Chapter 305 Plan to go to Tianyuan World, a big deal! 【8k】

[Although thirty years is a long time for you, you can only agree to it. 】

[For the next ten years, you will still stay in the Cangwu Realm to practice. You will practice Zhengyi Qi Jue every day, and your cultivation will reach a thousand miles with each passing day. 】

[In the 140th year, your cultivation reached the third level peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and you began to try to break through. 】

[It took you several years to achieve this breakthrough, but it still ended in failure. 】

[In the 148th year, you launched your second attack on the middle stage of the Earthly Fairy Realm. 】

[Just when you are about to fail, the Spirit Vein Dragon spits out a mouthful of pure immortal energy to help you break through smoothly...]

[Congratulations, you have been promoted to the fourth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"Huh, no matter what, I finally broke through to the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm..."

"With the qualifications of the Heavenly Spiritual Root, there is only one person out of ten who can break through to the Earthly Immortal Realm... In the final analysis, the spiritual root is still lacking!"

"But fortunately we have the help of the Spiritual Vein Dragon... I wonder if we can successfully break through to the Celestial Realm?"

Su Xing felt a little worried and looked at the simulation panel.

[After breaking through to the fourth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, you continue to practice. 】

[In the 155th year, the Money Merchant will hand over all the remaining seven million drops of spiritual fluid to you. 】

[After you got it, you accelerated your practice. 】

[In the 160th year, your cultivation has been promoted to the middle stage of the fourth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[But as the time comes to the 160th year, you are extremely worried. You occasionally use Bagua arithmetic to predict fortune, but your luck is far worse than before. 】

[The three blood generals in your heart will find your traces this year, so you are cruel and find the Money Chamber of Commerce for help. 】

[You went to the Money Chamber of Commerce, hoping to be protected by the monks of the Golden Fairy Realm of the Money Chamber of Commerce. The period of protection is forty years until you can go to the Tianyuan Realm. 】

[But the price of inviting the Golden Immortal Realm is too high, and the blood level three is so strong that not even a Golden Immortal Realm monk can protect you. 】

[In the end, at the expense of innate hibiscus branches and thousands of spirit-gathering flowers, you invited two golden fairyland monks to protect you for twenty years. 】

[But as a price, you can only stay in the Money Chamber of Commerce to prevent possible sneak attacks from Blood Three. 】

[One day, you feel something in your heart, and the talent of seeking good luck and avoiding evil sends a warning. 】

[The next day, Xue San came to your door and wanted to kill you on the spot. 】

[At the critical moment, two golden fairyland overhauls took action, and the terrifying spiritual thoughts and blood three collided. 】

[The battle between monks in these realms is no longer something you can interfere with. 】

[You can only hide in the distance, observe secretly, and pray in your heart that Xue San will leave as soon as possible...]

[Then, the fight lasted only a moment. 】

[You then heard the two golden immortal monks who had snatched the statue say in horror: Why is the Taiyi Golden Immortal here? Mission information error, retreat! 】

[Then the two Golden Fairyland monks hurriedly escaped...]

[Xue San walked up to you with a playful expression...]

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was extremely shocked when he saw this.

" can he be Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing's eyes were a little dull. He always thought that Xue San was a monk in the Golden Immortal Realm, but he didn't expect... this would actually be a Taiyi Golden Immortal who was above the Golden Immortal Realm!

If we talk about Jinxian, he is already the top monk in the three thousand worlds...

That Taiyi Golden Immortal is an absolutely powerful person!

In this era when saints do not appear, Da Luo Jinxian does not appear... Then Taiyi Jinxian is an invincible existence!

Perhaps in the Three Thousand Worlds, news of the death of the Golden Immortal will come out every tens of thousands of years...

But Taiyi Golden Immortal has not heard of his death for tens of thousands of years!

"Xue San, is he actually the Taiyi Golden Immortal?"

"Doesn't this mean that... Advent Sect has at least three Taiyi Golden Immortals and one Daluo Golden Immortal sitting in charge!?"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and his eyes only felt more troublesome.

According to the information he obtained.

The strength of the Advent Cult is ranked according to their code names.

Blood three is Taiyi Golden Immortal, so blood two, blood one... are at least this level!

Plus the rumored blood fairy...

The strength of Advent Sect is stronger than Su Xing imagined!

"Things are getting tricky!"

"It seems that if you want to completely get rid of Xue San, you still have to ride the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat... to escape to a farther world!"

Su Xing thought so.

Even if it is Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is impossible for his spiritual consciousness to travel through the void and find someone in other worlds.

As long as Su Xing keeps running away, he might be able to escape the pursuit of Xuesan and Qingyunzi...

"Now, my Qi refining cultivation is in the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm... and my magic power is stronger than ordinary in the late Earthly Immortal Realm. I am not far behind!"

"Perhaps, there is no need to go to Cangwu Realm...can we go to Tianyuan Realm alone through Liuyun Golden Light Boat?"

Su Xing murmured, but with his level of cultivation that is not in the Celestial Realm, it is obviously very dangerous to cross the void and pass through hundreds of void nodes.

Waking up requires careful planning before reaching the Tianyuan Realm!

"Huh...but before that, let's withdraw some rewards first!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the list of rewards.

[Natural Juemai]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Xiao Zhoutian Star Gazing Technique]: A divination technique passed down by the Star Witch of the ancient witch clan. If you practice it to a high level, you can glimpse the path of fate and cause and effect. It is a supreme secret technique that can be practiced. The price is 10 energy sources.

[10 lower, middle and upper grade star stones each]: They are formed by the power of falling stars in the sky, and they are also an important training resource for star witches. The price is 16650 energy source.

[Fourth Level of Cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm]: A monk in the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm, who has experienced Yin and Yang fires, has strong magic power, has a life span of 9 years, and sells for energy sources.

[Inspiration on refining weapons]: Insights on the way of refining weapons. He is a master of weapon refining. Due to insufficient mana, it is difficult to refine the best fairy treasure. The price is 1 energy sources.

In this simulation, in addition to improving his Qi refining skills, Su Xing spent almost all his time refining weapons in order to obtain enough resources for training.

"Xiao Zhoutian's stargazing method has finally been collected..."

Su Xing thought about it for a while and said:

"I choose to bring out the golden talent of innate vitality... and the fourth level of cultivation in the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

Cultivation is an inevitable reward. As for the golden talent, twice the speed of practice, it's hard not to be tempted by the awakening.

[You successfully brought out the golden talent Innate Endless Veins, spent 10 points of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 17 points...]

[You successfully brought out the fourth level of cultivation in the Earth Fairyland, spending 9 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 8 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Innate Jumai has officially become Su Xing’s twenty-second talent.

Currently, the upper limit of awakened talents is twenty-five, and there are three talents that can be chosen at will.

In addition to gaining an additional talent, Su Xing's cultivation momentum is also growing rapidly.

The second level of the Earthly Immortal Realm... the third level of the Earthly Immortal Realm...

The fourth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

Su Xing's cultivation has broken through from the early stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm to the middle stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm!

The total cost is only one hundred and sixty years, which is comparable to the four to five thousand years of hard training of ordinary monks in the fairyland...


Su Xing stood up slowly, exhaled a breath, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, the speed of improvement in Qi refining cultivation has not slowed down..."

"At this speed, with at most three simulations, you can reach the Great Perfection of the Earthly Immortal Realm!"

Su Xing looked a little excited.

When he was in the Earthly Immortal Realm, he was able to guarantee four simulations and break through a major realm. This speed obviously exceeded his imagination.

After all, four simulations are only about one month of the real world.

From this point of view, it is more than enough to be promoted to the true fairyland within one year!

The only trouble is the lack of training resources and energy...

"Huh... But fortunately, we still have the 300,000 energy sources promised by Lu Yuanwu this week, so we can still hold on for a while longer!"

Su Xing glanced at the time, Yi Rong gathered his breath, and prepared to trade with Lu Yuanwu.

A moment later, Su Xing appeared in the mountains on the outskirts of Kyoto.

Lu Yuanwu had been waiting for the agreed place for a long time.

Seeing Su Xing appear, he quickly stepped forward, handed over a storage ring and said:

"Senior, this is what I promised you, twenty thousand tons of fourth-level exotic metals..."

Lu Yuanwu's temples were gray, but his complexion was much better than before, and he said with a surprised look on his face.

Su Xing took the storage ring, her heart moved, and the simulator prompt sounded in her ears.

[Ding, a large amount of energy source material has been detected, worth a total of 30 energy source points. Do you want to absorb it? 】


Su Xing muttered silently, and the foreign metal was completely absorbed.

Su Xing nodded with satisfaction, then waved his hand, and thirty bottles of divine pills appeared in front of Lu Yuanwu.

No more, no less, exactly three hundred pieces, and each one is top quality!

Lu Yuanwu's face was filled with joy, and he quickly took out the elixir, and couldn't help but flatter Su Xing.

"Senior is so honorable and upright... He has made great contributions to our human race!"

"Senior... my admiration for you is like the endless stream of a surging river, and like the overflowing Yellow River..."

Listening to the flattering words coming out of Lu Yuanwu's mouth, Su Xing had a strange look on his face.

I didn’t expect that the mighty Emperor Wu of Great Xia could be so good at flattering him?

Su Xing only thought about it for a moment, and then said to Lu Yuanwu seriously:

"Xiao Lu! We have been working together for a while... I want to ask you, do you want to become a legendary strongman?"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Lu Yuanwu was stunned for a moment, then his face turned red with excitement and he stammered:

"Senior...I, can I really break through to the legendary level?"

Lu Yuanwu rarely lost his temper like this. Even the previous message about the divine power pill did not make him so excited.

As a powerful Martial Emperor who has been in a high position all year round, Lu Yuanwu captured a lot of information from Su Xing's short sentence.

First, Su Xing has the ability to help Martial Emperor-level experts advance to the Legend level!

Secondly, Su Xing is willing to upgrade him to the legendary level!

This is a legendary powerhouse!

There are only about a dozen of them in the entire Great Xia Kingdom, and they are all in the Demon Suppression Pass!

As for the entire human race, there are no more than thirty legendary powerhouses...

Lu Yuanwuka has been at the peak of the Martial Emperor for nearly a hundred years...

In addition to not being completely sure of being promoted to Legend... he is also worried that after breaking through to Legend, he will not be able to stay in Blue Star, otherwise he may lose himself...

If he could break through to the legendary level, he would probably wake up laughing in his dreams!

When Su Xing saw Lu Yuanwu losing his composure, he had already expected it, so he said:

"Ahem, I can indeed take action to help the peak Martial Emperor professional break into the legendary level..."

"However, this method is very troublesome..."

Su Xing pretended to be hesitant and said:

"Is that so? I'll help you upgrade to the legendary level... How about you give me 10,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals?"

Su Xing paused for a moment before adding, "This is our private deal!"

Su Xing naturally had his own considerations in raising this point.

First of all, 10,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals and 200,000 energy sources are quite impressive for him, and they can restore a lot of blood.

Secondly, there are still many transactions with Lu Yuanwu. Su Xing needs to help Lu Yuanwu improve his status in Daxia.

As for the best way to improve your status, naturally it is to improve your strength!

"Ten thousand tons of fourth-level exotic metals... help me advance to the legendary level..."

"What...what's the difference between this and giving it away for free?"

Lu Yuanwu's eyes widened and he said quickly:

"Senior, I am willing!"


Speaking of this, Lu Yuanwu hesitated, so he explained:

"I've just stayed at the peak of the Martial Emperor for many years, and I really have no confidence in breaking through..."

"In addition, after being promoted to the legendary level... there seems to be a certain risk, and you may have to go to the Demon Suppression Pass to take refuge..."

Su Xing naturally knew Lu Yuanwu’s doubts.

The professionals above Blue Star are all the "food reserves" of Red Moon.

After being promoted to the legendary level, he will disappear inexplicably.

Su Xing has basically determined that this is related to the red moon.

As for the solution, as long as Su Xing is willing to cut off the cause and effect or shield the secret, he can naturally avoid Hong Yue's perception.

After all, Hong Yue wouldn’t pay too much attention to a small legendary powerhouse...

So Su Xing said:

"Don't worry, I will still trade with you in the future... Since I guarantee that you will be promoted to the legendary level, I will definitely be able to eliminate hidden dangers for you!"

Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"Let's do this. After a week, you come here again, and I will make a deal with you to provide you with an elixir that you can take once a month to ensure that you have a copy of the Impact Legend within three months!"

"When you break through to the legendary level, I will come to find you again to ensure that you are not at any risk and can continue to stay in Blue Star..."

After hearing Su Xing's detailed guarantee and plan, Lu Yuanwu beamed with joy and nodded repeatedly.

But then he asked tentatively:

"Senior...Except for me, can other Martial Emperor-level experts be guaranteed to break through to the Legend level?"

After hearing this, Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"Yes, but each one also needs 10,000 tons of fourth-level exotic metals...and the number cannot exceed ten!"

"Remember... you need a powerful Martial King-level peak professional, otherwise this method won't work... As for the person to be promoted, you can choose the one you want, it must be someone trustworthy!"

After hearing this, Lu Yuanwu nodded repeatedly and agreed.

…    After waking up and bidding farewell to Lu Yuanwu, Yujian flew and arrived at the entrance to the copy of the Beast Controlling World.

"Huh... it should be enough to raise ten legendary powerhouses... the flesh and blood essence of a legendary alien race, right?"

That's right, Su Xing's plan is to use the Rebirth Pill to help these professionals improve!

As for the possible side effects after taking the Reborn Pill.

With Su Xing's current cultivation level, he can easily erase it!

"Ten legendaries...that's one hundred thousand tons of fourth-level exotic metals and two million energy sources!"

"After doing this, you may have enough to improve your cultivation in the Celestial Realm!"

Su Xing was excited.

Then, he cast a formation for himself to shield his aura, and he woke up and entered the copy of the Beast Controlling World.

Entering the dungeon of the Beast Controlling Realm, the place where the awakening comes is naturally in the red dragon's lair.

Without disturbing the red dragon, Su Xing followed the memory in his mind and arrived at the mainland of the beast-controlling world.

Then he spent another day heading to the beast-controlling world and the battlefield of the foreign races.

Looking at the familiar red soil and the blood-red sky, Su Xing smacked his lips and murmured:

"Tsk, tsk, I really want to do something big... to kill all the aliens in the beast-controlling world! But now is not the time..."

Su Xing did not act rashly, but lurked all the way. It took him three days to kill a legendary alien without anyone noticing.

After extracting the essence of his flesh and blood, Su Xing successfully returned to Blue Star.

In the world of beast control, there are hundreds of legendary alien races, and even if one of them is killed, it won't cause much commotion...


In the Lingtian Cave, Su Xing prepares to refine the legendary level rebirth elixir.

One hundred kilograms of flesh and blood essence is enough to revive and refine hundreds of rebirth pills.

However, in order to ensure that the medicinal properties of the elixir were sufficient, Su Xing also tried his best to eliminate its side effects.

In the end, only one hundred top-quality rebirth pills were purified and refined.

"Huh... I finally succeeded in refining the Rebirth Pill, which is enough to enhance the physical fitness of a Martial Emperor professional by 30 to 50 percent..."

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction.

I looked at the time and saw that there were still two days until the end of the week.

So Su Xing took the time to repair a puppet in the divine transformation stage.

Soon the time came to November 2025, 11, in the new era. Su Xing went to the villa to meet Jin Congxue.

At the end of a transaction, another 30,000 energy sources were obtained.

In addition to giving out exotic metal ores and elixirs, Su Xing also gave Jin Congxue a top-quality spiritual treasure necklace.

This made Jin Congxue blush with excitement, but she didn't know how precious this necklace was.

After waking up, he injected a ray of immortal power into this top-quality spiritual treasure and placed restrictions.

Even if a combined Mahayana monk wanted to harm Jin Congxue, he would be easily blocked.


Back in Lingtian Cave, Su Xing took advantage of the simulation time to start planning the future simulation plan before it cooled down.

"Judging from the information revealed by Lu Yuanwu a few days ago, Daxia Kingdom can produce one hundred thousand tons of fourth-level exotic metals... but it will probably be more laborious, right?"

"As for my Earthly Immortal Realm, it will take 200,000 simulated energy to reach perfection... and the Heavenly Immortal Realm will need to spend around one million energy to reach perfection..."

"Therefore, a conservative estimate is that the energy expenditure required to reach the true fairyland is at least more than two million yuan!"

Su Xing made some calculations and found out that if the plan was executed smoothly, he would be able to get so much energy source in his hands.

But the improvement of physical training had to be put on hold for a while.

"Prioritize improving your Qi refining cultivation to the realm of True Immortal, then you will be able to inherit Luo Tianjing!"

The goal of awakening is this!

"If Blue Star's resources cannot support my continued breakthrough, I will go to the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly, already making a decision in his heart.

After the simulation time cooled down, Su Xing silently said:

"Start the simulation!"

[The 112st simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 41 points... There are no simulations left. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Yes" Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent, loess divine body. The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 60%...]

[Loess Divine Body]: One of the top 100 divine bodies in the world of immortality. You absorb earth-attribute spiritual energy, and your understanding of the great path of earth is far beyond that of ordinary people.

Su Xing looked at the newly drawn talent, shook his head slightly and said:

"It's a pity that I don't have earth-attribute spiritual roots... This divine body can only be put on hold for the time being..."

"Then this simulation should focus on improving Qi refining cultivation... In addition, the warming and maintenance of the spirit sword must also begin! At least the Mo Bing Sword must be raised to the level of a top-grade immortal treasure!"

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are in a simulation. 】

[Ten days later, you went to the Luotian dungeon to learn the art of puppetry. 】

[In the next year, in addition to practicing, you will use your Yuan Power to warm up the spiritual sword Mo Bing every day. 】

[In the third year, you will come and loot the treasury of the Sect and the Blood Demon Realm...]

[In the same year, you took your relatives and friends to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[You sold information to Tianji Pavilion and obtained a large amount of spiritual stones. 】

[In the fourth year, you followed Baidi City as a casual cultivator, ransacked the Adventist Sect branch, and accumulated spiritual fluid. 】

[In the tenth year, your cultivation level will be further improved, and you will be promoted to the late stage of the fourth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[In the same year, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the Black Water Realm. 】

[You start planting Spirit-Gathering Flowers in the Lingtian Cave. 】

[Every three years, you can harvest thousands of spirit-gathering flowers...]

[In the twenty-fifth year, you harvested a total of 5,000 Spirit Gathering Flowers, and your Qi refining cultivation level was successfully promoted to the fourth level peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

[In the same year, you began to break through the bottleneck of small realms...]

[Three years later, you successfully escaped from seclusion. 】

[In the twenty-eighth year, your cultivation level will be promoted to the fifth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[This year, you started refining the spiritual sword Mo Bing. 】

[You took out the prototype of a sword-type fairy treasure. This prototype of the fairy treasure matches the Mo Bingjian very well. 】

[After seven, seven and forty-nine days of refining, the quality of Mo Bingjian finally broke through, and it was promoted from a spiritual weapon to a low-grade immortal treasure! 】

[At the same time, you also feel that Mo Bingjian’s spirituality is becoming more and more abundant, and it is connected with your mind...]

[In the next seven years, in addition to practicing, you will continue to refining the spiritual sword Mo Bing, and the quality of the Mo Bing sword will continue to improve. 】

[In the thirty-fifth year, you took out Luo Tian’s legacy from the undersea cave. 】

[After the Tongyuanhua Secret Realm was opened, you killed three descending sect cadres and obtained a lot of resources. 】

[This year, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the star realm. 】

[You stayed in the star world for fifteen years. During this period, you refined immortal treasures for many monks and earned tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[In the fiftieth year, after continuous sacrifice, the material quality of your spiritual sword Mo Bing has reached the level of a mid-grade fairy treasure. 】

[And because this sword is your natal weapon, and with the blessing of Yuanli, its combat effect is comparable to that of a top-grade fairy treasure! 】

[This year, you rode the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, passed through five void nodes, and headed to the Cangwu Realm. 】

[In the fifty-first year, your cultivation has been promoted to the middle stage of the fifth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[This year, as the master of weapon refining, you will refine immortal treasures for the earthly immortals and heavenly immortal monks in Cangwu Realm. 】

[Every year, your income is more than one million high-grade spiritual stones...]

[In addition to practicing and refining weapons, you continue to use your energy to sacrifice the spiritual sword Mo Bing. The quality of the Mo Bing sword continues to improve...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and said:

"Mo Bingjian actually has a good foundation and a lot of spirituality... This is something that many of the best immortal treasures never have!"

"Besides, this sword has become my destiny. It is connected with my mind and cannot be changed easily..."

"As long as you practice it many times, it shouldn't be difficult to upgrade to the highest-grade immortal treasure..."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:

"However, we still need to find a way to purchase the road map to Tianyuan Realm in Cangwu Realm..."

"With my own strength, as long as I stay multiple times and think about the worlds I need to stay in during the period, I should be able to reach Tianyuan Realm..."

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using an immersive simulation, lasting one day..."


The vision in front of him changed, and he woke up and appeared in the simulated world.

Without hesitation, Su Xingyi calmed down and headed to Tianji Pavilion.

The girl in Tianji Pavilion looked at Su Xing and asked:

"Fellow Taoist, what information do you want to buy?"

Su Xing said:

"I want to buy the void node route from Cangwu Realm to Tianyuan Realm... It's best to give me a few more routes, involving the coordinates of the Xiaoqian World where I stop... for my reference!"

After the girl heard Su Xing's words, she was stunned for a moment and looked at Su Xing.

When you buy the Void Node route, you obviously want to cross the void.

But crossing the void, even with the help of space magic weapons, requires at least a true fairyland cultivation level to dare.

As for going to Tianyuan Realm, it is so far away that ordinary Xuanxian might not be able to make it there...

But Tianji Pavilion only sells information after all, and shouldn’t ask about customers’ privacy, so he said:

"Yes, to go from the Cangwu Realm to the Tianyuan Realm, you need to go through a total of 97 to 113 void nodes. There are seven routes to choose from, with different difficulties... There are hundreds of worlds through which you can choose..."

"This piece of information is equivalent to the B-level...and extremely detailed. How about I charge you three million high-grade spiritual stones?"

After Su Xing heard the girl's words, he nodded slightly and threw away a bag of spirit stones without counter-offering.

After getting the jade slip of information, he woke up and returned to the cave he temporarily purchased in Cangwu Realm, and then turned around and entered the Lingtian Cave.

Soon the immersive simulation ends, and you wake up and return to the real world.


In the real world, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and several routes to the Tianyuan World had already appeared in his mind.

However, there are some short and far routes in the void. Some routes are very dangerous and require passing through terrifying void turbulence, but they take less time.

Some routes are far away, but relatively safe. Unfortunately, they need to pass through dozens of worlds, and may take twenty or thirty years.

Su Xing kept sifting and thinking, and finally determined his own route.

"Start from the Cangwu Realm, go north through six void nodes, and arrive at the Spirit Beast Realm... Then go east, pass through seven void nodes, and arrive at the Yinmu Realm..."

"Go all the way east and pass through the Yellow Water Realm, the Yellow Heaven Realm... and finally arrive at the Tianyuan Realm!"

"This voyage requires 103 void nodes and stops at about 13 places in the world. I am afraid it will take twenty years to reach the Tianyuan world, right?"

Su Xing smacked his lips, already having a plan in mind.

The reason why he chose this route.

One is to avoid worlds invaded by alien races and prevent accidents from happening.

Secondly, and more importantly, several of these worlds were once the places where the Luotian Sect’s relics were located!

If Su Xing explores, he might be able to get a lot of resources to support his own practice!

"Huh... one hundred and three void nodes, although they are a bit far away, they are within the acceptable range!"

"As long as we reach the Tianyuan Realm, at least the dangers of Advent Sect should be avoided... The Qingyun Realm where Qingyunzi is located is also far away from the Tianyuan Realm, and it is not easy to find me..."

Su Xing was excited, but didn't want to set off immediately.

"Void navigation is very dangerous. If you are not careful, you will easily get lost in the turbulence of the void... It is better to improve your cultivation first, and then take the risk again when the simulation is about to end!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel again.

[After leaving Tianji Pavilion, you continue to practice in the cave. 】

[Every twenty years, you will sell five thousand spirit-gathering flowers to the Money Merchant Guild in exchange for two million drops of high-grade spiritual fluid for practice. 】

[Even so, it’s still a drop in the bucket, and the amount of your spiritual fluid is still being consumed...]

[In the 70th year, your cultivation has been promoted to the late stage of the fifth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[As you have continued to refine the magic weapon over the years and warmed up your Yuanli, the spirituality of Mo Bingjian has become higher and higher, and it is close to a high-grade immortal treasure. 】

[In the eighty-fifth year, your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the fifth level peak of the Earth Immortal Realm, and you have begun to seek a breakthrough. 】

[In the eighty-eighth year, after spending millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, you successfully broke through! 】

[Congratulations on becoming a sixth-level monk in the Earthly Immortal Realm...]

[In the 90th year, Mo Bingjian was finally promoted to a top-grade immortal treasure after continuous sacrifices. Its power is even three points stronger than the top-grade immortal treasure! 】

[With the help of the Mo Bing Sword in your hand, you are confident that you can defeat even a monk in the middle stage of the Celestial Realm! 】

[This year, you have consumed most of your spiritual liquid. You went to the Money Chamber of Commerce and sold several high-grade fairy treasures you had refined before, hoping to exchange them for tens of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[The transaction is successfully completed, and the money merchant will inform you that within twenty years, tens of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid will be given to you. 】

[With this supply, your practice speed will be three points faster. 】

[In the 100th year, your cultivation will be promoted to the middle stage of the sixth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[In the 115th year, your cultivation has been promoted to the late sixth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[In the same year, you spent a lot of money to sell the innate hibiscus branches and purchased many precious weapon refining items, the most precious of which was a spiritual sword stone! 】

[The Spirit Sword Stone is an acquired treasure. It contains infinite sword power. It can also be used as a weapon refining material to allow the magic weapon to give birth to its own weapon spirit! 】

[You are ready to work hard and use this spirit sword stone to refine Mo Bingjian into the ultimate immortal treasure! 】

(End of this chapter)

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