Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 394: The Lemur career is over and a new round of simulation begins! [1k monthly ticket reque

Chapter 394: The Lemur career is over and a new round of simulation begins! [8k monthly ticket requested]

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, a look of surprise appeared on his face.

"Tsk, tsk, I didn't expect that my evil demon vest would be so useful?"

Use your own power to prevent the destruction of a thousand worlds and "repel" the alien army of 20 million people!

The only ones who can play such a role on the battlefield are the Golden Immortal-level experts!

Even if the awakened deity is present, it will only have this effect at most.

"Furthermore... there is absolutely no chance that my identity as a deviant vest will be exposed!"

"After all, in the eyes of the aliens, I am a lemure with a good foundation and a good talent... I have been injured and shed blood for the aliens!"

Su Xing thought about it for a while. In this simulation, he could be said to have been on the side of the alien race throughout the whole process, and he did not behave like a spy.

In addition to "accidentally" losing the recipe for the Rebirth Pill in the star world.

The existence of the evil demon vest and being in the legion is the "biggest espionage act"!
"I wonder if we can get some more critical information from this simulation?"

Su Xing pondered and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the fourth hundred years, the alien army withdrew from the star world...]

[The defeat of this war, as the commander-in-chief, the succubus of God's residence, naturally cannot escape the blame...]

[However, this succubus had an affair with the commander of the 18th Legion, a second-level god, so he was only slightly punished...]

[Even so, Succubus God's residence has temporarily lost the qualification to lead the legions to invade major human worlds. 】

[And you, also ushered in a period of rest...]

[In the 450th year, after fifty years of cultivation, you swallowed the essence of flesh and blood every day, and your cultivation finally progressed further, reaching the late saint stage! 】

[At this level, among the evil demons, they are already regarded as kings and hegemons...]

[The improvement of your realm will make the evil demons under you worship you more and obey your words...]

[These low-level lemures, whose IQs are not as good as those of pigs and dogs, may not be afraid of death or gods, but they fear higher-level lemures...]

[After fifty years of repairs, the Succubus God Mansion curried favor with the legion commander and finally regained the opportunity to invade the human world. 】

[This time, He did not dare to look down upon the human race, and ordered you to train an army of tens of millions of aliens, and decided to invade a small world ten years later. 】

[According to intelligence, the strongest person in that small world is only a true immortal...]

[According to the comparison of strength, this small world will be destroyed without a doubt! Unless a miracle happens...]

[In the 460th year, aliens invaded the world on a large scale. In just ten years, nearly half of the entire world was occupied by aliens...]

[However, in the 470th year, a miracle happened! 】

[A foreign army accidentally destroyed a secret retreat and awakened a human golden immortal! 】

[This Golden Immortal came to this small world thousands of years ago and sought a breakthrough in seclusion, but he did not expect to be disturbed by a foreign race...]

[Under this situation, the Golden Immortal was naturally furious and killed the Succubus God and a group of god-level aliens on the spot. 】

[Then, help the army of this world to counterattack the alien race...]

[In just ten years, the alien race was completely destroyed. The 20 million alien race army once again only survived less than 100,000...]

[This invasion plan failed again! 】

[Fortunately, you escaped and followed some of the defeated soldiers to escape from this world in a "different boat"! 】

In the real world, Su Xing twitched the corner of his mouth when he saw this.

"Damn, in a small world, there is a golden immortal sleeping in seclusion for ten thousand years... What is the probability?"

Su Xing can't say that there is no chance of this, but he can only say that if the succubus can just choose this small world, it will be really bad luck for eight lifetimes!

I'm afraid even the human race doesn't know that there are golden immortal monks in their world!
"Tsk, tsk, the divine body of disaster is really terrifying..."

"The failure of this war can't be blamed on the Succubus God's Mansion... But even if he died, who can blame him?"

Su Xing sighed softly and said:

"Looks like we have to change our boss again!"

In just a few hundred years, the awakened bosses died one after another like leeks.

But the awakened evil demon vest continues to rise and improve, which is interesting...

"However, we still have to break through to the god level as soon as possible!"

"Below the god level, there is no ability to survive in the void... It would be bad if one day I also fall into the small world!"

"Besides, after being promoted to the god level, I should be able to join a large legion and become a better alien race, right?"

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth, looking forward to that scene, and looked at the simulation panel.

[The fifth hundredth year, this is the thirtieth year since you escaped back to the alien base camp after that battle. 】

[In the past thirty years, you have continuously improved your strength, devoured the essence of flesh and blood, and finally achieved another breakthrough! 】

[This year, your realm has been successfully promoted to the peak of saint level! 】

[You start preparing for the promotion ceremony...]

[This is not the first time you have been promoted to a god, but before, both the Fire Demon and the Shadow Tribe had their own laws that they were good at. 】

[Only lemures have no specialization rules and are more malleable! 】

[After much hesitation, do you think the most important thing for this evil demon vest is to stay alive! 】

[So, you plan to use the laws of space and cause and effect as the natural laws of this evil demon...]

[Based on your understanding of these two laws, the entire ceremony of becoming a god went very smoothly. 】

[Even so, it took you a hundred years! 】

[In the 600th century, you have been successfully promoted to a weak demon god with weak divine power! 】

[The moment your consciousness is connected to the alien temple, countless consciousnesses are staring at you...]

[For a moment, the consciousness of the gods in the entire God Realm was shocked! 】

[There are many foreign gods being promoted almost every day... They don't care. 】

[But you are a god-level lemure! 】

[Among the entire alien race, there have not been any god-level lemures born for nearly a thousand years... This rarity is even many times higher than that of the previous Shadow Clan! 】

[As we all know, lemures are cannon fodder among alien races and are worthless...]

[But when you reach the level of gods, the status of evil demons is completely different! 】

[God-level lemures can easily command and cultivate hundreds of millions of lemures... It can be said that every lemure god means a steady stream of cannon fodder! 】

[The moment you first entered the divine realm, dozens of consciousnesses contacted you and wanted to make friends with you! 】

[These alien gods are all the commanders of some large legions, comparable to golden immortals! 】

[They are very willing to give you the position of deputy captain, which is higher than the position of the God's Palace. You don't even need to do it yourself. You only need to control the evil demons and you can enjoy a lot of flesh and blood essence...]

[You will naturally not refuse such a good thing. 】

[Being able to come into contact with higher-level alien races means that you can serve more alien legions...]

[After leaving the consciousness links of these gods, you searched for a long time and finally found an extremely dilapidated temple in the vast divine domain. 】

[It is said to be a temple, but it is actually just a dilapidated small bungalow. 】

[After entering this temple, you can see four evil demon gods visible to the naked eye. 】

[One of them is an alien with medium divine power, and the other three evil demons are all with weak divine power...]

[Including you, the five lemure gods... these are all the gods of the lemure clan! 】

[Your promotion to the god level will undoubtedly greatly increase the strength of the lemure demons... The status of the other lemure demon gods is quite high. 】

[They are all existences that enjoy extremely high status among the major legions...]

[In communicating with these "common people", you understand the situation of the evil demons. 】

[Although low-level lemures are like leek cannon fodder... among alien races, god-level lemures have an extremely high status. They are the existence that all major legions compete for, and their status even exceeds that of the imperial clan of the same realm! 】

[After all, no matter which legion starts a war, it needs cannon fodder. 】

[These evil demons tell you their way of survival...]

[Once a war starts, stay in the rear area. If the situation goes wrong, run away...On weekdays, I am only responsible for recruiting low-level evil spirits. 】

[It is precisely because of this that these evil demon gods with such low strength can all die. 】

[In addition, they will not even directly participate in the battle. They will only cultivate emperor-level and saint-level lemures, and replace them to command low-level lemures in major legions, but their status is surprisingly high. 】

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"Rats have their own way of rats, snakes have their own ways of snakes... The way of survival of this lemure clan is really... interesting!"

Su Xing smacked his lips, ran away whenever he encountered danger, and enjoyed extremely high treatment and resources on weekdays.

Even so, other alien races have no complaints.

After all, in their eyes, evil demon gods are precious strategic materials and mascots, right?

"But...I can't be like these evil demon gods..."

Su Xing shook his head. He was still hoping to bring his bad luck to a few more large legions, so he naturally wanted to actively participate in the battle.

"Tsk, tsk, this god-level lemure's identity is probably more useful than the previous shadow clan!"

Su Xing is a little curious. If his lemure vest is promoted to the level of God's Mansion... what will it be like after entering the ancestral land?
"The evil demon vest, life-saving is the first priority...we still need to master a few more life-saving innate magical powers!"

Su Xing pondered and looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 610th year, you joined the 18th Army and became a deputy commander of the 18th Army. 】

[Your joining will be welcomed personally by the commander of the second-level Divine Residence Corps. 】

[In the next few decades, you took in and cultivated the evil spirits and stabilized your practice. 】

[In the 650th year, the 18th Legion prepared to invade a Middle Thousand World, led by a legion commander who was comparable to the Xuanxian. 】

[After hearing this, you volunteered and took the initiative to lead the army of evil spirits to follow. 】

[After hearing your request, the legion commander showed a look of surprise. 】

[Lemurs are afraid of death, and god-level lemures are even more afraid of death. This is something that all aliens know! 】

[But they think this is normal, but your request so proactively... makes these alien gods even more moved. 】

[So, the legion commander sent an additional alien from the God's Palace to personally protect you in the battle. 】

[This year, tens of millions of alien armies gathered to attack a Middle Thousand World. 】

[As a result, the battle failed as expected...]

[In just fifty years, tens of millions of aliens died! 】

[Even the God-level deputy commander died in battle...]

[And you barely escaped back under the protection of another god...]

[Even if you "act bravely" in battle, it still does not change the outcome of the defeat. 】

[After your performance on the battlefield, the legion leader, instead of blaming you, actually comforted you, knowing that you love the flesh and blood essence of alien races, and even gave you a lot of powerful flesh and blood essence...]

[You accepted the essence of flesh and blood and continued to practice honestly. 】

[In the 730th year, another legion commander launched an attack on the Middle Thousand Worlds. You volunteered to participate...]

[Twenty years later, the entire legion was destroyed...]

[In the 760th year, you volunteered...and were destroyed...]

[In the 800th year, you volunteered...]

【Eight hundred and fifty years...】

【Nine hundred years! 】

[This year, the army commander who is comparable to the Golden Immortal personally leads the army and prepares to invade the Cangwu Realm! 】

[This is a Middle Thousand World that you have been to before, and its overall strength is extremely strong...]

[In this battle, the ancestor of the Cangwu Sect broke through the Golden Immortal against all odds, killed the commander of the 18th Legion, and took over the Cangwu Realm...]

[At this point, most of the entire 18th Army Corps has been destroyed, and its commander died in battle...]

[And you, who have been studying the laws of space causality for these years, saw that the situation was not right, and quickly fled the Cangwu Realm, barely saving your life...]

[In the 950th year, you joined the 16th Legion and became a legion commander. 】

[A new nightmare cycle begins...]

In the real world, Su Xing's eyes widened when he saw this.

"Fuck, fuck!"

He joined the great legion in six hundred years, and all the great legions in nine hundred years were destroyed!

In just three hundred years, Su Xing could be said to have single-handedly destroyed the entire 18th Army!
Among them, there are nearly a thousand alien gods, dozens of divine residences, and even a second-level divine residence that is comparable to the Golden Immortal!

With such a lineup, even if the awakening master comes, he has to deal with it seriously.

But the Evil Demon Vest simply relied on luck to silently wipe out the entire legion in just three hundred years.

"Tsk, tsk, this evil demon is really amazing!"

Su Xing seems to have seen a goal of fighting behind enemy lines and saving the country!

However, whether this can be implemented smoothly requires several more simulation tests.

"Tsk tsk, but this evil demon vest is really an unexpected surprise!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the 950th year, you join the 16th Legion. 】

[In the 1200th year, the Sixteenth Legion was destroyed. The entire process of destruction only took years. 】

[In the same year, your level of strength improved and you were promoted to a god in the middle stage of weak divine power. 】

[For hundreds of years, you have continued to study your innate magical powers, and you have quickly understood the laws of cause and effect and space, and you are close to the second level. 】

[In the 1500th year, the ninth and third legions, two first-level gods, and dozens of second-level gods, attacked the Tianyuan world across the board! 】

[In this battle, the ancestor of the Tianyuan world tried his best to kill a legion commander... but the entire Tianyuan world was in crisis. 】

[In this case, Qingyun Sect took action! 】

[The one who took action was not Qingyunzi, but several direct disciples of Qingyunzi! 】

[Including Fairy Ziling...]

[This year, Fairy Ziling has become a distinguished Taiyi Golden Immortal, and her two senior brothers are also Taiyi Golden Immortals! 】

[The three Taiyi Golden Immortals attacked together and destroyed nearly half of the entire Tianyuan world... In the end, the entire third and ninth armies were destroyed! The human race has been severely damaged...]

[Even you were not lucky enough to survive this battle, but died in the aftermath of Taiyi Jinxian's fight...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over...]

Looking at the simulated text in front of him, Su Xing shook his head slightly.

"Sure enough, I was so unlucky...did I get myself killed in the end?" Su Xing felt helpless.

Although the Evil Demon Vest inherited his "Luck" talent, it could only exert partial effects. On the other hand, the Divine Body of Disaster had become an enhanced version.

This also makes the Evil Demon Vest in an unlucky state after all.

"Forget it, after more than a thousand years of simulation... I tricked several comparable Golden Immortals to death and even two Taiyi Golden Immortals, which is pretty good!"

This simulation allowed Su Xing to see the power of the Evil Demon Vest.

Maybe it will be useful later.

The only pity is that the level of the evil demon is still too low.

Su Xing looked at the simulated reward.

[Disaster Divine Body]: Golden talent, priced at 1 points of energy source.

[Inspiration from the practice of swordsmanship]: After practicing for decades, I gained insights into the way of swordsmanship. The energy source is sold for 5 yuan.

[Perception of the Law of Cause and Effect and Space]: Using the body of a demon to understand the law of cause and effect and space, I gained insights. The price is 5w of energy source.

Seeing only three rewards on the reward list, Su Xing felt helpless.

In this simulation, Su Xing got the talent of the God of Disaster, and he was unlucky.

Under this circumstance, he was forced to directly use his identity as a vest, and naturally his cultivation level did not improve much.

"As for these two enlightenment rewards..."

Su Xing thought for a while, and realized that swordsmanship seemed a bit expensive. He could not spend 50,000 energy sources to simulate it immersively for a hundred years.

On the contrary, his understanding of space and the law of cause and effect as a demon vest may be good.

"And this talent of disaster divine body..."

Su Xing didn't even think about it, this talent definitely couldn't be brought out.

You can only lie quietly in the talent pool and bring it out when needed in the awakening simulation.

"I choose to understand cause and effect and the way of space..."

[Ding, you successfully brought out the understanding of cause and effect and space. You spent 5 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 1014 points...]

The simulated prompt tone fell, and Su Xing gained many new insights in his heart.

After a long time, Su Xing opened his eyes and nodded slightly:

"Yes, from the perspective of my identity as a demon vest, the insights I gained over the past thousand years are pretty good. It is worth my own hard work for a thousand years..."

In this simulation, awakening only brought out one reward.

But fortunately, it didn't cost much energy source, and it also used the evil demon's cultivation for nothing.

Nowadays, the energy source of each awakening simulation is getting higher and higher.

Su Xing is powerless in trying to bring out enough cultivation every time.

"Now, I'm at the point where the number of simulations has exceeded...but I'm running out of energy!"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows.

As for the problem of insufficient energy, Su Xing has a way to solve it, and there are no less than three solutions.

But every solution has its pros and cons!
"If I can sneak into the alien race as a lemure... and tens of millions of alien races die in a big war, how much energy source can I get?"

Su Xing's eyes almost straightened when he thought about it.

The only pity is that the evil demon vest is not strong enough, and it needs to be improved to wake up.

At least, you have to be a god, right?

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at his simulation panel.

"There are still two simulation opportunities left... work together to improve your cultivation!"

"Start simulation!"

[The 142th simulation is started, and the current remaining energy source is 1014 points... The remaining number of simulations is 8642. 】

【Simulation begins! 】

[It costs 1 point of energy source to extract the golden legendary talent. Do you want to extract it? 】


[Ding, congratulations on getting the golden talent Heavenly Demon Body... The probability of drawing the golden talent next time is 80%...]

[Celestial Demon Body]: Golden talent, one of the top 100 divine bodies, you have extremely strong physical strength, comparable to that of the Celestial Demon, and can easily shake mountains and rivers.

"Huh? There is a hundred divine bodies..."

Su Xing took a look and saw that they were both from the top 100 divine bodies, in the direction of body refining.

The Celestial Demon Body is obviously much weaker than the awakened Ancient Witch Body.

"Okay, there's another talent inventory..."

Su Xing shook his head, didn't hesitate, and started preparing for this simulation.

"There is no bad luck caused by the calamity divine body talent. I hope my cultivation qualifications can be improved!"

[Ding, please choose the target blessed by Xijiayi talent...]

"I choose to bless my late blooming talent..."

[In Lingtian Cave, you realize that you are simulating. 】

[You searched for several days in the Yellow Sand Realm, but failed to find a suitable energy exchange medium, so you returned to the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[You sold the Red Moon information to Tianji Pavilion. 】

[Afterwards, you return to Blue Star and prepare to save the human race on Blue Star. 】

[Thousands of miles of spiritual realm allows you to easily take away hundreds of millions of people...]

[It only took half a year for you to take away all the humans on Blue Star who were willing to leave...]

[After returning to the Little Qingyun Realm, you are going to visit the Qingyun Sect...]

[You successfully reached a deal with Qingyunzi. 】

[In the fifth year, Tianji Pavilion sent Taiyi Golden Immortal...]

[In the tenth year, two Taiyi Golden Immortals returned seriously injured, and the alien race accelerated their invasion of the human race...]

[Next, you spent decades collecting most of the Luo Tian inheritance in the Qingyuan Domain. 】

[In the fiftieth year, you returned to Xiao Qingyun Realm and began to train the Tianyuan Army. 】

[You have spent thirty years killing countless alien races and accumulated a large amount of flesh and blood essence. 】

[In the eightyth year, you went to the ninth heaven, the fifth heaven... and began to comprehend the great road! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

In the simulations of the first 80 years, Awakening still followed the old routine, which was the safest and most profitable.

"Then let's start to understand the great path!"

"Conduct an immersive simulation lasting 70 years..."

[Ding, you successfully used immersion, spent 25550 energy sources, and the remaining energy sources are 1012 points...]


In the blink of an eye, seventy years of immersive simulation are over.

After waking up and returning to reality, I digested my memories and summarized the gains from seventy years of immersive simulation.

"Huh... The way of the Five Elements, successfully reaching the peak of the fourth realm!"

"At most, one more immersive simulation will help you successfully enter the fifth realm!"

Su Xing was filled with excitement when he thought about taking another avenue into the fifth realm.

This is the Five Elements Avenue, one of the top avenues!

The combat power bonus for awakening is not comparable to that of the Speed ​​Way.

"The enlightenment was successfully brought out... Then the next step is the Tianji Realm..."

"I hope that this time I can still successfully trigger the talent of the strong heart!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 150th year, the comprehension of the Five Elements Dao is over, and your understanding of this Dao has been further advanced. 】

[It took you ten years to reach the South China Sea. 】

[It took another ten years to cross the endless sea...]

[In the 170th year, you arrived in the Baiyun Realm and began to practice steadily in the Baiyun Sect. 】

[In the blink of an eye, more than a hundred years have passed...]

[In the third hundred years, after more than a hundred years of practice, your strength has grown further. 】

[The range of the spiritual realm has increased by three hundred miles, reaching a range of thirteen hundred miles! 】

[At the same time, your body training has also taken a small step, and your physical body improvement is almost completed. 】

[As for Qi refining cultivation, you are still at the early stage of the fifth level of Xuanxian Realm. More than a hundred years of practice have only made you one step closer to the middle stage. 】

[This year, the Tianji Pavilion Immortal Boat arrives. You lead the Bai family siblings to board the Immortal Boat...]

[In the 320th year, the aliens robbed the road. You showed your true strength and participated in this battle. 】

[In just a few days, hundreds of alien gods died in your hands...]

[Soon, you were targeted by the second-level god. 】

[But your strength is no longer what it used to be. 】

[With your superb physical strength and understanding of the great road, you can fight with this second-level god's residence with ease. 】

[This battle lasted for nearly a month. In the end, you deliberately exploited a flaw and took advantage of his unpreparedness to use the Sword of the Void in conjunction with your lack of martial ethics to severely injure him! 】

[Severely injured by a sword, this alien god only wanted to escape, and was eventually consumed to death by you. 】

[In this battle, you killed an alien second-level god alone, comparable to the existence of a golden immortal! 】

[You became famous in one battle and climbed onto the Prodigy List, ranking 42nd! 】

[After this battle, the immortal boat was in peace and sailed towards the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the 330th year, the immortal boat successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"Compared to before, it can be said that my strength has improved greatly!"

"The Five Elements Avenue is getting closer and closer to the fifth realm, which also allows me to truly have the combat power to kill the Golden Immortal-level powerhouse!"

In this simulation, it takes one month to wake up and kill the second-level god, which is equivalent to the enemy in the early stage of the Golden Immortal.

Although it was a trick, they had fought many times, and Su Xing knew the moves of this foreign god's residence, so it was easier to deal with them.

And he used up the only opportunity to not practice martial ethics...

But Su Xing's true combat effectiveness has vaguely reached the middle stage of Golden Immortal.

Perhaps when Su Xing's cultivation reaches a further level and the Five Elements Avenue enters the fifth realm, he will truly have the strength to fight against the middle stage Golden Immortal and save his life in the hands of the late Golden Immortal.

Regardless of the difference between the early stage and the middle stage of Jinxian, there is only a small difference in realm, but the difference in strength is huge!
Early Golden Immortal monks often have less than 100,000 years to enter the Golden Immortal, and their accumulation and foundation are not enough.

But in the middle stage of Golden Immortal, most of them are veteran Golden Immortals who have entered the Golden Immortal stage for more than 300,000 years!
Their combat power and tactics cannot be compared.

From the early stage of Golden Immortal to the middle stage of Golden Immortal, the improvement in combat power is already a huge leap!

"If the Jinxian mid-term combat power is calculated on the Tianjiao list, it should be equivalent to the top thirty on the Earth list, right?"

"As for the late Golden Immortal stage, it is impossible to reach the top twenty without it!"

"The perfect combat power of the Golden Immortal corresponds to the top ten or even the top five on the Prodigy List..."

"As for number one on the list..."

Su Xing closed his eyes slightly and thought of the scene where Fairy Ziling fought against Blood Three!

At that time, Fairy Ziling was only a peak Golden Immortal, but she had combat power comparable to that of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Although in the end he lost to Blood Three...

But at least he can fight with a Taiyi Golden Immortal for several months!

Only with this kind of fighting power can one reach the top of the earth rankings...

"As for the higher Heaven Ranking..."

Su Xing shook his head, the Tianbang monks were all expected to be Da Luo Jinxian!
And the number one on the Heavenly Ranking is even more recognized as the number one among the Great Luo Jinxian in the Three Thousand Worlds!
"Alas, these distances are still too far for me... Right now, let's think about how to trigger the talent of the strong heart!"

Su Xing estimated that the Scarlet Eye Divine Mansion possessed the late-stage combat power of the Golden Immortal. At least Su Xing had the conditions to trigger the Heart of the Strong in recent times.

And after the strength increases, the probability of waking up and saving his life becomes higher.

"I don't know if this time I am improving my physical or qi training..."

Su Xing hopes to improve his body training skills. After all, he is not far away from completing the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Art...

Look at the simulation panel.

[After arriving in Tianji Realm, you will be relatively safe for the next few years. 】

[With your status as a genius in the top fifty on the Earth Ranking, you have a certain reputation in the Tianji world. 】

[In addition to practicing every day, you also go on missions and hunt aliens...]

[In the blink of an eye, seventy years have passed...]

[The time is coming soon, the 400th year! 】

[This year you carried out the mission of encircling and suppressing the Red Tong God's Residence...]

[As expected, you and the elder from the middle stage of Golden Immortal went to encircle and suppress you together, but you were severely injured by the Red Eye God Mansion...]

[At the critical moment, the elder took out the life-saving magic weapon and took you, who was seriously injured and unconscious, away from this middle-aged world...]

[A month later, you wake up from the coma and check your cultivation level immediately. 】

[You find that your physical strength is at least 30% stronger than before coma! 】

[Congratulations, you are one step closer to reaching the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth when he saw this.

"Finally, the fifth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique is about to be completed!"

"If I trigger the heart of the strong in body refining next time, I will definitely be able to reach the fifth level of perfection in one go... By then I will be even closer to the sixth level!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing was a little excited.

Entering the fifth level of perfection, the strength of Su Xing will be comparable to that of the middle stage of Golden Immortal...

And upon entering the sixth level, Su Xing's strength will probably go even further, rivaling that of the late Golden Immortal, or even defeating the late Golden Immortal monks!
"Tsk, tsk, I'm really looking forward to it!"

Su Xing's eyes were full of energy and he looked at the panel again.

(Brothers, after the 15th, please give me your guaranteed monthly pass for last month~Thank you!)
(End of this chapter)

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