Chapter 47 Other monks, the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir!

Su Xing was shocked when she saw this.

Soul Search!
This is definitely a spell that only immortal cultivators can master!
But there is obviously only one person in this world who has the profession of practitioner.

After all, Immortal Cultivator is the only hidden profession!

But why, this dragon protector will use this kind of magic that is unique to immortal cultivators?
"Wait... is this Dragon Guardian really a professional?"

Su Xing's heart moved, Su Xing is indeed the only person in this world who has the profession of immortal cultivator, but there is definitely more than one immortal cultivator.

Let's not talk about it, just talk about the awakened master Qingyunzi, isn't that from the immortal cultivator in the copy of Qingyunzong?

"So... is it possible that this protector comes from a character in a certain copy?"

The more Su Xing thought about it, the more likely it was. After all, those alien monsters came from other dungeons, but they could invade the real world.

And this dragon protector came from a dungeon, so it could be said that it was an aborigine in the dungeon.

After all, the connection between Adventism and alien races is very close, there is such a possibility!
Su Xing took a deep breath, there were more and more secrets about the Adventist Cult, even Su Xing felt like the hairs were standing on end.

Not only can you contact other races, but even some NPCs in dungeons can form alliances.

The water of Advent Teaching is deeper than I imagined.

"Fortunately, I am not related to the Advent Cult in the real world...otherwise, even a few lives would not be enough!"

I was a little thankful for waking up, and then thought:

"However, this Advent Sect is indeed a good place to gain experience. As long as you don't go to the treasure house in the Sect, you can still get a lot of benefits."

Su Xing shook his head lightly, and looked at the simulated reward.

[Swordsman Genius]: Blue talent, priced at 10 energy points.

[Bone Forging Dzogchen]: Cultivation, priced at 11000 points of energy.

[Seven years of alchemy experience]: Contains your seven years of alchemy perception, including the proficiency of Yangyuan Dan, Yangshen Dan and other alchemy formulas, and the price is 7 points of energy.

[Golden Core Phase Triple Level]: The Golden Core Phase 20rd level of Qi refining cultivation, and because you continue to take Yangyuan Pills, the spirit pills in the dantian become more solid, which is close to the quality of top-grade spirit pills.The price is [-] energy.

[Congealing alchemy technique]: The secret method of congealing alchemy, which can condense up to nine ranks of golden elixir, is very precious for golden alchemy monks, and the price is 10 energy.

[120 Elixirs]: The price is 60 energy points.

Su Xing looked at the five rewards in front of him and fell into deep thought.

First of all, Congealing Alchemy is a reward that you must choose. After all, you have worked hard to get this secret method. If you don’t choose it, you will have to go to the treasure house of the Advent Sect again in the next simulation, which means you have to do it again. Died once.

The option of 120 elixir can be ruled out, after all, the price is too expensive, and Su Xing now doesn't need much high-level elixir to refine the Nourishing Pill.

After hesitating for a long time, Su Xing chose seven years of alchemy experience from among his alchemy experience, cultivation and talent.

For the same reason, although a swordsman genius seems to be very fragrant, but Su Xing does not have the skills of swordsmanship for the time being, so it is useless.

"I choose seven years of experience in alchemy and the secret method of alchemy!"

After waking up, the voice fell, and a reminder sound came from the ear.

[Ding, you chose to bring out seven years of alchemy experience, spent 7 points of energy, and the remaining energy is 62 points. 】

[Ding, you chose to bring out the secret method of congealing alchemy, divide 10 points of energy, and the remaining energy is 52 points. 】

A lot of alchemy memories flooded into his waking mind, and he felt that his grasp of Yangyuan Pill and Yangshen Pill had gone a step further.

Click on the professional panel to see, as expected, Su Xing has mastered the refining method of Yangshen Pill at Xiaocheng level, and Yangyuan Pill has also reached Dacheng level.

At the same time, Su Xing also had an extra ancient cheat book in his hand.

On the cover, there are three big characters written in flying and phoenix dances, the art of congealing alchemy.

Su Xing couldn't wait to open the Alchemy Condensation Technique and began to check the contents inside. After two hours, Su Xing slowly raised his head with a smile on his face.

Congealing alchemy is not difficult to learn, almost only takes a few days to successfully master this secret method.

But what is difficult is the process of constantly polishing and refining the golden core!

According to the description in the alchemy technique, ordinary monks can only reach the middle-grade golden elixir level in their lifetime.

As for the monks with double spiritual roots, it is possible to reach the top-grade golden core.

As for the Nine-turn Golden Pill, it is only possible for monks with single spiritual roots to master it!
There is such a record in the Congealing Art:
"In the year 78369 of the Immortal Era, in the prosperous age of cultivating immortals, all sects in the world can learn the art of congealing the alchemy, and condense the supreme nine-turn golden elixir. However, there are hundreds of millions of monks in my world who can condense the nine-turn golden elixir in a year, but Twenty or thirty people, but only half of what it was in the heyday of ancient times.”

This probably means that in that year, there were only 30 people in the entire world who gathered the Nine Transformations Golden Elixir. This was a number that could only be achieved in a prosperous age of cultivating immortals.

The record of hundreds of millions of monks in the book should mean that there are many monks, but it is not known exactly how many monks can wake up.

But according to Su Xing's estimation, maybe only one monk out of hundreds of thousands or millions of monks can condense into the Nine Rank Golden Elixir.

Of course, it is not necessarily a good thing to condense the Nine Rank Golden Elixir, because it is too time-consuming!
According to the records in the book, there are nine elixir patterns on the nine-turn golden elixir. On average, each elixir pattern takes ten or even decades to condense.

And after practicing the alchemy technique, the time to condense alchemy can be halved...

Even so, for people with mediocre qualifications, it is still difficult to break through the Nine Transformations Golden Pill.

But wake up is not afraid!

The most important thing he lacks is time. If the simulation fails once, it will be done twice, and if it fails twice, it will be ten times!

If you don't die early every time you simulate awakening, you will have 15 years of practice time, and you will be able to condense the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir after all!

The most important thing is that the description of the nine-turn golden elixir in the alchemy technique is too tempting.

"Those who condense the Nine-turn Golden Core, stepping up the ranks and fighting the Yuanying Patriarch, it's like eating and drinking water!"

It means that as long as you have practiced the Nine Rank Golden Elixir, fighting over the next level is as easy as eating and drinking.

How could Su Xing resist such a huge temptation?

"First learn the elixir condensation technique, and then condense the high-grade golden elixir in the simulation. By repeating this process, you should finally be able to bring out the nine-turn golden elixir."

Su Xing made a small plan for himself.

"I don't lack energy for the time being. As long as I can refine enough Yangyuan Pills, it is not difficult to replenish close to 100 million points of energy every week... Besides, after the establishment of the Tarot Society, there will be more white quality equipment. Sometimes even millions of energy points can be harvested in a week!"

Su Xing clenched his fists tightly, feeling that the road ahead was bright.

Now he just needs to get up and develop well. If he has enough energy, he will have enough cultivation!

(End of this chapter)

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