Chapter 448 Finally meeting the Demon General, the first test! (Thanks for being a layman leader for the reward)

[In the 640th year, you became the middle force of the Heavenly Demon Prison, with an authority level of 39. 】

[In the same year, because of your outstanding performance on the battlefield, you were transferred to a more core area of ​​the Demon Realm. 】

[You have arrived at a middle-thousand world called the Giant Que Realm. This world is very strange, as if a giant sword divides the whole world into two halves from the north to the south. 】

[The endless abyss blocks the monks from the north and south of the Giant Tower Realm. Only immortals and above can pass freely. 】

[It is precisely because of the wonderful terrain of the Giant Que Realm that Fang has become the core of this area's fight against aliens! 】

[Many scattered alien races, or alien armies, are active in more than a hundred nearby worlds. 】

[And the department of the Heavenly Demon Prison that specializes in hunting aliens is based on the Juque Realm and hunts nearby aliens. 】

[The area formed by the Giant Que Realm as the core and surrounded by hundreds of worlds is obviously much more dangerous than the area near the Demonic Heart Realm and the Stone Realm. 】

[There are not a few alien races above the gods, and even the true gods and deities of alien races occasionally appear. 】

[The members of the Heavenly Demon Prison in this area have authority levels between Tian 30 and Tian 39. 】

[As long as you kill enough alien races and accumulate merit, you can go to the next more dangerous area...]

[For ordinary monks, it would be difficult for them to advance to the first level for hundreds of years...but for you, it is extremely easy to advance. 】

[Another ten years have passed...]

[In the past ten years, you have participated in more than ten missions, killing thousands of alien gods, hundreds of alien true gods, and even killed three alien gods! 】

[The rapid accumulation of meritorious deeds allows you to quickly reach higher levels. 】

[Finally, in the 650th year, your merit level reached Tian 29...and you were able to go to the next area. 】

[As the authority level increases, more meritorious deeds are required to advance to the next level, but this does not make the speed of upgrading your authority level much slower. 】

[Because going to more dangerous areas means that you can fight against more powerful alien races and gain more meritorious deeds. 】

[In the next few decades, your authority level in the Demon Realm will increase rapidly! 】

[In the 660th year, you were promoted to Heaven Twenty-Three. 】

[In the 670th year, you were promoted to Heaven Nineteen... and headed to the next area. 】

[The seventh hundredth year...your authority has been increased to the eleventh day! 】

[At this time, you are already a truly high-ranking figure in the Demon Prison. 】

[In the entire Heavenly Demon Prison for thousands of years, there have been only a few hundred monks who could reach this level. 】

[At this level, the speed of authority increase becomes slower...]

[But the good news is that as long as you advance to another level, to Tianshi, you can independently choose the area where you hunt foreigners, and you can truly go deep into the core area of ​​the Demon Realm...]

In the real world, Su Xing smacked his lips when he saw this.

"Tsk tsk... It's really not easy to see the demon general that day!"

Su Xing sighed slightly.

However, he also knew that the level of meritorious service in the Demon Realm was actually a kind of protection for low-level monks.

Let the weaker monks stay in a safer area to hunt aliens and continue to grow, so that they can become stronger monks.

"Sigh... It's a pity that I still have to move up level by level... But as long as I work hard for another ten or twenty years, I should be able to freely go to the core area, right?"

"Those who can reach the Tianshi level are at least those who are above the Golden Immortal... From this point of view, the combat power of the Heavenly Demon Realm is indeed ranked among the top two among the five major regions!"

In this way, Su Xing is even more looking forward to the Demon General he is about to see.

"However, I remember that in the previous simulation...when the Demon General was more than two hundred years old, I encountered some troubles..."

"I wonder if the trouble has been solved now?"

Su Xing looked thoughtfully at the simulation panel.

[The time soon comes to the 720th year. After twenty years of hard work, you have finally accumulated enough merits to be promoted to the top ten authority! 】

[In just a hundred years, you rose from the lowest level of Heaven 49 to Heaven 10, allowing you to break the record in the history of the Demon Realm. 】

[In more than a hundred years of fighting, your body training has further improved...the tree of Yuanli within your body has grown to a height of five feet. 】

[The strength of approaching Taiyi Golden Immortal has made you noticed by the Demon General. 】

[This year, you have the qualifications to go to the core area of ​​the Demon Realm. 】

[Without any hesitation, you rush towards the core area. 】

[Under the guidance of a senior executive of the Heavenly Demon Realm, you sailed rapidly, passing through hundreds of void nodes along the way, and after experiencing countless worlds, you finally arrived at the core area of ​​the Heavenly Demon Realm. 】

[The core area of ​​Heavenly Demon Prison is with Heavenly Demon World as its core and includes dozens of surrounding worlds. 】

[But when you come to this area, you are shocked. 】

[Because, the dozens of worlds, including the Demon Realm, are not complete worlds... but fragments of the world that look like they were broken after a great war! 】

[Usually, even the Great Thousand World is a round planet, but its size will be much larger. 】

[But in the Three Thousand Worlds, there are also some unusual world compositions. 】

[For example, what is in front of me is like a whole continent suspended in space. It looks like a flat, "broken world" wandering in the void. 】

[This kind of continent wandering in the void is called "world fragment" or demiplane. 】

[Its appearance is exactly the same as the death Jedi with countless red-eyed aliens that you saw in the endless sea! 】

[The difference is that the fragments of the world here are more complete and vast...]

[But you are still shocked after seeing this area. 】

[What kind of brutal battle did it take for the whole world to change from its complete appearance to what it is now? 】

[With such doubts, you followed the Heavenly Demon Realm cadre to the core of the Heavenly Demon Realm. 】

[There, there is a stronghold of the higher-ups of the Heavenly Demon Prison. It is only a small stronghold consisting of a few thousand people, but it has gathered the strongest elites in the entire Heavenly Demon Territory! 】

[Most of the hundreds of powerful people ranked above Tianshi are in this stronghold. Even the personnel who are usually responsible for logistics and intelligence have the realm of true immortals and above! 】

[The cadre who picked you up saw the doubts in your heart and just smiled slightly, saying that you would know the reason for all this later. 】

[Soon, you came to the broken world of demons. On a wasteland, you saw a relatively simple stronghold, like a temporary shelter built after the wasteland. 】

[Dozens of big men with an imposing manner that makes you feel a little scared are sitting in a circle, with a huge bonfire set up in the middle. Each strong man is holding a boning knife in his hand. 】

[While eating meat, drinking wine... and occasionally talking and laughing. 】

[After seeing this, you are slightly surprised. The dozens of tall, bare-armed men in front of you are all, with exception, monks above the Golden Immortal level! 】

[So many powerful people are actually gathered together. 】

[But after you take a closer look, you will find that among the dozens of big men, less than half still have traces of battles on their bodies, which is quite shocking. 】

[You look at this scene thoughtfully. 】

[At this moment, you noticed the strong man in black armor in the center, drinking heavily and eating meat. 】

[A name suddenly flashed in your mind - Demon General! 】

In the real world, Su Xing was shocked when he saw this.

"Finally, I saw the Demon General!"

"Some things... must be asked clearly in person!"

Su Xing did not hesitate and said silently:

"Using immersive simulation, duration 10 years..."

[Ding...the remaining energy source is 2174 points...]

As the simulation prompt sounds, the awakening consciousness enters the simulation world.

...When Su Xing opened his eyes again, he came to a strange space.

Subconsciously, he raised his head and glanced at the sky. There were no clouds, only the deep void.

In this fragment of the world, there is no blue sky or clouds in the complete world... He even wakes up and cannot feel the existence of heaven in this fragment of the world.

There was only thin spiritual energy in the air, which seemed to be forcibly created by powerful monks.

Apart from being able to practice, this place doesn't seem to be much different from the void.

I am afraid that monks below the Immortal level will simply not be able to survive on this fragment of the world!

"Is this...the world of demons?"

Su Xing frowned slightly. Those who can survive here must be strong, because this is no different from fighting in the void for a long time.

Only these powerful body-refining monks in the Demon Realm can fight against alien races in such a dangerous area.

"You...are the newly promoted Tianshi Sequence, Master Linglong, right?"

"I heard that you have an adult spiritual dragon! Why don't you show it to everyone?"

At this moment, a body-refining monk with short hair, shirtless, and strong muscles laughed and joked.

As the monk spoke, he cut a large piece of meat from the alien beast on the bonfire in front of him and threw it to Su Xing.

"Eat some! This is the essence of the alien race in the void... Eat it so you can stay in this bad environment for a while longer!"

Su Xing caught this piece of flesh and blood essence. It was very heavy and exuded the faint aroma of barbecue.

But the extraordinary pure energy that rushed straight into people's hearts made Su Xing raise his eyebrows.

"One of the ten imperial clans... a foreign race from the void? It's actually... the essence of flesh and blood of a first-level god!"

Su Xing was not polite and started to taste it directly.

The flesh and blood essence of a first-level god, this is a good thing! It is even more priceless for body refining cultivators!
Even Taiyi Golden Immortal may not be able to get it.

A piece of flesh and blood the size of a palm, I ate it a short while after waking up. I felt the pure energy in my body, as if my physical body had become a little better.

Licking his lips with unfinished content, Su Xing stared at the remaining barbecue on the bonfire in front of him.

The brawny monk who just handed over the roast meat didn't show any signs of ink when he saw it, and cut into another large piece of flesh and blood, the portion was three times that of before.

After waking up, take out the cumin seasoning you brought with you and sprinkle it evenly on the barbecue.

After a while, Su Xing swallowed the piece of barbecue again.

"Burp~ It tastes good, I'm finally seventy full..."

Su Xing imitated the appearance of these strong men and found a stone to sit down on.

After seeing Su Xing look so relaxed and at ease, at least half of the dozens of strong men present widened their eyes and stared at Su Xing in disbelief.

The monk who just handed over the barbecue had a look of admiration and extended a thumbs up towards Su Xing, praising:

"What a boy! He's young... but he's strong and powerful!"

"Being able to eat so much flesh and blood essence in one go...has surpassed most of the people here!"

"Hahaha, it seems that we have another tiger general in the Demon Prison!"

With that said, the monk introduced himself:

"My name is Shi can just call me third brother. I am the third oldest brother in the Demon Prison!"

"Anyone who can come here is willing to kill foreigners... We will all be brothers from now on!"

After hearing this, Su Xing's eyes flashed with light.

He had stayed in the Demon Realm for five years before, and he had not stayed in vain. He had learned a lot about the intelligence of the Demon Realm, especially the information about the powerful!
And this Shi Batian... is known as Brother Shi San among the higher-ups of the Demon Realm!
That is a genuine peak cultivator of Taiyi Golden Immortal!

And practice both body and body! With his strength, I'm afraid he's not far from half a step Da Luo!

It even ranks extremely high on the Tianjiao List, ranking... ninth on the Tianjiao List!

Darling, this core area of ​​the Demon really full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers!
Su Xing smacked his lips, but couldn't help but look at... the man in black armor in the middle of the crowd!
Although he woke up for a moment, the man in black armor did not speak, but kept stuffing barbecue into his mouth.

In just a few moments, I am afraid that I have eaten dozens of kilograms of flesh and blood essence.

But Su Xing could see that all the monks around him vaguely had this strong man in black armor as the core, and there was a sense of surrender in them.

Coupled with the iconic black armor...

The identity of the person in front of you is about to be revealed!
So...will it be the Demon General?
Su Xing looked at it for a while, and then the strong man in black armor raised his head, and their eyes met.

His hair was scattered like a madman, and several inch-long wounds on his face not only did not disfigure him, but added a bit of heroic and domineering appearance, making him look arrogant and unruly.

The eyes that are as captivating as knives, the shuddering sense of oppression in every gesture...

Even the breathing of waking up stopped for a moment.

The only one who can bring such great pressure to Su Xing is Daluo Jinxian!

Su Xing has seen many Da Luo Jinxian.

But each Daluo Jinxian gives a different feeling of awakening.

Qingyunzi gave the awakening feeling that he was a righteous monk, in line with the traditional impression of a powerful monk.

Sword Immortal Bai Di is a bold and uninhibited Sword Immortal. He is the most friendly Daluo Jinxian that Su Xing has ever seen.

The Master of Tianji Pavilion is very mysterious, and Su Xing doesn’t know much about him.

As for the demon general in front of me...

The first reaction when I woke up was domineering!

Yes, the Heavenly Demon General may be the most domineering Da Luo Jinxian Su Xing has ever seen!
Just the clone in Xiao Qingyun Realm that Su Xing saw at the beginning left an extremely domineering impression on Su Xing.

And the Demon General in front of me is even more so!

With just one glance, Su Xing could see the aura of the demon general who would give up on me.

And the year-round battles brought about a vague fighting spirit and killing intent.

Su Xingzai understands that in the eyes of such strong men, what matters most to them is their strength!
Only by showing strong enough can one arouse the favor of such powerful people.

Su Xing glanced at the Demon General. After hesitating for a moment, he was ready to ask his question first.

After all, the Demon General's clone was the one who asked Su Xing to come to this deity to inquire!

"The demon general's clone technique should have independent consciousness between the main body and the clone...the main body cannot fully know everything that the clone has experienced, and can only roughly sense it..."

"I'm afraid this is also the reason why the Demon General himself didn't recognize me..."

Su Xing hesitated for a while, wondering if there was a chance to talk to the Demon General alone. After all, there were too many monks nearby, so Su Xing couldn't directly ask Luo Tian's secret.

But at this moment, a young general hurried over not far away and said to the Demon General:
"Sir, at seven o'clock in the Demon Realm, thirty million miles away... a new alien race has appeared."

"It should be a shadow alien at the pinnacle of the second level god... difficult to deal with."

After hearing the young general's words, the Demon General just nodded slightly without saying anything, and glanced around the crowd.

At this moment, Shi Batian, who had just handed Su Xing the barbecue, stood up, took a sip of wine, and said:
"The whereabouts of those shadow beasts are the most difficult to capture, and ordinary people can't deal with them..."

"I'll go there in person this time so that I don't have to run away from this beast..."

With that said, Shi San was ready to set off to kill the shadow god.

Although the Shadow Clan is good at escaping, it is still easy to deal with a peak Taiyi Golden Immortal monk who personally takes action.

But the Demon General did not agree. He just cast his gaze on Su Xing and slowly uttered a few words:

"That shadow god is good at space speed, but is weak in frontal combat and the physical body... Are you sure?"

(End of this chapter)

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