Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 441: Defeat Taiyi Golden Immortal and reach the top of the list of geniuses!

Chapter 441: Defeat Taiyi Golden Immortal and reach the top of the list of geniuses!
"And among the Adventist cadres, the ones who threaten me...are only the top four!"

"Xue Yi has not shown up yet...no way of knowing."

"Xue Er is currently in the Tianji Realm, while Xue III has a mission from Blue Star..."

"Therefore, the person who comes must be Blood Four!"

Su Xing is more than 90% sure of this.

Because Blood Four has the cultivation level of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

Even if some golden immortals such as "Blood Six" and "Blood Nine" are sent later, it doesn't matter if they wake up.

It's just a matter of killing a few more until you draw out Taiyi Golden Immortal's "Blood Four"!
"Huh... if you are unlucky and directly attract the blood..."

"Well, it's not a loss at all. It's just a simulation opportunity to find out what kind of existence Xueyi is..."

So far, Su Xing has not seen Xueyi.

I have never known whether the Blood One and the Blood Immortal are the same person...

"Well, in that case, let's try it!"

Su Xing planned to try his idea and looked at the simulation panel.

[After killing the Advent Cult cadres, you chose to stay in the Star Realm. 】

[In the blink of an eye, three years have passed...]

[In the third year, several monks sneaked into the star world. 】

[Although they tried their best to hide it, you still found the unique "Advent Cult" atmosphere in them. 】

[You spent some effort to kill all these Adventist cadres. 】

[Among them, the strongest one is an evil cultivator in the late Golden Immortal stage. 】

[Code name, Blood Seven! 】

[In Xue Qi’s storage ring, you found some clues. 】

[You are very lucky, Blood Seven’s immediate boss is Blood Four! 】

[After receiving the mission to explore the Star Realm, Xue Qi led a team here. 】

[Before that, Blood Four and Blood Seven were performing tasks in a middle-thousand world called Thousand Island World. 】

[After searching the soul of Blood Seven, you have a general understanding of the current situation...]

[Sure enough, just as you guessed, the only ones who have time to come over now are blood four! 】

[So, you are in the star world, quietly waiting for the arrival of the fourth blood...]

[So, about two more years passed. 】

[In the fifth year of simulation, while you are practicing in seclusion, you suddenly feel a terrifying aura appearing in the star world. 】

[At the same time, your talent for seeking good luck and avoiding evil also gave a vague warning, which shows that the strength of the visitor is not inferior to yours. 】

[You did not hide your traces, and Blood Four soon discovered you...]

[He also felt a vague sense of threat from you. 】

[I saw a look of surprise on Xuesi's face, feeling strange to you and said: Strange, who are you? Why did you ambush my Adventist cadre? It's really strange that even though I'm just a Golden Immortal...it makes me feel vaguely threatened! 】

[After hearing this, a sarcastic smile appeared on your lips, and you thought to yourself: You are a stranger to me, but I am very familiar with you! 】

[Speaking, you raised the Mo Bingjian, and the sword in the void directly passed through the space, and struck at the vital point of Xue Si! 】

[As soon as they met, it was a killer move! 】

[Facing this Taiyi Golden Immortal-level enemy, you have no chance of holding back! 】

[A flash of anger flashed across Xuesi's face when he saw this, and he said: How dare a mere Golden Immortal take action against me? 】

[As he spoke, a long river of blood appeared in front of Xue Si, swallowing up your sword intent like silk. 】

[If one hit fails, you have already expected it in your heart, and the Star Realm is not a place for long-term battles. 】

[If a war breaks out between you and Blood Four here, it will most likely destroy the entire Star Realm! 】

[So, you showed a provocative look to Xuesi, and in a flash, you left the star world... and came to the void! 】

In the real world, Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this.

"The Golden Immortal has the ability to destroy the Small Thousand Worlds..."

"If Xuesi and I start a battle in the Star Realm, I'm afraid the whole world will be destroyed!"

"And this is naturally not what I want to see..."

But fighting in the void will cause some damage to Su Xing's strength.

But the strength of the Awakening Great Witch's body-forging technique will definitely give him some advantages over Blood Four.

However, the next words surprised Su Xing.

[You fled into the void, which made Xue Si feel wary. 】

[Obviously, Blood Four also suspects that you have set up some ambush, or a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain...]

[But Bloody Fourth came here this time to investigate the missing Adventist cadres, so naturally it is impossible to let you go. 】

[So the battle is about to break out! 】

[In the void, you originally thought that the strength of Blood 4 would also decrease like you. 】

[However, I never expected that the skills practiced by Xuesi, and even the physical body, would be basically unaffected by the battle in the void. 】

[Furthermore, Blood Four’s magic power is strong, and he is surrounded by a long river of blood...]

[This is the Advent Sect’s unique magical power, the Blood River of Heaven and Ming! 】

[The power of this magical power is no less than that of the top Tiangang magical power. Even in the same realm, it is difficult to have an opponent. 】

[The blood river turns into a torrent in an instant and swallows you up... The entire void suddenly becomes quiet, and your breath gradually disappears. 】

[The next second, a void passage appeared a million miles away... At the last moment when you were about to be swallowed by the river of blood, you finally used the power of space to escape smoothly! 】

[Xue Si also quickly discovered it and continued to pursue you...]

[You are holding the spiritual sword Mo Bing, and the energy in your body is surging, pouring into the Mo Bing sword like a flood. 】

[Thousands of sword energy turned into the Milky Way, shining across the entire void. 】

[Such a terrifying battle can even destroy an entire Zhongqian World! 】

[However, Blood Four is Taiyi Golden Immortal after all. The terrifying river of blood is constantly cutting and devouring the sword intent, integrating offense and defense to protect Blood Four! 】

[But after your strength breakthrough, you are not comparable to the Golden Immortal... The battle was stalemate for a while. 】

[In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed...]

[As expected, Blood Four is the first to enter Taiyi Golden Immortal after all, and there are only five avenues to enter the sixth realm. 】

[The strongest one is just a "Broadway of Blood" with a small amount of success in the sixth realm! 】

[Although my magic power is stronger than yours, my physical body is not even as good as yours... This means that you are not at an absolute disadvantage in the battle. 】

[Coupled with the Mo Bingjian that has been promoted to the innate treasure, you can not fall behind in the battle. 】

[As the battle continued, Blood Four also discovered something was wrong...]

[He has never seen a golden immortal as difficult as you, and he feels vaguely panicked. 】

[He knows in his heart that the strength you have shown is probably enough to rank first on the Earth Ranking! 】

[And the number one on the Earth Ranking, as long as he does not fall, he will definitely become a Daluo Golden Immortal in the future...]

[Thinking of this, Blood Four becomes more determined to kill you...]

[But as the battle continued, Xuesi discovered another abnormality... His lifespan was rapidly decreasing! 】

[Practice the Blood Immortal Sutra and you will lose your longevity. His actual upper limit of lifespan is not even half of that of the normal Taiyi Golden Immortal. 】

[And after just one month of fighting with you, his lifespan has been inexplicably reduced by nearly 30,000 years! 】【This makes Blood Forty feel heartbroken, but he grits his teeth and still wants to kill you...】

[So, another three months have passed! 】

[Finally, the battle lasted for four full months! 】

[In the past four months, you have been seriously injured several times, but you have recovered from your injuries with your amazing recovery power. 】

[Although he was beaten with blood all the time, he was not in a state of life and death. 】

[On the contrary, Blood Four, in this battle...even lost more than 100,000 years of life! 】

[Finally, everyone is panicking! 】

[After being promoted to Taiyi, he finally gained millions of extra years of life... But you lost a hundred thousand years. How can he accept this? 】

[He knows that if he continues to fight like this... I'm afraid he will run out of life and die! 】

[So... Blood Four finally used the war...]

[The terrifying blood river covers the entire space... The mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood on the pavement make your sanity gradually dissipate. 】

[This is the most powerful move of Mingtian Blood River. It gathers all the evil spirits and blood paths into a terrifying attack...]

[Any monk who is swallowed by the blood river will become part of the blood river...]

[Admittedly, under this move, you have no room to resist. 】

[But at the last moment, you used your "one more shot" talent and escaped smoothly before dying! 】

[Looking back at Blood Four, I saw that you escaped from the river of blood unscathed, and finally panicked...]

[Without any hesitation, Xuesi escaped from this void...]

[When you saw this, you didn’t pursue him... but you felt happy in your heart. 】

[Fortunately, the one who performed this move was Blood Four. If it had been performed by the stronger Blood Three, the terrifying evil energy would have made you unable to react at all, and you would not have had the chance to release your talent. 】

[But at the moment, Blood Four just misjudged your strength and lost too much lifespan, so he ran away from the battle. 】

[Even if you catch up with him, you have no chance of leaving him behind. 】

[You stay where you are, your consciousness unfolds, and you quickly find several consciousnesses watching the battle in the distance. 】

[This battle of yours was so huge that it attracted the attention of several Golden Immortal monks. 】

[Several Golden Immortals have recognized the identity of Blood Four... On the contrary, you have been unknown, but you suddenly burst out with combat power comparable to Taiyi Golden Immortal. It is really terrifying! 】

[Before you were about to leave, several spiritual thoughts came to you, asking for your Taoist number. 】

[After hearing this, you were silent for a moment and left the name of Spirit Dragon Golden Immortal...]

In the real world, when Su Xing saw this, he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

"The majestic Taiyi Golden Immortal... Blood Four was actually forced to retreat by me?"

"Taiyi Golden Immortal... seems to be nothing more than that!"

Although in the battle with Blood Four, Su Xing had some luck.

Not only does Mo Bingjian restrain the monks who practice the Blood Immortal Sutra, it can also shorten their lifespan.

He even scared Blood Four with his "One More Time" talent.

But after four months of fighting with Blood Four, he was still not defeated. This is true!

This shows that the current Su Xing indeed has the strength to fight undefeated in a bloody battle with the early Taiyi Golden Immortal monks!

After thinking for a while, Su Xing had a rough assessment of his own strength.

"My current strength is roughly equivalent to that of a monk who has just entered Taiyi Golden Immortal."

"Among the Taiyi Golden Immortals, they are definitely the weakest..."

"But even so, the monks in the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal can never threaten my life without paying a certain price!"

"Only monks in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal and above pose a greater threat to me!"

"That is to say... Now, even if I am at level three, I may be able to survive a few moves? Can I at least hold on from his hands for a few days?"

Su Xing nodded slightly.

The first place on the earth rankings is due to his strength!

Only the previous Ziling Fairy might be a step ahead of Su Xing.

But Tang Yiyi should be inferior to him.

But as Su Xing's level of strength continues to improve, as long as he is not promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal in the future, he will definitely sit at the top of the earth rankings!
In fact, Awakening will break the ceiling of the first combat power of the ground pound!

"Moreover, the goal this time has been achieved... After this battle, the name of Spirit Dragon Golden Immortal will be completely resounding throughout the three thousand worlds!"

"And I... will also be ranked number one on the Earth Ranking!"

Su Xing was just a little curious.

The Tianjiao List was established by Tianji Pavilion.

It's just that the master of Tianji Pavilion has not appeared for countless years, and his true body is also in the ninth level of heaven.

Wake up, how to find the master of Tianji Pavilion.

So as to get the promise of being number one on the list?

"I don't care... Of course I don't know the power of the Semi-Saint..."

"Perhaps the Master of Tianji Pavilion has a solution?"

Su Xing looked forward to the simulation panel with anticipation in his heart.

[After repelling Blood Four, you didn’t stay there for too long. 】

[If Blood Four reacts later and pursues you again, I'm afraid you will escape death...]

[So, as the Spiritual Dragon Golden Immortal, you left the vicinity of the Star Realm and appeared in the Little Qingyun Realm. 】

[Not long after...a woman came to you! 】

[You know this woman...the branch master of Tianji Pavilion in Xiaoqingyun Realm...that girl who looks very lazy! 】

[The girl obviously knows your identity and told you that the news of being number one on the Earth Ranking will soon spread throughout the Three Thousand Worlds...]

[At the same time, she also asked you if you want to meet the Master of Tianji Pavilion... The Master of Tianji Pavilion will answer a question for you, whether it is a question about practice or something else...]

[After hearing this, you naturally agree and agree readily. 】

[So, the girl tells you... If you want to find the master of Tianji Pavilion, you need to go to the headquarters of Tianji Pavilion in Tianji Domain. 】

[You were confused after hearing this, but you nodded in agreement...]

[At the same time, you inform her of the news about Red Moon and emphasize again and again not to get close to Blue Star. 】

[With your identity as the Spirit Dragon Golden Immortal, you naturally convinced Tianji Pavilion, and they said they would handle the matter as soon as possible. 】

[And next, you are not in a hurry to go to Tianji Domain... Before that, you have to go through the process again. 】

[Looking for Luo Tian's inheritance... Go to Qingyun Realm to trade... Communicate with Fairy Ziling and give her spiritual nurturing experience. 】

[After the entire process is completed, the time comes to the twentieth year of simulation. 】

[You went to the Tianji Realm. 】

[In the thirtieth year, you arrived in Tianji Realm, but you did not rush to Tianji Pavilion, but waited quietly in Baiyun Realm. 】

[You know that more than two hundred years later, the immortal boat will come to this world. 】

[In the next two hundred years or so, you cultivate the Tianyuan Divine Tree...and practice the Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art...]

[The days passed day by day, and soon the time came to the simulation...the third hundred years! 】

(Happy May Day, brothers. Double monthly tickets at the beginning of the month. Please give me a guaranteed monthly ticket~)

(End of this chapter)

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