Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 450 Luo Tian’s secret knowledge is revealed, Da Luo Jinxian also has a long life

Chapter 450 Luo Tian’s secret knowledge is revealed, Da Luo Jinxian also has a long life
Su Xing nodded slightly when he heard this.

Some of the information that the Demon General said has been seen by Awakening in the Luotian Sect's classics over the years.

I also saw with my own eyes the demeanor of Patriarch Luo Tian in that "time regression" simulation.

Excellent talent, amazing luck, and possessing Luo Tianjing.

If you take any one of these three, you can become a dragon or a phoenix among people.

And Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​who possesses all three at the same time, can indeed be called the "son of destiny" of that era!
"But all this brilliance... is just a passing cloud!"

A flash of reminiscence flashed in the Demon General's eyes.

"Back then, Luo Tianzong became the number one force in the five major regions after the war with thousands of immortals returning to the court... and even monopolized the largest territory in the Eastern Region, which was later renamed Luo Tianyu!"

"Grandmaster Luo Tian bears the blood feud of annihilating his clan... He is also the sect that takes the lead in resisting foreign clans among the top powers."

"At that time, Patriarch Luo Tian's great wish... was to unify the five realms, cultivate immortals in the world, expel alien races, stop wars... and ensure eternal peace in the immortal world..."

"But at that time, there were many powerful and powerful people in the world, so how could they sit back and watch the Luo Tianzong family dominate?"

"So, all the major forces secretly and openly intend to target the Luotian Sect, so that once the Luotian Sect members enter other major areas, they will be targeted in various ways..."

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this.

Luo Tianzong's ambitions are indeed too great.

It's nothing to exterminate alien races and avenge bloodshed.

But to unify the five realms... this kind of ambition cannot be achieved by non-sages.

"It's no wonder that the Luo Tian Sect finally failed..."

Su Xing shook his head slightly, somewhat understanding what happened to Luo Tianzong during that time.

There was something wrong with Patriarch Luo Tian's strategy...

If we first avenge the blood sea, then expel the aliens... and finally find a way to unify the five realms and rebuild the prosperous age of immortality in ancient times.

A three-step strategy may not be impossible...

But Patriarch Luo Tian was, after all, the proud son of Heaven. He was the most powerful Luo in the world at that time, but his ambitions were too great, which eventually backfired.

Su Xing thought to himself.

In his ears, the voice of the Demon General came again.

"Since ancient times, the holy path has been cut off, and saints have not appeared in the world... Even the most arrogant monks can only cultivate to the semi-saint level at most."

"But if you don't become a saint... you will never live forever..."

Su Xing's heart skipped a beat when he heard this, and asked subconsciously:

"Even Daluo Jinxian...can't live forever?"

The demon general glanced at Su Xing when he heard this, nodded slightly and said:
"Eternal life...not eternal life!"

"Although Daluo Jinxian has immortality, if he had not taken the life-extending heavenly materials and earthly treasures... his lifespan would only be 129.6 million years... a total of one thousand yuan!"

"For ordinary monks, longevity may be unattainable..."

"However, for the one who survived from ancient times...the longest-lived Daluo in the world, the largest sect in the Eastern Region, the founder of Zhengyi Sect, Zhengyiluo...his lifespan is not long. "

When Su Xing heard this, his heart kept spinning.

The founder of Zhengyi Sect? Zheng Daluo? More than 10 million years ago, the most powerful sect in the Eastern Region?
This seems to be the one who secretly communicated with other people, was finally discovered by the Luo family, and wiped out the entire Luo family?

I'm afraid that's why Luo Ling'er (Grandmaster Luo Tian) hates foreign races so much, right?

"The Taiyi Golden Immortal has a lifespan of tens of millions of years... The Daluo Golden Immortal has a lifespan of only a thousand yuan... If he doesn't become a saint, will he not be able to live forever?"

Su Xing thought to himself.

He had always thought that Da Luo Jinxian could live forever... Now from the mouth of the Demon General, Su Xing knew the secret that Da Luo Jinxian could not live forever either.

"Faced with the fear of death...even Daluo Jinxian can't be aloof?"

Su Xing sighed, thinking about it in his mind.

"A Daluo Jinxian who has lived for hundreds of millions of years...lived from the end of the ancient era to the end of the ancient era."

"I have seen the rise and fall of clouds, the changes of mountains and rivers... I have also seen the rise and fall of countless geniuses, and I have looked at the changes of the times..."

"But the holy path is cut off, and the last step can never be taken. The road is hopeless... and it is gradually surpassed by the geniuses of later generations... This kind of despair, maybe even Da Luo can't bear it?"

"Because of this...Zheng Daluo chose to betray the human race and become a lackey of the alien race..."

"The thing I seek is nothing more than the word immortality..."

Su Xing secretly thought in his mind that he already had a vague guess about the grudges back then.

"So, Luo Tianzong's Zhengyi Convincing Qi Jue...is taken from Zhengyi Sect?"

"And what is the relationship between Patriarch Zhengyi and Blood Immortal, the founder of Advent Sect? Are they the same person?"

Su Xing's eyes flashed with confusion, and he looked at the Demon General.

And the Demon General did not hide his secrets, and told all the secrets of the year:
"As a great Luo, his life span is about to end, and there is no hope of becoming a saint... He does not want to fall into reincarnation..."

"It was at this moment that the foreign race found him..."

"I don't know exactly what promises were made at that time..."

"But it must be nothing more than immortality or the promise of becoming a saint, etc..."

"Since then, there has been an additional organization in the world - the Advent Sect!"

"And the person at the top of the human traitor bounty list is the Blood Immortal!"

When Su Xing heard this, his heart skipped a beat!
Sure enough, the original Zheng Daluo is now the Blood Immortal!

Under the explanation of the Demon General, this mysterious organization that has been fighting against Su Xing for several years and killed Su Xing no less than a hundred times in the simulation finally surfaced.

Su Xing finally knows the identity of its founder!
"Zheng Daluo... Blood Immortal!"

"A top-notch giant who survived from ancient times..."

"Do not……"

"Millions of years ago, Zheng Yiluo was about to expire...but he has lived peacefully until now!"

"This shows that...Zheng Daluo may have taken a step forward!"

"A... semi-saint?"

Su Xing's breathing was a little rapid, and there was a hint of solemnity in his eyes.

The boss behind the Advent Sect is actually a semi-saint!
No wonder, this traitor organization has not been wiped out for thousands of years!
So far, there are only three semi-saints that Su Xing can clearly know.

The master of the Tianji Pavilion is undoubtedly a semi-saint, and can even be said to be the monk closest to a saint in the world.

Qingyunzi, who became possessed by the devil, can also be counted as one...

And this blood fairy is probably a semi-saint too!

Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart moved and he looked at the demon general in front of him.

Qingyunzi, the Master of Tianji Pavilion and even the Blood Immortal have all taken that step.

Then, those who are equally famous as these...

The demon general in front of him, or the former Sword Immortal White Emperor...Have he also taken that step?

Wake up thoughtfully.

The Demon General glanced at Su Xing, who was thinking, and without asking, just continued:
"The Blood Immortal is the leader of the Advent Cult. He leads the Advent Cult to betray the human race and assists the aliens in invading the Three Thousand Worlds..."

"For thousands of years, it has caused too much damage to the human race..."

Speaking of this, a flash of hatred flashed in the Demon General's eyes. "If I catch this blood fairy, I will take his head!"

After a pause, the Demon General continued:
"The evil skill "Blood Immortal Sutra" created by the Blood Immortal goes against the principles of heaven and earth. Even monks with mixed spiritual roots or even no spiritual roots can practice it!"

"And the speed of practice is so fast that it is probably faster than any other technique in the world!"

"However...evil ways must be punished by heaven...the lifespan of all monks who practice the Blood Immortal Sutra is less than half or even one-third of that of normal monks."

"For thousands of years, the Blood Immortal has relied on the Blood Immortal Sutra to allow the Advent Cult to sow seeds in countless unnoticed small worlds... and continuously select qualified monks in the form of cultivating gu."

"Because of this... there are many top combat powers in the Advent Sect, and they can be regarded as the top forces in the Three Thousand Worlds today..."

"Based on the Blood Immortal Sutra, and using the Blood River Dafa as the method...the more you kill, the stronger your magical power will be. Even in the same realm, the combat power of the monks of Advent Sect is not weak."

Su Xing was deeply moved when he heard this.

Regardless of whether it is Blood River fought by Blood Four or Blood Three, it can be regarded as a top magical power!

I am afraid that it is also among the best among the thirty-six Tiangang supernatural powers.

Blood River Dafa is indeed evil.

With their endless killing, the monks or mortals killed by them will become the nourishment of the blood river.

The more massacres, the stronger the magical power becomes!
It is an extremely rare growth magical power...

Coupled with the rapid growth of the Blood Immortal Sutra.

Even if the cadres who come to the sect are below the Golden Immortal level, they can be quickly retrained no matter how many people die.

Like a leek...it can't be cut off, it can't be destroyed...

"However, no matter how strong Patriarch Zhengyi is... he is still no match for Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​who was the greatest Luo in the world back then!"

Speaking of this, the Demon General's eyes were full of memories.

"That battle was the battle to unify the Eastern Region..."

"Zhengyi Daluo, led the twelve Taiyi and seventy-two golden immortals in Zhengyi Sect, and set up a huge formation in the mountain gate of Zhengyi Sect... Rakshasa Heavenly Formation!"

"It is rumored that this formation comes from ancient times. It uses a great Luo as the formation eye, supplemented by twelve formation hearts and seventy-two formation points... Its power can seal off the entire world and trap a half-saint to death!"

"Even...Zheng Daluo secretly introduced a foreign main god, whose strength is also at the level of Daluo Golden Immortal!"

"Two Daluo Golden Immortals, Twelve Taiyi, Seventy-two Golden Immortals... coupled with the monstrous formation, even a semi-saint can't please..."

"But Patriarch Luo Tian is also proficient in formations... Coupled with his extraordinary strength, the scope of his spiritual world at that time has exceeded hundreds of millions of miles? It is enough to cover half of the world!"

"In the end... in that battle, the whole world was destroyed!"

"The main god of the foreign race died tragically, none of the twelve Taiyi survived, and the seventy-two golden immortals were wiped out..."

"Even the Trapped Saint Formation... the Rakshasa Formation of All Heavens was beaten to pieces..."

"Only Zheng Daluo faked his death and escaped."

"Then Patriarch Luo Tian hunted Zhengyi Luo for three thousand years... until something important happened in Luo Tian Realm and he had to return."

"But from now on, the Luo Tian Sect has also unified the entire Luo Tian Territory... All members of the Zhengyi Sect who collaborate with the enemy and other races will be killed regardless of their cultivation level."

"If you are a monk who has been deceived, you must be free, or join the Luo Tian Sect...or join other forces."

Speaking of this, there was inevitably a hint of admiration in the Demon General's eyes.

Gratitudes and grievances are clear, justice is clear... Patriarch Luo Tian is truly a strange woman!

Su Xing looked at the demon general in front of him talking incessantly, and he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart:
Even if the Demon General is from that era... he may not necessarily understand this matter so clearly, right?

So, Su Xing asked:
"Boss...why do you know so clearly what happened back then?"

After hearing Su Xing's question, the Demon General took a deep look at Su Xing and finally said:
"Did you know that there are actually two founders of the Luo Tian Sect... one is the Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​and the other is a descendant of the Wu Clan, named Chrome!"

After hearing this, Su Xing pretended to be confused on his face, but actually his heart moved. This was exactly the history he saw when looking back in time!
So...what does the Demon General want to say?
Su Xing was even more confused, but what the Demon General said next shocked Su Xing.

"Grandmaster Luo Tian and Wu Chrome were close friends... Later Wu Chrome fell in love with a woman from the Luo clan..."

"And a descendant with the blood of the Witch clan was born..."

When Su Xing heard this, his heart felt like thunder. He looked at the demon general in front of him and remained silent for a long time.

"My real name is Wu Zhan..."

"You should actually call me...Master-uncle!"

After the Demon General revealed his identity completely, Su Xing took a deep breath.

Everything is connected in Su Xing's heart!
Why does the demon hate the foreign race so much?
I'm afraid it's not only related to the encounter in the Demon Realm, but also the origin of the Demon General!

And why is it that the demon is so clear about what happened back then?

Why is the Demon General able to practice the Great Witch's body-forging technique?

Because... the Demon General is the descendant of Luo Tian!
Why would the Heavenly Demon General trust the Heavenly Demon General when Patriarch Luo Tian was dying and let the Heavenly Demon wait for the emergence of Luo Tian's successor?

Because General Tianmo is the most authentic descendant of Luo Tianhou!
It is much more authentic than Su Xing, a Luo Tianhou!

Thinking of this, another question arose in Su Xing's mind.

"So...why did Patriarch Luo Tian bother to find another successor of Luo Tian...you are obviously the most authentic successor of Luo Tian?"

Su Xing was a little confused. I was afraid that Demon General would be the most qualified person in the world to inherit Luo Tian's inheritance.

After hearing Su Xing's words, the Demon General smiled bitterly, shook his head and said:
"Things are not as simple as you think..."

"First of all, Luotian Sect is divided into two major factions. Although they are indistinguishable from each other and are very close...but they major in different paths."

"Headed by Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​he mainly cultivates Qi, supplemented by body training, Shura Tianhua Immortal Art, Zhengyi Conquering Qi Art... they are also the most powerful lineage of Luo Tianzong!"

"And those with the descendants of the witch clan as the core, who master body refining and practice the Great Witch Body Forging Art... are hidden veins, which are relatively weak."

"At that time, the Wu Clan gathered all the creatures from the world and besieged them... Only within the Luo Tian Sect could they protect the Wu Clan, but they couldn't make it public..."

After a pause, the Demon General continued:
"Secondly, I am not good at Qi refining... my talent is far inferior to that of body refining, so I am really not a good candidate to inherit the legacy of Patriarch Luo Tian."

"And most of the witch clan within the Luotian Sect are like this..."

"Finally... because Luo Tianzong wants to leave a chance of survival!"

Is Luo Tianzong going to have a chance to survive?
When Su Xing heard this, her heart moved...

He does know that Luo Tianzong did choose two methods to preserve the inheritance after the sect was destroyed...

But obviously, the demon general in front of him is the clearest.

He didn't interrupt when he woke up, and just listened quietly to what the Demon General said.

"The rise and fall of the Luo Tian Sect... lasted for about millions of years..."

"The reason is nothing more than internal and external troubles!"

Speaking of this, the Demon General's eyes flashed with disgust.

"The internal worries are: Within the human race, the top forces are trying to make trouble for the Luotian Sect. The Luotian Sect people cannot get effective support, and it is difficult to achieve major breakthroughs in the fight against foreign races."

"As for the foreign invasion, the size and strength of the foreign forces exceeded Patriarch Luo Tian's expectations!"

"At the beginning of the battle between the human race and the alien race, not many top experts, including Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​paid attention to the alien race. Most of them focused on competing with other human races for avenues, resources, and monks..."

"The most critical reason is that although the foreign races occupied some small worlds, they did not show too much fighting power..."

"The strongest one is just a first-level god...that is, Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"But...even if the foreign race has dozens of first-level gods, in the eyes of those top forces, they are nothing more than ants!"

(End of this chapter)

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