Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 468: Reversing cause and effect, the 9th level of thunder tribulation is about to pass? Unex

Chapter 468: Reversing cause and effect, will the Nine-turn Thunder Tribulation pass? Unexpectedly, a sudden change occurred!

As a dignified Golden Immortal, Baidi actually showed a look of shock.

"I have supreme spiritual roots. I was born with an innate sword body and an ancient sword heart... I have endless luck. Understanding the great Dao is as easy as eating and drinking."

"Perfect golden elixir, supreme foundation of Taoism, and finally transcending the tribulation to become an immortal... the foundation of Taoism is perfect all the way!"

“But even so, when the Taiyi Golden Immortal was struck by thunder… it was only the seventh level of the calamity cloud!”

Looking at Su Xing's tribulation-crossing figure in the distance, Bai Di said in a somewhat complicated tone:
"In the past tens of millions of years, the person with the highest talent that I have seen is the Pavilion Master of Tianji!"

“But even so, according to what she said, the thunder tribulation she endured was only the eighth level of thunder tribulation…”

“And the eighth level of thunder tribulation was already the qualification for becoming a saint in ancient times!”

"Nine-turn thunder tribulation, unheard of... Either he is a person hated by heaven, or he is born with the talent of a saint!"

After a pause, Baidi observed Su Xing from a distance and said:
"But I think this kid has amazing luck, not much worse than me..."

"No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like someone that God hates!"

"Could it be that... this kid's talent is really beyond measure?"

The more Bai Di looked at it, the more he felt something was wrong, and for a moment he was completely at a loss.

"However, this Nine Revolutions Thunder Tribulation is extremely powerful... I don't know if this kid can survive it safely!"

"It's a pity... Time is running out in this world. This kid has such high talent, but he doesn't have much time to grow!"

Bai Di looked at Su Xing with increasingly complicated eyes, which finally turned into a long sigh.

"Alas! What a complaint! What a truth!"


On the other side, Su Xing, who was undergoing a tribulation, did not pay attention to anything else.

Just concentrate all your energy on dealing with the thunder tribulation in front of you.

In the blink of an eye, more than a year has passed...

This is the third year that Su Xing has been going through the thunder tribulation!
Over the past seven hundred days, a total of eight thousand eight hundred thunder strikes had been struck from the sky!
This has already exceeded the number of Taiyi thunder tribulations!

And the power of the thunder in the sky became more and more terrifying!
At this moment, the power of any thunder tribulation is enough to kill a cultivator at the peak of the Golden Immortal level in seconds!

I'm afraid that only a true Taiyi Golden Immortal can withstand this thunder tribulation!

But fortunately, the awakened Avenue of Thunder finally entered the sixth realm half a year ago!
After entering the sixth realm of the Great Way of Thunder, Su Xing's defense against thunder tribulations and thunder-related magical powers has greatly improved.

It is also because of this that Su Xing has been able to hold on until now.

Even so, it was already quite difficult for Su Xing to cope with it!

In every confrontation with Thunder, Su Xing couldn't resist with his physical body.

Otherwise, any bolt of lightning could cause Su Xing to be seriously injured, even severely.

Fortunately, the 8,100 sword auras protecting the body possess terrifying defensive power, comparable to that of a cultivator who has just entered the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

In addition, with the awakened body, it did not reach the point where it could not be sustained for a while.

Su Xing complained while fighting against the thunder tribulation:

"Damn, this thing is beyond the scope, right?"

"Ah, bah... Is this heaven's way of doing things a rip-off?"

"Eight thousand one hundred thunder tribulations have all finished striking... why are they still continuing?"

Su Xing complained a lot, but he still tried his best to fight against the thunder tribulation and get as much help as possible from it to improve his cultivation.

As nine thousand thunder tribulations struck, the awakened body finally reached a higher level!
The progress towards the seventh level of the Great Wizard's Body Tempering Technique is already close to one third.

And the physical strength after awakening is nearly twice as strong as before going through the thunder tribulation!
At the same time, Su Xing could feel that his physical recovery power was growing at a terrifying rate.

With almost every strike of thunder, Su Xing could feel his recovery ability and blood energy being strengthened!

As the thunder tribulation grows stronger, Su Xing...is also growing stronger!
This is the reason why Su Xing has been able to hold on until now!

"My goodness, after this Taiyi Thunder Tribulation is over, my Great Wizard will definitely not directly enter the seventh level of body forging, right?"

"The seventh level of the Great Wizard's Body Refining Technique, plus the cultivation of the Taiyi Golden Immortal... by then, my combat power will probably be comparable to that of a late Taiyi Golden Immortal!"

"By then, it won't be as simple as being ranked 60 or 70 on the Tianjiao Ranking..."

"Even more than fifty is not impossible!"

Su Xing's eyes were full of desire.

At this moment, the greater the power of this thunder, the more solid the awakened foundation will be!


So, under the watchful eyes of everyone, the number of thunder tribulations continued to rise, and the power of thunder tribulations also gradually increased!

The nine thousandth... the nine thousand one hundred...

Nine thousand five hundred...nine thousand eight hundred thunder tribulations!

Nine thousand nine hundred thunder tribulations!
In the blink of an eye, another half a year has passed!

The three-year period before the thunder tribulation is getting closer and closer...

At this moment, the power of the thunder tribulation has reached an outrageous level.

Originally, some cultivators above the Golden Immortal level dared to watch the ceremony within a thousand miles of Su Xing.

And now, even some Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivators have to watch from thousands of miles away to wake up and transcend the tribulation.

This was because the power of this thunder tribulation at this moment was enough to seriously injure a Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivator in the early stage!
The power of each thunder tribulation is equivalent to a full-strength attack from an early-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivator!
Su Xing has already endured hundreds of such attacks!

Even now, even after waking up, I still felt a little tired.

For nearly three years, I was in a state of mental tension every day, always ready to deal with the terrifying thunder.

This is awakening. If it were any Golden Immortal who had survived the Taiyi Thunder Tribulation in history, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to withstand it...

"Nine is the most important number of thunder tribulations... The final number of thunder tribulations should not exceed ten thousand!"

"Then, there are only the last ninety-nine thunder tribulations left..."

Su Xing took a deep breath and continued to withstand the pressure and resist the thunder tribulation.

The nine thousand nine hundred and first thunderbolt strikes!
Su Xing reversed the power of Yin and Yang. Black and white enveloped the sky and turned into a huge Bagua-shaped disc, protecting Su Xing inside.

This is a magical power that Su Xing has mastered in the past six months.

By integrating the power of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements, and supplementing it with formations, one can achieve the effect of reversing Yin and Yang and weakening the offensive.

Su Xing named this magical power Yin Yang Returning to Heaven!
In an instant, the power of the thunder in the sky was weakened by more than 90%.

At the same time, the Yin Yang Huitian released by Su Xing also became half illusory.

The remaining ten percent of the thunder's power hit Su Xing, so naturally it did not cause any pain.

Thus, under the effect of the Yin-Yang Returning Heaven Magical Ability, Su Xing survived ten thunder tribulations in one breath!

But after ten thunder tribulations, Yin and Yang were shattered, and Su Xing's understanding of the Yin and Yang was also consumed.

The thunderstorm in the sky is still brewing.

Su Xing did not hesitate and threw out his next trump card.

Body-protecting sword energy!

Eight thousand one hundred protective sword auras quickly condensed around Su Xing's body.

Burst out a defensive power more terrifying than ever before!
Su Xing called this state the unity of sword and energy!

The defensive power of the protective sword energy in this state is increased several times.

But the consumption has increased by dozens of times!

After just a short moment of activation, Su Xing felt his energy disappearing like a torrent.

The consumption of energy is no big deal, after all, there is the energy tree in the body that constantly replenishes it.

The real key is that Su Xing's understanding of the way of the sword is also rapidly diminishing.


With the help of the sword energy that protected his body, Su Xing withstood forty thunder strikes!
At this point, the number of thunder tribulations had reached 9,950.

There are only forty-nine more Taiyi thunder tribulations left to overcome completely.

"Hoo...Five Elements Spiritual Explosion Technique, come on!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and brilliant colorful light turned around him. The Great Way of Earth!

The mountain peak that was originally split into a plain by the thunderbolt rose again, like a helicopter that soared thousands of feet...

Finally, a mountain thirty thousand feet high rose from the ground!

Su Xing stood on the top of the mountain and felt the blessing brought by the earth!

The Avenue of Wood!

On the top of the mountain, giant trees grow like a fortress, protecting Su Xing.

The Avenue of Water!

The place where Su woke up and transcended the tribulation, the Yangtze River, big rivers, small rivers, and the sea within a million miles in radius... began to boil at the same time!

Soon after, the rivers, seas and rivers, like the Milky Way in the sky, came from hundreds of thousands of miles away.

In the sky, a complete defensive curtain was formed.

With one's own strength, he can draw water from a million miles away!
Next, the Great Way of Fire, the Great Way of Gold...

In the blink of an eye, the Five Elements Avenue appeared!

This is another use of the Five Elements Spirit Explosion Technique that Su Xing has comprehended in the past six months!
The five elements technique can be concentrated at one point to unleash infinite power, suitable for single-target killing.

What Su Xing is doing now is using the power of heaven and earth to carry out his own actions.

Not only does it expand its range, but it is also an integrated offensive and defensive power.

At this moment, Su Xing's enemy is not just dealing with Su Xing.

It’s the world within a million miles around, it’s the Five Elements Avenue within a million miles around!

After comprehending this magical power, the Five Elements Spirit Explosion Technique can be said to be an integrated attack and defense, and can be controlled freely!
Su Xing used the Sixth Realm of the Five Elements, combined with the complete form of the Five Elements Spirit Explosion Technique, to fight against the thunder calamity above the Nine Heavens!
One... ten... thirty!

In the blink of an eye, Su Xing had to withstand more than forty thunder tribulations!
At this moment, only the last nine thunder tribulations remain to completely overcome the nine thunder tribulations...

Su Xing looked up at the sky, and seemed to feel the "anger" of the thunder in the sky.

"Haha...are you so angry?"

Su Xing found it a little funny for a moment.

This Five Elements Spirit Explosion Technique uses the power of heaven and earth and benefits the Five Elements Technique.

According to common sense, Su Xing borrows the power of nature and the Tao!

In other words... Su Xing is now using the power of Heaven to deal with Heaven's thunder tribulation!

In this case, how can the heaven not be angry?


Therefore, after Su Xing's repeated provocations, the power of this thunder tribulation became more and more terrifying.

In the distance, Baidi looked at the nine-turn thunder tribulation that had been brewing in the sky for a long time and murmured:

"The real test...is just beginning!"

"Nine-turn thunder tribulation, how terrifying is its power?"

"The last nine thunder tribulations are also the most difficult... I'm afraid even a Taiyi Golden Immortal in the middle stage will be seriously injured if he resists them!"

"Although this child has amazing talent... he is only at the peak of the Golden Immortal stage after all. Can he make it?"

Baidi felt a little nervous and looked at the nine-turn thunder tribulation, as if he was the one going through it.

He knew even more clearly that if he could survive this nine-turn thunder tribulation!

That is truly like a dragon entering the sea... from now on, the sky is the limitless!

It’s just a matter of time before you become a Golden Immortal!

This is the true quality of a saint!

"So... would you be the person Tianji has been waiting for..." Baidi murmured.


On the other side, on the top of the mountain, Su Xing stood motionless.

In three years, he survived nine thousand nine hundred and ninety thunder tribulations.

It can be said that Su Xing has revealed all his cards!
And in the previous Five Degenerations of Heaven and Man, the talents of "Time Stop" and "One More Shot" had also been used.

"Next, it's time to really fight!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and the spiritual world unfolded in an instant!

In the simulation, countless years of comprehension and the spiritual world of ten thousand miles made everything around him seem to be under Su Xing’s control!
But this is not enough!

Ultimate compression!
Su Xing compressed the spiritual world of one hundred thousand miles back to ten thousand miles, then to a thousand miles, and then to a hundred miles!
In the end, within a ten-mile radius around Su Xing, everyone's understanding of the Dao and their mastery of magical powers improved several times!

"Heaven knows reincarnation, good and evil are known only by heaven... The power of karma, reverse it for me!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and his understanding of the cause and effect and destiny poured out at this moment!

And Su Xing has to rely on the power of cause and effect in the sixth realm to reverse his exhausted understanding of the Great Dao!
In an instant, the Way of Sword, the Way of the Five Elements, the Way of Space...

Those insights into the great Dao that had been exhausted after awakening were recovering at an astonishing speed!

At the same time, Su Xing's lifespan is also burning rapidly!
After consuming millions of years of life, his awakened understanding of the Great Dao was completely restored!
"Damn it, if I didn't have the Eternal and Indestructible Body... I really wouldn't dare to use this move!"

Su Xing gritted his teeth and felt the recovery of his understanding of the Tao in his body.

Perceived the reversal of cause and effect!
Reverse the Great Dao to comprehend cause and effect! From nothing to something!
The price to pay is not just a few million years of life...

Su Xing also vaguely realized that he had paid some other price!

"But it doesn't matter! As long as we survive this Taiyi Thunder Tribulation, everything will be fine!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the thunder tribulation brewing in the sky, full of infinite confidence!
This is Su Xing’s strongest state at the moment!

Next, I can only withstand the last nine thunder tribulations!

Without waiting too long, the first thunderbolt struck again!
Upon seeing this, Su Xing roared, and his whole body rose several feet high from the spot, and a phantom ten thousand feet tall appeared behind him!

The shadow of the great wizard!

The shadow of the great wizard, who had his eyes closed all this time, also quietly opened his eyes at this moment!
The red eyes are filled with murderous intent and boundless momentum!

He stared at the thunderstorm in the sky, seeming to be carefree and disdainful!

This is the fusion of the Great Way of Killing and the power of awakening the great wizard!
At this moment, the awakened body has reached its strongest moment!

Even if he has the attacking power of a middle-stage Taiyi Golden Immortal, so what?
Su Xing survived six thunder tribulations in a row!
There are nine thunder tribulations, and you can see with your own eyes that only the last three are left!
"Phew... I still have some energy left!"

"I will definitely survive this nine-turn thunder tribulation!"

Su Xing's eyes were full of confidence, and the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal seemed to be waving to Su Xing again!

However, just when Su Xing thought... he was going to successfully overcome the Nine Revolutions Thunder Tribulation!

A sudden change occurred!

I saw that at the place where Su Xing was going through the thunder tribulation, within a radius of tens of millions of miles, a black evil aura was floating in the sky at the same time!
At the same time, a red color like a river appeared in the sky above the Tianji Realm.

One... Ten...

More than ten long blood-red rivers appeared!
In the Tianji Realm, space cracks appeared!

There seems to be an alien breath pouring in!

The Advent Church, the alien races... actually launched a general attack on the Tianji Realm at this moment!

"Damn it! I've lived for tens of millions of years, but this is the first time I've seen a nine-turn thunder tribulation!"

"What is the origin of this kid? He actually has the inheritance of the ancient witch clan... Could it be that he is from the lineage that has been wiped out?"

A figure in a black robe appeared in the sky, cursing loudly.

A senior official of the Advent Church, Blood Three!
"Don't hesitate! This kid's talent is unprecedented in my life. We must not let him grow up!"

"In this battle, we must kill him... otherwise all our arrangements in the Tianji Realm over the past thousand years will be in vain!"

Another black shadow also appeared, staring intently at the Baidi in the distance.

A high-ranking official of the Advent Church, Blood Two!
In addition, there is Blood Four... Blood Five... who Su Xing has not yet killed.

More than ten Golden Immortals, several Taiyi, and one Daluo Golden Immortal!
There were even several first-level gods that appeared in the Tianji Realm at the same time.

And they have only one purpose!
Stop Su Xing from overcoming the tribulation...

(End of this chapter)

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