Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 302: The third level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique, the divine power of Tianga

Chapter 302 The third level of the great witch’s body forging technique, the divine power of Tiangang leads to all things and stars! 【8k】

Although this is the first time he wakes up and formally refines weapons.

But Su Xing is actually not unfamiliar with the basic steps of refining weapons.

In his mind, Su Xing was already very familiar with basic weapon refining. He knew the entire process from making the prototype of the magic weapon, forging, tempering, quenching, forming and other steps.

Coupled with the previous experience of refining weapon puppets, the start of awakening is definitely not as simple as a newbie refining weapons.

Although he had a certain foundation, Su Xing still chose to start refining the lowest talisman.

A tall building starts from a humble beginning.

If the foundation is not laid, how can one refine high-level magic weapons after awakening?

With this thought in mind, Su Xing took out some low-level weapon refining materials and began to refine the weapons day and night.

In the world of cultivating immortals, the lowest level magic weapon is called a symbol, which can often only be activated by superficial spiritual power, and its power may be equivalent to that of a low-level thermal weapon.

Awakening the weapon refining body, coupled with the blessing of the fire divine body, makes weapon refining easier.

In addition to refining elixirs, Lihuo Technique is also not difficult to refine weapons.

In the first year, Su Xing only rested for ten days, and spent more than [-] days refining weapons in a year, only refining the lowest level talismans.

With the mana of awakening and the power of Lihuo, more than thirty talismans can be made in an average day.

In one year, he woke up and refined more than [-] talismans!

From swords, guns, swords, halberds, sticks, punches, etc., eighteen kinds of weapons, and even hundreds of unpopular weapons, Su Xing can refine them all.

In one year, Su Xing completely mastered the refining of the talisman!

It is no exaggeration to say that just by refining the talisman, Su Xing can refine the best talisman with his eyes closed, regardless of type, even better than those refined by some masters!

In the second year, Su Xing began to refine magic weapons.

The production of magic weapons is undoubtedly much more difficult than that of talismans, because the materials required for magic weapons are more demanding and more spiritual power needs to be injected into them.

But in general, the principles of refining are similar.

Prototyping, forging, destroying, polishing, etc...

It took Xingxing three years to learn how to refine the magic weapon!

Su Xing has mastered many magic weapons.

In the fifth year of immersive simulation, Su Xing began to refine the treasure.

The difficulty of refining treasure weapons is undoubtedly much more difficult than that of magical weapons.

It took Su Xing a full ten years this time to fully master it and be able to refine the best treasures without wasting materials.

During this process, Su Xing's weapon refining skills continued to improve, and he had mastered many weapon refining techniques, fire control, etc.

In the sixteenth year of immersive simulation, I woke up and started refining the spiritual weapon.


Soon, the thirty-year immersive simulation ended, and I woke up and returned to the real world. I was still in a daze recalling every detail of the weapon refining over the past decades.

Using the secret technique of memory, the real memory resurfaced, and the past thirty years of refining weapons turned into an awakening experience.

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, with a look of satisfaction in his eyes.

"Thirty years of immersive simulation, the refining of the best spiritual weapons, and finally complete mastery!"

"If we go one step further... we can refine the lowest level immortal treasure!"

At this moment, Su Xing's weapon refining foundation has been perfected and he can truly be called a weapon refining master.

"Tsk, tsk, these thirty years of immersive simulation are equivalent to saving one opportunity to withdraw rewards!"

"The next step is to obtain the Tongyuan Flower and go to the star world to collect Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method!"

Su Xing murmured, looking back at the simulation panel.

[In the thirty-fifth year, after the secret realm was opened, you successfully obtained one hundred and eighty Tongyuan flowers. 】

[In the same year, you refined [-] Earth Yuan Pills and drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the Star Realm. 】

[After arriving in the Star Realm, you start daily body training and practice, and at the same time collect stargazing methods in the Star Realm. 】

[In this way, more than forty years have passed...]


[In the seventy-seventh year, you collected more than [-] star-gazing methods from different tribes, and finally obtained the beginning of Xiao Zhoutian's star-gazing method. 】

[From now on, you can officially try the practice of Xiao Zhou Tian’s stargazing method...]

[But you are not in a hurry to practice, but are planning to collect the complete Xiao Zhou Tian Star Observation Method first. 】

[But as you continue to collect, you have already visited almost all the weak tribes. Among the tribes you will explore next, at least the peak monks of the Earth Fairy Realm are in charge. 】

[So you are more cautious, planning for several months before taking action...]

[The seventy-eighth year, this year your strength has increased to the strength of eighty-five mountains and rivers. 】

[You put most of your thoughts on the practice of the Great Witch's Body Training Art. 】

[In the ninetieth year, your power has increased to the power of ninety mountains and rivers...]

[In the same year, you also collected two-thirds of the Little Zhoutian stargazing methods. The laws of cause and effect and destiny contained in them made you find it extremely difficult. 】

[In the [-]th year, your power has increased to the power of ninety-five mountains and rivers...]

[In the [-]th year, one day, you felt something in your heart, feeling that it was difficult to make any further progress in your Yuan Power and physical strength. 】

[In your heart, you have completely cultivated the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique to perfection. If you take one step further, you can step into the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was excited when he saw this.

"Huh... finally, after more than a hundred years of hard training, the second level of the Great Witch's body training technique has finally been completed!"

"Then the next step is to practice the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique!"

"If the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique reaches the third level, he will truly have the physical power to fight in the Heavenly Immortal Realm!"

"With my body-protecting sword, even a monk in the middle stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm can fight!"

Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, letting the excitement in his heart calm down.

"As for the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique...the star stones needed are exactly what are available in the star world!"

"Perhaps, in one fell swoop, we can break through the Great Witch's forged body to the third level!"

Su Xing murmured that he still didn't know the specific cultivation method of the third level, but he would probably know it after accepting the memory and cultivation of this simulation.

Look at the simulation panel.

[After completing the second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, you have obtained the training information for the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique. 】

[At the same time, in addition to the method of cultivation, you also obtained a magical power hidden in your bloodline... the all-powerful star guide! 】

[This technique ranks among the thirty-six divine powers of Tiangang! 】

[And you also know the true power of the third level of the Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique! 】

[The first level of the Great Witch's body training, increasing the physical body and strength... possessing the combat power of a human being in the fairyland! 】

[The second level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique, in addition to the increase in strength, the Yuanli is extremely powerful, and it can also be used to warm and nourish the Yuanli, which can be used to fight against the monks in the fairyland! 】

[As for the third level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, it strengthens one's own bloodline and possesses the dharma of heaven and earth! He can reach a height of a thousand feet, his strength is greatly improved, and he can even activate the power of the stars! 】

[This powerful dharma of heaven and earth is the reason why the great witch can reach the third level of body training, comparable to the cultivation level of the heavenly realm! 】

[As for the method of cultivation, it is to use the star stone to absorb the power of thousands of stars in the sky, so that the life of one's own flesh and blood can be greatly strengthened! 】

"The law of heaven and earth... the magical power of stars!"

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes widened when he saw this.

He vaguely understood why the local monks in the Star Realm were so powerful.

And why, before I woke up, the monk in the fairyland I saw that day was actually dozens of times taller and more powerful, turning into a giant dozens of meters tall.

That is indeed the law of heaven and earth!

In the Three Thousand Worlds, many powerful monks, especially demon cultivators, are a kind of dharma of heaven and earth!

The Dharma of Heaven and Earth can improve your body shape by dozens to tens of thousands of times!

As your body size increases, your natural physical strength will also increase greatly!

Su Xing originally planned to find a way to learn a Dharma to enhance his combat power.

But now, this trouble is saved...

"The dharma passed down from the witch clan! It must be extraordinary!"

"There is also the Tiangang magical power...the all-encompassing sky thunder!"

"This magical power... must have been used by the monks in the fairyland that day!"

"However... the power exerted by the monk may not be the complete Ten Thousand Forms of Heavenly Thunder, but perhaps it is also a part that has been passed down?"

At this moment, Su Xing finally understood why the monk's combat power was so terrifying.

That magic trick that attracts the stars in the sky, all things and thunder from the sky! It was one of the thirty-six heavenly powers!

If mastered by late-stage Celestial Realm monks, they can fight against the powerful existence of True Immortal Realm monks!

Su Xing estimated that the power displayed by the monk at that time must have been at the top level of earth evil magical power.

But even so, it made it impossible for Su Xing to fight beyond the level.

With Xing Xing's strength, it would not be difficult to fight against ordinary early stage cultivators in the Celestial Realm.

But if the target masters the top earth evil magical power, then Su Xing will have no chance of winning.

"But... Tiangang's magical power! How terrifying is this power!?"

Su Xing's little heart was beating fast, and she was extremely longing.

He looked back at the simulation panel.

[After knowing the power of the Vientiane Stars, you are even more eager to break through to the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique. 】

[So in the next few years, you frantically collected star stones, learned about them, and hoped to use them to communicate with the stars in the sky. 】

[No matter whether it is cold or hot day or night, with the help of the Star Stone, you really feel a strange feeling. 】

[That feeling is as if the stars in the sky are your solid backing and can provide you with strength at all times. 】

[A fist-sized low-grade star stone was completely absorbed by you in just two or three months. 】

[You feel that your physical strength has improved further, but you have been unable to induce the power of the stars to enter your body. Breaking through to the third level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art is still far away...]

[You know in your heart that the cultivation of the third level of the Great Witch Body Training Art is not as simple as imagined. 】

[But fortunately, all you have is time...]

[In the [-]th year, in addition to activating the stars, you continued to collect stargazing methods from various tribes, and Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method became more and more perfect. 】

[In this way, another fifteen years have passed. 】

[In the [-]th year, you have been unable to break through to the third level of the Great Witch's Body Forging Art, but you are able to vaguely communicate with the stars in the sky, and your body and strength have also improved! 】

[At the same time, the monks in the Star Realm have been chasing you a lot in recent years. Fortunately, you have the Lingtian Cave. Even the monks in the Celestial Realm cannot forcefully break into it...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said silently:

"Use an immersive simulation that lasts a month!"


The next second, the awakened consciousness entered the simulated world.

Without any hesitation, Su Xing took the Qiling Pill, and then memorized all of Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing techniques.

Countless mysterious words entered Su Xing's mind, and many of them were ancient witchcraft words that Su Xing had never known, which seemed to contain mysterious power.

"Huh... Xiao Zhoutian has collected about three-quarters of the stargazing method. The remaining parts should be in the hands of those Celestial Realm tribes..."

"If you want to collect them all, your cultivation level needs to be further improved!"

Su Xing murmured that with his current strength, he was not strong enough to be an enemy of the Celestial Immortal Realm monks in the entire Star Realm, not to mention that there were True Immortal Realm monks in this world.

Su Xing gathered his thoughts for a while, and then began to prepare the weapon.

Two prototypes of immortal treasures were taken out, as well as many precious materials.

In this month, Su Xing began to refine.

The refining of fairy treasures is undoubtedly much more difficult than the refining of ordinary magic weapons.

Because most of the fairy treasures are spiritual and the materials are extraordinary, ordinary weapon refiners may not be able to refine a fairy treasure in one month.

Su Xing's goal is to successfully refine even a half-step fairy treasure, which is enough to improve Su Xing's weapon refining skills by a big step.

With the blessing of the late bloomer and the Ling Qi Ling Dan, the awakening and refining of the weapon was like a divine aid, and every detail was grasped with incomparable precision.

So, one month has passed...

At this moment, there was a short dagger about one foot in Su Xing's hand.

This dagger was originally the prototype of a sword fairy treasure obtained by Su Xing. What Su Xing had to do was to add different precious materials and give it spirituality.

The most important thing is the tempering of immortal power!

"Huh... Although I haven't been able to refine the immortal treasure in one month, this dagger is far beyond the category of top-grade spiritual weapons. It can be regarded as a half-step immortal treasure!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

"Half-step Immortal Treasure, now I can barely be considered as a master of weapon refining... But if I want to refine sword-type fairy treasures, or spirit boats are still too far behind!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

For weapon refining, different magic weapons, even if they are of the same grade, have very different refining difficulties.

Like daggers, hidden weapons, etc., they are small in size and naturally the least difficult to refine. Many of these fairy treasures are even disposable.

Further up, swords, guns, swords, halberds, etc. are slightly more difficult to refine.

As for the most difficult to refine, it is undoubtedly the large magic weapon such as the spirit boat!

Large-scale magic weapons require more materials and take longer to refine, which is a huge test for the skills of the master refiner. Whether it is polishing or quenching, even mental power and soul are extremely demanding.

Su Xing's idea is to first learn the simplest fairy treasure refining, and then learn swords, guns, swords and halberds. As for the spirit boat... Su Xing may not be able to build it alone for a while.

"The Liuyun Golden Light Boat is a half-acquired treasure. If you want to refine it, it will be difficult for someone other than a great weapon refiner to succeed..."

"But if it's just a repair, maybe a weapon refining master close to the grand master can succeed...but it will at least require the skills to refine the best immortal treasure, right?"

Su Xing thought for a while, and then felt full of motivation.

"If I can become a master of weapon refining and repair the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat...then I won't be trapped in a certain world! I can even go to worlds further away!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[Your weapon-refining skills have become more and more sophisticated, and you have refined a half-step fairy treasure, and you have barely entered the ranks of the weapon-refining master...]    [In this way, another few months have passed. 】

[One day, an early warning came from your talent to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune...]

[Qingyunzi found you...]

【you are dead! 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little helpless.

"It's almost... next time you simulate and improve your weapon refining skills, you should be able to try to repair the Liuyun Golden Light Boat?"

"By then... I will be able to escape from the Star Realm, and I won't be found by Qingyunzi so quickly!"

Su Xing is very open-minded. He is now playing cat and mouse with Qing Yunzi.

He is the mouse who hides as much as possible. The farther he hides and the more cards he has, the longer he can survive when he wakes up.

Until the awakening strength is enough, there is no need to hide anymore...

"I want to see the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the reward list.

[Item Refining Master]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Third Level of Great Witch Body Training (not yet started)]: The inherited method left by the ancient witch clan, the third level induces the power of the stars to temper the body, which can be practiced to become the law of heaven and earth, and contains the divine power of Tiangang "Thunderbolt of All Things", the third level The third-level entrance is equivalent to the initial combat power of the Heavenly Fairy Realm, and the price is 5 energy sources.

[Xiao Zhoutian Star Observation Technique (three-quarters)]: A divination technique inherited from the ancient witch clan’s star witch. If you practice it to a high level, you can glimpse the path of fate and cause and effect. It is a supreme secret technique that can be practiced. Price 8 energy sources.

[10 lower, middle and upper grade star stones each]: They are formed by the power of falling stars in the sky, and they are also an important training resource for star witches. The price is 16650 energy source.

"Huh? It's not the second level that's perfect... but the third level that's not yet started?"

Su Xing's eyes lit up, although he failed to enter the third level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art.

But at least it shows that the twenty years since Su Xing’s simulation were not in vain, he is on the right track!

As long as you have enough star stones to absorb the power of the stars in the sky and temper your body, you should be able to completely enter the third level!

"Huh... As for the weapon refining experience, it was directly extracted through immersive simulation!"

Su Xing murmured, and then decisively made his choice.

"I choose the golden talent of the Artifact Refining Master, and the third-level enlightenment of the Great Witch's Body Training Art..."

[You successfully brought out the golden gifted weapon refining hand, spent 10 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 9 points...]

[You successfully brought out the enlightenment of the third level of the Great Witch Body Training (not yet started), spending 5 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 4 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Counting the newly drawn talent of Artifact Refining Master, Awakening currently shares the blessings of twenty-five talents, and the gain should not be underestimated.

But presumably due to the changes brought about by talent, it is obvious that the Great Witch Body Training Technique has gone a step further and has a greater short-term improvement in awakening!

Su Xing stood there, closing his eyes slightly, feeling the energy in his body surge.

In just a few moments, the power of awakening increased from the power of eighty mountains and rivers to the power of a hundred mountains and rivers.

This has reached the level of perfection of the second level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique!

But the blessing of power is not over yet.

The power of one hundred mountains and rivers...the power of one hundred and ten mountains and rivers...the power of one hundred and twenty mountains and rivers!

In the end, the power of awakening stayed at the power of one hundred and thirty mountains and rivers.

Compared to before, this terrifying power almost shocked Su Xing.

"Twenty million tons is the power of a mountain..."

"The power of a mountain and river is equivalent to the power of ten thousand mountains, which is [-] billion tons..."

"That is to say! The power of one hundred and thirty mountains and rivers, without the help of any magical powers, is currently 26 trillion tons!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, it was unimaginable that this was the power that a living being could unleash.

And 26 trillion tons is just the most basic power!

Su Xing could feel that the flower of Yuanli in his body had fully bloomed!

The brightly blooming flower of Yuanli can continuously provide enough Yuanli for awakening.

And if you use your Yuan Power to wake up in a short time, the power that bursts out will be ten times stronger!

Two hundred and sixty trillion tons!

"If my understanding of the avenue of power is fully formed, this power will increase dozens of times!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, he was completely convinced that the ancient witch clan's ancestral witch who held up the world was no longer a legend.

As far as Su Xing knows, the mass of Blue Star is about 6000 trillion tons.

Although there is still a huge gap between awakening and lifting the entire Blue Star, it is not difficult to destroy all living creatures in the world with the physical body and change the terrain arbitrarily.

"Huh...the road is long and long, and the obstacles are long!"

"I have not yet entered the third level of the Great Witch Body Training Art... there is still plenty of room for improvement!"

Su Xing thought so.

Next, Su Xing took a look at the time and prepared for the new week's transaction with Lu Yuanwu.

The transaction ended, and another [-] energy sources were obtained.

At the same time, Lu Yuanwu promised that [-] tons of fourth-level exotic metals would be delivered to Su Xing in three weeks.

This week after waking up, he is still a puppet in the stage of repairing the transformation into a god.

Within a week, the repair of three god-formation stage puppets was completed.

Early morning on April 2025, 10.

Su Xing went to the Xianwu World to retrieve the new week's exotic metal ore, and then flew to the Twelve Regions with his sword.

After waking up and changing his appearance, he calmed down and appeared in a dark alley. Then his divine consciousness gave an order and ordered the dozen or so puppets of the God Transformation stage sent by him to come back to life.

A moment later, fifteen god-incarnated puppets appeared, half-kneeling on the ground, and saluted Su Xing: "Master!"

Su Xing nodded slightly and glanced at these god-forming puppets. There were signs of battle on their bodies, but none of the puppets was injured.

"Master, these are the goods we have traded during this period of time!"

There were thousands of puppets, and several storage rings were handed over.

Su Xing opened the storage ring and glanced at it, and was shocked by the mountains of resources inside.

Weapons and equipment ranging in quality from white to purple are piled high.

There is also a storage ring of exotic metals, and countless copies of various props...

Su Xing's heart moved, and he tried to convert these resources into energy sources.

[Ding, a large amount of energy source material has been detected, with a total value of 3 energy source points. Do you want to absorb it? 】

[Ding, detected... 2 points of value energy source, do you want to absorb it? 】

[Ding, detected... 4 points of value energy source, do you want to absorb it? 】

Three consecutive beeps fell into Su Xing's ears.

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and was extremely shocked.

"In just over a month, you obtained more than [-] energy sources?"

Su Xing calculated again, and after confirming that nothing was wrong, his eyes changed when he looked at the puppet in front of him.

"Tell me carefully... how did you get so many goods in just over a month?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, a puppet at the peak of the divine transformation stage said mechanically:

"Master... In the past month, we have developed a total of more than [-] people downline, ranging from gold to king-level professionals."

"These people are all desperadoes. As long as there is benefit, they will do things for us..."

"In addition to normal transactions, the businesses we are involved in include but are not limited to gangsters, hunting down enemies, expanding territory, collecting protection fees, etc..."

After a pause, the puppet continued:

"Three days ago, our business touched the interests of a Martial Emperor-level professional code-named Black Emperor in the Twelve Domains."

"After a fight with him, the Black Emperor was repulsed by me, but I did not take his life...but the reputation of our organization has greatly increased, and it is vaguely known as the thirteenth major force in the twelve domains!"

After Su Xing heard the puppet's report, he nodded slightly and understood the secret.

There is chaos in the twelve domains, and strength is paramount.

It is no exaggeration to say that the fifteen puppets under Su Xing are among the best in the twelve domains. In addition to the three legendary professionals, they are the gods of the twelve domains.

Coupled with the goods in the hands of the puppet, the longevity pills and various talismans and high-level weapons are naturally quite popular, so it is not surprising that he earns so much.

Thinking of this, Su Xing said:

"Well done... In the next three months, I hope you can replace one of the Martial Emperor-level forces, expand the scale of transactions, and do as many transactions as possible!"

Su Xing gave instructions, then took out a storage ring and handed it over.

"This contains various elixirs and talismans... Several of the eighth-level talismans are for your own defense!"

"Yes, Master!" More than a dozen puppets responded immediately and took the storage ring.

Su Xing nodded happily, feeling a little excited.

"These twelve domains are really a good place!"

"All the twelve domains are outlaws, so there is no need to abide by the rules too much. There is nothing wrong with occasionally doing something out of the ordinary!"

"At this rate of development, the puppets here will become one of my important sources of energy! Even second only to the benefits brought to me by Daxia..."

After Su Xing thought for a while, he drove the flying sword to leave the Twelve Regions and went to the United States.

From the hands of the puppet Xiaomei, Su Xing also obtained alien metals and abyss stones with nearly [-] energy sources.

That's about two months' worth.

Obviously, compared to the chaotic twelve regions, the energy brought by the United States is less, but the steady flow of water cannot be underestimated.

"Tsk tsk... It seems that the other five countries should also set up their own organizations. Judging from this progress, there will be at least tens of thousands more energy sources in January!"

After returning to Daxia Kingdom, Su Xing thought.

But he currently doesn't have enough puppets.

If a country sends ten puppets, it will take at least three or four months to produce enough puppets.

By then, hundreds of puppets will be everywhere on Blue Star, bringing benefits to Awakening.

All you need to do to wake up is to harvest these goods regularly every week and exchange them for simulated energy.

"If we look at this progress, maybe the energy after the Celestial Immortal Realm can be collected reluctantly?"

Su Xing thought so.


Time soon came to noon, and Su Xing went to the villa area to meet Jin Congxue.

In the past week, the Tarot Chamber of Commerce has brought another income of nearly [-] energy sources to Su Xing.

After Su Xing and Jin Congxue had a romantic relationship, they returned to Lingtian Cave.

On the afternoon of the [-]th, the simulation cooled down and I woke up to start a new round of simulation on time!

[The 110st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 27 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Extract! Damn it, get a golden quality spiritual root!"

Su Xing prayed silently in his heart.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the purple talent Thunder Body. The probability of you drawing the golden talent next time is 70%...]

[Thunder Body]: Purple talent, you are born with the mutant spiritual root Thunder Spirit Root, which can further enhance the power of absorbing thunder attribute spiritual energy and using thunder magical powers...

"It's a pity that it's a purple talent... This thunder body is not as practical as the thunder body!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly and looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[A few days later, you went to the Luotian Sect copy and memorized the Luotian Artifact Refining Manual thoroughly. 】

[In the next three years, you will stay on Blue Star to refine weapons. 】

[You have obtained several prototypes of immortal treasures before. You spent three years refining the immortal treasures, but in the end you only refined half of the immortal treasures. Although it has spirituality, the weapon spirit has not yet been born. 】

[In the fourth year, you killed Long Laogou and destroyed the Blue Star Advent Sect branch. 】

[In the same year, you looted the treasury of the Advent Cult and the Blood Demon Realm, and also destroyed the alien races in the Beast Control Realm...]

[In the fifth year, you left two half-step immortal treasures and two ninth-level talismans to Daxia. 】

[In the same year, you left Blue Star with your relatives and friends and went to Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the sixth year, after arriving in Xiao Qingyun Realm, you settled your family and friends and sold the information to Tianji Pavilion. 】

[You exchanged most of the spiritual stones and wealth in your body into materials for refining weapons. 】

[This time, the materials you purchased are all of level ten or above, and there are even dozens of prototypes of fairy treasures in them. 】

[In the seventh year, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the Black Water Realm. 】

[After you took out Luo Tian’s relics from the underwater cave, you stopped staying and drove the flying boat to the star world. 】

[After several months of sailing in the void, you successfully arrived in the star realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"My Great Witch Body Training Technique has entered the third level. Although I haven't started yet, the Earth Yuan Dan has little effect on me!"

"Why don't you come to the Star Realm earlier, improve your weapon refining skills, and at the same time figure out whether you can step into the third level of the Great Witch's Body Training Art?"

"Also, collect as many of the little Zhou Tian's stargazing methods as possible!"

Su Xing thought so, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the eighth year, after your mana is restored, you stay and travel in the star realm. 】

[In three years, you stole the stargazing methods of five Celestial Realm tribes, but you were finally discovered on the sixth time. 】

[Fortunately, you were smart enough to escape and did not get into a fight with the monks in the Celestial Realm of the Star Realm. 】

[You are going to lurk and refine weapons for a while, and then continue to collect stargazing methods after the storm has passed...]

(End of this chapter)

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