Chapter 62 The spy plan is exposed
Seeing this, Su Xing suddenly said in his heart, steady!

Having the status of an elder in Adventism is a real high-level position!
In addition, Su Xing had Shadow Guardian as his backer in the simulation, even that old dog wouldn't dare to mess with him.

"Hey, it's so comfortable to work under the Shadow Protector! Not only are the benefits good, but you also have plenty of time. You only need to spend a few days per month to complete the task, and you can practice on your own the rest of the time. It's wonderful!"

Su Xing sighed slightly. In the last simulation, he joined Zong Laogou's command. It can be said that the end was terrible. Where is the fragrance of the shadow protector?Not only is she a beautiful woman, she is also sincerely kind to Su Xing.

Wake up and then simulate.

[In the third year, after becoming an elder, you have the right to choose your own subordinates. You will make Wang Qingxuan the elder’s secretary and do it when you have nothing to do. 】

[It's worth mentioning that, apart from Wang Qingxuan becoming your subordinate, there is also a disciple named Xiao Shitou among your new subordinates, who was saved by you with the healing pill before and did not betray you. 】

[You explain the profound things in simple terms every day, and rarely go out. Apart from completing the necessary tasks, you don't deal with other elders in the church, you just concentrate on cultivation. 】

[In the fourth year, your cultivation level will be raised to the sixth level of the golden core stage, and you will concentrate on comprehending the alchemy technique, and the quality of your golden core will be further improved. 】

[In the fifth year, your cultivation will be upgraded to the seventh level of the Golden Core Stage. 】

[In the sixth year, your cultivation level will be upgraded to the eighth level of the Golden Core Stage. 】

[In the seventh year, your cultivation will be promoted to the ninth level of the Golden Core Stage. 】

[In the eighth year, your cultivation level will be upgraded to Golden Core Stage Dzogchen. 】

[In the ninth year, after your cultivation reached the Great Perfection of the Golden elixir stage, you did not continue to choose to improve your cultivation and broke through to the Nascent Soul stage in one go. 】

[One reason is, because you know that even if your talent is already very strong, it still takes a lot of time to upgrade to the Nascent Soul stage. 】

[Secondly, you know that your foundation is not deep enough, and you need a lot of time to polish the golden elixir, so that you can exert greater combat power. 】

[So you start to reduce the consumption of Yangyuan Pills and spend four hours every day condensing the spiritual energy in your body and polishing the Golden Pill. 】

[In the tenth year, your cultivation has not made any further breakthroughs, but you feel that the quality of your golden elixir is getting stronger and stronger, and the spiritual energy in your body is at least [-]% stronger than when you first reached the golden elixir perfection. 】

[You continue to polish the golden elixir tirelessly. For you who have a simulator, you have enough time. 】

[One day, Shadow Guardian found you.Over the years, you have helped Shadow Guardian refine countless elixirs, and you have gained great trust from Shadow Guardian, becoming her most important confidant. 】

【She called you into a dungeon, and then took out the corpse of a shadow beast, and invited you to join her to transform your own organs so as to break free from the shackles of the physical body. 】

【Looking at the ugly corpse on the ground, you felt disgusted. You didn't want to become a half-human, half-animal existence, so you refused. 】

[Shadow Guardian is not surprised by your rejection. She said that she will give you time to accept this matter slowly. At the same time, she said that the time left for you is running out, and you must become a member of the main clan as soon as possible. 】

[You know what Shadow Guardian means by not much time, because of the weakness of the human race, the invasion of alien races on the human race has become faster and faster, and perhaps Zhenyao Pass will fall soon. 】

[The destruction of the real world is definitely not a good thing for you, because it means that you have less and less time for cultivation. 】

[You start to think, with your own efforts, whether you can stop the invasion speed of the alien race on the human race. 】

[Over the years, you have been able to obtain more than 200 medicinal herbs every month, which is enough to refine nearly 5 pills.Excluding the part of the task handed in and your own practice use, you have accumulated more than [-] Yangyuan Pills and Yangshen Pills in ten years. 】

[Thinking about whether I can give these elixir to the top of the Great Xia military, because once you are discovered, you will definitely be treated as a traitor by the Adventist Cult. 】

[But you know better that if you do nothing yourself, the real world will be destroyed in a maximum of four years, and you can only continue to simulate for four years. 】

[One day, you found a great excuse to go out temporarily. After making sure that no one was following you, you used the Disguise Pill to change your appearance. 】

【After changing your appearance, you contacted Lu Yuanwu directly, and told him that you have a big gift for him. 】

【Lu Yuanwu naturally thinks you are a liar, so he didn't meet you. 】

[In desperation, you used some connections to secretly contact Jin Congxue, and got the chance to meet Lu Yuanwu. 】

[On an empty rooftop, you handed a storage ring to Lu Yuanwu. This ring contained more than 2 Yuan Yang Pills and more than 1 Spirit Yang Pills. 】

[This is definitely a huge fortune. As long as these elixirs are used thoroughly, the Great Xia military may even have thousands more master-level legal system professionals within a year. 】

[You told Lu Yuanwu to use these elixirs properly, and asked him to try to hide the sources and effects of these elixirs. After handing the elixirs to Lu Yuanwu, you left. 】

[No. In 11 years, you continued to refine the elixirs, and rarely went out except for necessary tasks. 】

[One day, the Shadow Protector came to you. In addition to the Shadow Protector, there were also the Zong Protector and several other elders. 】

[You can feel the unstable emotions of Shadow Guardian through the mask, and you suddenly feel bad. 】

[The Shadow Guardian angrily asks you why you betrayed her. She tells you that the human race is hopeless and your actions will not change anything. 】

[The Protector Zong even said that he has been eyeing you for a long time. He wants to find out your secrets and make you into elixirs to improve your cultivation. 】

[You pretended to be puzzled and said that you were loyal and never betrayed, but when the Shadow Guardian took out the Yangyuan Pill and said that it was obtained from the Daxia military, you knew that the matter had been exposed. 】

[Several elders and two guardians are forcing you. You know that you are far from their opponent. 】

[At the critical moment, you inspired your spiritual power and escaped into the copy of Lingtian Blessed Land. 】

[Fortunately, you had a plan in advance, just in case things would be exposed and you would be encircled and suppressed. You prepared enough daily necessities and food in the blessed land of Lingtian, and left thousands of Yangyuan Pills and Yangshen Pills, These are enough for your cultivation for a long time in the future. 】

[Lingtian Paradise is safe, even professionals at the Martial Emperor level and cultivators at the stage of transforming gods cannot enter, so you start to practice in Lingtian Paradise with peace of mind. 】

[In No. 12, your cultivation level has not broken through, but the quality of your golden elixir has further improved. You can feel that you are not far away from condensing high-grade golden elixir. 】

(End of this chapter)

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