Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 44: The internal factions of Advent Sect arrive at the treasury within the Sect

Chapter 44: The internal factions of Advent Sect arrive at the treasury within the Sect

The Shadow Protector was obviously very optimistic about Su Xing, so he patiently explained:

"Our Advent Sect has been established for nearly a thousand years. After a thousand years of evolution, the Sect has been divided into three factions: the Natural Faction, the Fanatic Faction, and the Coexistence Faction!"

After a pause, the Shadow Protector continued:

"Those people in the fanatical faction are a group of lunatics, and they are also the most numerous and powerful faction in the Adventist Church. They believe in the Great God, and they hope to sacrifice themselves so that the main family will come to the blue star, and use the blue star's All humans eat, including themselves!"

Su Xing frowned slightly after hearing this. This fanatical faction is obviously a radical in the Adventist Church. In order to introduce those alien monsters, they are willing to sacrifice themselves, which is really incomprehensible.

"As for the coexistence factions, they rely on the great master race's mercy on my human race. I hope that after the master race invades the real world, they can look at the efforts of my Advent Sect and allow most of the human race to continue to live... Of course, in my opinion, those people from the coexistence faction have also been kicked in the head by a donkey. Why should we ants coexist with the great master race? We are not qualified!"

After Su Xing heard the words of Guardian Shadow, a strange look appeared on his face.

This coexistence faction in the Advent Church sounds like it still has some humanity. They think that the strength of alien monsters is far greater than that of the human race, so they want to surrender in order to survive the human race.

But Su Xing knew in his heart that this was simply impossible.

When the aliens come to the real world, they will swallow the real world completely, and there will be no such thing as coexistence at that time.

From Su Xing's point of view, the war between the foreign race and the human race is clearly a war of extermination, and those of the Coexistence faction pin their hopes on the pity of the foreign race, which is really ridiculous.

So he woke up and asked:
"Shadow Guardian, what is the goal of our natural faction?"

Shadow Protector's face was full of longing and he said:

"Our natural faction pursues the most original and natural side of the world... In this materialistic world, we firmly believe that nature is the closest to the truth!"

Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this, and said in his heart that if he just wants to protect nature, then this natural faction seems quite normal.

Unexpectedly, what Shadow Guardian said next left Su Xing completely speechless.

I saw the Shadow Protector saying a little fanatically:

"And human beings are naturally the lowest-level race! They have nothing to do with nature! Only the great master race is the race closest to the truth and nature in this world!"

"So, we have to look to nature and become part of the main clan. Even if we are just a low-level main clan, it is enough for us to have the qualification to be close to nature!"

After saying that, the Shadow Protector slightly opened his black top, exposing the skin of his abdomen.

Su Xing was stunned when he saw a large black mass of mucus and organs like an octopus sucker squirming crazily in the Shadow Guardian's abdomen.

This... is this still a human organ?

Su Xing suddenly felt nauseous. The shadow protector's skin seemed to have no human shape at all.

But the Shadow Protector was still very proud and said:
"This is the reward given to me by the great main race. Our natural faction hopes that through transformation, we can slowly transform from the human race into the main race and become a member of the main race! And I have already transformed nearly one-fifth of my whole body. I even got the organs of Lord Shadow Beast, which gives me such great strength!”

Seeing the fanatical appearance of the Shadow Protector, Su Xing was immediately speechless.

Co-authoring the so-called natural faction is to plant the organs of alien races on people?
Eventually he becomes a monster that is neither human nor beast!

From this point of view, naturalism, fanaticism, or coexistence are not things that a sane person can think of!

Su Xing subconsciously took half a step away from the Shadow Protector. This guy was also disgusting!
But the shadow protector didn't feel it at all, and still said to himself:
"Elder Yao! The power of our natural faction is one of the best among the three factions, and the leader of the faction has the body of half of the main clan! As long as you are willing to join our natural faction, I will definitely report it to the organization and find you a pair of The perfect main body!"

After Su Xing heard this, the smile froze on his face, what?Who wants to transform into this kind of monster that is neither human nor beast?
So Su Xing reluctantly smiled and said:

"Ahem, Shadow Protector, we'll discuss this later! I'm still the new elder in the sect, and I'm not qualified to be appreciated!"

The Shadow Guardian seemed to think there was nothing wrong with what Su Xing said, so he nodded and said no more.

Soon, a group of people walked into the deep mountains, and the mountains stretched. Shadow Guardian led the people to a huge rock outside a cliff.

This boulder is more than ten feet high, and it looks no different from ordinary stones.

But the Shadow Protector took out a token, put it into a groove on the boulder, and then said to the boulder:

"Dragon Guardian! Let's come to teach the treasure house!"

Soon, a transparent light curtain appeared on the boulder, and Shadow Guardian waved towards Su Xing, and then walked in first.

Su Xing followed closely behind, but his heart was already overwhelmed.

"Formation! This is definitely the formation of the world of cultivating immortals! And this method is very similar to the grand array of protecting the sect in the sect of cultivating immortals! It looks no different from ordinary rocks from the outside, but it has a unique cave inside!"

Su Xing's little heart was pounding, and he walked into the big formation.

After entering the battle, there is another hole in the sky.

An old man with an old face dozed off at the door of the treasure house without even turning his eyelids.

The Shadow Protector seemed to respect him very much, took out two altars of fine wine and placed them beside the old man, and then activated the mechanism to open the treasure house.

Su Xing followed closely behind. As soon as he walked into the treasure house, the mountain of treasures made Su Xing's jaw drop in shock.

The treasury is tens of feet high, and the interior space is as spacious as a square. There is no sunlight, but the treasure house is brightly lit, because rows of night pearls are inlaid on the mountain, making the mountain like daytime.

What's even more exaggerated is that countless gold and silver treasures are piled on the ground in the treasure house like garbage. Their value is inestimable.

Su Xing has no doubt that if these treasure houses are brought to the real world, they might be able to buy a country!

Hundreds of billions, trillions?

No, I'm afraid that the unit of measurement of [-] million can no longer describe the treasure in front of me...

But unfortunately, so many treasures are the least valuable things in the treasure house, scattered on the ground casually, abandoned like worn shoes.

Elder Ying led Su Xing to the ground paved with gold and pearls, walked dozens of meters into the treasure house, and then began to introduce:

"Elder Yao, it is no exaggeration to say that the treasury of our Adventist Sect is no weaker than the national treasury of Daxia... The entire treasury is divided into several areas except for the worthless toys under our feet. : Item area, equipment area, book area, natural treasure area... You have half an hour to choose treasures at will, but the treasures in the treasure house cannot be brought out at will, and you need to pay certain points..."

After waking up and listening, she blushed suddenly.

There are tons of gold and jewelry at your feet...are they the most worthless things in Ni's mouth?

But after seeing the real treasure in the treasure house, Su Xing chose to shut up...

(End of this chapter)

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