Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 476: The Law of Death appears, and Su Xing is killed instantly!

Chapter 476: The Law of Death appears, and Su Xing is killed instantly!
Su Xing took a deep breath and gently threw the colorful flowers.

The colorful little flower passed through the red light curtain, absolutely counterattacked... and arrived in front of the red pupil in the sky.

One second before the Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique broke out, Su Xing used his spatial magical power to escape from the bottom of the abyss!

The next second, a brilliant colorful light enveloped the entire bottom of the abyss!

And behind the colorful light is the extreme black and white, symbolizing yin and yang!
Yin-Yang Five Elements Immortal Explosion Technique hit the target!
Within the range of absolute time stopping, even the Golden Immortal cannot avoid Su Xing's attack!

"So, the power of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements at such a close distance... can you block it, Hongyue?"

Su Xing narrowed his eyes, and his spiritual sense was exerted to the extreme at this moment, trying to see clearly the situation at the bottom of the abyss.

And as the bottom of the entire abyss shattered like rubble.

Even space was almost annihilated under the extreme power of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements.

Su Xing also saw Hong Yue's appearance clearly...

"You actually... survived?"

Su Xing frowned, looking at the red pupil that was completely exposed in the void, like the moon.

This was the first time that Su Xing intuitively felt the power of "Time Stop". Even when facing an opponent who was stronger than himself, he could deal a heavy blow!
However, the Yin-Yang Five Elements Spirit Explosion Technique is ultimately... not enough to kill Red Moon!

But, it works!
Su Xing felt that the breath of Hong Yue had weakened by about one third!

The total damage caused by Awakening is three times higher than the past ten days!

"The Sixth Realm entry-level Five Elements and Yin-Yang Power...isn't that powerful enough?"

"Or maybe... my current magic power is still too weak?"

Su Xing sighed, knowing that his attempt this time had failed.

The strongest attack method, combined with the "Time Stop" trump card, can only severely damage Hongyue...

The gap between Su Xing and Hong Yue is still huge!
At this moment, Hongyue, who was hit by Su Xing, showed complicated emotions.

Doubt? Anger? Fear? And a hint of greed...

At that moment just now, Hongyue didn’t see clearly how Su Xing hurt His origin!
By the time He reacted, half of the abyss had turned to ashes.

And His origin was also severely damaged...

"What kind of ability is this? Why do I feel like something was stolen from me?"

What scared Hongyue was not that Su Xing's attack was powerful enough to seriously injure him.

Instead, he seemed to feel that something had been stolen from him, but he couldn't detect it!

After doubt, this emotion turns into greed!
As long as he kills the human in front of him, he can find out his shocking secret.

In fact, with Hong Yue's status, he could instinctively sense the abnormality happening to Him.

That is, three seconds of His time were “stolen”!
Three seconds is short and even insignificant to ordinary people.

What's more, what about powerful lives?
Any time they go into seclusion, it takes countless three seconds!

But being able to steal three seconds from such a being also shows how high the status of Su Xing's talent is!
The reason why Hong Yue couldn't notice it was because he had lost too much power and even inherited memories during the years of his death...

If he was in his prime, possessing the strength of a peak lord god, he might not be unaware of these three "stolen" seconds.

But also, just noticed...

Any existence that does not involve the power of time is powerless to resist these three "stolen" seconds!

However, even though she couldn't notice it, it didn't stop Hongyue from being angry towards Su Xing!
"Human... do you know how many years it takes me to accumulate those essences?"

"Do you know...how angry I am right now?"

"Since you want to taste death... then I will show you what true death is!"

I saw the red moon in the void, and the red color became deeper and deeper.

From normal red to deep red, and then to dark red...

In the dark red, a streak of black gradually spread.

A black light dot the size of a fingernail completely condensed and floated in the wind, appearing in front of Su Xing.

The moment the black light appeared, Su Xing's hair stood on end and he was completely unable to move...

The moment he saw Him, Su Xing understood what this was...


This is the law of death!

The most essential law of death... its power is approximately close to the seventh realm!

Su Xing's movements were almost frozen, and his thoughts seemed to slow down incomparably in the face of this black light.

In the distance, the red moon became noticeably weaker after releasing the black light.

Su Xing looked at the body of the Law of Death, which was approaching the seventh level, and remained speechless for a long time.

"Is this Hong Yue's confidence... gained from death?"

"Real death itself!"

It is difficult to describe the mystery of the law of death before my eyes after I woke up.

Flawless black possesses an almost unrivaled power...

This is definitely the most advanced law power Su Xing has ever seen!

Among the ten great ways that Su Xing has mastered, it seems that only the way of cause and effect and destiny can barely compete with it.

But it's also slightly inferior...

Even the principles of space and yin and yang are much weaker than the law of death before us!
The moment he saw the law of death, Su Xing had an epiphany.

"The Law of Death... one of the Supreme Laws?"

"It's equivalent to... those at the top of the pyramid among the three thousand great ways..."

"Yes, can it achieve the law of 'the realm of domination'?"

At this moment, Su Xing had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

The realm of domination, in Su Xing's opinion, is equivalent to the realm of saint!

And for the alien races, not every law can lead to domination...

Only the highest ones!
The original killing was clearly not enough.

But Hongyue comprehended the essence of the law of death in death!

Perhaps it is because killing and death are fundamentally similar that Hongyue gained this power!
It also gave him a chance to achieve the realm of domination!
“So…so that’s how it is!”

"Red Moon has not yet fully resurrected because the Law of Death has not yet completely entered the seventh realm!"

"If he enters the seventh realm, Hongyue will be completely resurrected and reach the realm of the Lord God!"

"Moreover, as the Red Moon who masters the supreme law... once he enters the realm of the Lord God, his strength will be considered extremely powerful among the Lord Gods?"

Su Xing's breathing quickened a little...

Just think... who can resist death?

Even the Lord God or the Golden Immortal cannot do it!
Whether it is immortal or immortal, they can be killed!
At this moment, Su Xing thought a lot, but neither his soul nor his body could move at all...

When that hint of black flowed into Su Xing's body.

The awakened body decayed in an instant...

Until, he was completely deprived of his life!
At the same time, Hongyue's use of the Law of Death seemed to have consumed a great deal of energy.

Obviously, the law of death is not a power that a mere first-level god can master!
Even Hongyue, who was once the peak god, only managed to grasp a little bit between life and death, and was miraculously preserved.

Every time the power of death is used, it consumes Red Moon’s inner strength!
And now, in order to kill the hateful human in front of him and to explore the secrets of this human, Hongyue used this trace of the law of death.

The black light spot returned to the red moon.

The originally weak breath has recovered a lot.

The tone was neither happy nor sad, and seemed to contain no emotion.

"Human... you should feel lucky to have seen true death!"

"And now...I will get all your secrets!"

After saying that, a red light emerged from the red moon and gradually turned into a huge palm.

Just when this hand was about to grab Su Xing's body...

The "corpse" miraculously moved!
The laws of the great way, the power of qi and blood, life span, magic power, soul...

In just a moment, all the death seemed to have never happened!

He woke up as if he had been sleeping for a long time, and suddenly he was surprised. He gasped heavily and a look of fear appeared on his face.

"That was a close call! I almost... died!"

Su Xing's heart was pounding as he felt the red hand that was about to grab him, but in the blink of an eye it was pulling away.

After taking a deep look at the red moon in the distant void, Su Xing uttered the sound of his soul:
"Big Eyeball! You're lucky this time!"

"I won't play with you anymore... I'm going to run away first!"

After saying this, Su Xing did not hold back at all, wishing he could drain all his spatial power immediately.

Tearing open the void, awakening in an instant and crossing tens of millions of miles.

In just a moment, Su Xing had no idea how far he had traveled.

Only Hongyue was left, standing there in a daze...

"No! Impossible!"

"How can there be a living being in this world who can resist the power of death?!"

The huge red eyeball flickered differently. The red bloodshot covered the pupil.

It can be seen that Hongyue is in a state of extreme irritability, fear, and confusion at this moment!

However... there is no way!
Hongyue has not yet been fully resurrected, and his mastery of the way of space is not as good as Suxing's.

At this moment, Su Xing had already run away to some unknown part of the void... Hong Yue could not catch up with him no matter what!
God knows how much price he paid in order to use this law of death?
But, nothing was found...


An hour later!
In the void outside the Qingyun Realm, Su Xing kept gasping for breath.

The comprehension of the great avenue of space in the body is almost exhausted, and the continuous shuttling back and forth consumes a great deal of physical strength and body!
In just one hour, Su Xing used his own space avenue to the extreme!

From the endless abyss near the Blue Star, to the small Qingyun Realm, and then directly to the outside of the Qingyun Realm!

Passing through more than ten void nodes and countless spatial distances...

Looking at the Qingyun Realm that was so close, Su Xing felt a little more at ease.

"Red Moon, Law of Death... What a terrifying ability!"

The awakened heart was still beating rapidly, and the strong pulse told him that he was still alive!

The scenes that happened an hour ago are still in my eyes!

That touch of black that seemed to be able to wipe out everything is still vivid in my mind!

"Fortunately, the Law of Death is only close to the seventh level...it has not yet completely reached the seventh level!"

After Su Xing recovered, he squinted his eyes and recalled the life and death moment an hour ago!

The power of laws close to the seventh realm is indeed terrifying!
This was a crushing defeat in terms of status, rendering all of Su Xing's defensive measures, even his ultimate energy and blood, ineffective!
But fortunately, death takes time...

It only took a short moment for the law of death to fall on Su Xing and cause him to die completely.

But it also takes time!
Although Su Xing’s mind was almost frozen at that moment, his talent “One more shot” was still triggered!
Therefore, there is the "illusion" that he woke up as a corpse and then quickly resurrected!
“It’s really terrifying… If this Law of Death fully enters the seventh realm, it will probably be triggered even faster!”

"By then, even 'one more shot' won't be able to save me!"

Su Xing murmured.

After all, one more shot would only allow Su Xing to instantly recover to his full strength no matter how close to death he was or how badly injured he was.

Instead, let Su Xing come back to life!
"It seems that even with another talent, I am not invincible!"

Su Xing was still frightened.

Originally, he relied on his talent of stopping time and having one more shot, and was fearless.

I thought that no matter how defeated I was, I would have no problem staying alive!

But the moment the law of death appeared, Su Xing still lost the power to resist.

It was almost like that... If his luck was a little worse, Su Xing wouldn't even have the chance to fire another shot!
"The Law of Death... This is truly a terrifying law!"

Su Xing rubbed his eyebrows helplessly.

This simulation test ends here!

The good news is that Su Xing has found out Hong Yue's trump card.

But the bad news is that this trump card is too strong!

It is so strong that even if Su Xing were to awaken, he would probably not be able to resist at all in the next one or two years!
"Unless you master a path that is on the same level as death... or become a Golden Immortal!"

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

It seems that there is no chance of waking up before Red Moon is resurrected.

The only chance is to take advantage of the time after Hongyue's resurrection and before he recovers to the realm of the Lord God, that is, before the Law of Death breaks into the seventh realm.

There is only a slight chance if you wake up.

And this leaves about four years for Su Xing to wake up!
Four years later, even if Su Xing possessed the strength of a Daluo Jinxian, it would be extremely difficult to kill Hong Yue, who controlled the law of death!

"Alas, the only way to save Blue Star now is to rely on the status of the Lesser Demon God!"

Su Xing sighed, fortunately, it was not the end of the world yet.

With the identity of the inferior demon vest, Su Xing is confident that he can save the entire Blue Star.

By then, even if Hongyue’s strength is restored.

But once there are no worries and the battle line is extended... Su Xing will not be so afraid anymore!

"So, the Lesser Demon Vest's mastery of the laws of space... must reach the sixth level as soon as possible!"

Su Xing murmured.

There is still nearly a decade until the end of immersive simulation.

Su Xing went to Qingyun Sect, completed the transaction with Qingyunzi, and after staying in Qingyun Sect for several years, he rushed to Tianji Realm.


The immersive simulation soon ended, and Su woke up and returned to reality.

Rubbing his brows, Su Xing murmured:
"The good news is that after the battle with Red Moon, there were a lot of casualties... and the resurrection was delayed by half a year!"

"It took a year or two to restore the strength of the Lord God..."

"But this doesn't change anything!"

"Before I have the power to kill Hongyue, I must not reveal any flaws in reality!"

Su Xing thought so.

"The biggest purpose of this simulation has been achieved...to test Hong Yue's strength!"

"The goal has indeed been achieved...but Hongyue cannot be moved for the time being!"

"Then, spend the rest of your time practicing!"

Su Xing wanted to give it a try. After being promoted to Taiyi, how would his cultivation speed be?

"After entering the realm of Taiyi Jinxian, the accumulation required to improve the realm is too much... I'm afraid I can't improve as quickly as before!"

"But it's just the accumulation of time!"

Su Xing murmured, looking at the simulation panel.

[In the tenth year, you arrived at the Tianji Realm.]

[You went to the fifth heaven and traveled through the Tianji Realm, beginning to search for various natural treasures that could increase your cultivation and Qi and blood.]

[In the eightyth year, you returned to the White Cloud Realm and began formal cultivation.]

[At this moment, a pond of immortal liquid has accumulated in your spiritual field. ]

[You practice the Zhengyi Fuqi Jue every day, like a siphon, to transform the immortal liquid into pure cultivation...]

【However, it’s still too slow! 】

[The power of Taiyi Jinxian is like an endless ocean. ]

[Through the cultivation of immortal liquid, although the cultivation level increases rapidly, it is only like a larger bucket. It is too slow to fill the entire ocean with a bucket...]

[The good news is that now you can stay in Luotian to improve your cultivation! ]

[Control the time difference between inside and outside to ten times, and your daily mana consumption will be less than one percent. ]

[Such a slight consumption will hardly affect your practice speed.]

[In this way, more than two hundred years passed in the blink of an eye.]

[In the 300th year, the Tianji Pavilion's Immortal Boat arrived...]

[In the 320th year, the Immortal Boat Defense War broke out! 】

[Next, as you planned, you entered the Tianji Realm and practiced with the help of Luotian Realm every day.]

【Until, two hundred years later. 】

[In the 520th year, you began to comprehend the great Dao! ]

In the real world, Su Xing saw this and muttered:
"Using immersive simulation...274 years in duration!"

[Ding... The remaining energy source is 1 points...]


Soon, more than two hundred years of immersive simulation came to an end.

Awakening consciousness returns to reality.

"Yes... With the help of the Mirror of Nothingness and various Dao-level treasures, the Dao of Space has come a little closer to the sixth level of minor success..."

"The 800th year's war is about to break out!"

"Let's see what the result of this simulation is, shall we?"

Su Xing looked at the simulation panel.

[In the eighth hundred years, a great war broke out in Tianji Realm! ]

[This war lasted for a hundred years, but you did not participate in it, but went to the Demon Realm! ]

[After arriving at the Demon Realm, you found the Demon General and activated the Luotian Orb. ]

[You begin to practice the secrets of the spiritual realm with Master Luo Tian, ​​and practice hard at the same time. ]

[After breaking through the seventh level of the Great Witch Body Refining Technique, your Qi, blood and body broke free from the shackles and grew again.]

[The energy tree in the body is also able to grow again! ]

[But it is still too slow... The improvement of body training is even slower than that of Qi training...]

(End of this chapter)

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