Chapter 428 Arriving at the seventh heaven, new enemy!
"Start an immersive simulation... lasting one hundred years!"

Su Xing said silently.

[Ding, you succeeded...the remaining energy source is 157 points...]

The beep falls and the consciousness enters the simulated world.


The ninth heaven domain, the fifth heaven.

Su Xing began to comprehend the Five Elements.

Hundreds of magic weapons containing the Five Elements were placed in front of Su Xing.

Drinking a sip of Enlightenment Tea will unlock the state of great wisdom and foolishness, and the awakening understanding will increase dozens of times.

In the blink of an eye, seventy-two years have passed.

In this way, the five elements of awakening have been improved.

Su Xing did not feel the obstacle as imagined.

At the moment, Su Xing still has one inevitable epiphany left, and there are still more than a dozen Wen Dao Pills that have not yet been taken.

The Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique appeared in his hand.

However, the time retrieval function of the previous simulator helped Su Xing accidentally obtain the Tian Yuan Fruit.

Su Xing stretched out his hand slightly and sensed a black light curtain.

Su Xing murmured, using the method of space, his figure kept flashing in the air, heading towards the sixth heaven at an astonishing speed.

Originally, in Su Xing's plan, he should go to the seventh heaven after reaching the Golden Immortal.

About three days passed.

One step can span hundreds of thousands of miles.

But now, the awakening strength is much stronger than before, so naturally he plans to go explore it.

There was no need to rest when he woke up, and he walked towards the seventh heaven at an astonishing speed.

But every time he wakes up, he will be shocked by the battle countless years ago.

Looking up at the sky, Su Xing murmured:
"It's time to go to that place..."

But right now, Su Xing still has twenty years of immersive simulation left.

Su Xing did not hesitate and spent eight years using all these elixirs and opportunities for inevitable enlightenment.

I saw the desolate scene again.

"Is this the barrier to the seventh heaven..."

The immortal power within the awakened body is also continuously integrated into the palm of the hand.

Even if Su Xing saw this scene for the first time.

As soon as his heart moved, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth began to riot rapidly.

One day later, Su Xing encountered an invisible barrier.

This light curtain only "checked" Su Xing's state, and then released Su Xing into the seventh heaven.

It was as if he had been stripped naked and could see clearly.

Looking at the five-element vortex in his hand, Su Xing nodded with satisfaction and said:
"Yes, after entering the fifth realm, the power of the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique has increased by more than 50%!"

Instead, he rushed towards the higher realm of heaven.

Next, a magical scene happened.

All I know is that the barrier between the sixth heaven and the seventh heaven is wider than the Great Thousand Worlds, the largest of the three thousand worlds.

Therefore, the journey to the seventh heaven was delayed for a while.

"Of course I have to explore a bit..."

"The seventh heaven, the upper third level of the nine heavens... is related to the mystery of sanctification, the ancient secret!"

Finally, the Five Elements Tao was promoted from the fifth level of entry to the fifth level of completion.

Just after reaching out and touching the light curtain, Su Xing felt a unique aura.

I don’t even remember how far I have traveled when I wake up.

Wake up and sprint towards the Five Elements Avenue with all your strength.

The purpose is to find traces of the Tianyuan Divine Tree.

There are ruins everywhere, yellow sand, wasteland, toppled mountains, obvious traces of the aftermath of the war.

"Seventh Heaven!"

After passing through this barrier, you can reach the sixth heaven. Su Xing has been here before, so there is no surprise.

Soon, Su Xing arrived at the sixth heaven.

The difference is that this time, Su Xing did not stay too long in the sixth heaven.

"Is this the seventh heaven?"

Soon, Su Xing felt that he had entered a new world.

The first reaction is, abundant spiritual energy!
The place where he woke up was just an inconspicuous area in the seventh heaven.

However, the aura around him has clearly reached the Blessed Land level!
This is very rare in the Three Thousand Worlds!
It should be noted that even in the vast world, whether it is the Qingyun Realm or the Tianji Realm.

Although its spiritual energy is much richer than that of Xiaoqian World, it is not at the level of a blessed land!

Only some treasure lands can reach the blessed land level.

Every blessed place in the three thousand worlds is occupied by monks above the immortals.

In some areas with fierce competition, even immortals are not worthy of blessed land.

However, after Su Xing entered the seventh heaven, the abundant spiritual energy clearly told Su Xing.

The entire seventh heaven, the place with the thinnest spiritual energy, also has the level of blessed land!
"Oh my God..." Su Xing couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

How vast is the seventh heaven?

Su Xing didn't know, but it must be much broader than any other place in the world.

What Su Xing tends to is is that the territory of the seventh heaven may be as vast as the entire lower realm!

"The entire large domain is at the Blessed Land level. What is the concept of this!?"

Su Xing thought of it quickly.

According to rumors, in ancient times, heaven and earth were divided into upper and lower realms. The upper realm was full of spiritual energy and was the origin of monks.

In that world, all races are flourishing, and the human race is just the most inconspicuous force.

At this moment, Su Xing came to this world in person.

There is only one thought in my mind, the rumors are true!
After being shocked, he woke up and had time to take a good look at this world.

First of all, the seventh heaven is different from the first to fifth heavens. There is not a lot of fog here, nor is it a world fragmented into a secret realm.

On the contrary, just like the sixth heaven, this is a world similar to the outside world.

There are still traces of the aftermath of the war, and occasionally you can see dammed rivers and collapsed mountains.

But the difference is that there will be much less traces of war here.

"It's really a wonderful world where monks practice!"

Su Xing sighed again.

He has no doubt that even a mediocre Zalinggen can cultivate to a realm above Nascent Soul here.

No wonder the ancient times were truly a prosperous time for cultivating immortals.

The superior aura and environment can undoubtedly make up for the shortcomings of qualifications.

Similarly, monks with high qualifications and high-quality spiritual roots can achieve higher achievements in this world.

Su Xing did not use the power of space, but released his spiritual consciousness in a radius of a hundred miles, and then ran around the seventh heaven at an extremely fast speed.

After about an hour, he woke up and traveled tens of millions of miles.

At this time, Su Xing slowly slowed down and gained a better understanding of the environment of the seventh heaven.

"In the seventh heaven, the spiritual energy at the blessed land level is just the threshold..."

"Like the lower realm, the spiritual energy distribution in the seventh heaven is also uneven."

"In fact, there are many high-grade blessed lands and top-grade blessed lands. These treasure lands are all ownerless..."

"The most exaggerated thing is that I actually saw a naturally formed cave...the same is true of Borderlands!"

Waking up is already a bit unimaginable.

If there was such a treasure in the Three Thousand Worlds, I'm afraid it would have been fought to a bloody head!

Every cave-level treasure land is the foundation for the rise of an immortal cultivating sect!

But in the seventh heaven, no one is fighting for it, whether it is the Blessed Land or the Cave Heaven...

"Tsk, tsk, is this the resource for cultivating immortals that monks enjoyed in ancient times?"

Su Xing also understood why the monks in ancient times were so much more powerful than the monks today.

It’s not that the new generation of monks are failing.

On the contrary, as time continues to advance, the monks' overall cultivation civilization, practice, or qualifications should show an increasing trend.

But there is a huge difference in the cultivation resources between heaven and earth.

"In addition to abundant spiritual energy...there are undoubtedly more spiritual plants in this world!"

"Rare spiritual plants in the lower world seem to be everywhere here like weeds and wild flowers... and even a lot of elixirs have been found..."

Su Xing roughly made a preliminary judgment about the seventh heaven.

An absolute paradise for cultivators!
The existence that all monks dream of!

"So, why has no civilization of cultivating immortals been born in such a treasured land?"

"Why don't the monks from the lower world come to the third heaven to practice?"

Su Xing was not only confused.

Although there are cultivation requirements for going to the third heaven, you need to be at least a Golden Immortal to be eligible to enter!

But Su Xing believed that although he couldn't do it, those Daluo Golden Immortals would.

For example, Bai Emperor and the Master of the Tianji Pavilion may have a way to bring the monks from the Tianji Domain to the seventh heaven.

By then, I am afraid that in just ten thousand years, countless geniuses will emerge!
"So, why didn't those powerful men do this?"

Su Xing soon learned the reason...


As he was experiencing the wonderful awakening of the seventh heaven, his eyebrows suddenly felt tingling.

The talent of pursuing good fortune and avoiding evil is crazy and a warning comes.

"There is an enemy! And it's an enemy that can threaten my life... a sneak attack!" Su Xing reacted quickly, and immediately activated 6,400 body-protecting swords, and three flowers came out from the top to secure himself protect the ground.

The next moment, an attack came.

I saw a black claw containing terrifying power, penetrating the void and tearing at the awakened body-protecting sword.

The moment he saw the black claw, Su Xing frowned.

This familiar and nauseating feeling...

"It's actually the Shadow Clan!"

"Why...there are alien races appearing in the seventh heaven!"

An idea flashed through Su Xing's mind, but he had no time to think about it.

We must get through the immediate danger first!

Su Xing understands the attack methods of the Shadow Tribe all too well.

After all, Su Xing himself had "played" the Shadow Clan's vest, and had fought against the Shadow Clan's gods many times in simulations.

The greatest strength of the Shadow Clan is the "Shadow Realm" that only they can freely travel through.

With the help of the power of space, he constantly travels between the shadow world and the real world. Whether it is assassination, stealth, speed or life-saving, he is top-notch.

The powerful Shadow Clan, with its proficient assassination methods and mastery of magical powers, is not impossible to assassinate targets beyond levels.

But now, Su Xing judged the strength of this shadow god the moment he was assassinated.

"Half-step Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"In other words... we are only one step away from a first-level god!"

This shadow god that sneaked up on him was definitely more powerful than the one Su Xing killed in the battle of Tianji Domain!
After all, the awakened way of space has entered the sixth realm!

But before the shadow god officially took action, there was almost no reaction.

Only at the moment of leaving the Shadow Realm, Su Xing sensed the fluctuations in space.

Only then did he react quickly and protect his body with the body-protecting sword.

This shows that this shadow god has at least reached the sixth level in his understanding of the laws of space!


At the same time, violent fluctuations were heard in the space.

The terrifying black claws of the shadow god hit the awakened body-protecting sword.

The aftermath of the battle spread out, causing the surrounding ground to begin to collapse.

The air continued to vibrate, producing bursts of soft moans.


Under Su Xing's gaze, the body-protecting sword was shattered layer by layer like a spider web.

Six thousand four hundred body-protecting swords were not enough to block this sneak attack from the shadow god!
But, it’s enough!

Jian Gang removed most of the force of this blow.

Su Xing reacted quickly, his figure retreated in the air, he adjusted his breathing, and relied on his body to skillfully neutralize the force of the blow.

In this way, Su Xing successfully blocked this sneak attack.

After putting some distance between himself and the shadow god, Su Xing breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, he woke up and had time to see the sneak attacker clearly.

This shadow god is only one meter tall, like an infusion.

The whole body is covered with sharp, dark red black thorns, and the dark skin is like a black shadow, perfectly lurking under the shade of the trees.

The three-inch long sharp claws are even stronger than the innate treasure!

The lean, small muscles are filled with shocking power.

"The Shadow Clan...the stronger they are, the closer they are to human form?"

"Even the height has become looks a bit like the rumored water monkey?"

Su Xing frowned slightly.

The degree of "evolution" of this shadow god is obviously more terrifying than the one killed on the battlefield before awakening.

With just that assassination move, Su Xing had no doubt that the monks at the peak of Golden Immortal would die on the spot!
Even the top five experts on the Earth Ranking could be severely injured if they are not careful!

"It's really a difficult enemy! way of space has entered the sixth realm!"

Su Xing secretly rejoiced that he did not rush to take action, but his eyes and energy were firmly locked on this shadow god.

Because once a flaw is revealed, the shadow god may launch the next wave of assassinations at any time!

At this moment, the shadow god in front of Su Xing also had a look of surprise in his eyes.

"Human, how did you discover my existence?"

Dozens of meters away in front of Su Xing, the half-human-tall shadow god did not rush to take action. Instead, he looked at Su Xing with interest.

"This look...I've seen it too much..."

Su Xing said softly in his heart.

Every powerful being in the past simulation would look at Su Xing with this teasing look.

But now, they are all awakened and one by one... trampled under their feet!
"You too, won't be an exception!"

Su Xing did not answer, but took action directly.

The spiritual world unfolded in an instant, covering thousands of miles around it in an instant.

Then, it shrank at an alarming speed, and finally enveloped a land with a radius of hundreds of miles.

The same spiritual realm cultivation, when compressed within a certain range, will have a stronger effect!

And a hundred miles in radius is enough!

The next second, Su Xing used the power of space to block all spaces within a hundred miles!

The shadow god felt the fluctuations in the surrounding space, and his face changed slightly.

He could feel that his ability to enter the Shadow Realm was restricted.

At least, you can't enter the Shadow Realm as you like before!

"I see... It seems that your control of space is not weak..."

"Haha, but the lower races will eventually die in my hands... I can kill no less than ten people like you!"

The shadow god squinted his eyes and looked at Su Xing, as if he had seen the most delicious prey.

What answered him was Su Xing's Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique!

The extremely compressed immortal power bloomed in the hands of Su Xing, like a gorgeous flower, quietly coming behind the shadow god!

This is the way to combine the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique with space!

The latest method that the awakened space master has mastered after entering the sixth realm!
With amazing spatial control, the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique can appear anywhere in the spiritual world at will.

In actual combat, there are even more unexpected effects!
The next second, the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique exploded behind the shadow god.

The huge power caused the entire space to explode.

Thousands of miles around, the mountains collapsed, as if it was the end of the world.

"Tsk tsk, it is indeed the upper realm...the space here is much stronger than the three thousand worlds..."

Su Xing was a little surprised.

This Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique is powerful enough to destroy a small world.

But in this seventh heaven, the power only affects a thousand miles in radius.

This shows that the stability of this piece of sky is not comparable to that of the lower realm.

Huge clouds of dust rose up and scattered high in the sky.

Su Xing was confident that even a strong man at the peak of Golden Immortal would be seriously injured by such an unexpected explosion!

However, before the smoke dissipated, Su Xing's face became a little solemn.

In his induction, the life breath of the shadow god showed no sign of diminishing at all!
"I see... Although you can't use the Shadow Realm... you can make yourself 'virtual' and semi-hidden in the Shadow Realm, so as to avoid harm?"

Su Xing squinted his eyes and saw the semi-illusory figure in the smoke.

"Sure enough, to be among the top ten imperial clans, the Shadow clan relies on more than just shadow travel..."

"But, can you block this move?"

Su Xing's heart stirred, and the sword intent on his body exploded in an instant.

Then I saw that silver light passing through the space and striking the shadow god's neck!

A sword in the void!
Awaken the magical swordsmanship that contains the power of space!
This sword doesn't care whether you blur yourself or not.

Even if he is hiding in the Shadow Realm, Awakening can still kill him!
However, Su Xing still underestimated the strength of this shadow god.

I saw him quickly blocking his vital parts with a pair of black claws.

The sound of clashing weapons filled the air.

The next second, a subtle white mark appeared on the black claw.

But the awakening Void Sword has already been resolved.

"Is he a sword cultivator?"

"Unfortunately, the swordsmanship seems to be somewhat inadequate! This sword... is accurate enough, but not powerful enough."

The shadow god spoke indifferently, with a playful look in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Su Xing frowned slightly when he saw this.

"It's a pity... The Avenue of Swords has not yet entered the sixth realm... otherwise this sword could kill him!"

Su Xing bluntly said it was a pity.

With the help of the way of space, the awakened void sword indeed struck the shadow god.

But the power of the sword in the fifth realm seemed to be insufficient, and it was blocked by the shadow god's black claws that were comparable to innate treasures.

At this point, the initial testing between the two ended.

In the way of space, Su Xing may not be as good as this shadow god.

However, Su Xingsheng has various methods and masters a variety of magical powers, so he can compete with the shadow god in a short period of time.

The Shadow God also relied on the pair of black claws in his hands and his physical fitness comparable to the peak physical training of the Golden Immortal to fight Su Xing in close combat.

The two soon fought for hundreds of rounds.

The shadow god also suppressed the smile on his hand when he saw that he had not yet taken down the awakening.

Then, the shadow god said something unexpected to Su Xing:

"Human, you are quite powerful...are you interested in becoming my vassal?"

(End of this chapter)

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