Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 439 Fairy Ziling’s promotion opportunity, the great witch’s body-building skills take a step

Chapter 439 Fairy Ziling’s promotion opportunity, the great witch’s body-forging technique takes a step further!
[The Star Conference was held as usual, and many tribes came one after another in the past four months. 】

[And you also harvested a lot of star stones...]

[When you left the Star Realm, you were followed by the Advent Cult cadres. 】

[After you lured them into the void, you easily killed the three who were chasing you. 】

[The codenames of these three Adventist cadres are Blood Thirteen, Blood Eighteen and Blood Twenty-one...]

[Among them, the realm of Blood Thirteen is close to that of Golden Immortal. 】

[This makes you suspect that the top ten cadres of the Advent Sect are all from the Golden Fairyland. 】

[However, these cadres are not a big threat to you now. What you need to pay attention to is only the cadres with blood level four or above... because they are the only ones with a cultivation level above Taiyi Golden Immortal! 】

[After you killed these three cadres, you concealed the secret, changed your identity and appearance, and went to Xiao Qingyun Realm. 】

[You still informed Tianji Pavilion of Blue Star’s information, hoping that the monks in Qingyuan Domain would prepare early to fight against the alien race. 】

[But this time, you don’t suggest sending monks to hunt Red Moon. You just tell Tianji Pavilion not to step into Blue Star, but you can detect intelligence near Blue Star. 】

[Because of your Golden Immortal realm, the Tianji Pavilion Branch was very convinced of your intelligence and quickly sent monks to investigate. 】

[After this matter is settled, you go to Qingyun Realm. 】

[The transaction with Qingyunzi went smoothly... You began to "cultivate a relationship" with Fairy Ziling. 】

[She occasionally spars with you, and you teach her how to nurture spirits. 】

[So, ten years have passed...]

[In the past ten years, you have noticed that there is still a big gap between you and Fairy Ziling. 】

[During this period, you also received news of the destruction of Blue Star...]

[Before you leave, give Fairy Ziling the spirit-nurturing experience you painstakingly wrote. 】

[In the next twenty years, you collected Luo Tian’s inheritance and went to the Tianji Domain. 】

[In the thirtieth year, you arrived in the Baiyun Realm. 】

[You entered the Luotian realm and began to cultivate the Tianyuan Divine Tree. 】

[In addition to daily practice, you have begun to understand the art of weapon refining! 】

[As the former number one sect, Luotian Sect has countless weapon refining books and materials, as well as elders and heroes who are good at weapon refining to guide you. 】

[One day in reality, one month in Luo Tianjing... With a time difference of thirty times, your understanding of the Tao of Instruments has improved rapidly. 】

[And as you advance to the fifth level of the Golden Immortal, it is obvious that the mana consumption of maintaining Luo Tianjing is less, and the daily consumption is reduced from most of the mana to less than half. 】

[In this way, two hundred and seventy years have passed...]

[Two hundred and seventy years in the outside world, but more than eight thousand years have passed inside Luo Tianjing! 】

[Over the past eight thousand years, you have spent nearly half of your time studying the art of weapon refining. 】

[With your current vision and Qi refining foundation, you have read almost all the ancient books related to weapon refining in Luotian Sect. 】

[For eight thousand years, you have refined tens of thousands of magic weapons of different grades. 】

[Among them, you even refined a high-grade acquired treasure! 】

[The quality of this treasure is enough to make it to the top 100 on the list of treasures the day after tomorrow...]

[But you are not satisfied. The difference between the acquired treasure and the innate treasure can be imagined! 】

[The innate treasure is nurtured by heaven and earth... If you want to cast it with human power, it is as difficult as climbing to the sky! 】

[In every era, there are only a handful of powerful people who can refine innate treasures. 】

[In today's world of immortal cultivation, there are only two great masters of weapon refining who can confidently refine an innate treasure under the premise of paying a certain price. 】

[But what others build may not be what you want. 】

[Simulating the third hundred years, you left Luotian Realm and returned to Baiyun Sect. 】

[At this time, the Tianji Pavilion Immortal Boat arrived. 】

[You know in your heart that you can't make progress in the art of weapon refining, and you can only have a chance of promotion in Tianji Pavilion. 】

[In the 320th year, the Immortal Boat Defense War broke out...]

[In the 330th year, we successfully arrived in the Tianji Realm. 】

[You spent some contribution points, donated many exercises and magic weapons, and exchanged a large number of ancient weapon refining books from Tianji Pavilion. 】

[At the same time, you have also received the guidance of the only great weapon refiner in the world who can refine innate treasures! 】

[In the next few decades, your art of refining weapons will continue to improve...]

[The time has come to the 400th year. 】

[This year, the first batch of Tianyuan Divine Fruit matures... In addition to practicing the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art and honing your weapon refining skills, you have the additional task of taking the Tianyuan Divine Fruit and practicing the Great Witch Body Training Art...]

[Time advances slowly, and we will soon reach the five hundredth year! 】

[This year, you got a piece of information...]

[The top of the Earth Ranking, the second-generation disciple of Qingyun Sect, Fairy Ziling—promoted to Taiyi! 】

【Your guess has been verified! 】

In the real world, Su Xing showed a clear face when he saw this.

"As expected! Fairy Ziling's opportunity for promotion... lies in the path of spiritual cultivation!"

"Unexpectedly, my random kindness fulfilled Fairy Ziling...and myself!"

In the last simulation, it took Ziling Fairy thousands of years to achieve Taiyi, but now it only took five hundred years.

This is enough to show that Su Xing's understanding of the spiritual cultivation method has helped Fairy Ziling.

"Then, due to Fairy Ziling's promotion... my ranking on the Earth Ranking will move up one spot... and I will become second on the Earth Ranking!"

"Now that the idea has been verified... the next step is to improve our strength and find a way to fight Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing is trying to find a suitable target.

An enemy who is new to Taiyi Golden Immortal should have some grudge against Su Xing!
After thinking for a long time, Su Xing chose a target.

Senior cadres of Advent Sect, blood four!
"Although Blood Three is also a Taiyi Golden Immortal, I'm afraid I won't be your opponent!"

"For comparison, the Blood Four at the bottom is also a Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he only has the strength to enter Taiyi for the first time..."

"If I remember correctly... Blood Four should have been active in Qingyuan Domain hundreds of years ago... It wasn't until hundreds of years later that he went to Tianji Domain!"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows and had a plan in mind.

Although his current strength is no longer afraid of blood four, he is not too sure yet!
For now, if you practice the Great Witch Body Training Technique to perfection first, you will definitely be more confident!
Thinking of this, Su Xing nodded slightly:

"That's good, this simulation will consolidate your strength... When you simulate next time, let's be famous for that blood!"

Look at the simulation panel.

[The news of Fairy Ziling’s promotion caused quite a stir. 】

[Because Fairy Ziling is a peerless talent, she was on the list of geniuses as soon as she was promoted to Taiyi! 】

[It is rumored that in the three thousand worlds and the entire five domains, there have been more than 300 Taiyi Golden Immortals who have become famous over the past million years, including those who have died but have not been discovered. 】

[But among them, less than one-third of the monks can be on the Heavenly Ranking. 】

[Most of Taiyi only have the strength of Taiyi in the early stage, so if they want to be on the Heavenly Ranking... they also need at least the strength of Taiyi Golden Immortal in the middle stage! 】

[As for Fairy Ziling, she has just become Taiyi Golden Fairy and has the ability to fight in smaller realms! 】

[After learning that Fairy Ziling was promoted, you were happy for her. 】

[But at the same time, you also practice harder. 】

[A hundred years have passed by...]

[Time is coming to the 600th century soon! 】

[Under your two hundred years of continuous hard work...one day you will feel something in your heart. 】

[The energy in his body has increased tremendously, and his strength has more than doubled in just a few days! 】

[The two-foot-nine-foot tree of Yuanli within the body has finally grown one inch taller, reaching a height of three feet! 】

[On this day, you finally reach the sixth level of the Great Witch Body Training Technique! 】

In the real world, Su Xing felt happy when he saw this, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief:
"Great, I finally broke through to the Great Witch's Body Forging Technique and accomplished it!"

"In this way, my overall strength...should surpass Tang Yiyi!"

"Although it's only one foot long, it's a qualitative change!" "After completing the Great Witch Body Forging Art... I am also qualified to arm-wrestle with Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

Yuanli is the foundation of body-refining cultivators.

Its importance is no less than the spiritual power or immortal power in the Qi Refining Monk's body!
And the three-foot-tall Great Witch’s Body Forging Technique is no exaggeration!
As long as the tree of Yuanli does not die, the awakened Yuanli will live forever!
This means... that after waking up, one will have a steady stream of energy...

"Next, we will hit a higher realm!"

"The great witch refines his body to reach the sixth level of perfection...it takes nine feet and nine feet of the tree of Yuanli!"

"When the tree of Yuanli breaks through to ten feet... it also means that my Great Witch Body Training Technique has officially entered the seventh level!"

Thinking of this, Su Xing felt some desire in his heart.

Because...the seventh level of the Great Witch's Body Training Technique means...the ultimate recovery power and vitality!
Rumor has it that if you reach the peak of the seventh level, you can be reborn with blood!

Even if the beaten body is reduced to pieces... he can still be resurrected in a very short time with a drop of blood essence!
This great power is incomparable to Taiyi Golden Immortal!

"And it's only the 600th anniversary of the simulation... there's still a lot of time, and the strength can be improved even further!"

Su Xing murmured and looked at the simulation panel.

[After taking a step forward in body training, you did not relax and continued to practice hard. 】

[Ten years later, your cultivation has made another breakthrough, and your Qi refining realm has entered the late stage of the fifth level of the Golden Immortal! 】

[In the next nearly two hundred years, you still practiced the Great Witch's body-forging technique, Zhengyi's Qi-subduing technique... and studied the art of weapon refining. 】

[In the blink of an eye, it’s the eight hundredth year! 】

[This year, the war broke out! 】

[You performed outstandingly in this battle, showing the second most terrifying combat power on the Earth Ranking, killing hundreds of alien gods. 】

[And the six-winged god also died in your hands...]

[You take away the six-winged god's bone sword. This is a material that can be used to refine innate treasures. You keep it for great use. 】

[In the 810th year, you began to ask Baidi for advice on the art of swordsmanship...]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
“Using immersive simulation…”

[Ding... The duration is 100 years, and the remaining energy source is 3444 points...]

The simulation prompt sounds and the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.


The next ninety years.

Su Xing accepted Bai Di's guidance.

Although I have learned from Bai Di many times, I have gained some insights every time.

It wasn't until the ninetieth year of the immersive simulation that Su Xing realized that the treasures of the avenue were exhausted, and Su Xing said goodbye to Bai Di.

"Ninety years of immersive simulation... It's a pity that we are still one step away from reaching the fifth level of swordsmanship!"

Su Xing sighed, fighting on the road will always become more difficult as you go up.

Being able to cultivate to the point where he is only one step away from reaching the fifth level is already a sign of good awakening qualifications and the guidance of the best swordsman in the world.

"Sigh... Although I haven't broken through to the fifth realm in one go, I'm not far from the sixth realm... It's just a matter of these few simulations."

Su Xing murmured.

"Next, it's time to go to the Mirror of Nothingness and improve your weapon refining skills!"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with light.


The immersive simulation ends quickly, and the person wakes up and returns to reality.

After sorting out the memories in his mind, Su Xing sighed longly and said:

"After cultivating spirits... after all, in the art of weapon refining, I am also standing at the pinnacle of the Three Thousand Worlds..."

Before entering the Mirror of Nothingness, Su Xing's mastery of the art of refining weapons was already at the forefront of the Three Thousand Worlds.

In addition to the two great masters who can refine innate treasures, Su Xing is the undisputed number one weapon refiner in the world.

After experiencing the help of the Mirror of Nothingness, Su Xing saved countless years and took that crucial step in the path of weapon refining!
"Beyond the Grand Master...is the Supreme Grand Master!"

"Now, I can be regarded as someone who stands at the pinnacle of the art of weapon refining in the Three Thousand Worlds!"

Su Xing murmured.

In fact, the gap between the weapon refining grand master and the supreme grand master is not as big as Su Xing imagined.

The only difference is that the supreme master can refine innate treasures!

However, the refining of the innate treasure requires too many factors and conditions.

Materials at the level of innate treasures... create income, luck... and the level of the master of weapon refining!

"Heaven and earth give birth to the most precious treasure, which is born innately...it is the most innate treasure!"

"How easy is it to create an innate treasure with human power?"

"Therefore, the two supreme masters in the world... are able to refine innate treasures because they have mastered some secret method or special physique."

"But even so, you still need to pay a huge price to have a chance of refining..."

To put it simply, the innate treasure is nurtured by heaven and earth and is difficult to create by manpower.

Even if it is built, it requires luck and a huge price to pay!

The same is true for Su Xing!
"Now, my weapon refining skills... I'm afraid I won't be able to improve in a short time!"

"Next, collect materials and use the talent of blood sacrificial weapon... before you can try to create the innate treasure!"

Su Xing murmured.

For him, as long as he has enough power, he can naturally forge an innate treasure.

Or, there is a "stupid way" to wake up!
Using one's own energy to warm up the Mo Bingjian, after countless years, the Mo Bingjian will naturally become a weapon.

But this will undoubtedly take a lot of time, and Su Xing does not plan to do this in the short term.

"Huh...it's time to leave and prepare to go to the Nine Heavens Realm!"

"The claws of the shadow god... are also excellent materials for refining innate treasures!"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 910th year, you left the Tianji Realm and went to the Nine Heavens Realm...]

[After arriving at the Nine Heavens Realm, you found a place of retreat and began to practice. 】

[In the 1100th year, the shadow god came to our door. 】

[You spent a lot of effort to kill it and obtained the key materials for refining the Mo Bingjian...]

[This year, your cultivation has been raised to the peak of the fifth level of the Golden Immortal! 】

[The tree of Yuanli within the body has grown to three feet! 】

[In the seventh heaven, you officially start refining the Mo Bingjian...]

[The difficulty of refining the innate treasure can be imagined. 】

[You took out the innate-level materials you prepared in advance. 】

[Including the double claws of the Shadow God, the bone sword of the Six-Winged God... and an innate gold-melting stone exchanged in Tianji Pavilion! 】

[The innate treasure is very solid, and can only be smelted with the help of this innate gold-melting stone...]

[Even so, the fusion of materials took you nearly a month! 】

[It was not until the 1160th year that the two materials were successfully smelted into one body with the Mo Bingjian...]

[Next, you start quenching, shaping, and absorbing spirit...]

[After the entire step is completed, another forty years have passed! 】

[The time has come to the 1,200th year...]

[At this time, after nearly a hundred years of refining by you, the quality of Mo Bingjian has been improved to the level of an acquired treasure! 】

[However, after all, it has not yet entered the innate treasure...]

[So, you start to use your last talent "Sacrifice with Blood"...]

(The monthly tickets in the hands of Yanzu are about to expire at the end of the month... I have the nerve to ask for a monthly ticket! Thank you!)
(End of this chapter)

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