Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 35 3rd grade treatment, learn about the copy of Cultivating Immortals!

Chapter 35: Third-class treatment, learn about the dungeon of cultivating immortality!

Su Xing thought about it, and according to Lu Yuanwu's previous performance, he must belong to the more righteous category of people.

Moreover, Lu Yuanwu is Jin Congxue's grandfather, so he and he can be regarded as related.

Su Xing had an idea in his mind, so he continued the simulation.

【You took out a few viscera refining elixirs and handed them to Lu Yuanwu, and told him that these were elixirs you developed yourself, which can be taken by professionals above the master level to increase their attribute points. 】

[Lu Yuanwu took the elixir with some suspicion. He said that there are indeed some props in the dungeon that can increase attribute points, but those props are too precious and extremely rare. If this elixir is really as magical as you said, you will do it. made a huge contribution.To be on the safe side, Lu Yuanwu returned to the Daxia military with these pills. 】

【You didn't care, because according to the results you got before, as long as you take this pill regularly for half a year, it can even increase the physical fitness of a master professional by [-]% to [-]%. 】

[Another month later, you were resting in the dormitory on this day, when you suddenly heard the sound of helicopters over the school. 】

[Pairs of heavily armed special forces stepped off the plane. These people were all professionals above the master level. 】

【They are walking towards your dormitory, and Lu Yuanwu is among them. 】

【Lu Yuanwu looked a little excited. He first asked these soldiers to surround the entire dormitory, to be wary of anyone approaching, and then invited you to a helicopter. 】

[You have roughly guessed the purpose of Lu Yuanwu's visit in your mind. Sure enough, he bluntly said that your elixir is of great significance to the human race, and asked how much elixir you can provide. 】

[Actually, you have accumulated thousands of finished viscera refining pills over the years, but you don’t plan to hand them over at once, and your technology of refining viscera refining pills has been greatly improved now, and it takes an average of three hours a day to It is possible to refine a furnace of alchemy pills, about ten pieces. 】

[So you said a conservative number, you told Lu Yuanwu that you could provide him with fifty viscera refining pills every week. 】

[Lu Yuanwu was overjoyed after hearing this, and provided fifty Pills of Refining Viscera every week, which means 200 Pills of Refining Bowels in one month! 】

[According to the predictions of the military's internal experts, an average of five viscera refining pills can increase the strength of a master-level professional by [-]%, which means that they have a high probability of being able to pass the first master-level dungeon and become a master-level professional By! 】

[And Awakening provides two hundred pieces a month, which means that two hundred master-level experts can be created every five months!This is a huge increase in combat power for the entire Daxia military, and even for the entire human race! 】

[Lu Yuanwu solemnly said to you that he is willing to give you the third-rank treatment of the Great Xia, as long as you can provide them with alchemy pills. 】

[You asked Lu Yuanwu what the third-class treatment is, and Lu Yuanwu told you that the third-class treatment is only enjoyed by hundreds of people in the entire Great Xia Kingdom, and even he is only the second-class treatment. 】

[You asked Lu Yuanwu about the benefits of third-class treatment. Lu Yuanwu said that as long as you are willing to join, they will tailor special training treatment for you. The country will train you at all costs and will absolutely guarantee your safety. 】

Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this. This so-called third-class treatment seemed good.

"However... that is, you can try it in the simulator. It's better not to expose the real world."

Su Xing was a little curious about the benefits of the treatment, so he wanted to agree in his heart.

[You agreed to Lu Yuanwu’s request. Lu Yuanwu was ecstatic. As long as you are a young genius, he asked you if you want to live in the military area, and your safety is absolutely guaranteed. 】

[You didn’t like the feeling of being restricted, so you refused and chose to continue living in Jiangnan Vocational University. Lu Yuanwu agreed to your request. He sent two king-level experts to protect your safety in the dark 24 hours a day, and Tell you that you can make any requests to him. 】

[You thought for a while and wrote down a list. The list is of some commonly used medicinal materials for alchemy. These medicinal materials are just ordinary things, but the year you requested is longer, such as century-old ginseng, century-old polygonum multiflorum, and more than 20-year-old polygonatum. wait. 】

【These medicinal materials are more precious than the common medicinal materials on the market. If you plant them in the spiritual fields, you can make them absorb spiritual energy faster and cultivate them into spiritual medicines. 】

[General Lu Yuan took the list, and ordered his personal guards to help you get it directly from the military arsenal. In just half a day, he collected all the medicinal materials you wrote down. 】

[You then ask Lu Yuanwu if he knows that there is a dungeon on the Xiuxian side. Lu Yuanwu nodded and said that he had heard of this type of dungeon before. You were overjoyed and hurriedly asked for the dungeon information. Lu Yuanwu quickly collected the dungeons on the Xiuxian side and handed it to you Copy information. 】

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and then his face became ecstatic.

Sure enough, just as he thought, the copy of Xiuxianxiang must not be limited to the "Lingtian blessed land". The Qingyun sect and Qingyun world proposed by Qingyunzi at the beginning are the best proof.

Su Xing took a deep breath, and then said silently in his heart:

"Use immersive simulation!"

"Ding, using immersive simulation costs 10 points per hour. Do you want to continue?"

Su Xing smacked his lips when he saw this, one hundred thousand points per hour, this price is too expensive.

But the immersive simulation is probably worth it.

According to the updated functional description in the first volume of the simulator, immersive simulation allows you to fully see the scene in the simulator without any risk to your life.

Even if it's just an hour of immersive simulation, I can completely memorize the information of these copies within this hour.

A Cultivation to Immortality dungeon is worth far more than a mere [-] points to awakening.

"Definitely use it!"

"Ding, you spent 40 points to choose immersive simulation for one hour, and the remaining points are 7 points..."

As the reminder sounded in Su Xing's mind, Su Xing only felt that his vision began to flip.

The next second, Su Xing was still in the dormitory. He looked in the mirror carefully and found that he was completely different from before, and there were no roommates in the dormitory. He seemed to be living in a dormitory alone.

At this moment, a piece of information marked "Top Secret" appeared in Su Xing's hand.

"Is this an immersive simulation? Sure enough...it's exactly the same as the personal experience!"

Su Xing was excited and couldn't wait to check the information in his hand.

But as soon as I opened the first page, there was a line of red reminder fonts.

"Attention! Attention! Cultivation to the immortal dungeon is extremely dangerous! It is not recommended for professionals below the master level to explore. There may be NPCs suspected of being 'legendary' or even 'holy' in the dungeon. It is recommended to explore this type of dungeon. A team of professionals above the Heavenly King level, led by a Martial Emperor level powerhouse!"

Opening Lightning Strike!
As soon as Su Xing saw this sentence, he understood that cultivating the immortal copy might not be as simple as he thought!
(End of this chapter)

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