Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 423: Thousands of miles into the spiritual world, the final sweep of the endless abyss!

Chapter 423: Thousands of miles into the spiritual world, the final sweep—the endless abyss!
"This opportunity to use the Mirror of Nothingness is most suitable for promotion in the spiritual world!"

Su Xing murmured.

Compared with the improvement of cultivation level, the energy source required to bring out the results of spiritual realm cultivation is undoubtedly much less.

And the improvement in awakening strength cannot be underestimated.

"Then after the battle with the alien race, it's time to upgrade the spiritual realm..."

Thinking this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 800th year, the first war between the alien race and the Tianji Domain broke out unexpectedly. 】

[In this battle, you still performed well, killing hundreds of alien gods, including the shadow gods and red-eyed gods. 】

[The most troublesome thing for you is the six-winged god. As the peak of the second-level god, even if you defeat him, it will be extremely difficult. 】

[But compared to the previous simulation, your strength has improved. 】

[So in the end, we still won without any risk...]

[As expected, you fell into a coma again after this battle. When you woke up again, you found that your Qi refining skills had improved. 】

[With the help of the Heart of the Strong, you were successfully promoted to the late stage of the first level of Golden Immortal...]


[In the 810th year, the first war ended and you returned to the Tianji Realm. 】

[The accumulated contributions over hundreds of years, coupled with your outstanding performance in this war, have given you the right to use the Mirror of Nothingness once. 】

[You entered the Mirror of Nothingness, and you chose to intercept your future understanding of the spiritual realm...]

[The illusory humanoid light and shadow gradually overlap with you, and you have a lot of insights in your heart. Your mastery of the spiritual realm has made a qualitative leap. 】

[The scope of the spiritual realm has officially broken through from nine thousand nine hundred miles to ten thousand miles! 】

[Although it is only a hundred miles of growth, it is a qualitative change! 】

[You can feel that the spiritual realm and reality are integrating more and more, and the Wanli spiritual realm is getting closer to a real world. 】

[The origin of laws and avenues begins to appear in your Lingtian Cave, and the thousands of miles of Lingtian Cave has begun to take shape in the world. 】

[At the same time, with the qualitative change of the spiritual realm, within the scope of the spiritual realm, your mastery of the avenue and the power of magical powers have been doubled...]

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this.

"The Ten Thousand Miles of Spirit Realm...has finally been reached!"

"Oh no, it should be the spirit world!"

"Although there is only one word difference between the spiritual world and the spiritual realm, they are thousands of miles apart..."

According to the information obtained by Su Xing from reading ancient books, the spiritual realm is the limit of ordinary monks.

As powerful as the White Emperor, the majestic Luo Jinxian has lived for tens of millions of years, but has no talent in the spiritual realm, so he is only a hundred thousand miles away from the spiritual realm.

Although the scope is much wider than Awakening, it is obviously at the same level as Awakening.

Even if Su Xing devotes enough time to spiritual practice, surpassing Bai Emperor in the future is not a dream!
"With the spirit world, my overall strength should have improved a lot. I can barely reach the top three on the Tianjiao List, right?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

After calming down for a while, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel again.

"This simulation has been going on for more than 800 years, and everything that needs to be completed is almost complete... In the end, it will be almost enough to improve the strength of the lemure vest."


[In the 1200th year, you have cultivated enough lemure believers to continuously provide you with the power of faith...]

[In the 1700th year, you use the power of faith to enhance your divine power. 】

[Your divine power has increased by nearly 50%, but it is still in the middle stage of the second-level god...]

[In the second thousand years, you were attacked and killed by humans...]

【you are dead! 】

[Ding, this simulation is over...]

After the simulation ended, Su Xing looked at the text in front of him and nodded slightly.

"The goal of this simulation has been basically achieved..."

"However, as the level of the evil demon vest continues to improve, the increase in strength has also slowed down..."

Su Xing can understand this.

After all, his simulation time is limited each time, and the number of believers he can cultivate is also limited.

But on the contrary, each increase in divine power requires more and more faith.

Being able to break through the first-level bottleneck in two or three simulations is already considered very good.

"Unless I give up on improving my strength and spend all of my two thousand years improving the power of the lemure vest, this should significantly increase the strength of the lemure."

"But this seems unnecessary..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly. Compared with the improvement of the evil demon's strength, Su Xing's own strength was obviously more important.

"Huh, let's look at the rewards of this simulation!"

Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the reward list.

[Thousand Buddha Body]: Golden talent, priced at 10 points of energy source.

[Perception of the Formation]: Having reached the master level of the Formation, you can set up a seventeenth-level spirit gathering array, priced at 100 million energy sources.

[Six-Winged God's Bone Sword]: The natal magical weapon of the six-winged alien race, transformed from its own wings. Its strength is close to the innate treasure. It is also the material for making the innate treasure. It sells for 300 million energy sources.

[Ten Thousand Miles of Spiritual Realm]: After the spiritual realm reaches ten thousand miles, it has completed its qualitative transformation. The spiritual realm is like the real world, and the laws of the great way have begun to be born. Within the scope of the spiritual realm, the understanding of the great ways of magical powers and users has been greatly improved. The price is 100 million energy sources.

[Later stage of the first level of Golden Immortal]: Gather the three flowers on the top and the five qi in the chest, enjoy a million years of life, and the body will be immortal. The price is 1 point of energy source.

[Lingtian Cave Heaven (Renovation)]: The Cave Heaven Blessed Land created by Jin Xian Xingxing has reached the level of the Great Cave Heaven. It is suppressed by the projection of Luo Tianjing and has many arrays arranged. There are three million Spirit Gathering Flowers inside, and countless rare and rare treasures. It is one of the few treasures in the world that produces a thousand drops of immortal liquid every day, and is priced at 300 million yuan of energy source.

"Sure enough! The transformed Lingtian Cave is also within the range of options!"

Su Xing's eyes lit up.

This Lingtian Cave Heaven must be brought out of its awakening.

After all, this is a treasure land that has reached the level of the Great Cave Heaven, which can increase the speed of awakening practice several times.

"Just for this cave, if I decorated it myself, it would probably take me several years..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, obviously it was most appropriate to bring out the Lingtian Cave genius directly from the simulation.

"There is also the cultivation level of Jinxian in the later stage of the first level... which can be brought out by just consuming a little energy source. As expected, the simulator's improvement is still calculated according to the level of the first level."

This means that waking up from the entry level of the Golden Immortal to the peak of the Golden Immortal first level consumes almost no energy.

To upgrade to the second level of Golden Immortal, you need to spend tens of millions of energy sources... The peak of the second level also requires tens of millions of energy sources.

When the level is low, at most there will only be a gap in strength.

But once the realm is advanced, this can be put to good use.

"It's equivalent to each simulation, which can actually improve your strength to a certain extent... It's just right to cooperate with the new reward storage function of the simulator!"

Su Xing thought about the rewards that needed to be brought out for this simulation.

"Perceptions of the formation, the spiritual world of ten thousand miles, the cultivation of the late stage of the Golden Immortal... and even the transformation of the cave are all good things!"

"Tsk, tsk, if it were me before, I probably wouldn't be able to bring them all out, but now I don't have that trouble anymore!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"I choose to bring out the spiritual world of thousands of miles, and the cultivation of the late stage of the first level of Golden Immortal..."

"The formation enlightenment and Lingtian Cave Heaven transformation will be temporarily stored in the reward pool..." Su Xing finished speaking, and the simulator prompt sounded in his ears.

[Ding, you successfully brought out the late cultivation level of Golden Immortal. You spent 1 point of energy source, and the remaining energy source is 116 points...]

[You successfully brought out of the spiritual world thousands of miles away, spending 100 million points of energy source, and the remaining energy source points are 16 points...]

Two beeps sounded in succession, and the source of awakening energy dropped sharply.

But at the same time, two mysterious energies also poured into Su Xing's body.

From the early stage of the first level of Golden Immortal to the late stage of the first level of Golden Immortal, this is the accumulation of tens of thousands of years for ordinary Golden Immortal.

And this also made the awakening mana stronger by nearly 20%.

The greater improvement is the transformation from the spiritual realm to the spiritual world!
The area visible to the naked eye in the Lingtian Cave where he woke up has expanded to a radius of thousands of miles.

At the same time, Su Xing could feel that his mastery of the spiritual realm had greatly improved.

After carefully considering it for a long time, Su Xing slowly opened his eyes and estimated:
"Within the scope of the spirit world, the power of my magical powers has been roughly doubled, and the power of the Great Law has also been greatly improved..."

"After I develop my body through training, my strength should be firmly in the top three on the earth rankings..."

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

He was confident that if he encountered the six-winged god again, he wouldn't need to pay such a high price to defeat him.

"Oh, it's so troublesome! After defeating the Six-Winged God...under the Taiyi Golden Immortal, I'm afraid there is almost no existence that can trigger my heart of the strong!"

"And if we were to face Taiyi Golden Immortal...even if it were me, I would die without resurrecting!"

Su Xing was a little helpless.

The huge gap between Jinxian and Taiyi is not so easy to bridge.

Neither his foundation nor his hard power has reached that threshold.

After all, Taiyi Golden Immortal is one of the few powerful people in the world, whether among foreign races or in the Three Thousand Worlds.

"What's even more troublesome is that the source of energy in my hand is gone!"

"A mere hundred thousand energy sources...it seems like they can't do anything!"

"We can only wait until a month later to receive energy replenishment from the Daxia military..."

Su Xing murmured.

"Currently, there are three rewards stored in the simulator's reward pool that have not yet been claimed..."

"The cultivation of the sixth level of the Great Witch's body-forging technique, the transformed Lingtian Cave, and the insights into the formation..."

"Then just wait, there will be four new simulation opportunities in a month."

After a pause, Su Xing continued:
"But this month can't be wasted..."

Right now, there is another place on Blue Star that can provide a stable source of energy for Awakening.

That is - the endless abyss!
"In one month, it's time to sweep through the endless abyss again..."

Su Xing murmured.

"The next time I return to Blue Star, it will not be like this, so there is nothing to worry about..."

The next time he wakes up and returns to Blue Star, he must be stronger than Xue San and Hong Yue, otherwise he will not be able to come back at all.

But in the Qingyuan Domain, neither Hongyue nor Blood Three could do anything to wake them up.

Therefore, Su Xing plans to go wild!
Since we want to earn more energy source, let’s do a big one!
"If I remember correctly, there are many red-eyed aliens in the endless abyss... These are all the source of energy!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing left Luotian Realm, then took a step forward and appeared in the United States.


On the first level of the endless abyss, Su Xing successfully entered this copy world.

However, Su Xing did not stay here. These abyss stones born by low-level alien races were really of little value.

Su Xing went all the way down and soon reached the twentieth floor of the abyss.

"In an abyss below the twenty-level level, you can earn thousands of energy sources in one sweep... Although it's not much, it's better than nothing!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart moved, and he enveloped the entire twentieth layer of the abyss with his spiritual world.

Within the awakening consciousness, the location of every red-eyed alien is clearly known.

"I have accepted these stones of the abyss..."

Su Xing raised the corners of his mouth and looked at the aliens within his spiritual consciousness, as if he were seeing the source of Bai Huahua's energy.

The next second, the invisible space blade enveloped the entire twentieth floor of the abyss.

In an instant, thousands of red-eyed aliens died.

Abyss stones are scattered on the red abyss land.

Su Xing just stretched out his hand slightly, and all the abyss stones automatically gathered and appeared in front of Su Xing.

[Ding, a substance containing energy origin has been detected... worth 985 points of energy origin. Do you want to absorb it? 】

Su Xing nodded slightly, approaching the source of a thousand points of energy.

And it only took less than a minute to wake up to sweep the entire twentieth floor of the abyss.

"The lower you go into the endless abyss...the higher the level of those alien races, the better the quality of the abyss stones they drop!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and went directly to the twenty-first floor of the abyss.


Half a day later, the 100th level of the abyss.

Su Xing glanced at the energy source on the panel and nodded with satisfaction.

"Yes, 74 points of energy source..."

"In just half a day, I earned 600,000 energy sources... It's worthy of the endless abyss!"

Before this, Su Xing had always known that the endless abyss was like a treasure house that could provide Su Xing with a large amount of energy source.

But due to the intimidation of the red moon, Su Xing did not dare to be too obvious.

But now, since Su Xing has decided not to return to Blue Star in the short term, there is no need to worry!
"After one hundred levels of the abyss, the monsters inside will all be alien gods..."

"Then I want to see how deep this endless abyss is..."

Without hesitation, Su Xing stepped directly into the 101st level of the abyss.

The spiritual world instantly enveloped the entire abyss...the invisible blade of space escaped...

A few minutes later, a sound sounded in Su Xing's ear.

[Ding, a substance containing energy origin has been detected... worth 12356 points of energy origin. Do you want to absorb it? 】

"Yes!" Su Xing said decisively.

"Yes, the abyss stones dropped by just three red-eyed alien gods are worth more than 10,000 energy sources..."

"I'm really becoming more and more interested in this endless abyss!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and headed to the 102nd floor of the abyss again.


At the same time, the bottom of the endless abyss.

A consciousness that had been sleeping for a long time suddenly woke up...

(End of this chapter)

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