Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 308: Open up a small world and complete the fairyland! 【8k】

Chapter 308: Open up a small world and complete the fairyland! 【8k】

[So, you no longer hesitate and launch an attack on this heaven-level Taixu spirit! 】

[And this heaven-level Taixu spirit seems to be extremely intelligent, and feels a huge threat from you...]

[So without saying a word, he turned around and ran away, while you chased him all the way...]

[This chase lasted for a full month! 】

[This heaven-level Taixu spirit is the most difficult one I have ever seen...]

[Because you are in the Taixu Realm and in the state of the soul, so your strength is out of ten... The biggest attack method is the attack technique of spiritual consciousness - the Ruyi Golden Cauldron Technique! 】

[As for this heaven-level Taixu spirit, it is naturally very impressive. Not only does it have a powerful spirit, but it also possesses a golden technique. Every time it attacks your consciousness, it will be like a sword piercing your throat. It makes you uncomfortable...]

[Even so, you still fought fiercely with it all the way, fighting and chasing. After all, the spiritual intelligence of Taixu Spirit cannot compare with the monks and immortals. 】

[Although the heaven-level Taixu spirit is powerful, the strength of the soul is only about 20,000 miles. When it first enters the realm of six consciousnesses, it is still a little behind you...]

[In the end, with your amazing perseverance, you killed this heaven-level Taixu spirit! 】

[After killing this heaven-level Taixu spirit, a golden light pours into your soul...]

[In just a moment, the strength of your soul has increased dramatically, from twenty-seven thousand miles to thirty thousand miles! 】

[What surprises you even more is that you have obtained the fragment of a spiritual attack method! 】

[The name of this method is Taixu Sword Jue! 】

[It is a small golden sword condensed with spiritual consciousness, capable of attacking unparalleled enemies, and can easily severely damage the spiritual consciousness of monks of the same level! 】

[You were ecstatic and quickly absorbed it, but to your disappointment, this fragment was only one-third of the complete article...]

[And what you got is the middle part, and you still lack the upper and lower parts. If you can collect them all, you can get the complete Taixu Sword Technique! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was excited when he saw this.

"Taixu Sword Technique... This is definitely a very powerful spiritual attack method! I am afraid it is far superior to the previous Ruyi Golden Cauldron Technique! If you can learn it, it will not only be powerful in the Taixu world, but also have great benefits in simulations." So many!"

The attack method of spiritual consciousness is powerful, and upon awakening, you can kill Taixu Spirit faster and accumulate more spiritual consciousness power.

Moreover, the technique of attacking with spiritual consciousness is also extremely important for monks!

Su Xing once heard that there is a type of monk who specializes in spiritual soul cultivation and has powerful spiritual consciousness, which is often more than twice as powerful as monks of the same realm!

And by relying on their spiritual attack skills, they can easily damage their opponents' souls in battle.

After a monk's soul is damaged, his combat power will naturally be greatly reduced. If he then fights against him, he will have a huge advantage!

Even when encountering some monks who do not cultivate their souls, their spiritual cultivation can directly annihilate the target's soul, destroying both their soul and soul without even a chance to be reincarnated!

Although Su Xing does not specialize in divine soul cultivation, he has the divine soul technique, which gives him an extra layer of self-protection against divine cultivators.

At critical moments, it can also be a trump card for awakening!

"It's a pity... In this simulation, I'm afraid I won't be able to completely collect the Taixu Sword Art..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. In the sixty-third year of this simulation, he still stayed in Blue Star. Maybe Hongyue and the alien race had noticed him.

Now, it’s time to head to the Three Thousand Worlds as soon as possible!

"It's a pity that after traveling to the Three Thousand Worlds, the growth of spiritual consciousness will not be so rapid..."

"However... this time I delayed the time for the alien race to destroy Blue Star... will the time for the destruction of the Little Qingyun Realm also be postponed?"

Su Xing was thoughtful and looked at the simulation panel again.

[With a spiritual consciousness of thirty thousand miles, after comprehending the Taixu Sword Technique, you left the Taixu world. 】

[At this time, it is already the sixty-third year of the simulation, and the Demon Suppression Pass is still standing. 】

[But you don’t know when the aliens will invade on a large scale, and once the aliens invade on a large scale, an even more terrifying existence will inevitably come...]

[You spend your lifespan, and it is predicted that within three years, a catastrophe will occur again at the Demon Suppression Pass! 】

[Even you, if you stay here, you will die, and the later you leave, the greater the threat to your life...]

[So, you choose to retreat bravely at this moment and leave Blue Star...]

[You took your family, friends, and some Daxia professionals, left Blue Star, passed through another world, and went to Little Qingyun Realm! 】

[After arriving at Xiao Qingyun Realm, you immediately go to Tianji Pavilion to buy information about Tianmo City on the front line of Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[What may surprise you is that the little Qingyun Realm monk is still holding on as before! 】

[The invasion of the Xiao Qingyun Realm by the aliens has reached a stalemate. In the Demon City, the demons will incarnate themselves to frighten them, and the aliens cannot invade in a large scale...]

[And there is no news of the red-eyed alien race on the battlefield...]

[After knowing this information, you are happy in your heart. The arrival of the red-eyed alien race has indeed been postponed! 】

[According to this process, the Xiaoqingyun world may be able to persist until the second hundred years of simulation before being destroyed...]

[After some calculations, you sold various information such as Red Moon, Red-Eyed Aliens, Advent Cult, etc...]

[After harvesting a large amount of spiritual stones, you arrange your family and friends to join the team that exterminates the Advent Cult. 】

[So, two years have passed...]

[In the sixty-fifth year, after you participated in the annihilation process of the Advent Sect, you gained a lot of spiritual stones and spiritual liquid...]

[In the same year, you prepared to leave Blue Star and go to the Black Water Realm...]

[After more than a month of sailing in the void, you arrived at the Black Water Realm. 】

[You took out some of the treasures from the underwater cave. The monk did not take away all the treasures at the beginning. After joining the Advent Cult, he must have been worried that he would be coveted by others, so he continued to hide them here, which was an advantage for you... 】

[You harvested millions of drops of spiritual liquid, left the Black Water Realm, and went to the Cangwu Realm...]

[In the sixty-sixth year, after arriving in the Cangwu Realm, you disguised yourself and took up your breath and lived here with a new identity. 】

[Based on previous experience, you will be safe for at least a hundred years, so you plan to stay in the Cangwu Realm and practice until your cultivation reaches the perfection of the Earthly Immortal Realm...]

[In this way, another four years have passed. 】

[In the 70th year, your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the late eighth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[After coming to Cangwu Realm, because you purchase some spiritual liquid every year, the spiritual liquid is continuously supplied, so your cultivation progresses slightly faster. 】

[However, the growth rate of spiritual consciousness has slowed down. There are many monks in Cangwu Realm, and most of the Taixu spirits in Taixu Realm have been wiped out. There are too many monks and not enough rice...]

[In five years, you have only increased your spiritual consciousness by less than five hundred miles...]

[So, you start to put more attention on the practice of wishful thinking...]

[So, another ten years have passed...]

[In the eightyth year, your consciousness has grown to 32,000 miles...]

[After practicing wishful thinking, you will feel that the growth of your spiritual consciousness is slightly faster than traveling in the Taixu Realm. Especially with the blessing of a late bloomer, you can increase your spiritual consciousness by an average of about two hundred miles a year...]

[Although the progress of spiritual consciousness is far inferior to that of Blue Star, it is still growing...]

[In recent years, in addition to daily practice, you have also begun to inquire about news about the Xiao Qingyun world. 】

[You learned that a few months ago, red-eyed alien races began to appear on the battlefield of Xiao Qingyun Realm... but the monks of Xiao Qingyun Realm were very strong, so they were able to resist them. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this and murmured:

"The red-eyed alien race only appeared in the 80th year... This shows that the previous resistance on Blue Star did work and delayed the resurrection of Red Moon..."

"As for this simulation, the time when Blue Star was destroyed should be around sixty-five years..."

Su Xing touched his chin, this was undoubtedly good news for him.

"But from now on, my main focus is on cultivation and setting off on the journey to Tianyuan Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing thought so and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 90th year, your cultivation has reached the peak of the eighth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm, and you begin to try to break through. 】

[It took you three years to achieve this breakthrough, and your cultivation has been successfully promoted to the ninth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

[In the same year, your spiritual consciousness increased to 34,000 miles...]

[You sold a lot of the fairy treasures you refined before and continued to purchase spiritual liquid for practice...]

[In the 105th year, your cultivation has been promoted to the middle stage of the ninth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[In the 120th year, your cultivation level was raised to the late stage of the ninth level of the Earthly Immortal Realm. In the same year, your spiritual consciousness range was raised to 40,000 miles! 】

[After your cultivation reached the late stage of the Earthly Immortal Realm, you decided to temporarily put aside your cultivation and instead find a way to open up your own spiritual field cave. 】

[Blessed Lands are available to most monks above the True Immortal Realm. They vary in size. However, the Lingtian Cave Heaven you carry is a gift from Qingyunzi, and there are some hidden dangers. 】

[So you went to the Money Merchant Guild and wanted to buy the materials needed to open a portable cave...]

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this and murmured:

"Strictly speaking, the Lingtian Cave is just a portable cave... The True Fairyland can be opened, but the requirements for the Space Avenue are more stringent..."

"Now that I have a first glimpse of the Space Avenue, I can open up the Lingtian Cave, but my cultivation is not enough, so I need to use some materials!"

Su Xing recalled in his mind that the three most precious materials needed to open up a portable cave are:

Space source stone, ethereal stone and void stone...

The Ethereal Stone and the Void Stone are available when you wake up. They are taken from the void and do not need to be purchased.

But the Space Source Stone is the foundation of the cave-like world, and it is taken from the space in the world...

A powerful monk can cut off space with great force, causing a space to continuously collapse and compress...

The product after collapse and compression is the Space Origin Stone!

A space of hundreds of feet in radius, and the space source stone obtained by compressing it may only be the size of a fingernail, and it is extremely expensive!

Tens of millions of high-grade spiritual stones are easily available...

The Space Source Stone opens up space, the Void Stone keeps the distance between the portable space and the void, and the Void Spirit Stone ensures the stability of the space. The three are indispensable.

"Space Source Stone is expensive... but the greater the initial investment in Space Source Stone, the higher the upper limit of growth!"

Su Xing murmured that he wanted to purchase a large space source stone to open up enough space to completely replace the current Lingtian Cave, so as to interfere with Qingyunzi's search for it.

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[You went to the Money Merchant Guild and wanted to buy a Space Source Stone. 】

[After showing your cultivation in the Body Refining Heaven Realm, you were invited into the VIP room. The person who received you was Zi'er, the vice president of the Money Chamber of Commerce. 】

[She tells you that space source stones are extremely expensive and rare. Currently, the Cangwu Realm Money Chamber of Commerce branch only owns three space source stones. 】

[The first space source stone is the size of a fingernail. Zi'er tells you that it sells for 888 million high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[The second space source stone is half the size of a fist, priced at 9999 million high-grade spiritual stones. 】

[The third space source stone is the size of a fist, priced at 300 million high-grade spiritual stones, and the purchaser needs to reach the true fairyland! 】

[Although you are determined to buy the largest Space Source Stone, you are a little shy both in terms of cultivation and the spirit stone in your pocket, so you can only settle for the next best thing and buy a Space Source Stone that is half the size of a fist! 】

[You don’t have hundreds of millions of spiritual stones in cash. You paid 30 million high-grade spiritual stones, and the rest were replaced by spirit-gathering flowers and fairy treasures. 】

[Finally, you purchased this Space Source Stone. 】

[Next, you spent another ten years raising your cultivation to the ninth level peak of the Earthly Immortal Realm...]

[In the 130th year, you try to break through to the Great Perfection of the Earthly Immortal Realm. 】

[But the first breakthrough failed without any surprise...]

[You sighed in your heart, but decided to leave Cangwu Realm for the time being and go to a more distant place to avoid Qingyunzi's pursuit. 】

[This time, you did not choose to pass through the spirit beast world, but wanted to forcefully pass through thirteen void nodes and directly reach the Tianyin world! 】

[This is undoubtedly a huge challenge for you. 】

[Although there are some risks, it is the result of your careful consideration...]

[The opening of the portable cave requires being in the void, which can take as short as a year and a half, or as long as decades...]

[And during this period of time, you plan to open up your own spiritual field cave first, and then cut off the spiritual field cave given by Qingyunzi to reduce the cause and effect...]

[In this way, several months passed. 】

[You ride the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat, place yourself in the void, and find a place where the turbulence in the void is relatively stable. 】

[Immediately afterwards, you left the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, held up the protective aura, and stagnated in the void with your physical body. 】

[When you step into the third level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique, your pure physical body can stay in the void for a long time. You can even survive for a year and a half! 】

[But if you stay in the void for a long time and are out of contact with the spiritual energy, your magic power will easily decline and your realm will fall. 】

[What makes you even more worried is the attack of the void turbulence...]

[Fortunately, you have a deep understanding of the avenue of space and are confident enough to stay in the void for more than half a year. 】

[You chose a safer void area, took out the Space Source Stone, and crushed it into pieces! 】

[In just an instant, the crushed space source stone continued to expand like a singularity, compressing the surrounding space crazily. 】

[A golden purple light appeared in the void, making waves, as bright as a shooting star...]

[This scenery is beautiful, but the process is long...]

[Soon, three months have passed, and an independent space appears in front of you, like a demiplane. It is different from the void, but an independent and different space...]    [This space, It is about ten feet in diameter, which is far less wide than the Lingtian Cave Heaven given by Qingyunzi before. 】

[But you are very satisfied, because this cave will truly belong to you, and there will be no mark in it. 】

[You observe this cave carefully and when you are thinking about how to collect it, you are surprised to find that there is a core in this space. 】

[You come to this singularity-sized core and carve your own spiritual mark on it. 】

[Then, just like the Lingtian Cave, this space can be carried with you and you can enter it at any time. 】

[This will undoubtedly make you very satisfied...]

[But in the newly opened space, there is no immortal power or even soil...]

[You used the power of space to move a mountain from the previous Lingtian Cave and fill it into the new space. 】

[Then the Spiritual Vein Dragon, part of the Spiritual Field and rare and rare herbs were moved into it...]

[Gradually, spiritual energy began to be born in this space...]

[This makes you feel excited, so over the next ten years, you continue to expand the space of the new cave and fill it with all kinds of needed things...]

[With your physical body, it is difficult to stay in the void for three years. Whenever you feel that you cannot hold on, temporarily enter the floating cloud golden light boat. After you recover, you can continue to explore. 】

[The Ethereal Stone and the Void Stone are also refined into it by you, constantly expanding the size of the new portable space...]

[In the 140th year, a brand-new portable blessed land appears next to you! 】

[This is a cave that is completely opened by you alone and engraved with the mark of your own spiritual consciousness! 】

[This cave is only fifty feet in diameter, and the space inside is far less than the previous Lingtian Cave, but you are extremely satisfied. 】

[At least the Spirit Vein Dragon can live safely in it, and various spiritual plants can also grow smoothly in it...]

[The only fly in the ointment is that the aura of this newly opened space is still at the blessed land level for the time being, and it will take a while before it can be restored to the top-grade cave sky...]

[But you were very satisfied, so you activated the power of space to completely detonate and destroy the previous Lingtian Cave...]

[I saw Lingtian Cave Sky, like fireworks, blooming with brilliant colors in the void. 】

[And then, you feel that part of the karma between you and Qingyunzi has been cut off...]

[From now on, your portable blessed land will completely belong to you. You can freely open up and expand the scope, and even create a small world that is completely your own! 】

[The most important thing is that Qingyunzi has lost the coordinates of his spiritual field, and his pursuit of you will also be greatly affected...]

In the real world, Su Xing was a little excited to see this look.

"It turns out that the creation of a portable world...is actually such a process!"

Su Xing felt that he had gained a lot of knowledge. Of course, the most important thing was that he had eliminated part of the causal relationship with Qingyunzi.

"I once heard that there are powerful monks who have created a world that is like a real small world... where the creatures are flourishing, and the sunrise and sunset are no different from the ordinary world!"

"Perhaps one day, my world will be able to have people of such size that it can hold the entire world?"

Su Xing felt a little excited, but still thought calmly:

"However, it will probably take a lot of energy to bring Xinlingtian Cave Heaven out. I am not in a hurry to bring it out in this simulation. After all, Qingyunzi cannot threaten me in reality for the time being..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

[After opening up a new portable blessed land, you rush towards the direction of Tianyin Realm. 】

[After passing through several void nodes again, you successfully arrived at Tianyin Realm...]

[You stayed in Tianyin Realm for a year to rest. During this period, you kept observing your surroundings, trying to find out whether Qingyunzi was following you, but you found nothing. 】

[In the 142nd year, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat and arrived at the Yinmu Realm. 】

[You successfully obtained Luotian’s relics from the Yinmu Realm, and then stayed in this realm to practice, hoping to break through to a higher realm of cultivation in one go! 】

[In the 145th year, one day you will be so blessed that you will feel signs of a breakthrough in your realm. 】

[So you prepare a million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid, consume it all like a siphon, and prepare a burst of energy to impact the perfection of the fairyland! 】

[In this sprint, another five years have passed...]

[Just when you thought your second attempt would fail, the Spiritual Vein Dragon spurted out a stream of pure spiritual energy. 】

[You suddenly feel that you have enough immortal power and are in excellent condition... You have completed the breakthrough in one go! 】

[Congratulations, you have become a Dzogchen monk in the Earthly Immortal Realm! 】

[After breaking through to the Great Perfection of the Earthly Wonderland, you are satisfied and drive the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat towards the next stop, Dongsheng Realm. 】

[In the 151st year, you arrived at Dongsheng Realm and wanted to find the Luotian Sect’s relics here. 】

[You carefully entered a secret realm and took out the Luotian Sect’s relics. 】

[Fortunately, Qingyunzi does not seem to be following you this time. 】

[After you found part of Luotian Sect’s inheritance and a large amount of spirit stone and spirit liquid from the secret realm, you left with satisfaction...]

[You didn’t stay too long in the Dongsheng World. You took a short rest for half a year, repaired the Liuyun Golden Light Boat, and headed towards the next world. 】

[In this way, another four years have passed, and you have traveled through several small worlds, and finally arrived at a world called Aoyun Realm. 】

[In the 155th year, you found Luo Tian’s legacy in Aoyun Realm, which was in a secret realm. 】

[At this time, the vigilance in your heart has been raised to its peak, because in the previous simulation, you were discovered by Qingyunzi here. 】

[You carefully go to the secret realm to find the Luotian Sect inheritance...]

[After you successfully obtained part of Luotian Sect’s inheritance and a large amount of spiritual stones, you left the secret realm...]

[Qingyunzi did not show up. He seemed to have really lost track of you and did not sense your location. 】

[You felt a little relieved, so you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat towards the next target location, the Yellow Water Realm! 】

[The Yellow Water Realm is a small world, which also contains some of the Luotian Sect's relics...]

[After more than two months of sailing in the void, you successfully arrived at the Yellow Water Realm. 】

[In the 156th year, after arriving in the Yellow Water Realm, you breathed a sigh of relief. 】

[The straight-line distance from the Yellow Water Realm to the Tianyuan Realm is less than twenty void nodes, and it is even more than eighty void nodes away from the Qingyun Realm. 】

[Such a distance can already give you a good sense of security. 】

[So you are going to cultivate yourself in Tianyuan Realm for a few years and consolidate your cultivation. The long time of traveling in the void has made your cultivation somewhat unstable. 】

[In addition, you also continue to practice spiritual consciousness...]

[In this way, another nine years have passed...]

[In the 165th year, your cultivation has been consolidated and stable, and your spiritual consciousness has grown to 45,000 miles...]

In the real world, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief when he saw this.

"The Yellow Water Realm is not far from the Tianyuan Realm... After the Yellow Water Realm, the next coordinate is the Huangtian Realm. It is a middle-thousand world and an important place to stay before arriving at the Tianyuan Realm. Among them There are also some Luotian Sect collections..."

When Su Xing chose the route, he tried to cover the world coordinates buried by Luo Tian's legacy as much as possible. In addition to escaping, Su Xing also wanted to see how much Luo Tian's legacy could be obtained.

It is also convenient for practice after awakening and reaching the Celestial Realm...

"I wonder if the Luotian Sect's relics are still there in the Yellow Water Realm?"

Wake up thoughtfully.

According to the current situation, the number of high-grade spiritual stones stored in a Luotian relic ranges from five million to tens of millions, and there are countless various techniques and magical powers.

But what makes Su Xing even more excited is the spiritual liquid contained in it!

The number of drops of spiritual liquid in each relic ranges from three million to tens of millions. If Awakening can find more than a dozen relics, that would be nearly 100 million high-grade spiritual liquid!

With such a quantity, the practice after awakening in the Celestial Immortal Realm can probably satisfy most of them...

"Find Luo Tian's relics first, and then arrive at Tianyuan Realm as soon as possible!"

After Su Xing set his goal, he looked at the simulation panel.

[You spent several months in the Yellow Water Realm, and finally found some of the Luotian Sect's relics with good luck, and harvested five million drops of high-grade spiritual liquid. 】

[After you left with satisfaction, you drove the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat to the next location...]

[In this way, you passed through more than ten void nodes, and after staying in two small thousand worlds, you successfully arrived at the middle thousand world, the yellow heaven world! 】

[In the 168th year, after resting for half a year in the Yellow Heaven Realm, your mana has returned to its original state. 】

[But what makes you a little solemn is that Liuyun Golden Light Boat...can't hold on any longer! 】

[Liuyun Golden Light Boat is, after all, only a half-step acquired treasure, and has not reached the level of a true acquired treasure! 】

[What's more, after all, your cultivation level is only in the Earth Immortal Realm, and your magic power is not enough to protect the entire Liuyun Golden Light Boat...]

[More importantly, after decades of continuous running, the Flowing Cloud Golden Light Boat passed through more than a hundred void nodes, and the keel of the fairy boat was almost broken...]

[Even with your skills as a master of weapon refining, it is difficult to completely repair it. You can only arrange multiple repair formations and protective formations to make it last longer, hoping to successfully reach the Tianyuan world. 】

[In the 169th year, you are in Huangtian Realm, looking for traces of Luo Tian’s legacy. 】

[So, another three years have passed...]

[In the 172nd year, you successfully found a secret realm, which contains a relatively complete Luo Tian legacy! 】

[You have harvested tens of millions of drops of high-grade spiritual liquid. What makes you even more excited is that... you have obtained a jade slip, which seems to contain information about the ancient witch clan...]

In the real world, Su Xing's heart moved when he saw this.

"Luo Tianzong and the ancient witch clan have a huge connection... Could there be some important information in this inheritance?"

Su Xing touched his chin, thinking that he just needed to know the exact location of these Luo Tian's relics.

Moreover, the Qiling Pill has not yet been taken. In this simulation, Su Xing can continue to understand the path of cause and effect and destiny.

Thinking this way, Su Xing silently said:

"Using an immersive simulation, lasting one hundred days..."


Soon Su Xing appeared in the simulation world, and instead of rushing to take the Qiling Pill, Su Xing first began to memorize the messages he left in the simulation.

Including some changes in Qingyun Realm and Three Thousand Worlds, as well as the detailed addresses of various Luotian relics that Su Xing is extremely concerned about...

After Su Xing memorized all of this, he took out a jade slip and began to read the message left in it.


After a while, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and a strange color flashed past.

"The ancient witch clan...the message left in this jade slip is actually related to the star witch?"

Su Xing only felt that his luck was really good.

This jade slip records a history that is not known to the public, but is known to the descendants of the Wu clan.

According to the description of the descendants of the Wu Clan, a large part of the reason why the Star Witches left the Wu Clan was because they were instigated by external forces.

The specific force is unknown to Su Xing.

But as we all know, after Star Witch left the Witch Clan, the strength of the entire Witch Clan declined.

After all, Star Witches are the only race among the Witch Clan that possess great wisdom.

Without the Star Witch, the Witch Clan is as if they have lost their thinking brain, leaving only a group of reckless men...

What makes Su Xing even more excited is that this jade slip contains two secret divination techniques that the Star Witch took away.

The Great Zhoutian Stargazing Competition, and the Small Zhoutian Stargazing Competition!

According to legend, if all the big and small Zhoutian Star Observers gather together, they can observe the destiny of life and death, and observe the luck of a clan, a world... or even the entire three thousand worlds!

"The Great Zhoutian Star Observation Technique... was indeed taken away by the Star Witch. So there is a high probability that it is still in the star world?"

"Perhaps... I can look for it if I have a chance later!"

Su Xing thought this, and then took out the Little Zhoutian Star Observation Method that he had compiled and began to learn.

Take the Qiling Pill to activate the state of great wisdom.

An immersive simulation of waking up for one hundred days is equivalent to about twelve years of hard training and enlightenment!

However, after twelve years of hard training, Su Xing is still at an inexperienced level with Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method, and has only acquired some superficial knowledge of it.

"Tsk tsk... Just scratching the surface, I feel like I have benefited a lot!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, feeling that this Little Zhou Tian Stargazing Technique was several levels higher than the previous Bagua Arithmetic Technique...

After returning to the real world, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

"Next, let's work hard to reach Tianyuan Realm!"

[After a hundred days of seclusion, you have become somewhat more refined in the Little Zhoutian stargazing method...]

[But you are still not allowed to enter. 】

[This year, your spiritual consciousness has grown to 46,000 miles. 】

[You repair the Liuyun Golden Light Boat and drive it through the void nodes, heading towards the final Tianyuan World...]

(End of this chapter)

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