Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 381: After 9 years of simulation, the Tianji Domain has undergone major changes! [8k monthly

Chapter 381: After nine hundred years of simulation, the Tianji Realm undergoes great changes! [8k monthly ticket requested]

Although the dragon protector's strength is only in the Hunyuan realm.

But his physical body is not weak, and he is blessed by the dragon bloodline.

Now Su Xing has a lot of materials in his hands, plus his puppet skills are enough.

If you put some thought into it, you can even refine it into a puppet in the immortal realm!
"The puppet made by the old dog Long... should be enough to protect the two women in secret!"

Su Xing thought so, and then started to refine the puppet.


Three days later, in the Lingtian Cave.

Su Xing looked at the puppet in front of him and nodded with satisfaction.

"Master!" The old dog puppet Long stood respectfully in front of Su Xing, his tone and demeanor no different from before.

However, Su Xing doesn't know exactly how much this treasure house is worth.

After hearing this, Long Laogou nodded slightly and said:
"Recently, there have been traces of traitors in the Advent Sect... Therefore, I plan to move the treasure house, so you don't have to look after the treasure house for the time being."

Not even a piece of white equipment was spared...

But before that, Su Xing prepares to exchange all the resources obtained from Advent Sect into the source of energy!
Looking at the box of storage rings in front of him, Su Xing's eyes were excited:

As soon as he entered the treasure house of Advent Sect, Long Laogou said respectfully:
"Master, the Advent Sect's accumulation over thousands of years... is all in this treasure house!"

Su Xing's heart moved, and the simulator's prompt sounded in his ears.

After all, once he communicates with Xue San, Xue San will definitely find that Long Laogou has become a puppet at this moment.

After hearing this, Long Laogou became more respectful and said: "As you command, Master!"

Several elders guarding the treasure house came forward. When they saw the old dog Long in front of them, their attitude suddenly became respectful:

"Master Cult Leader..."

Of course, the way the simulator calculates energy has little to do with the treasure and power of the item.

After doing all this, Su Xing asked Long Laogou to continue to stay in the Advent Cult, but he could not respond to Xue San's message.

Su Xing shook his head slightly and said calmly: "No need..."

After hearing what Long Laogou said, the two elders had no objections, opened the door of the treasure house respectfully, and then left the copy.

Su Xing said calmly.

On April 2026, 4, in the new era, I woke up and returned to Lingtian Cave, ready to start a new round of simulation.

This allowed Su Xing to obtain the largest sum of money in history!
"Ten million energy sources... even enough for me to break through to the Golden Immortal!"

The total value of all the exotic metals, white equipment, and props in Advent Cult exceeds tens of millions of energy sources!
These energy sources are even enough to replace a spiritual dragon!

There are also various kinds of heavenly materials, earthly treasures, equipment, techniques, etc. Some of them are obtained from dungeons, and some are the wealth of Long Laogou.

Waking up has never felt such a sweet sound!

The entire Advent Sect has been accumulated in Blue Star for thousands of years, coupled with Long Laogou's money-making character.

Just as the formation was activated, several voices suddenly came from beside him:
"Who is it? Want to open the treasure house of my Advent Cult?"

Even Adventist cadres who were familiar with Long Laogou couldn't tell any clues in a short period of time.

Perhaps it is because the dragons have a natural tendency to collect treasures, which makes the number of treasures in the Advent Cult so surprising!

The Adventist treasury is divided into different areas:

"Tsk tsk...but these treasures are all mine now!"

Su Xing's whole body was shaking with excitement.

Su Xing even felt that even the advent sect in the Xiao Qingyun world might not be so rich!

"Well, good... Next, I need you to take me to the Advent Cult Treasure House. Is that okay?"

Otherwise, the total of these rags is far less than the breath of spiritual energy exhaled by the spiritual pulse dragon!
But the problem is, it can’t handle the large number!

"I want to see how much energy these things are worth..."

Su Xing, on the other hand, followed Long Laogou and successfully entered the treasure house of Advent Sect.

[Ding, a large amount of energy source material has been detected, with a total value of 1024 energy source points... Do you want to absorb it? 】

Metal ore area!
The treasures that Su Xing valued most were countless different metals from the first to the fourth level... filled with hundreds of storage rings!
Su Xing even felt that the wealth of the Advent Sect was not much worse than that of the Great Xia Kingdom...

The prop area contains all kinds of strange props obtained from various copies, and is filled with dozens of storage rings, which are worth a lot of money.

After passing through the layers of formations, Long Laogou opened the treasure house in front of a huge stone.

"Do you need me to take you to see it?"

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Xing's eyes. He did not check, but took away all the resources in the treasure house!

This will even cause Blood Three to come to Blue Star early... This is not good for Awakening!

Next, under the leadership of Long Laogou, Su Xing went to the dungeon where the treasure house of Advent Sect was located.

Su Xing is very familiar with this place. After several immersive simulations, Su Xing has emptied this treasure house.

In the Mysterious Immortal Realm, a breakthrough in the first level requires millions of energy sources... to reach the tenth level, it happens to be ten million!

If you rely on awakening yourself, even if it takes more than half a year, you may not be able to accumulate these tens of millions of energy sources!
But now, a robbery of the Advent Sect's treasure house allowed Su Xing to obtain such a huge sum of money!
Including the more than 6 million energy sources left in Su Xing's hands, Su Xing's total energy amount is close to 16.5 million!

This is completely enough to wake up and break through to the Golden Immortal...

"Calm down, stay calm..."

"Although the source of energy is available, we still need to break through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing took a deep breath to calm down.

Rescued Luo Shuying and killed Long Laogou.

This shows that Su Xing has begun to enter the sight of Blood Three and Advent Sect!

In the future, the awakened enemy will be the entire Advent Sect, and even the red moon in the sky!
Therefore, Su Xing must improve his cultivation as soon as possible... in order to have enough confidence to deal with it!

At this time, this huge sum of money with tens of millions of energy sources undoubtedly became a timely rain, which gave Su Xing a big breath of relief.

"Then next, we must break through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Xing thought for a while.

At present, he has condensed the first five qi in his chest.

According to the previous progress, with at most two simulations, he would be able to successfully condense all the five qi in his chest and reach the state where the five qi are in full swing.

Work hard again and break through to the Mysterious Immortal Realm!

"And now...I happen to have two simulation opportunities in my hand!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing no longer hesitated and prepared to start a new round of simulation.

"Breaking through the Mysterious Immortal Realm is now!"

"Start simulation!"

[The 135th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 1656 points... The remaining number of simulations is 1345. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Craftsmanship... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Craftsmanship]: Golden talent, you are ingenious and your talent in the puppet field has been greatly improved, and you can easily forge high-quality puppets.

"Huh? This talent..."

Su Xing raised his eyebrows. This talent seemed to be related to the way of cultivating immortals and hundreds of arts.

At present, the level of the awakened puppet method is not bad.

Since receiving the initiation from the Ghost Mother-in-Law, if the materials are enough, Su Xing can even refine a puppet comparable to that of a heavenly being!
And now, with this golden talent, doesn't it mean that... Su Xing can refine more advanced puppets?

"Tsk tsk...this talent is not bad! But it doesn't seem to be needed for the time being..."

Su Xing is ready to save some time. At the moment, the priority is to improve his cultivation level. There is no rush to refine the puppet when needed in the future.

"Then, let's sprint towards cultivation with all our strength!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[After a little preparation, you went to Daxia Kingdom to prepare for the migration of the human race. 】

[You did it extremely covertly and spent two years migrating most of the human race from Blue Star to Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[In the same year, you went to Tianji Pavilion and informed Hong Yue of information. 】

[After doing all this, you didn't care anymore, but went to Qingyun Sect and traded with Qingyunzi. 】

[After the transaction, you successfully obtained two cups of Enlightenment Tea. 】

[You decide to see what would happen to Qingyuan Domain without your own intervention. 】

[In the third year, you did not return to the Little Qingyun Realm, but traveled around the Qingyuan Realm, looking for the Luo Tian inheritance scattered everywhere. 】

[In this way, forty-seven years have passed...]

[In the fiftieth year, you traveled through most of the Qingyuan Territory and found hundreds of scattered Luo Tian inheritance. 】

[Subsequently, you went to Tianyuan Realm and inquired about the news about the recent alien race in Qingyuan Realm. 】

[From the information from Tianji Pavilion, you learned that Xiao Qingyun Realm has been seriously invaded by aliens, and it will take more than fifty years at most before it will be completely destroyed. 】

[After hearing this, you sighed in your heart. In the face of the powerful foreign race, without the intervention of a strong person, a small front ten street would really be unable to support itself. 】

[But you do not intend to interfere with the outcome of Xiao Qingyun Realm, but continue to stay in Tianyuan Realm, preparing to work hard to gather the energy of Ganmu. 】

[You found a hidden place with abundant spiritual energy in Tianyuan Realm, and then started to retreat. 】

[In the 100th year, you successfully escaped seclusion and successfully condensed the second five qi in your chest, the qi of liver wood! 】

[After condensing the energy of liver wood, your mana recovery speed will be greatly increased, giving you the ability to fight for a long time. 】

[So, after a little preparation, you decided to go to the Nine Heavens Realm and start to understand the great road...]

[You successfully arrived at the fifth heaven and retreated in a secret realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
"Using immersive simulation, duration 60 years..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersive simulation...the remaining energy source is 1653 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

Without hesitation, Su Xing directly began to understand the Way of Thunder.


In the blink of an eye, thirty-six years have passed!

After drinking two cups of Enlightenment Tea, with the blessing of hundreds of times more enlightenment, Su Xing successfully entered the Fourth Realm of Thunder Road!

In this way, among all the avenues that Su Xing has mastered, only the avenue of power and the avenue of killing are still in the second realm.

"Huh... But these two avenues will not improve my strength much for the time being..."

"Next, we should prioritize the smooth entry of a certain avenue into the fifth realm!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while, and now he had many choices.

Cause and effect, destiny, space speed...the Way of the Five Elements, the Way of Sword and the Way of Thunder are all options for entering the fifth realm.

But Su Xing must make a choice...

"The path of cause and effect and destiny, if I successfully enter the fifth realm...my own ability to shield Qi, my safety will be greatly improved..."

"But the fifth realm may not be enough to shield Qingyunzi..."

"Furthermore, the path of cause and effect is the most difficult and takes the most time. It is not worth improving for the time being!"

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"Relatively speaking, the methods of space and speed are the most useful to me!"

"Understanding these two avenues, my escape speed will be further improved... Not only will the safety be greatly improved, in the real world, I can also travel to further worlds to find Luo Tian's secret treasure."

"There are also the Avenue of Swords and the Avenue of Five Elements, which have improved my strength the most!"

"I carry the Holy Body of the Five Elements, so it shouldn't be difficult to comprehend the Five Elements Dao... As for the Sword Dao, maybe I can go to the Tianji Realm and look for Bai Di's teachings, and I can quickly comprehend it..."

After struggling for a while, Su Xing decided to take the lead in improving the Avenue of Speed!

The Avenue of Speed, after entering the fifth realm...when you wake up, you can quickly go to the Yellow Sand Realm or the Black Water Realm to get a large amount of energy source!
Even further away, Su Xing can go to the Star Realm. With Xiao Zhou Tian's stargazing method, Su Xing will definitely be able to exchange for a large number of star stones!

Thinking this way, Su Xing took out dozens of Tao Yun treasures of the Great Way of Speed ​​and began to comprehend.


The end of the immersive simulation, the real world.

Su Xing slowly opened his eyes, and the memories gradually emerged in his mind.

"Huh... the fifth realm of the Great Dao is really difficult!"

"When you step into the fifth realm of the Great Dao, you are already in the realm of entering the palace...if you take a step further, you will be able to understand the true realm of the Tao!"

"It takes a golden immortal to comprehend the fifth realm of the Great Dao...it still takes too much time!"

Su Xing felt a little emotional.

In this simulation, he used the eighteen years of his last cup of enlightenment tea and an inevitable epiphany opportunity to understand the Way of Speed, but it was only the early stage of the fourth realm, and he was still far away from the fifth realm... …

Su Xing conservatively estimated that it would take 70,000 to 80,000 years of enlightenment to push the Great Way of Speed ​​to the fifth realm!

Seventy or eighty thousand years, what is this concept?
A true immortal will only live 120,000 years...

Just to understand a certain avenue will take most of one's spiritual life.

It’s no wonder that the fifth realm of the great avenue requires a golden immortal to comprehend...

Even Xuanxian does not have such a long lifespan to comprehend!
"This is still a relatively mediocre relationship between the Avenue of Speed... If it were other top avenues, it would probably take one to two hundred thousand years to enter the fifth realm!"

Su Xing made some estimates and found that one immersive simulation was roughly equivalent to fifteen thousand years of enlightenment.

This means that it will take at least four or five immersive simulations before Awakening can enter the fifth realm of Speed ​​Avenue!
"Perception of the Great Dao...it seems a bit too difficult!"

"Is there any way...to increase the speed of comprehending the Great Dao?"

Su Xing thought for a while. Currently, there are only two ways that Su Xingshuo knows about improving his understanding of the Great Dao.

First, by taking the Heavenly Materials and Earthly Treasures of the Enlightenment Tea type, you can increase the speed of enlightenment.

Secondly, it is to find a higher level Tao Yun treasure!
The supreme treasure of Tao Yun is also divided into levels...

The higher the level, the faster you can comprehend the avenue!

For example, the innate hibiscus branch in Su Xing's hand is much more advanced than the Suzaku tail feather before.

The speed with which he can comprehend the great path is several times that of Suzaku's Tail Feather.

Thinking of this, Su Xing touched his chin:
"However, it seems there are other ways..."

Su Xing thought of his purple talent, how wise he was but how foolish he was!
By accumulating stupid time, your understanding will be greatly improved within a certain period of time!
The purple quality of wisdom can increase your understanding up to three times...

What if it is combined with Xi Plus One to upgrade it to golden quality?
"When you have time in the future... maybe you can try it. As long as the improvement is more than six times, the effect of simply comprehending the great road and being wise and foolish will be better than being a late bloomer!"

Su Xing prepares to wait until his cultivation level has improved enough and the energy source in his hand is insufficient, and then he will specifically improve his understanding of the avenue, and there may be unexpected surprises.

"However, now we still have to prioritize promotion to Xuanxian..."

"Calculate the time, it's almost time to prepare to leave for the Tianji Domain!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 160th year, you left the Nine Heavens Realm and prepared to set off for the South China Sea Realm. 】

[Returning to the Qingyuan Territory, you know that the alien invasion of the Qingyuan Territory has been extremely serious. 】

[The Little Qingyun Realm was destroyed decades ago, and the Black Water Realm and the Yellow Sand Realm have also been occupied by aliens in recent years... Currently, the Star Realm is in the midst of war. 】

[But the human monks also began to organize a human alliance to fight against the aliens...]

[You did not intend to participate in this simulation, but quickly headed to the South China Sea. 】

[In the 180th year, you purchased some supplies in the South China Sea and prepared to cross the endless sea. 】

[After more than forty years of sailing in the void, you followed the previous route, crossed three void nodes, and passed through the endless sea smoothly without any danger...]

[In the 220th year, you arrived in the Tianji Domain. 】

[The place of arrival is not far from the Baiyun Realm. You plan to retreat in the Baiyun Realm and wait for the birth of the Bai family siblings. 】

[Taking advantage of this time, you begin to condense the third five qi in the chest, the qi of the kidney water! 】

[The Qi of Heart Fire and Lung Metal greatly increases the power of magic, but it requires the neutralization of the Qi of Kidney Water to ensure that there will be no problems with the magic power. 】

[So, for the next sixty minutes, you will be cultivating quietly in the Baiyun Realm, comprehending the energy of kidney water. 】

[In the 280th year, you went to Baiyun City and met the Bai family siblings. 】

[Afterwards, you became the master of the Bai family siblings and helped them practice quickly. 】

[At the same time, the situation in Tianji Domain deteriorated rapidly. 】

[In the third hundred years, Baiyun Realm was invaded by aliens and was unable to defend itself. 】

[You instruct the Bai family siblings to join Tianji Pavilion and go to Tianji Realm with Xiao Zhanlong. 】

[For the next twenty years, you will practice in the immortal boat, quietly waiting for that thing to happen. 】

[In the 320th year, the alien army robbed the road and prepared to annihilate all the monk seedlings on the fairy boat...]

[At the critical moment, Bai Di takes action! 】

[And in this shocking battle, you saw Bai Di's sword skills, and your understanding of the way of the sword was greatly improved! 】

[In this battle, you also took action, showing strength far beyond ordinary Xuanxian, ranking 52nd on the Earth Ranking...]

[At the same time, because you helped Bai Emperor, you received Bai Emperor's promised teachings, as well as Bai Emperor's message jade slip. 】

[In the 330th year, the immortal boat successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[You have become an outer pavilion elder of Tianji Pavilion. In addition to completing necessary tasks, you stay in Tianji Realm to practice most of the time. 】

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and murmured:
"Although things have changed slightly due to the incident of the Red Moon, the general direction has not changed, it is just that the time has been delayed..."


Su Xing thought of the mother of the Bai family siblings who had come back from the dead.

"This time, Hong Yue is not in the Tianji Domain...will the situation in the Tianji Domain improve?"

"I hope that in Tianji Pavilion, I can practice safely for a while longer..."

Su Xing felt a little hopeful and looked at the simulation panel.

[You condensed the kidney water energy in the Tianji Realm, and more than a hundred years have passed in the blink of an eye...]

[In the 450th year, you are only one step away from successfully condensing kidney water energy, so you decide to retreat and launch the final sprint. 】

[In the 480th year, you successfully escaped from seclusion and gathered the third five qi in your chest. 】

[The condensation of kidney water energy makes your magic power more stable. Although the quality has not improved, the magic power is extremely stable. 】

[In the fifth hundred years, the mother of the Bai family siblings has not yet appeared. 】

[You conclude from this that Bai Mu is indeed dead long ago, and what she simulated before may be Hong Yue’s method. 】

[After practicing in the Tianji Realm for nearly two hundred years, you have also visited Tianji City several times. 】

[However, you have never seen the Master of Tianji Pavilion in the past two hundred years. 】

[You are interested in asking the Master of Tianji Pavilion for a solution to the shortcomings of One Qi Transformation into Three Purities, but it is difficult to meet him. 】

[Perhaps, only by becoming number one on the Earth Ranking can we find and meet the Master of Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Over the past hundred years, the invasion of the Tianji Realm by aliens has gradually deepened, and aliens are rampant. Almost every year, small worlds are occupied by aliens. 】

[And to be on the safe side, you only accept missions near the Tianji Realm, and you perform divination repeatedly before going on missions. If something doesn't look right, you give up the mission. 】

[With this coping method, you can practice successfully. 】

[In the 520th year, you began to try to condense the Qi of Lung Metal. 】

[Among the five qi in the chest, the condensation of the heart fire qi is the most dangerous. You decide to save it until the end and gather it when you are more confident...]

[There are not many metallic treasures in your hands. 】

[So, you can only start taking tasks, earn Tianji Pavilion’s contribution, and exchange for enough gold treasures. 】

[In the next hundred years, you will collect treasures and condense the Qi of Lung Metal. 】

[In the 550th year, the scope of your spiritual domain has increased to six thousand feet! 】

[In the next fifty years, you will take the Wen Dao Pill every year, and the scope of your spiritual realm will further increase...]

[In the 600th century, the scope of your spiritual domain has been increased to 6,600 feet. 】

[This year, the Wen Dao Pill in your hand has been exhausted, and the growth rate of the spiritual realm has declined. You continue to condense the five qi in your chest. 】

[In the 610th year, the first ray of lung gold energy was successfully condensed. 】

[After this, you feel that the power of your magic and magical powers has more than doubled! 】

[After making progress in condensing the five qi in your chest, you continue to go out to perform tasks. 】

[According to the information from Tianji Pavilion, no fewer than a thousand worlds have been invaded by aliens in the entire Tianji Domain, including dozens of Small Thousand Worlds. 】

[The master of Tianji Pavilion did not show up, and Bai Di did not make a big move against the aliens, but only defended and counterattacked. 】

[The time will soon come to the 700th year...]

[This year, you finally successfully condensed the Qi of Lung Metal, with five Qi in your body and chest, leaving only the last Qi of Heart Fire. 】

[And the innate hibiscus branch in your hand is the treasure that condenses the inner fire energy. 】

[So, you stay in the Tianji Realm with peace of mind to gather the last five qi. 】

[In this way, a hundred years have passed by in a hurry...]

[In the 800th century, you suddenly received a mission. All the elders of the outer cabinet must go out to carry out the mission to prevent the invasion of foreign races. 】

[Because this time the alien race will make a big move, and the Tianji Pavilion side is led by Bai Emperor to intercept the alien race outside a small world. 】

[You are now close to condensing the first ray of inner fire, but the mission is urgent and you have to go. 】

[In addition, with Bai Di leading the way, there should be no major problems...]

[So, thousands of Tianji Pavilion elders and tens of thousands of Tianji Pavilion disciples followed Bai Emperor and went to the front line to fight against the aliens. 】

[The power of the foreign race is somewhat beyond your imagination. 】

[Not only has the original Blood II strength been fully restored, but there are also thousands of alien gods...]

[This battle was extremely tragic. More than half of the elders of Tianji Pavilion died, but Bai Di single-handedly killed three foreign gods who were comparable to Taiyi's first-level god! 】

[You originally thought that there would be a hundred years of peace after this battle...]

[Unexpectedly, this war is just the beginning! 】

[In the following years, the alien races accelerated the pace of their invasion...]

[In the 850th year, you successfully condensed the first ray of inner fire energy. At this moment, you are getting closer and closer to completely condensing the five energy in your chest. 】

[In the same year, when you were fighting on the front line, you were ambushed by a second-level alien race. 】

[With your strength, although you are no match, but with your extremely fast speed, you barely escaped...]

[But the aliens hunted you all the way, and you were forced to flee to a small world to heal your wounds. 】

[In the 900th year, your injuries have recovered, your inner fire energy has taken a further step forward, and you are not far away from successfully condensing it. 】

[One day, a warning came from your talent to seek good fortune and avoid misfortune. 】

[The next day, Blood II found you...]

[He claimed that he felt a familiar aura on you, which was the inheritance of Luo Tian Sect...]

[Xue Er has searched your soul, and you have no power to resist. 】

[Your consciousness gradually dissipates... You are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing frowned.

"Is the situation in Three Thousand Worlds... already serious enough?"

"The great battle in the 800th century... both the human race and the alien race must have acted with sincerity. It's hard to say who will win... but even if the White Emperor takes action, won't they still be victorious?"

Nearly half of the elders of Tianji Pavilion were killed in the battle, and several first-level gods from the alien race also perished.

The battle should be a balanced one...

But the problem is, the human race cannot afford the consumption!

The top combat power of the entire human race is scattered in various worlds and regions, making it difficult to concentrate.

Unless all the powerful monks are gathered together, there will be a chance to counterattack.

"Oh, there's Blood Two... who actually knows that I inherited Luo Tian's inheritance. I guess he knew it from Blood Three?"

"As long as I go out on a mission, there is danger... But with my status, it is difficult to stay in the Tianji Realm all the time..."

"Forget it, after nine hundred years of simulation, the harvest this time has been great!"

"The five qi in the chest have reached the final step. As long as the qi of the heart fire is condensed and the five qi are directed toward the origin, we can successfully enter the Xuanxian realm!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and he couldn't wait to look at the reward list.

[Ingenuity]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Half-Step Mysterious Immortal Realm]: Cultivation has reached the perfection of the True Immortal, and the five qi in the chest have been condensed. Currently, the qi of the spleen earth, liver wood, lung metal, and kidney water have been condensed. Only the last heart fire qi is left, and the five qi can be directed toward the body. Yuan...steps into Xuanxian! The price is 100 million energy sources.

[Results of spiritual realm practice]: After choosing, the understanding of the spiritual realm is greatly improved. The coverage of the own spiritual realm reaches 20 feet. The power of magic powers in the spiritual realm is greatly improved. The understanding of the great road can be used as you like. The price is energy sources. .

[Enlightenment of the Way of Sword]: Observe the swordsmanship and sword intention of the Sword Immortal Baidi, and gain insights. After receiving it, your sense of swordsmanship will be greatly improved. The price is 10 energy sources.

Looking at the simulated reward in front of him, Su Xing didn't hesitate at all and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the half-step of Xuanxian cultivation... and the results of spiritual realm cultivation!"

[You successfully brought out the results of spiritual realm practice, spending 20 energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 1633 points...]

[You successfully brought out half-step to the Mysterious Immortal Realm, spent 100 million energy source points, and the remaining energy source points are 1533 points...]

Two notification sounds fell in succession, and two mysterious energies poured into Su Xing's body.

Su Xing only felt that the mana in his body had undergone tremendous changes in just a few moments!

The Qi of Liver Wood increases the speed of awakening mana recovery by more than three times!
The Qi of kidney water makes the awakening mana balanced and stable, and can release magical powers appropriately and beneficially.

The Qi of Heart Fire and Lung Metal increases the power of awakening magic by more than five times!
After carefully sensing the changes in his body, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and murmured:
"Is this the power possessed by Xuanxian... Although I have not reached Xuanxian, I am almost one step away from Xuanxian!"

"In other words, if I only have five Qi to reach the Yuan Dynasty and the immortal power is sublimated... I can enjoy the longevity of several Yuanhui and enjoy the power of the Xuanxian!"

A flash of excitement flashed in Su Xing's eyes.

In addition to the improvement in cultivation, the awakening spiritual realm has also further increased to seven thousand feet.

The Great Spirit Realm, which is thousands of miles away... is getting closer and closer!
This caused Su Xing's overall strength to gradually approach Jinxian.

"Yes, if I can understand a powerful avenue, maybe I can compete with Golden Immortal One or Two?"

Su Xing felt a little hopeful.

"Right now, I still have one simulation opportunity left!"

"This is a good opportunity to make a breakthrough to the Golden Immortal in one go!"

Without hesitation, Su Xing silently said:

"Start simulation!"

[The 136th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 1533 points... The remaining number of simulations is 9445. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent, Heart of the Strong... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

(Today’s big chapter will be updated, brothers, monthly football tickets~)

(End of this chapter)

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