Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 420: The six-winged god's mansion is finally killed, and the heart of the strong is tri

Chapter 420: The Six-Winged God's Mansion is finally beheaded, and the heart of the strong is triggered again!

In the real world, Su Xing couldn't help but look happy when he saw this.

"The body-protecting sword is finally no longer a one-time stunt..."

"The continuous improvement of swordsmanship has given me a stronger sword intention, which is enough to support the release of the protective sword sword more times."

"And the existence of the Yuanli Tree allows me to have inexhaustible Yuanli. The Yuanli consumption of the Body Protecting Sword Gang is completely enough!"

While sighing, Su Xing was also a little thankful.

"This Six-Winged God's Mansion is definitely the most powerful enemy I have ever seen. With that kind of strength, he can definitely enter the top five on the Earth Ranking..."

"If I hadn't planted the tree of Yuanli and had a more powerful body-protecting sword, I might not have been the opponent of the Six-Winged God's Mansion..."

"Even so, the outcome of the battle is still unknown..."

Su Xing kept thinking about countermeasures in his heart.

But what he didn't know was that this six-winged god was the strongest among the new generation of six-winged aliens.

It is also rare to find an opponent among the ten major imperial clans...

The status is equivalent to that of a saint son or a saint among the top forces in the human race. Not only does it have high potential, but it has also been practiced for hundreds of thousands of years.


Su Xing thought for a long time, but couldn't find any obvious flaw in the Six-Winged God's Mansion.

For now, we can only continue to wait and see.

Look at the simulation panel.

[The battle with the Six-Winged God's Mansion is the most dangerous battle since you broke through to the Golden Immortal. 】

[Even the previous Shadow God's Mansion didn't put so much pressure on you. 】

[After all, your ability restrains the Shadow God's Mansion, and the Six-Winged God's Mansion in front of you is like a hexagonal warrior, with almost no weaknesses. 】

[This battle lasted for six months. 】

[Six months later, your aura has dropped much lower than before. 】

[Long-term and high-intensity fighting will naturally cause some damage. 】

[There are dozens of injuries on the body, most of which were sustained in the past half month, because the injuries from a long time ago have long since healed. 】

[And the six-winged god in front of him is not much better. He has broken two of the six wings on his back. 】

[And you also cut off one of the right wings a few months ago. 】

[You originally thought that the crazy state of this Six-Winged God's Mansion could only last for a few days at most. 】

[Unexpectedly, he has been in this crazy state for half a year. 】

[Although compared to before, the Six-Winged God's Mansion is no longer at its peak in terms of aura, strength or speed. 】

[But still scary...]

[Seeing the six-winged god charging towards you again, the bone sword flying in his hand. 】

[And you also take out the acquired treasure, the Black Ice Sword, and the terrifying sword intent is released from you. 】

[After forcing it back with a sword in the void, you retreat hundreds of miles to distance yourself from it. 】

[This kind of battle has been repeated countless times in the past six months. 】

[Looking at the Mo Bingjian in your hand, you vaguely feel that it is a little overwhelmed. 】

[After all, the Mo Bingjian is only a middle-grade acquired treasure. Although its combat power is good, its grade is obviously not as good as the bone sword in the hands of the Six-Winged God. 】

[The strength of that bone sword is close to that of an innate treasure. 】

[You know in your heart that as your realm continues to improve, this old friend in your hand can no longer keep up. 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The acquired treasure is pretty good for ordinary golden immortals..."

"But my opponents are now at the peak of the Golden Immortal, the kind who are invincible under Taiyi... I'm afraid they need an innate treasure, or at least half a step of innate treasure to avoid falling behind."

Su Xing was a little helpless. At this time, the quality of having a master or not was reflected.

Those top geniuses, such as those in the top five on the genius list, are almost innate treasures.

People may not have the strength to obtain this innate treasure, but they cannot stand up to those ancient powerful forces and the inheritance of dozens of Yuanhui.

Isn't it normal for a few innate treasures to be handed down from our ancestors?
As far as Su Xing knows, Fairy Ziling possesses at least three innate treasures!
The purple flowing fairy dress she is wearing is rumored to be the treasure of a certain Da Luo in ancient times. It is an innate treasure with excellent defense.

There is also a pair of jade rings in her hands, which are both offensive and defensive. They are also low-grade innate treasures.

"Huh, although I have a lot of treasures in my hands, most of them are not suitable for fighting, and there are no offensive innate treasures..."

Su Xing was a little helpless.

When it comes to treasures, the Luotian Mirror in her hand is considered to be as good as any other treasure.

But Luo Tianjing couldn't help him defend against the enemy.

"It seems that we have to find a way to improve the level of Mo Bingjian..."

Su Xing thought so.

But for now, let’s get over the current difficulties.

Look at the simulation panel.

[Another half a year has passed...]

[This battle between you and the Six-Winged God's Mansion has lasted for a whole year. 】

[Over the past year, you have become quite familiar with each other's moves and strengths, and in this battle, you have continued to break through yourself. 】

[The Six-Winged God Mansion looks at you, and no longer looks at the ants the way it did at first. 】

[He knows that you are definitely one of the top talents among the human race. If you don’t fall, you will be promoted to Da Luo sooner or later. 】

[He also knows that such a human race must not be allowed to grow. 】

[So, a more violent offensive came. 】

[The bone sword in his hand keeps slashing, and your Mo Bingjian is also under the slashing, gradually becoming weak...]

[I don’t know how long it took, but you seemed to hear a silent cry, and the Mo Bingjian in your hand finally broke apart. 】

[This is the first time that the sword in your hand has been cut off by the enemy. 】

[When the strength is similar, the level of the magic weapon is invincible. This is what it looks like. 】

[Seeing that the magic weapon is no longer in your hand, the Six-Winged God's Mansion shows a ferocious smile and continues to attack you. 】

[And you also gave up swordsmanship completely, and instead used your pure body and Yuan power to fight against him. 】

[This six-winged god finally knows what it means to defeat all methods with one force! 】

[I saw that the more you fought, the stronger you became, and your vitality continued to grow. After losing the sword that was always with you, you became angry and began to give up your defense. You tried your best to exchange injuries with the Six-Winged God. 】

[Although the Six-Winged God Di has a strong physique, how can he be your opponent? 】

[So, another year and a half has passed...]

[After you two and a half years of fighting, you finally cut off the last wing on the back of the Six-Winged God's Mansion. 】

[And your injuries are quite serious. 】

[The small world occupied by alien races has turned into dust in the void under the aftermath of your battle. 】

[The battlefield moved to the void a year ago. 】

[Six-winged God's Mansion originally thought that after entering the void, it would be his home court. 】

[But I didn’t expect that as a body-refining cultivator, you are still strong in the void...] [I saw you roaring, and a phantom of the Witch Clan suddenly appeared behind you. 】

[Immediately afterwards, a roar came from outside the distant void...]

[In this battle, you have been fighting inseparably. 】

[The Six Winged God's Mansion did not notice the stars coming rapidly from the distant void. 】

[At this moment, the corner of the Six-winged God's mouth rose, as if he had discovered your flaw, and his figure flashed. The terrifying bone sword penetrated the body-protecting sword and inserted into your chest, revealing half of the bone sword. . 】

[You were penetrated directly through the chest by this sword. 】

[The bone sword enters the body, and you feel that your life force is being continuously absorbed...]

[However, what the Six-winged God did not notice is that you also smiled at this time. 】

[I saw you shouting loudly, holding the bone sword, using the power of space, and the whole person appeared thousands of miles away. 】

[At the same time, a star the size of a small world fell down. 】

[The Six-Winged God Mansion had no time to react before being hit by the star. 】

[Supernatural power, attract all things and stars! 】

[After you break through to the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Forging Art, the power of this magical power can only be described as world-destroying. 】

[Thousands of miles apart, you can also feel that the aura of the Six-Winged God's Mansion is constantly diminishing. 】

[Eventually, until annihilation...]

[And you, thousands of miles away, looked up at the sky and smiled. In the end, you won this battle. 】

[However, the bone sword that penetrated your chest still cannot be pulled out, and you feel that your eyelids are gradually becoming heavier than they have been for centuries. 】

[You gritted your teeth and pulled the bone sword out of your chest. The immortal power was attached to the wound. You could only use up your last strength and took refuge in a small world. 】

[After arriving in this strange little world, you hurriedly entered the Lingtian Cave and fell into a coma...]

In the real world, Su Xing raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

"This Six-Winged God's Mansion is definitely the most powerful enemy I have ever defeated... With its strength, it can definitely reach the top five on the Earth Ranking!"

"However, I won after all!"

At the same time, Su Xing also noticed that he fell into a coma in the end.

"So, this battle can also trigger the heart of the strong!?"

Su Xing suddenly felt a little surprised.

"I wonder which aspect of strength will be enhanced by the Heart of the Strong this time?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with some anticipation.

[When you woke up from the coma, it was already a month later. 】

[This hard battle has left you seriously injured, although with the blessing of the Witch Clan bloodline and your own talent, your injuries have gradually recovered. 】

[But your strength is still less than 50% of what it was in its heyday. 】

[You decide to recuperate in this small world for half a year, and then join the battle again after your strength is restored. 】

[At the same time, you carefully checked your strength. The talent of the strong heart has indeed been triggered! 】

[Looking inside with your spiritual consciousness, you can clearly feel that the tree of Yuanli in your Dantian has grown by about two feet. 】

[From the original three feet in length, it has grown to five feet! 】

[And your total amount of Yuan Power has nearly doubled again, the Yuan Power in your body has become more pure, and even your physical body has become stronger. 】

[You have roughly calculated that the triggering of the Heart of the Strong this time is worth the increase in strength brought about by taking fifty Tianyuan Fruits for a hundred years! 】

[After this battle, your overall strength has increased by several percent. Next time you encounter that six-winged god, you will definitely not be in such an embarrassing situation. 】

【half year later……】

[Your injuries are basically healed and your condition is close to peak. 】

[So, you left this small world where you were temporarily recovering from your injuries. Before leaving, you killed all the strong aliens in this small world. 】

[When you returned to the human race base camp, many human race strong men, including Bai Emperor, were shocked. 】

[There has been no news from you in the past three years. They all thought you died at the hands of aliens. 】

[But after you took out the Bone Sword of the Six-Winged God's Mansion, the expressions of all the Golden Immortals present changed drastically. 】

[The identity of the owner of this crimson bone sword is self-evident. 】

[Six-winged God Di, a peerless genius among foreign races, is known as one of the candidates to be the next leader of the Six-winged Demon Clan. 】

[Also known as Taiyi, no one can kill him...]

[And you took out the bone sword so lightly, there is no doubt that this means that the Six-Winged God's Mansion has been killed by you! 】

[This ten-year war will soon end...]

[And after this battle, you became the most famous genius in the Tianji Domain. 】

[The feat of killing the Six-Winged God's Mansion has made your ranking on the Prodigy List soar again, ranking fourth on the Earth List! 】

[You are only one step away from the top three on the list, but you know in your heart that it is difficult to take this step. 】

[The top three in the earth rankings, the top few geniuses of the human race, may not be able to give birth to one in ten thousand years...]

[And if you want to enter the top three in the earth rankings, you need to at least enter the sixth realm with the way of space. Only by further improving your cultivation level can you have a chance. 】

[After this battle, you returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

[What you didn’t expect was that killing the Six-Winged God’s Mansion, including your previous achievements, was barely enough to exchange for the right to use the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[So, you enter the Mirror of Nothingness without hesitation...]

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

"In this simulation, I didn't do many tasks, but my contribution points were still enough..."

"This means that in every simulation in the future, as long as I participate in the attack on the Immortal Boat in 300 years, kill the Red Eye God's Mansion around 500 years ago, and kill the Shadow God's Mansion and Six-Wing God's Mansion in the battle in 800 years... …These four tasks may be enough to use the Mirror of Nothingness once!”

No more tedious tasks to perform, which is undoubtedly good news for Su Xing.

This means that Su Xing has more time to practice and will not miss the improvement of the Mirror of Nothingness.

"In total, this is my second time using the Mirror of Nothingness..."

"According to the introduction in the previous simulation, the Mirror of Nothingness can only be used once in a lifetime."

"I don't know, can I use this simulation?"

Su Xing is a little nervous, after all, this is related to Su Xing's future growth rate.

Look at the simulation panel.

[In the 820th year, after entering the Mirror of Nothingness, you saw the spirit of the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[It tells you that it feels the breath of an old friend in you...]

[You were shocked after hearing this, knowing that the existence of Luo Tianjing was sensed by the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[As one of the three great chaos treasures, there may have been a miraculous connection with each other. 】

[The Luotian Mirror was severely damaged before, so it was normal for the Mirror of Nothingness not to be able to feel it. 】

[But now, part of Luo Tianjing has been repaired, and it can still be sensed by the Mirror of Nothingness. 】

[Luckily for you, the Mirror of Nothingness has no ill intentions toward you. It then asks you what aspect of strength you want to improve. 】

[Is it cultivation, enlightenment of the great road...or something else...]

(End of this chapter)

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