there are people outside the world, and there are immortals outside the immortals.

The powerful men who were once all-powerful in the Earthly Immortal Realm may only be considered ordinary after breaking into the Heavenly Immortal Realm.

Geniuses may continue to fall, but in a certain realm, there will never be a shortage of geniuses!

Su Xing always reminds himself that if he doesn't want to be crushed by monks of the same realm, not only must his cultivation be stable and strong, but he must also have magical powers...

"Huh... But with my current strength, I am absolutely safe on Blue Star!"

“Counting the time, it’s time to meet Lu Yuanwu!”

Su Xingyi Rong regained his breath and went to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

Yu Jian flew outside the agreed mountain, woke up and used the power of space, and appeared in front of Lu Yuanwu the next second.

"Senior, you are here!"

Lu Yuanwu had long been accustomed to Su Xing's elusiveness, so he bowed respectfully.

Then he skillfully took out a storage ring and handed it to Su Xing:

"Senior, this is for this week, [-] tons of third-level exotic metals!"

Lu Yuanwu said impatiently.

Su Xing took the storage ring and converted it into [-] points of energy source.

Then thousands of Yuanwu Pills fell in front of Lu Yuanwu.

After the transaction was completed, Su Xing was not in a hurry to leave.

Counting the [-] energy sources in this transaction, the energy source in Su Xing's hand is close to [-] points.

Maybe it will be enough for the next simulation, but we must prepare for the source of energy for subsequent simulations.

So Su Xing's heart moved, he took out a magic pill, handed it to Lu Yuanwu, and said:

"This pill is called the Divine Power Pill. If you take one pill every six months and four pills within two years, it can increase the physical body and strength of a powerful Heavenly King-level professional by more than [-]%!"

"But this elixir is relatively powerful, so it's best to choose an old king-level professional to take it..."

Su Xing said so.

The divine power pill is a pill that increases the cultivation level of monks in the divine power realm, corresponding to the Martial King level powerhouse!
  But if it is taken by a king-level powerhouse and handled properly, the increase in strength will be particularly obvious!

As soon as Su Xing finished speaking, Lu Yuanwu understood Su Xing's consciousness and said with a trembling voice:

"Senior...you, you mean? This elixir can help a Heavenly King-level professional advance to the Martial King-level?"

"It means...this is the elixir that can give birth to a Martial Emperor-level professional!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and said:
  "Yes, but the success rate is only about one-third, which means that ten divine power pills can probably give birth to a Martial Emperor-level professional!"

After receiving Su Xing's affirmative reply, Lu Yuanwu was so excited that he almost fainted on the spot...

In previous transactions, Su Xing had mentioned to Lu Yuanwu that he had a magical elixir that could give birth to a powerful warrior at the level of a Martial Emperor.

At that time, Lu Yuanwu still didn't believe it. After all, there were only a few dozen powerful Martial Emperors in the entire Daxia Kingdom, and only one or two hundred in the entire human race.

But now seeing the "senior"'s affirmative tone, Lu Yuanwu couldn't help but believe it.

So, Lu Yuanwu swallowed his saliva and said with a trembling voice:
  "Senior...then, do you also want to trade these pills with us?"

After hearing this, Su Xing did not rush to answer, but gave Lu Yuanwu a meaningful look and asked:

"Ahem, tell me the truth, how much exotic metal can the entire Daxia Kingdom produce?"

(End of this chapter)

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