Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 452: Tianluo Black Pearl, an inheritance that even Daluo Jinxian is jealous of!

Chapter 452: Tianluo Black Pearl, an inheritance that even Daluo Jinxian is jealous of!

A world! ?

After Su Xing heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

He looked at the Demon General with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

But the demon general sighed, pointed at the teardrop not far away, and said:

"Did you know... what this tear sealed was the passage through which the aliens invaded the Three Thousand Worlds?"

"If this seal is broken, there will be more terrifying aliens invading the Three Thousand Worlds!"

"And this tear is the manifestation of the will of the world of the Demon Realm... It is also Patriarch Luo Tian's most powerful magical power - the spiritual world!"

"Back then, Patriarch Luo Tian reached the end of the ages on the spiritual world path... Even the saints from ancient times were probably far inferior to Patriarch Luo Tian on the spiritual world path!"

"The range of Patriarch Luo Tian's spiritual realm is huge enough to cover the entire Luo Tian Realm!"

"That's...a whole vast world!"

After a pause, the Demon General continued:
"When Luo Tianzong was defeated and Luo Tianyu was beaten to pieces... Patriarch Luo Tian was keenly aware that if the aliens' passage to the Three Thousand Worlds was not completely sealed."

"Then maybe within a million years, the human race will be completely invaded by alien races!"

"Therefore, Patriarch Luo Tian sacrificed his life and brought the spirit world to its fullest... With the help of the Heavenly Demon Realm's Heavenly Dao, he finally sealed this passage and turned it into tears, isolating the alien race forever..."

"At this point, alien races from three thousand worlds away are unable to enter one after another... which has continued the fate of the human race for millions of years!"

"But it's a pity...the Heavenly Demon Realm's way of heaven can't hold on for much longer...when the seal of this tear is completely broken, it will be the time when the human race will be extinct!"

When Su Xing heard this, his heart was shocked.

Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​his attainments in the spiritual world are actually so terrifying?
Seal the passage for alien invasion?

Su Xing stared blankly at the teardrop in the distance and remained silent for a long time.

Among alien races, beings above the Lord God cannot invade the Three Thousand Worlds... Maybe it has something to do with this tear?
Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​a man of astonishing talent and beauty, a true son of luck in his era.

Although due to the pride brought by his talent and strength, he ultimately failed to become the winner of that era.

But what he did was even more admirable than the strong men who had survived from that era to this day!

Su Xing seemed to see a scene through that tear.

The five major regions of the world of immortality are facing annihilation, and Luo Tianyu has been beaten to pieces.

In the midst of crisis, Patriarch Luo Tian seemed to see the future of the human race.

Therefore, he came to the Demon Realm forcefully, connected with the Heavenly Demon Realm, and used his last strength to seal this passage.

That day... Heaven wept!
As for the human race, their destiny has been extended for millions of years...

In my ears, the words of the Demon General continued to be heard:

"When you came to this world from the Tianji Realm... I wonder if you saw the so-called Death Jedi?"

After Su Xing heard the words of the Demon General, he already had a guess in his mind.

"That's right, that Death Jedi is actually a fragment of the world from Luotian Realm back then..."

"Grandmaster Luo Tian, ​​with his extremely powerful power, sealed all the countless gods and red-eyed aliens under his command in that land of death!"

"The number of aliens in the Death Jedi is enough to destroy half of the region!"

"But because of Patriarch Luo Tian's strong seal, this alien powerful force... could only be lost in the endless sea!"

After the demon finished speaking, Su Xing finally confirmed his thoughts.

Together with the spiritual realm, cultivating to the limit... is it so terrifying?

Seal the alien gods in the Dead End and prevent the aliens from entering the Three Thousand Worlds...

What Patriarch Luo Tian did did indeed bring luck to the human race!

While Su Xing admired him, he also had some doubts.

"But...how does this have anything to do with the world left by Patriarch Luo Tian?"

The Demon General seemed to see the doubts in Su Xing's heart, chuckled, and then took out a... palm-sized black ball.

This black bead was obviously incomplete, with less than half of it remaining, but it gave off a terrifying aura.

"This is……"

Su Xing was startled, and soon an idea came up.

"Yes, this is the world fragment of Luo Tianjie..."

After the demon finished speaking, Su Xing's heart was filled with turmoil!
"When Patriarch Luo Tian was dying, he used the power of Luo Tian Mirror to converge the broken Luo Tian Realm, and sealed it with the spiritual realm. Finally, this treasure that symbolizes half of the world was formed!"

"This black ball...perhaps contains half of the inheritance and resources of the Luo Tian Realm...something that even the Great Luo Jinxian is extremely jealous of!"

"But what exactly is contained in this world's treasure... I don't know."

"We can only find out after you inherit it!"

When Su Xing heard this, he couldn't help but swallowed.

This is... half of Luo Tianjie!
Thousands of years ago, the most powerful sect was located in the vast world!

How terrifying is the vastness of its territory...the amount of treasures, various resources, and Luo Tian's inheritance it contains?
If so, Su Xing can obtain this orb...

"Even if it's just part of the world fragments of Luo Tianjie... I'm afraid it will be enough to provide me with the resources to be promoted to Da Luo, right?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's little heart was beating fast.

Soon, the voice of the Demon General came to my ears.

"Back then, Patriarch Luo Tian fought against seven alien gods alone, and the entire Luo Tian Realm was beaten to pieces..."

"Part of the fragments became the Death Jedi and were sealed in the endless sea..."

"Part of the fragments should be in the Qingyuan Territory and the Eastern Territory now."

"In the end, less than half of the world was merged into his own spiritual domain by Patriarch Luo Tian, ​​and was sealed in this orb..."

"As long as the descendant of Luo Tian is pregnant with the Luo Tianjing and is recognized, she can get these fragments... and have half of the Luo Tian Sect's heritage!"

After Su Xing heard the words of the Demon General, he finally understood what a terrifying fortune the Patriarch Luo Tian had left him!
Looking at the black bead in Demon General's hand, Su Xing's eyes held a trace of desire.

The Demon General did not covet this treasure, he just handed the black bead to Su Xing and said:

"Ten million years after Uncle Luo Ling'er passed away... I didn't expect that a qualified successor to Luo Tian would really appear..."

"Now, the property has returned to its original owner... By handing this orb to you, I have finally fulfilled my greatest wish in this life!"

"However, Uncle Ling'er said before he died that this orb requires sufficient control over Luo Tianjing to fully activate it... I wonder if you can do it now?"

Su Xing took the black bead and kept rubbing it in his hand.

At the same time, there was a strange sound coming from the Luo Tianjing in the body.

With a thought in his heart, Su Xing couldn't wait to try it out.

But don't rush it for a while, the Demon General is still there!

After fulfilling Patriarch Luo Tian's last wish, the Demon General seemed to breathe a sigh of relief, and his energy and energy increased a lot.

Su Xing was thoughtful when he saw this...Has the knot in his cultivation been resolved?

"In that battle, it was not only Luo Tianyu that was destroyed... the entire Demonic Realm, more than 90% of the creatures were slaughtered!"

"Nowadays, the monks in the Demonic Realm, or the descendants of the surviving monks at that time, or the monks who migrated from other large regions... are affected by the heavenly ways of the Demonic Realm, and they naturally hate the foreign races!"

Demon General whispered, solving another doubt in Su Xing's heart.

"Now, you have inherited Luo Tian's inheritance...you still need to practice for a long time. If you can enter the realm of Da Luo, you might be able to regain the prestige of Uncle Ling'er back then!"

Speaking of this, the demon general looked at Su Xing with a somewhat soft gaze.

"If you are willing, you can stay in this demonic realm from now on..."

"As your great uncle, I will naturally do my best to protect you and ensure your safety!"

After Su Xing heard this, he felt happy and nodded in agreement. With the protection of the Great Luo Jinxian, the safety of Awakening in this demonic realm will be greatly improved!

"Thank you, Uncle Heavenly Demon Master!"

The Demon General waved his hand and said: "If you are willing, you can still call me boss!"

Su Xing nodded slightly, remembering another purpose of coming to the Demon Realm.

So he asked:

"Boss... I heard before that there is Tianyang Grass in the Demon Realm... I wonder if you know about it?"

With that said, Su Xing took out a drawing of Tianyangcao, which Su Xing had prepared in advance.

The Demon General took the painting, carefully examined it for a while, and then said uncertainly:
"Hundreds of thousands of years ago... I seem to have seen this grass in the core area of ​​the Demon Realm..."

"It's just that it's too dangerous there! It's where the alien armies are gathering now... Even I don't dare to set foot there easily..."

Su Xing felt happy after hearing this.

As long as we have this Tianyang Grass, everything will be easy!

After Tianmo answered the questions for Su Xing, the two returned to their previous stronghold.

Arriving at a simple hut in the stronghold, Su Xing set up an isolation formation.

Then he couldn't wait to experiment with the black beads left by Patriarch Luo Tian!

With a thought in his heart, he woke up and entered the Luotian realm...


In the Luotian realm, it was as peaceful as ever.

But the Luotianmen people had some changes.

Several Luotianmen people, including Luo Qingniu and Shennong Youtian, couldn't wait to find Su Xingdao:

"Sect Master...I, we seem to feel a trace of the old Sect Master's breath...is she still alive?"

Seeing the glimmer of hope in the eyes of these Luotianmen, Su Xing sighed and finally told them the truth.

"Don't worry... Although Master Ling'er is no longer here, I will lead you back to the top!"

Su Xing comforted him.

After bidding farewell to these Luotianmen people, Su Xing couldn't wait to go to the venue of the Luotian Conference.

There, the main body of Luo Tianjing exists!

Perhaps Luo Tianjing's weapon spirit will know how to activate this black bead!

After a while.

Su Xing frowned slightly, looked at the weapon spirit of Luo Tianjing in front of him and said:
"So...you mean, I need to be promoted to Taiyi before I can activate this black bead and obtain the Luo Tian inheritance in it?"

Luo Tianjing Weapon Spirit said with certainty:

"Yes Master!"

"I can feel that in this black bead, there is a seal blessed by the old master... You must have the Taiyi realm to unlock it!"

"And the black bead not only contains half of Luo Tianjie back then... for a better seal, there is also a fragment of me in this black bead!"

"If I can completely activate this black bead... I might be able to regain most of the power I had in my heyday!"

"It's just that the activation and integration process is very long..."

"I think what the old master means is... when you reach Taiyi Golden Immortal, you can try to integrate this black bead into your own spiritual world..."

"If it can be done, Master, your spiritual realm may be as large as half of Luo Tian Realm!"

"Maybe one day, I will surpass my old master..."


Su Xing listened quietly to Luo Tianjing's answer. After a while, he roughly figured out the purpose of the black bead.

Just as the Demon General said, Patriarch Luo Tian left Su Xing with a world!
But...it's not just one world!
The body of this black bead is half of the broken Luo Tianjie.

Under Patriarch Luo Tian's terrifying spiritual realm cultivation, his own spiritual realm and Luo Tian Realm have already been merged into one.

Finally, after endless compression, it condensed into this black bead.

Therefore, this black bead is a treasure that gathers half of the Luotian Realm...the Luotian Mirror fragments, plus the spiritual realm cultivation of the Luotian Patriarch, the three are combined into one!

It takes Su Xing's cultivation level to reach the Taiyi Golden Immortal Queen before it can be activated and gradually swallowed, and the black beads can be included in Su Xing's own spiritual realm.

Once completed, the scope of the awakened spiritual realm will reach a terrifying state!

Moreover, the treasures of Luotian Realm and the inheritance of Luotian Sect will all be taken back by Su Xing...

Even Luo Tianjing can be further repaired!
Thinking of this, Su Xing's heart surged.

"As long as you reach Taiyi cultivation level...if you can get this black bead in reality...I'm afraid the energy to be promoted to Daluo will be enough, right?"

Su Xing gritted his teeth and calculated a little more.

"With my escape speed, it will take at least ten years to go from the Star Realm to the Heavenly Demon Realm... and then to the Heavenly Demon Realm, I'm afraid it will take decades!"

"This delay... is still too long..."

Thinking of this, Su Xing frowned slightly.

It takes only a few decades to be promoted to Daluo, which is indeed not too slow.

But decades were wasted along the way, and there were too many variables. Su Xing was unwilling to take risks easily.

"But... I remember that besides the passage through the Endless Sea, there seem to be other ways!"

"Nine Heavenly Realms..."

Su Xing squinted his eyes. He remembered what Bai Emperor and Tang Yi had said.

The Ninth Heaven Realm is the upper realm, connecting the five realms... If there is a suitable passage, Su Xing can go to the Ninth Heaven Realm first, and then find a way to reach the Demon Realm from the Ninth Heaven Realm!
There is no need to go through the endless sea, and there is naturally endless time left!

"Also, the promotion mechanism in the Demon Realm is really a bit slow..."

"I have to ask the Demon General if there is any way to see him directly!"


Soon, the ten-year immersive simulation ended, and the awakening consciousness returned to reality!

“This immersive simulation was really rewarding!”

"Not only did I understand the secrets of the past... I also learned about the amazing wealth left by Patriarch Luo Tian!"

"If you can get that black bead, it's no exaggeration to say that you can reach the sky in one step..."

Su Xing touched his chin and said:

"Also, in the Heavenly Demon Realm, although it is dangerous... but with the Heavenly Demon General around, we should be able to simulate it for a longer time, right?"

"It's just a pity that I can't accept the strengthening of the Mirror of Nothingness..."

Su Xing thought about it, and it was normal to give and take.

What he cares about now is how long he can simulate it in the Demon Realm.

Will it break the record of previous simulations?

Thinking of this, Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the 720th year, you entered the core area of ​​the Demon Realm as Su Ye. 】

[After contacting the Demon General, you learned the secrets of thousands of years ago...]

[In the following decades, you hunted aliens in the core area of ​​the Demon Realm...]

[Time will soon come to the 750th year of simulation...]

(End of this chapter)

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