Chapter 42 Join Advent Cult and gain trust!

[You have been waiting for this day for a long time, so you have been prepared very early. 】

[After one night, as expected, Wang Qingxuan gave you the first half of the Changchun Gong, but you did not accept it. Instead, you proposed to join the Advent Cult. 】

【Wang Qingxuan hesitated, she bluntly said that this would make you fall into the endless abyss, but under your insistence, Wang Qingxuan agreed. 】

【After you have been lingering for a day, Wang Qingxuan took you to meet an elder of her team. 】

【The elder looked at you carefully. He seemed to think that you were just a small bronze-level professional, so he bluntly said that your strength is too low, but for Wang Qingxuan's sake, you can reluctantly join. 】

[You knew it was time to show your worth, so you took out a machete and chopped down an Adventist believer next to you. 】

[Because you have controlled the strength, this congregation was not directly hacked to death, but a huge wound of tens of centimeters was left on his arm, and the bone was deeply visible. 】

【The elder was stunned for a moment, and then flew into a rage. He thought that you were overreaching and wanted to challenge the dignity of the Adventist Cult, so he ordered more than a dozen congregants to surround you. 】

【In desperation, Wang Qingxuan stood in front of you, trying to protect you. 】

[But you comforted her, and after gently pushing her away, you took out a pill and stuffed it into the mouth of the congregant. 】

[A magical scene happened. The wound on the cultivator's arm began to scab quickly, but his face was still a little pale. 】

【You fed him an unqualified blood-enriching pill, and soon, this seriously injured congregation became alive and well again. 】

[The elder was shocked when he heard the words, and looked at you with strange eyes. 】

[You bluntly stated that you are an alchemist and that this magical elixir was refined by you, and you have been fascinated by the Advent Cult for a long time and want to join the Advent Cult. 】

[At the same time, you said that you want to gain a higher status, and you don't want to become a small guy when you come up. You told this elder that he is not qualified, and asked him to call someone who has more say in the teaching. 】

[The elder’s eyes were filled with surprise when he heard the words. Although he felt that your statement was a bit reluctant, he also knew your value. It is definitely not up to him to decide who can refine such a holy medicine for healing. 】

[So this elder took good care of you, and at the same time arranged someone to monitor you. He told you that within three days at the latest, someone at the protection level would come to assess you. As long as you pass the assessment, you will be able to become his Same elder. 】


Seeing this, Su Xing let out a breath of foul air, and felt a little excited at the same time.

In this simulation, it can be said that he broke the boat and directly exposed his value to the Adventists. Maybe he can get huge benefits, or he may directly make this simulation gg!

"But... it's just a simulation, the most important thing is to get Changchun Gong!"

Wake up and then go down the simulation.

【Three days later, an old man found you. He personally verified the effect of this healing pill, and found that it was comparable to some medium-quality healing potions. He immediately understood the value of it. 】

【But at the same time, this old man seems to be curious about why you can refine such a wonderful medicine. 】

[You bluntly stated that your profession is an immortal cultivator, and you acquired the skill of alchemy by chance, so you can refine elixirs in large quantities. And you said that in addition to healing elixirs, you will also refine several more precious ones. of elixirs. 】

[The old man had a smile on his face when he heard the words. He seemed to know this for a long time. He said bluntly that you told the truth. If you told lies just now, he would kill you on the spot without hesitation! 】

【Afterwards, he told you that he can temporarily give you the position of deputy elder, and will conduct a one-year investigation on you. After passing the inspection, they will give you the position of official elder! 】

Su Xing saw the expression of understanding on this face, and murmured:
"Sure enough, the Advent Party definitely knows something about the world of cultivating immortals! They even know that what I am refining is a elixir for monks... So, do they have the entrance to a copy of cultivating immortals in their hands?"

Su Xing suddenly felt excited. He still knew too little about the world of immortality.

Especially in the area of ​​cultivation methods, he has no master's inheritance, so he has figured it out entirely by himself.

So if you can learn more about the world of cultivating immortals through this Advent Teaching, it will be a huge profit!
Su Xing took a deep breath, and then proceeded to simulate.

[You agreed to the protector’s request and joined the Advent Cult! 】

[The Adventists are not like the official ones who can go out in the open. They are more often like rats in the sewer, hiding. 】

[The old man called himself Shadow Guardian, and he issued a task for you for the first month, asking you to refine [-] healing pills and [-] viscera refining pills. 】

[You stated that you lack the materials to refine the elixir. You need more medicinal materials to refine the elixir. 】

[Elder Ying agreed to your request, and the next day he asked his subordinates to send a large amount of medicinal materials. 】

【You lied about the quantity of medicinal materials, secretly embezzled most of them, and then used some scraps to refine five hundred healing pills and one hundred viscera refining pills. 】

[But they don’t seem to know that you are perfunctory, they just think that your alchemy skills are like this, and they say that the elixir you refined has good medicinal properties, so they ask you to refine more elixirs. 】

[As you continue to provide pills to the Adventist Sect, your status in the Adventist Sect is getting higher and higher, and the elder who looked down on you before also kindly calls you brother, and you have become a rising member of the Adventist Sect new star. 】

[As your status gets higher and higher, you also learn more about some secret things in the church. 】

[So another half a year has passed. In the past six months, you have provided thousands of healing pills and nearly a thousand refining pills to the Adventist Cult. The Adventist Cult has less and less doubts about you, and you Be one of your own. 】

[And as you become more and more aware of your own value, the medicinal materials provided to you by the senior leaders in the teaching are becoming more and more precious, and there are even some elixir, which are enough for you to try to refine new elixir. 】

[You have secretly ignorant of the elixir, try to refine and learn to refine new elixir, the elixir of nourishment! 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

Yangshen Pill and Yangyuan Pill are both low-grade pills, but their medicinal effects are quite different. Yangyuan Pill is to warm and nourish a monk's body and mana, and it is important to enhance aura.

But the Nourishing Pill is indeed used to enhance the monk's spiritual consciousness. The spiritual consciousness is mysterious and mysterious, and it is like a monk's sixth sense.

In the Changchun Kung Fu, he vaguely mentioned divine consciousness, and said that this is a means that only monks in the Nascent Soul stage can master.

But even in the golden elixir stage, swallowing the Yangshen elixir can gain great benefits, such as improving the control of spiritual power and so on.

It's just that the main nourishing grass of the nourishing pill is more precious, even more precious than the nourishing grass.

[You tricked hundreds of spirit-nourishing grasses from the Advent Cult, and began to try to refine the spirit-nourishing elixir yourself! 】

(End of this chapter)

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